Back for you [Complete]

By leticiamccallum

34.8K 1K 120

Stephanie Young is an average 17 year old teenage girl who was living an average life in outer parts of Sydne... More

Chapter One: A long day
Chapter Two: And a little something else.
Chapter Three: Just take them!
Chapter Four: Never won anything
Chapter Five: Oh My Bananas! Part 1
Chapter Five: Oh My Bananas! Part 2
Chapter Seven: The lost infant
Chapter Eight: Who are you?
Chapter Nine: Back For You 'end'

Chapter Six: Pre concert jitters

2.4K 97 6
By leticiamccallum

Chapter 6: Pre concert jitters.


Liam's POV

Tonight we are suppose to be performing our Take Me Home concert in Sydney, Australia, but we might not be able to go on stage because Harry has caught something that has affected his voice making him unable to even speak therefore unable to sing. I have no idea what to do.

We are all nervously waiting in the green room until someone has a good idea. Niall and Zayn are discussion the situation over by the lounge. Louis is over by the mini bar fridge searching for food. Harry is babysitting Lux where Paul Higgins and I are pacing back and forth nutting this thing out. Because we certainly don't want to let the fans down and not perform, but who will sing Harry's solo parts.

'Still not feeling better? Maybe you just need to take it easy, Harry. Let me take Lux so you can rest in peace.' Lou entered the room, picking up her daughter then heading towards the door.

'Noo it's ffine.' Harry stutter before rubbing his sore throat in pain. Poor lad.

'No Harry it's not, Lou is right you need to rest.' Paul replied, patting Hazza on the back. 'Ok lads, Harry has to rest, I suggest you all head out to the stage for the sound check to begin.'

One by one we walk towards the door saying goodbye to Harry, making our way to the back stage. We wonder down a long dim walkway from the green room to back stage, where there is crew members standing, waiting for us. They hand us our microphone before showing us the way onto the stage.

'I think you should sing Harry's parts, Liam.' Niall suggested as we walked up the stairs onto the stage.

'What no, he will get better before the show. He can sing his own parts.' I said bravely back in Harry defense.

'But what if he doesn't Liam?'


Stephanie's P.O.V

'Tonight's the night, can you believe it?' I say to Candice as I open the door to invite her inside. The time was now 4:25 pm so there was only three hours to go till the concert officially starts.

'Yeah I almost couldn't sleep last night, but I finally fell asleep.' She smiled as I stepped aside, making her way inside my house.

'Yep I know how much you love your sleep, now up to my room where we can finish off getting ready.' I grab Candice's hand and leading her upstairs and off into my bedroom.

We spend close to two hours on getting ready for the night (don't juge) when my Mum said she was ready to drive us to the entertainment center. We were officially excited about going that I had forgotten where I had put the tickets that my client Linda had given us.

'I know I put them on my bed side table. Someone had moved them!' We ran around like mad people throwing things around trying to find those precious tickets.

'Girls are you ready to go?' My mother shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

'No we can't find the tickets Mum.' Forget about being excited, we had totally destroyed my bedroom, things were all over the place. Pillows on the floor, my belongings thrown everywhere. No wonder I can't find anything.

'I have the tickets down here girls, now come on or you are going to be late because the concert starts at 7:15pm.' She shouted as we could hear the front door being unlocked.

'What you had them the WHOLE time? I feel stupid.' We laugh making our way to the car. We freaked out over nothing. Can we ever go back to being excited? Yeah I think we can.


Harry's P.O.V

When the lads walked towards the door saying goodbye to me, I wanted to get up from my warm spot and go with them. My throat feels fine now compared to earlier when it hurt to speak. I wanted to sing so I get up and walk to the door ready to do what I do best, until I was spotted.

'Where is Hally going?' A little girl asked pointing at me. Lux. I loved how she calls me that, but where was Lou. She never leaves her daughter alone, unless she is in the care of us.

'Where is your mummy, Lux?' I asked as my throat feels much better now but it was a little croaky. I walk over to her and pick her up and walk back into the green room.

'Em, I don't know.' She spoke back to me as I sit back down on the sofa, still holding her.

'Well how about little Lux stays here while I find mummy, ok?' I sit her on the sofa next to me. I get up and walk over to the door leaving Lux on the sofa.

'I will come back for you little one.' I say before shutting the green room door behind me. She will be fine by herself, won't she?


Thanks guys for reading yet another chapter in my fanfic

Tell me is my story too cliché ? Is it too predictable? Leave you anwser in the comment secation. :3

Thanks again xoxo Leticia

PS does anyone want to make me a book cover? Will do a shout out if anyone agrees :3

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