Saving Sebastian

By thegreeneyedwriter

3.9K 449 207

"I don't need saving." He spit at the ground. I had never met anyone like Sebastian. "We're friends, whether... More

Authors Note
01 - Game time
02 - Rude apple
03 - Partners
04 - Hopeless
05 - There you are
06 - Surprises?
07 - Odd Friendships
08 - Bonfires
09 - Strange feelings
10 - Monday funday
11 - Fireworks
Authors note #2
12 - Birthday boy?
13 - Chocolate smiles
15 - Overwhelming feelings
16 - Perfect imperfections
17 - What is love?
18 - Hopeful hearts
19 - Truth be told
20 - And then, there was one.
21 - Rain is a blessing
22 - Endings

14 - Restless sleepers

114 15 9
By thegreeneyedwriter

Aria Watson:

   I throw the covers over me, swaddling myself in the warm blanket. I lay my head on my pillow, staring at the ceiling. Thursday night.

    Sebastian hasn't said a word to me since yesterday afternoon. He seemed really upset.

   I roll around, attempting to find a comfortable position. His face won't leave my mind. He was blank. Straight faced, forcing himself to show no emotion when he dropped me off at home. Was he really angry about Lucas?

    Why does he even care? Why do I care? The year is almost over. We're finished exams and after two weeks it will be summer. Summer.

   You won't need to see him during summer. You can go your own ways. Then catch up when senior year begins. A fresh start. A new year.

   "Who am I kidding?" I say aloud, sitting up. I run my hands up my face and through my hair. I glance at my phone for the fifth time tonight.

   "What do I even say to him? Hey, Seb! I know you're infuriated with me for having a boyfriend but I think you're being a bit of a jackass about it. Oh and by the way, I can't stop fucking thinking about you!" I mutter to myself, staring at the black screen.

   I press the home button and swipe my screen, entering my password; my phone unlocks. I stare at the screen for a few minutes.

   I tap the 'phone' application and immediately dial Maya's number. I hold the phone to my right ear, tapping the bed nervously with my other hand.

   "What wrong?" A voice shrieks on the other line.

   "I love how well you know me." I sigh, falling back onto my pillow.

   "You wouldn't have called me at midnight for nothing. Spill." She demands.

   "Yesterday I took Seb out for his birthday. I didn't actually know it was his birthday, but I found out once we got in his car.." I continue to blab on.

    Once I finish explaining the entire story, I take a deep breath in. I release and finish my sentence. "And now I'm trying to sleep but he won't seem to leave my stupid brain!" I sigh hopelessly, rolling around in my sheets.

   "Wow." Is all Maya says.

   "Can we play a game?"

   "What? No! Now is not the time for games, Maya!" I run a hand through my brown hair.

    "I'll say a word, and you then reply with the first word that comes to your mind when you hear it. Trust me." She speaks softly.

    "Okay, go." I sigh.




   "Chocolate." I roll my eyes.

    "Maya, I really don't see where this is going!" I'm not in the mood for games.

   "Loca?" She continues.

   "Maya, mom."



   "Best friend?"



    "Se-boy." My eyes widen at the words that were going to slip from my mouth.


    "Hate, annoyance."


   "Sebastian." Oh. Shit.

   "Double shit." Maya says quietly, obviously shocked.

   "You like Sebastian. There's your answer."

   My phone immediately begins to ring. I glance at the number. "Maya..someone is calling me. This conversation isn't over!" I say quietly, ending the call to answer the other number.


   "Hello? Aria, is this you?" A deep voice asks in a panic.

   "Yes, yes. How can I help you?" I ask, curiosity filling my brain.

    "It's Sebastian. Open your window." He demands.

My hearts skips a beat. Was fate playing some twisted game with me? Wait..What? My window? I stand from my bed, the phone glued to my ear.

"What? Why?" I ask curiously. I pace back and forth, waiting for a response.

"I'm on your roof, just open the fucking window." He huffs.

My eyes immediately widen. WHAT? Jesus fate! What is your problem?

I throw my phone onto my bed, ending the call. I rush to my small window seat and play with the pane. I shake it continuously, hoping it will open.

The white window flies up. I hold it in place, praying it won't fall. "Seb? Hello?" I call out.

Sebastian's figure comes into view. He's wearing all black. A black beanie covering his messy hair, black shorts and a black t-shirt. His favourite black t-shirt.

His hazel eyes are filled with worry, however his expression is blank. I extend a hand, and he has no choice but to grasp onto it. I pull him through the window with all of my might. He uses force as well, and slides onto my window seat.

My heart is now racing out of my chest. I shut the window immediately, locking it tightly.

I hold my hand to my chest. "What the hell?" Is all I manage to say.

"I need somewhere to stay. I'm sorry, I know I can't just barge in like this but you're the only person I could call. I can't be at home, I can't take my dad. He keeps yelling and Sara's trying to sleep and-"

I cover his lips with my right hand. "Shh. It's okay, you can stay here. Just don't be too loud, and leave early in the morning.." I give in. He looks so hopeless and lost. I am too much of a forgiving person to leave him like this.

"Thank you, thank you." He repeats himself, the ghost of a smile creeping to his lips.

    "I'm kind of shocked that you're  here." I whisper, sitting beside him on the window seat.

    "Me too..I'm an asshole yet you still let me stay the night in your room. Do you have any common sense?" We continue speaking with a whisper.

    "Yeah, you are an asshole. But, I believe in second chances." I smile slightly at him.

    "I have six hours to sleep, don't I?" He sighs.

    I nod slightly, chuckling to myself. I stand from the seat and reach for an extra pillow and blanket on top of my bed.

    "Is the floor okay?" I ask.

    He nods, grabbing the pillow from my hand. "Thank you, again.."

    "Don't mention it." I smile slightly, tossing him the blanket.

    I sit back on my bed, throwing the covers over me. I roll around a few times, in attempt to get comfortable. "Goodnight Sebastian."

    "Goodnight Aria." His calm voice says. I twist the nob on my lamp, causing the light to disappear from my blue room. Now all that is left, is darkness.

    Or at least it was like this for about five minutes.

    "I can't sleep." Seb whispers.

   I roll my eyes, sitting up. I turn the lamp on, examining the floor. He stands from his seated position, his hazel eyes fixated on mine.

   "Um.." He swallows hardly.

   My eyes wander down his figure. His hair is messy, his beanie somewhere on the floor. He is still fully clothed, although his shirt is slightly more wrinkled than before. God, I liked Sebastian. The thought made me sick, but my heart could not deny my attraction to everything about him.

    In just a few short weeks, I had fallen for Sebastian Peters. What is wrong with me?

    "Can I sleep with you..? Like you know, not sleep with you. But sleep, on the same bed, next-"

    "Yeah, it's fine." I chuckle slightly. I mentally slap myself.

    YEAH IT'S FINE?? Aria Watson what the hell is wrong with you? You have a BOYFRIEND named Lucas. Did you forget?

    "Uh..thanks." He smiles awkwardly, sitting on the left side of the bed. He lays on his back, throwing the covers over the both of us.

    "Are you okay..?" I ask.

    He nods, turning to face me. My heart pounds without any effort. I feel as if I am going to faint.

    I turn off the lamp for the second time, causing the entire room to fade into darkness. I roll over on my side, my back to Seb's face.

    I close my eyes carefully, trying to control my breathing.

    This attempt fails when I notice Sebastian shuffling around on the left side of the bed. Two muscular arms wrap around my waist, holding me close from behind.

    I feel my back on Sebastian's stomach. I swallow hardly.

    Should I wake him? Oh god, I think I'm going to throw up.

    His hard stomach rests against my behind. He lays his head down on the pillow, finally relaxed. I can feel his heartbeat on my shoulder blade. This makes mine pump even faster.

    "Aria, I'm really sorry about the other day. You're great." He whispers, forcing away his yawn.

    "It's fine. Your heart is beating really fast." I smile.

    "It's one of the things you do to-" He yawns quietly, cutting himself off. "Me." He finishes.

     My eyes widen. Him too? I make his heartbeat race? Just go to bed Aria, think about it in the morning. My subconscious tells me.

        Slowly, I begin to calm down. Sebastian's arms and torso relax as he falls into complete slumber.

    I find myself too tired to do anything about it. My hands rest on top of his. My eyes begin to close.

    I fall asleep.

                  *   *   *   *   *   *   *

    OHH!! Thoughts on this chapter? Maya was obviously right, lol!

     Hope you enjoyed!! ;)


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