An Open Road ➼ Hemmings

Oleh lyssa5sos

467 38 81

She was awake thinking about him and he was sleeping dreaming about her. Started: August 21st, 2016 Completed... Lebih Banyak

About |An Open Road|
❀Chapter 2❀
❀Chapter 3❀
❀Chapter 4❀
❀Chapter 5❀
❀Chapter 6❀
❀Chapter 7❀
❀Chapter 8❀
little a/n♡
❀Chapter 9❀
❀Chapter 10❀
chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13

❀Chapter 1❀

59 5 12
Oleh lyssa5sos

Hey! This is the first official chapter of An Open Road. Thank you all so much who took time out of your probably very busy day to read my story. Hope you enjoy! I'll pass out tissues to anyone who needs some. :-)

"What the hell do you mean you can't do anything about it! You're a doctor, do something! I'm not going to watch my father die before my eyes. I won't have it!", I exclaimed, banging my hands on the table beside the bed as I did so.

My Dad is always a kind-hearted man, honoring God, loving others, serving all. He doesn't deserve this kind of treatment, no one does! He deserved to live a long life with his family, not stuck in a hospital bed with bad smelling hand sanitizer and slightly dead flowers.

"Ms. Renolds, I understand what you are going through isn't eas-", Mrs. Harris, my Dad's Doctor tried to explain to me, but I wasn't having it.

"No, you don't understand. You don't have a father dying of lung cancer, you don't have, or should I say had a best friend who committed suicide over the loss of her family, and you weren't recently cheated on by the school slut! It's just not freaking fair!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face. But I let them fall.

"Honey, please calm down, Dad'll be fine," My mom tried to reassure me, but I could tell she didn't believe her words no more than me. Empty words, that's what they are, filled with broken promises fading while spoken.

"Well, I'm not sure that's true, Mrs. Renolds," The doctor explained.

"What do you mean, 'I'm not so sure that's true, Mrs. Renolds'," I screamed.

"As you know, Mr. Renolds is in a very serious state at the moment," She began. I was grasping onto every word hoping there was some sort of light hidden. But I was left with hopeless fantasies. That we could be a perfect family again. Like in my dreams.

"No shit Sherlock," I said, staring at the ceiling.

"Jessica Rose!" My mother inserted. I didn't need this. We didn't need any of this. Why, is all I ask. Why?

"What Mom? What do you want me to say? Do you want me to wish upon a star and pray that everything will turn back to normal, when it's not? Do you want me to sugar coat the fact that Dad's dying, because let's be serious for a second. What are the odds of my Dad making it, Mrs. Harris?" I asked furiously.

She checked her clipboard, then a frown appeared onto her face. She looked at my mother, then at me.

"33 percent," She answered.

"Well, Mom, there is a 67 percent chance that Dad will die. And there is a 33 percent chance that he will live. Remember in math class, probability? Well, I do, and 33 percent basically nothing. Dad is going to die, and there's nothing this stupid hospital can do about it!" I screamed in my mother's face.

She had hurt in her eyes. I could see it because I knew what it was. It was in my own too.

"Don't say that," she said, her hands trembling. A single tear rolled down her face.

"He will make it. He has to," she whispered, staring at me, her eyes searching for some kind of pain reliever that I might have hidden in my pocket, but the truth is- I don't. I wish I did, I wish I could save my parents, I wish I had a fairy god mother, but I don't.

"I need to get out of here," I said after a few brief moments of silence.

"Take all the time you need," the doctor replied. I simply nodded.

I rushed out of the hospital, looking back at it, shaking and turning my head and running through the rain. I ran as fast as I could, sprinting before the monster of my thoughts catches me.

I'm constantly at war with myself. Should I do this, should I say that, and what not. I just realized that I could do what I've been meaning to do for a while. It's been so long, and I've missed the pain it gives me.

Not realizing where I was running, my foot tripped over a rock, resulting in me falling hard onto the pavement sidewalk.

"Ouch," I said, not meaning for anybody to hear. My jeans were ripped roughly, and on my leg was a bright red cut in the form of a horribly sketched circle, with blood gushing out through the center.

"Jess?" Someone said behind me worriedly.

I turned around to meet a familiar face, not one I was expecting to see though.

"Oh, hey Luke."


Don't forget to vote and comment lovies! I love you all so much! :-)

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