Taekook/Vkook oneshots

By SobangchaIsMyJam

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This is a book of Taekook oneshots/short stories that I write when inspiration strikes me I don't know if any... More

Do you remember?
Cold Feet and Warm Hearts
All He Knows
New Neighbors
Do Me The Honor?
Practice Room


6.6K 222 60
By SobangchaIsMyJam

The night was cold and all Taehyung wanted was to curl up in bed with a cup of ramen and an anime, but no, Jimin just had to choose tonight as the night that he finally confessed to Yoongi and Hoseok, don't get me wrong he was glad that his friend had finally confessed but he could really do without seeing them make out. So here he was walking down the road towards an all night cafe and cursing himself for not wearing a warmer jacket because he was freezing. The walk to the cafe only took ten minutes but in the cold it felt like hours and Taehyung was shivering by the time he finally pushed open the door of the little cafe and stepped inside the bell on the door chiming to declare his entry.

The cafe was practically empty save for one exhausted college student hunched over a laptop and a bored barista who looked up when Taehyung walked in and was so attractive that Taehyung nearly walked into a table.

Wow, smooth he thought to himself as he tried to pretend that he hadn't almost walked into a table. At least it made him smile. And it was true, apparently seeing people nearly hurting themselves amused the dark haired barista as when Taehyung looked up he could see that the other boy was stifling laughing with his hand. He pouted at that but the other boy looked so cute when he laughed that Taehyung couldn't find it himself to hold a grudge opting instead to make his way towards the counter again, only, this time, he made sure not to walk into anymore inanimate furniture items.

He made it to the counter unharmed and flashed his signature square smile at the boy behind it.

"Welcome to Kim and Kim's all night cafe what can I get you?" The boys voice was as perfect as the rest of him and Taehyung swore he nearly died when he heard it.

"Um, I'm not really sure what would you suggest?" It wasn't entirely true he knew exactly what he would have normally gotten but he wanted to see what this cute boy suggested.

"I personally like just a vanilla latte with a piece of shortbread" came the reply as the boy looked down at his hands apparently shy.

"That's sounds delicious," Taehyung said with a grin. "I'm Taehyung by the way"

"Jungkook" the boy (Jungkook apparently) replied with a shy smile as he got to work on Taehyung's coffee.

"Pleasure to meet you Jungkook" Taehyung was still grinning. "It's not every day that I get a barista as cute as you serving me"

Jungkook went bright red at this and turned away pretending to be fully occupied with making the latte. Taehyung smirked at the reaction.

"You're even cuter when you blush" he commented casually and the other boy flushed even redder and stuttered something that sounded like shut up.

All too soon Taehyung's latte was ready and he took it, thanking Jungkook as he did, and walked over to a table by the window and sat down. He took a sip of the latte and nearly moaned at the taste (he didn't actually moan as he was out in public and that would have been rather embarrassing) and not a minute later Jungkook walked over with his shortbread which he had forgotten to grab preoccupied as he had been with teasing the other boy.

"You forgot this" Jungkook mumbled and slid the plate towards Taehyung.

"Thanks," Taehyung said with a smile. "And by the way, this latte is heavenly"

"Glad you like it" Jungkook returned the smile and seeming to have gathered some courage he added "it's not every day I get a customer as cute as you to serve"

Taehyung, who had just taken a sip of his drink, nearly spat it out, not at all expecting Jungkook to say that and looked up to see the other boy smirking at him. He blushed slightly at the compliment and flashed a square smile at the other boy. There was the sound of a bell tinkling and Jungkook's looked over at the door with a small sigh as two people, presumably a couple if the way they were holding hands and the way that the taller one was staring at his dark haired partner was anything to go by, and he sent an apologetic smile toward Taehyung before hurrying over to the counter to serve the customers.

Ten minutes later and Taehyung had finished latte but he still hadn't eaten his shortbread. He picked it up carefully and took a bit, it was delicious and he couldn't help but smile as he bit into it.

It was only once he had demolished the shortbread that he looked down and noticed the numbers scrawled on the napkin in neat but hurried writing along with a short note 'you're cute, text me?'.

Taehyung looked over at the counter and grinned when he caught Jungkook's eyes sending him a wink before standing up, grabbing the napkin, and walking out the door. As soon as he was outside he pulled out his phone and added Jungkook's number to his contacts before heading off down the road towards home hoping that Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok weren't still 'discussing their feelings' (read: Making out on the couch) so that he could go to bed. They weren't thankfully instead they were all fast asleep in Jimin's bed curled around each other with smiles on all their faces and Taehyung made sure to take a photo before he got into bed himself.

He texted Jungkook the next morning, nothing crazy just a short message saying hi and asking if he gave his number to all the people he served and he would have been lying if he said he didn't immediately start smiling when Jungkook replied not two minutes later also saying hi and informing him that, no he didn't give out his number to all his customers. They texted for most of the morning and agreed to meet up later that day at the park (they changed it to earlier when Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok woke up and promptly started 'discussing their feelings' again) and Taehyung had a smile on his face for the rest of the day.

The sun was peeking out from behind clouds as Taehyung made his way towards the park they had agreed to meet up at and he couldn't help but feel happy. He made it to the park and sat on a bench to wait for Jungkook, he had been waiting for about three minutes when suddenly he heard someone cough awkwardly and he looked up to see the dark-haired boy standing in front of him wearing an oversized white t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and a small smile.

"Hey," Jungkook said with a small wave.

"Hey," Taehyung replied standing up and brushing off his pants.

They started walking in an awkward silence until Taehyung asked Jungkook how old he was (turns out he was two years younger than Taehyung) and Jungkook asked why Taehyung had visited the cafe so late last night to which the answer was rather long ("Well you see my roommate/best friend Jimin has had feelings for two of our other friends Yoongi and Hoseok for a while and he finally got up the courage to tell them last night. Turns out they both feel the same why and while I'm certainly happy for them I really don't need to see my best friends make out on a couch") and the conversation started to flow. They found that they had quite a few things in common (they liked the same music, books, anime's and dramas) and Jungkook agreed that the picture of Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok that Taehyung had taken the previous night was adorable.

All too soon they realised it was getting quite late and they should probably get back home they reluctantly parted ways agreeing to meet up that Friday and Taehyung, a surge of confidence overcoming him, pressed a quick kiss to Jungkook's lips before flashing one last smile at the younger boy and hurrying home hoping that his apartment was free of snogging boys.

It wasn't, but he managed to ignore it by reminiscing over the day's events and remembering how Jungkook's lips had felt (soft but slightly chapped and sweet, like chocolate). He had nearly fallen asleep when he heard his phone go off and when he picked it up he saw it was from Jungkook 'can't wait for our date on Friday, don't know if I'll be able to last three whole days without seeing your cute face'.

Taehyung fell asleep with a smile on his face and his phone clutched in his hand.

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