The Vampire princess

Por darkhappybubbles

1.2K 34 13

I'm Emily woods, I have long black hair, I have bright pulsating blue eyes, and pale skin. Ever since my moth... Más

chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10
A/N very important
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13 (last chapter)

chapter 8

85 3 0
Por darkhappybubbles

When I came back I saw e.j and dad training Katlin in the front of the house. That's when dad noticed me.

"So, how many this time?" 27" nice! New record!"

Dad smiled that sweet proud dad smile.

"*happy sigh* oh my baby girl is growing up so fast, and I'm so proud of you" daddy" I just love you, so much"

Dad raped his arms around me and I raped mine around dad. Dad put his soft hand on my head and stroked my hair making me feel safe and secure.

"Love you to dad"

We separated and dad put a hand on my shoulder.

"Fallow me, I have something for you"

I followed dad inside and up the stairs to dad's room. He walked over to his closest and pulled out a white hoody with a red upside pentagrame on the front.

"Here, this was your mother's, I gave it to her on our wedding anniversary. When she died I was saving it for you when you were ready" ready for what" to become an adult, and when your ready to help get rid of......Zlago"

I smiled and took the hoody and put it on, it was a perfect fit.

"Now, laughing Jack and Jill are wanting to take you out on a killing spree, and a BIG one at that, so go on and talk to them, there in the kitchen, oh, and, don't take the candy" ok I won't"

I headed back down stairs with my new hoody on towards the kitchen were sure enough there was l.j and Jill eating candy and laughing of course, Jill, not as much though. Jill looked up and saw me.

"Ah there you are my dear" you wanted to talk to me?"

L.j got up and walked over to me with a smile on his face.

"*psychotic clown laughing* yes, yes we did"

He held out is hand full of candy.

"Want some candy?"

Jill slapped his arm as she had a mad disappointed look on her face.

"Sorry, but no"

He nodded and put the candy away when Jill started.

"Anyway, as you know we are going on a killing spree tonight, well, were not, you are" what?" Yes, and not only that, but we will be hunting in Washington D.C., were hunting.... The president"

I thought that was absolutely perfect. When I told dad he was so happy that I could have sworn that I saw tears in his eyes. He also thought it was a great idea. He said:

"That's a wonderful idea, when you succeed it will strike fear into the entire world"

I want to make dad proud, I have to, NO I need to make dad proud. I can't wait any longer!

Finally, it was time. We had slenderman teleport us a few blocks away from the white house. Jill walked up to me.

"Ok, so two of the guards that watch the cameras have fallen asleep, we'll take care of them and the other 4 guards, when that is done you will be free to get in and feed on the other guards" how long will it take you?" 1 minute flat"

They then disappeared, as I waited and 1 minute flat later they came back. L.J looked at me.

"It's done, go ahead and go savage *sadistic clown laughing*"

I smiled and sped towards the white house, jumped over the spiked fence and ran to the front door, disarmed the alarm and picked the lock and opened the door silently to see 5 guards.

I ran fast grabbing each one of their walkie talkies off their chest and crushed them as I ran behind a piller. They were so---- confused it was funny. They gathered around and started to talk. This was my chance. I walked out and started to walk towards them. They saw my dark shadow in the moon light and aimed their guns at me.

"FREEZE!" and what if I don't?" Then we shoot"

They aimed their flashlights at me when they were stuck right in the heart with fear.

"Stand your ground men!.... It's the vampire hunter! STOP!" No"

Before they could fire their guns I ran towards them and grabbed their guns backing up a little so they can see me crush their guns into dust. One of the guards face's turned into a confused scared face.

" you, you look like Jeffery woods" well, I'm glad you noticed, I am his daughter after all, and since you noticed, I might, might let you live"

I froze him in place so he couldn't run away, but he wasn't under my spell. I walked up to the other 4 guards as my eyes turned red.

"Look into my eyes"

They did of course.

"I'll be the last thing you'll ever see"

I then walked up to one put my mouth to his neck, but down and started to drink as the other guy just watched frozen in horror. When he was dry I moved onto the next, and then the next, and finally the last one.

When I was done with them I walked up to the guy frozen in place.

"I'll come back for you later"

I then ran through out the entire white house taking out all of the 1,000 guards. Finally reaching the president's kids room. I wasted no time and drank them both dry. I then moved on to the president's room. I got the first lady first. The president woke up to the rustling to see my bright glowing red eyes in the darkness. I could here his heart speed up.

"Who are you?! What do you want?!" Oh Mr. President, you know who I am, but, you don't know my face, and as for what I want, I want you"

He turned on the lamp by his bed as his became horrified. He saw his wife on the ground dead, he then noticed my white hoody with my red pentagram covered in fresh blood, and my mouth and neck dripping in the sweet crismen color.

"Your, your the vampire hunter, Emily woods!" Yes, yes I am"

He quickly jumped out of bed as I walked closer to him. I backed him into a corner when I had him look into my eyes when he was under my spell.

"I'll be the last thing you'll ever see"

I then moved my head to his neck, opened my mouth and bit down hard. His blood splattered across onto my face as I began to drink him dry. When it was done I ran back unfroze the guy and ran back to L.J and Jill since I was to full to eat the last guy.

They saw me covered in blood and smiled as slenderman teleported in front of us as he bent down to my level.

"I told everyone how successful you were and everyone is SO proud, of you, but the one who is the proudest one out of us all, is your father, but he keeps crying and saying that his little girl is growing up to fast and that he wishes that you were still little" * chuckles* he's been like that lately"

He chuckled and teleported us back home where I saw dad waiting with an even bigger smile than his already permanent one. I ran to him and gave him a big hug.

"Oh! I'm SO proud of my little girl, your growing up into a strong independent women, just like your mother.........a little to fast, in my opinion" *chuckles* thanks dad, I love you" I love you to my little girl"

When the hug broke dad put his hands on my shoulders.

"Oh, and your uncle lue is coming to visit, now, he doesn't know I have a daughter, and when he finds out I want you to spend some time with him" ok dad, will do"

I then walked over to the couch and sat between Ben and Nina. Ben then flipped it over to the news just in time.

"In braking news the vampire hunter strikes again! But this time she attacked the White House and sadly there was no servivers, but one! Who has something to add to this story" the girl, Emily, you need to be very careful, she can paralyze you, and don't look into her eyes, because that would be the last thing you'll ever see. But that night that it all happened, I noticed that she looked oddly fermiler to Jeffery woods know to most as Jeff the killer, I said something about it, and she said that she was in fact his daughter. If you ever come into contact with this girl, kill her at all costs" thank you for sharing"

Ben turned off the t.v as everyone in the room was starting at me.


Dad walked up to me.

"You let someone live again" well, yah, he was smart enough to connect the dots, plus I was saving him for last, but when I came back I couldn't eat anymore, I'm basically set for the week" *sigh* I know, I understand that, you did eat over 1,000 that night"

I felt kinda hurt, but I know dad didn't mean to hurt me, but it still hurt. I was on the verge of crying, but I couldn't cry, not now, but tomorrow I will finally be 19, I need to stay happy, but that was easier said than done. A Senegal tear escaped, I think dad noticed. But before he could say something I ran full speed out the door and into the dark forest as tears started to flow out of my eyes. But at that moment I didn't care, I needed a good cry.

(Jeff's P.O.V)

I wasn't disappointed, but I knew that she was unable to eat anymore so I couldn't be mad, even if I wanted to be.

She put her head down in shame, I knew she thought I was disappointed in her, but I could never be disappointed in my baby girl. I then noticed that a tear fell from her eyes, but before I could say something she ran out into the forest at full speed.

I then started to run after her


Before I could reach the woods slender stopped me.

"Why the hell did you stop me?!! I need to find and comfort my little girl!! Do you know know how much it hurts when your own daughter thinks that her father is disappointed in her?!!! DO YOU?!!" No, but she needs some time, I know where she's headed, let her calm down, when she has calmed down a bit you can go"

I just walked onto the porch and sat down on the steps, desperately wanting to find my little girl.

(Emily's P.O.V)

I ran crying till I found a hollow tree. I sat down in it and brought my knees to my chest as I begun to cry.

A few hours later I hurd the foot steps of maybe 100 people. I tried to stay quiet, but I just kept crying with my knees to my chest and my head down with my chin tucked into my chest. I then hurd someone in front of me.

"Are you ok? Why are you crying?"

I looked up to see it was an F.B.I agent. He realized who I was and called out to the others.


They all started to run towards me. I still couldn't eat so I reached for my knife only to realize I forgot my belt. For once in a long time I was scared. They were closing in on me about to grab me.


I scrame so loud that they all fell to the ground holding there heads. Then, the exploded, chunks and blood went everywhere, I was lucky enough that the tree shielded me from the mess. I was in shock. I just sat there silent, not even moving, my eyes were BIG hardly even blinking.

(Jeff's P.O.V)

I hurd a loud scream about 3 miles south.


I knew it was my daughter. Lue was walking up to me when he noticed my face of distress.

"Whats wrong?" My daughter! She's in trouble!" Wait! What?!" No time to explain!"

I started to run towards the direction the scream came from with Lue following close behind yelling:

"Jeff! wait!"

I just ignored him. My first priority was my daughter. I probably ran faster then than in my whole entire life. I had to save and protect my daughter.

(Emily's P.O.V)

I hurd someone running towards me, thinking that there was more running towards me my heart was beating so fast it was not the speed of a human's heart rate. I sucked deeper into the tree. They were right on top of me.

"Emily?!" Dad?!"

I ran out and raped my arms around him as he raped his arms around me as I started to cry. He stroked my head calm me down.

"It's ok, it's ok, I'm here now" dad I was so scared" I know, I know, what happened?" I ran into this tree when a human F.B.I agent found me and realized who I was and called over about 100 others, I forgot my knives, and I still couldn't eat, I didn't know what to do, I was scared, so I scrame so loud that they fell to the ground and their heads then exploded. I was in shock, and now I feel so wired and week" I know, it's ok, let's go home now"

We broke apart when I noticed someone standing behind dad.

"Um, dad? Who is that?" This, is your uncle Lue"

Lue walked up to me with a smile.

"Your Emily?" Yep" wow, well, I never knew I had such a beautiful, young, strong woman as a niece, I knew your mother, and I must say that you look like her, a little bit, but you mostly look like your father" yah, I kinda get that a lot" so have you earned you CP name yet?" Yep" what is it?" The vampire hunter" your the vampire hunter?!" Yep!" Well I'm impressed"

We then started to walk home, but as we did, I felt strange, I didn't know why but it must have something to do with what happened back there.

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