Assassin's creed deli_Ratonhn...

By KiroDeFe-Brotherhood

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Connor point of view. You x Connor~ Imagine what it would be like if from Altair to Edward were running the... More

Calm before the storm
In exchange for his life
Forever would be too soon
Back to the norm
Chapter 10: What are our names?
Chapter 11: A new age

[Name]'s journey

36 4 0
By KiroDeFe-Brotherhood

Chapter 12: [Name]'s journey

Everywhere I turn is darkness. I feel like the darkness around me. I rest my hand on the wall after tripping. I've been trained for this and will not fail.


I cover my mouth with my other hand. Jaysus! Where everyone at anyway? I was carrying Connor when I stumbled and he fell down a hole somewhere. Now I'm in the dark alone. I'm alone again. No matter what wind-rider doesn't stay too long.

"Connor! Eddy! Ave!" I call for my friends.

I walk a few more steps. I start to hear a tapping or thumping sound. The beat is constant and echoes louder the closer I get. I'm back at the hole I fell through and it's raining outside. If I can walk the path again I'll find Connor's hole. Leaving the light reminded me of my loneliness. Shortly after I was back at the hole again. There are five paths leading to the hole. I walked one way and came out another so I'll choose a different path. Going down the third path I step through the freezing rain. With the flick of my wrist I put up my hood. It's so dark.

"Come on out!" I call slightly annoyed.

All these walls seem so familiar. At the sound of my heart thrashing about, I know I'm panicking. Slower than usually I walk ahead with my arms stretched out. The tips of my fingers glide across the abrasive walls. I snatched my hand back when an insect brushed across my right middle finger. Jaysus! I took my breaths and returned to my feeling of the wall. I need to get to Connor and the others. I need to find someone.

I hate being alone. Where is my butterscotch when I need him? A shout comes out of me as I fall partly into a hole. I throw myself all the way in. I feel lighter as I slide down. I land on my butt in a pit of darkness.

"You're the reason we can't sleep." I hear Eddy say.

I jump up ready to go greet them. I cancel my call when I hear what is said next.

"We're all gonna die for this creed. [Name]'s made her choice. Respect it." Ave adds on.

"I don't care about that right now." Con-con huffs.

"Good." Ed and Aveline say in unison.

"Connor!" I call.

They come running to me and I to them. I feel those familiar large arms pull me into a hug. I'm showered in his warmth and kisses. When we separate I hold his hand.

"Well the gang's all here." Edward jokes.

"Let's search this place." I suggest. "Might find something cool."

"You sound like Ed." Wind-rider sighs.

"A plundering we go." Eddy sings.

As we walk Edward and Connor talk about ship stuff. Ave hasn't spoken a word since I came. Even so the four of us walk around in the dark following her.

"Do you know where you're going?" I finally ask.

Aveline takes her gun out the holster and shoots down the hall. From the flash of the gun we see the walls filled with caskets.

"A tomb?" Connor whispers.

"An assassin's burial site..." Ed mumbles. "...where are the traps?"

"Why would Mr. Auditore send us here?" I question.

"Look sharp. Hoods up." Aveline orders.

Knowing we're on sacred ground makes me feel uneasy. Ave's cool demeanor and ability to navigate this maze starts to raise my suspicions. We reach an opening and she stops us. She taps Ed and he jumps down. I hear a few muffled cries and then hear an engine powering on. Instantly the whole catacombs were a lit with blue light. Some weird wheel machine was spinning. Looks like Sonic the Hedgehog powering a Ferris wheel.

Butterscotch's grip on my hand tightens as he stared into the light. I gave a squeeze back as Ave jumped down.

"BS4E!" Eddy called him.

I took my hand out of his and and we both jumped down. Meeting up with the others we found a flag with the Templar symbol on it. Ed had a match in his hand and an annoyed face.

"Burn it." The three of us say together to him.

As it went up in flames we recited the creed's anthem. It was a truly majestic moment.

"...That was fun." I break the silence with.

"We must find every Templar and kill them." Connor declared.

"We could make it a game, the first person to kill the most of them gets to choose where they stay and work for a week." Eddy suggested.

"You make everything a challenge." Aveline said with a smirk.

"This is my first challenge." I throw my arms in the air. "You'll join, right Ave?"

"How can I say no to that face?" Aveline replied.

"Then let's meet back here in forty-five minutes." Con-con decided.

"Ready?" Edward called.

"Set?" Aveline picked up.

Connor looked to me and mouthed a countdown. I guess since it's usually the three of them so that's how it works.

"Go!" Butterscotch and I scream in unison.

We each take off in different paths. I easily maneuver up a wall into a hole leading up. I'm always alone. I still feel Connor's warmth on my hands. I pause at the entrance to the hole to look at my hands. I'll help you wind-rider, even more than you allow me to.

"I think there is somethin' suspicious about that gent' Lee." I hear a Templar tell another.

I let them pass me. In a crouched position I walk behind them until I'm close enough for the kill.  As I release my dagger from its holster I slice it across one Templar's throat. The other turns and I plunge my dagger into his throat and then slice it as I pull it out. Blood got on me which I'm going to have to hand clean.

I wander the catacombs searching for more Templars. When I was walking I hear voices below me. Taking the nearest hole down I see six Templars sitting around playing cards. I really could use a sword right now. Dropping down I take out my dagger and charge the closest one. I shove it into his chest and slap the other Templar then get my dagger. The four left all pull out their swords. Moments like this really make me want to talk in my "cattywampus" dialect. I hold in my words of bitter envy and block the sword attacks. One of them cut me from behind so I kicked him and sliced at him only to be cut from another. I finish off the Templar and then turn to the three. Two attacked me and the other went behind me. I slide into the one sneaking and guide my dagger into his temple. The other two appear more scared. With just the two of them it's easy for me to dodge, block, or hit. I finish them off and use my med kit to temporarily help my wounds.

I just blink as I see Aveline dart past with about fifteen Templars chasing her. As I exit the hole they went by I am spotted by a Templar that is much slower than the others. We both draw our weapons and fight. I try to move less and just slice him until he drops his sword and then finish him. I check my patch up and see that it will be stable for a bit longer. I continue to search for more baddies.

I find a single Templar walking and reading paperwork. Who knew they could read? That was rude of me, I'm glad I didn't say that aloud. I go up and cut across his face over and over. After winning I just continue in search of another.

"What has been going on? Some Assassin is running around scaring us. Another Assassin is calling us out to fight just like the huge Assassin." One Templar exclaims.

"Do you think it's the dead's revenge?" The other asks.

"Don't be stupid."

Following them I get the kill. After that I just search and search. I can't find anyone so I collect my bodies and return to the meeting point. I grabbed a few chairs for us to sit in. I start to worry as I'm waiting and they have yet to arrive. Much later Aveline runs in with many corpses and then leaves. Soon each of them are running back with their piles of Templars. Connor finishes first and sits next to me.

"[Name], I'm sorry." Connor apologizes.

"All you do is think of yourself and act like it's for others." I reply.

"I was out of line. I will never get upset with you like that again. You have the right and freedom to do what you choose."

We pause our conversation as Edward enters the room to drop off more bodies. I fold my arms becoming even more visibly angry. Once Eddy leaves we continue.

"Freedom? Right? Do I have it 'cause you give it to me? What was I supposed to do, Connor? What was I gonna do when you died?" My voice shook as I spoke.

"[Name], I don't want this for you. I never wanted this life to meet you. Now I understand some of the pain you went through. The thought of you getting hurt is eating away at me."

I shift as he says that, making sure he doesn't see my scars. I scoff at him and before I could respond Aveline walks in and dumps more.

"I hear and understand you. You still don't hear me, wind-rider."

We sit in silence with an unbearable atmosphere. The others finish and then it's time to say how many we got. Aveline's pile is much bigger than ours.

"12." I meekly say.

"52." Edward tells us.

"36." Connor says next.

"78." Ave beams when she says it. "Edward has to take all my shifts at the restaurant. Oh and Eddy, don't cause any trouble for [Name]."

"But I'm a captain!" Ed screams.

"So is Connor but he still works the deli."

"It'll be fun." I add.

We leave the catacombs and meet Mr. Auditore at the restaurant. The others thank him and say they found what he was talking about. I just listen with a confused expression. Afterwards we all clean up. I see Shay Patrick Cormac and wave at him, he energetically waves back at me and we depart. I go to the deli and see Ellie is not back yet.

"Lil' lady." Connor says surprised.

"Con-con." I reply. "I wanted us to have a relationship. How easily you lie to me was eating away at me. All you think about is yourself and your reasons and never think of how you hurt my dad and I. At first I joined because after my mom and brother died I didn't want to be all that was left of my family. I didn't want to be alone and ignorant. That's not enough to cut it here. I wanted to stop before I flunked out."

I could tell he wanted to ask why didn't I but knew better. He's really trying to change and stay on my good side.

"I couldn't when your grandpa just got sicker and it hit me that could be you. So I finished to take your place. You've been through so much, Connor. Go home and rest."

"I would die over and over for you."

"So would I, Connor."

"So what should I do? Tell me what you need and I'll do it." Connor replies.

"I need you to love me a little louder. I need you to change." I answer.

"[Name], I won't ever not be your wind-rider. My love for you only grows. I won't have to lie to you anymore. So please, forgive me and let me show you I'm the man that deserves your love."

I thought about what he said. I know he won't be able to stay. All I want right now is to be in his arms. I'm going to forgive him because I believe he will do what's right like he always does. I nod my head and his eyes widen like he doesn't believe me. I nod my head yes even more and he scoops me up. He's kissing my neck all over and then my lips and before I know it I'm on the table. Everything's moving so fast in a wonderful...majestic sort of way. His nose glides over my ear before I feel his breath.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you."

"Will you make me that cake you made last time?"

I hit him and get up. I'm watching him and he's watching me with that big adorable smile.

Knowing that we're together again makes me so happy. I feel like I can breathe. Connor carries me on his back as he does work around the room. My legs are around his waist and me head is rested on his back. I can hear his heartbeat and it's so soothing. Once he's done he takes me upstairs. He places me in bed and we get in together.

"Will you be here when I wake up?" I ask.


"Then I won't sleep."

"We'll see about that my par excellence." He chuckles pulling me close.

I absolutely love this guy. My eyes are getting heavy and I try to fight back the sleep. I look up and Con-con is asleep! Is he trying to play me? I blow on his face and he doesn't react. He's really asleep. I chuckle and snuggle back into my spot.

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