chapter 9

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It's been a few days now and since everything has happened I've gotten new powers. They are:

Strength, teleportation, sonic screaming (of course) I can control it, I can read minds, and I can now turn into a bat. Slender says since I'm a vampire and when vampires come of age about 19, that's when we unlock all our other powers. Apparently, mom gave slender all the information about vampires before she died so they know everything to help me and to answer my questions when I'm confused about something.

A few hours later. I was upstairs having a princess tea party with Sally when dad walked in.

"Emily?" yah dad?" There's two people at the door for you"

I got up and went downstairs to see two people in suts. They were vampires. That's when they turned to me.

"Emily woods?" Yes?" Hello your magistie, we are from the royal vampire court, we have an understanding that you have come of age and unlocked all your powers" yes, this is true, why?" Well, now that you have.... It's time for you to reclaim the thrown and take your rifle place as Queen of vampires"

Everyone in the room all answered at once.

"WHAT?!" Yes, you will be expected to be at the royal court in 1 week" what about my dad and family?" Your dad, and 5 others can come with you, so, who do you choose?" Well, of course dad, Jane, Naddly, Sally, Jill, and uncle Lue"

All their faces lit up as the two guys gave me the address on a business card before they teleported away. I looked at the card, it read:

"Scotland vampire castle, in the dark woods. Run straight for 10 minutes, turn right and run for an hour, then turn left and run for 30 minutes. You should come to the big black castle. Wow! That's a distance"

Dad walked up.

"Yes it is, about a weeks journey, we better all get packed and ready to go"

Jane, Naddly, Sally, Jill, and Lue, as well as me and dad went up to our rooms to get packed. We didn't know how long we would be gone, so we packed for 3 months. When we were ready we all met in the living room. Slender walked up to me.

"Ok, first you need to get to the forest of New York, then you need to get to the sea board"

I nodded and headed out to the black, tinted windows cp R.V. We will switch driving shifts and not stop since the R.V doesn't ever run out of gas.

At night, I will just jump out and hunt, again the car won't stop, I'll just run, fly, or teleport back.

We loaded car with dad having the first shift, then me, Jane, Naddly, Lue, and Jill, then it will all start over again. Finally, we were done and ready to head out.

We've been on the road for a few hours now, and it's starting to get dark. Dad put a hand on my shoulder.

"It's time for you to go out" but I don't need to feed tonight" yes you do, you need your strength for this trip"

I sighed and grabbed my belt as I opened the window and jumped out as I turned into my black vampire bat.

I flu south at a super sonic speed till I reached a small town. The first house I saw was a family of 3. I went straight for the child. He was a boy about 18, he was still wide awake watching t.V. I flu through the open window. He turned quickly turned around towards the open window.

"Who's there?"

I transformed back with my eyes glowing a bright red in the dark.

"Who...who are you?"

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