chapter 8

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When I came back I saw e.j and dad training Katlin in the front of the house. That's when dad noticed me.

"So, how many this time?" 27" nice! New record!"

Dad smiled that sweet proud dad smile.

"*happy sigh* oh my baby girl is growing up so fast, and I'm so proud of you" daddy" I just love you, so much"

Dad raped his arms around me and I raped mine around dad. Dad put his soft hand on my head and stroked my hair making me feel safe and secure.

"Love you to dad"

We separated and dad put a hand on my shoulder.

"Fallow me, I have something for you"

I followed dad inside and up the stairs to dad's room. He walked over to his closest and pulled out a white hoody with a red upside pentagrame on the front.

"Here, this was your mother's, I gave it to her on our wedding anniversary. When she died I was saving it for you when you were ready" ready for what" to become an adult, and when your ready to help get rid of......Zlago"

I smiled and took the hoody and put it on, it was a perfect fit.

"Now, laughing Jack and Jill are wanting to take you out on a killing spree, and a BIG one at that, so go on and talk to them, there in the kitchen, oh, and, don't take the candy" ok I won't"

I headed back down stairs with my new hoody on towards the kitchen were sure enough there was l.j and Jill eating candy and laughing of course, Jill, not as much though. Jill looked up and saw me.

"Ah there you are my dear" you wanted to talk to me?"

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"Ah there you are my dear" you wanted to talk to me?"

L.j got up and walked over to me with a smile on his face.

"*psychotic clown laughing* yes, yes we did"

He held out is hand full of candy.

"Want some candy?"

Jill slapped his arm as she had a mad disappointed look on her face.

"Sorry, but no"

He nodded and put the candy away when Jill started.

"Anyway, as you know we are going on a killing spree tonight, well, were not, you are" what?" Yes, and not only that, but we will be hunting in Washington D.C., were hunting.... The president"

I thought that was absolutely perfect. When I told dad he was so happy that I could have sworn that I saw tears in his eyes. He also thought it was a great idea. He said:

"That's a wonderful idea, when you succeed it will strike fear into the entire world"

I want to make dad proud, I have to, NO I need to make dad proud. I can't wait any longer!

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