Vampire Knight: My Vampire Ne...

By BloodDollRaven

137K 5K 587

[Vampire Knight Fan fic] Imagine yourself in my shoes. . .You're on your way to high school, first day, senio... More

My Vampire Nekos
Please Let Me Keep Them!
First Day With My New And Only Friends
Zero and Kaname's Secret
I Wanted Weird, But Not This Weird!
Normal? I never knew the meaning of it, and I never will now!
I'm What?!
Regular High School Student By Day, Vampire Hunter Trainee By Night!
The Haunting Nightmares
My Anti-Vampire Weapon
The First Hunt
The Encounter With Shizuka Hio
The New Student is. . .WHO?!
Looks Like Shizuka Isn't The Only One I Have To Worry About
The Search For Yagari Sensei
Tricking Ichiru Kiryu. . .Easier Said Than Done!
The Kiryu Twin's Feud. . .Because Of Me. . .Uh Oh
The Deadly Deal
I Thought You Were On Her Side!
Journey To The Senate
Visit To The Hunters Association
Kaien Cross's Help
Kaname's Proposal
The Rescue Plan
Taken By The Senate
The Reunion
Wanted By Shirabuki And Kuran
Accidental Pureblood. . .How Embarrassing. . .
She Cursed Them To Become Nekos, But I'll Fix This!
Midnight Stroll
Going Home. . .I'm doomed!
Accept Me Or The Enemy Will Kill Me
I'd Die For You, Mom. . .Dad. . .
Me Vs. Her, Who's Side Are You On, Ichiru?
The Dance Of The Pureblood
My Vampire Nekos No More
I Choose You. . .

The Dreaded Questioning

1.8K 84 8
By BloodDollRaven

I pace around the hospital waiting room as my parents tend to my sister's every beck and call. I've got the attention of a few doctors and nurses, but I don't want to think about them right now. I'm trying to figure out what to do about the issue named Shizuka Hio, and how I can question Kaname and Zero about Yuki Kuran. How will they react? How will I react? My mind is a mess.

 "Stop pacing. It's annoying." I stop abruptly, and look towards the entrance.

"Y-Yagari-sensei?!" I thought he left a couple minutes ago, so what the heck is he doing back here? I look at the clock.

"Oh, I've been pacing a lot longer than I thought I was." I see that the sun is already rising, and I didn't even notice how tired I was until I returned to my senses.

"What are you worried about this time?" He questions me.

"Zero, told you what happened, right?" I question him. He crosses his arms over his chest, and nods his head.

"I'm worried that Shizuka might attempt attacking my family again, and I may not be around to stop it. Isn't there some way to put them under protection from the Hunters Association?" I question him.

"It's going to be difficult since most don't see eye to eye with vampires especially purebloods." I look down seeing his point. A lot of hunters gave me pretty dirty looks even before I turned into a pureblood. Yet, shouldn't it be fine? I mean they're human after all. The kind they're supposed to protect from vampires.

"I guess I'm on my own then." I say with a sigh. Somehow I don't trust that place very much anyway. They could use my own family against me. I mean, I doubt President Cross would make such an order, but I'm not so sure about other hunters going behind his back. I mean there were spies for the Senate in the building that caused me to become a pureblood in the first place.

"Not exactly." Sensei says to me. I look at him surprised.

"If you're so worried about your family then put them over at my place." He offers me.

"You'd really do that?!" I question hopefully. He clears his throat, and looks away.

"Yeah, yeah, so stop making that sorry face." I pout.

"This is my face!" I yell out at him.

"That depressed look is not your face." I put a hand to my face.

"I look depressed?" I whimper. Yagari-sensei sighs at me.

"I'll be back I'm going to check up on your parents. I'm sure you have something to do, right?" I gulp at how easily Sensei caught on to me. He ruffles my hair before heading off. I fix my hair as I look at his distancing figure.

I sigh, and look towards the exit. The parking lot brightening up with all the vehicles there, and with the rising sun. I run my fingers through my hair as I make my way out of the hospital. I'm sure Sensei can tell my parents that I'm going out for a bit. The automatic door opens, and I make my way out hesitantly. Preparing for what I'm going to say to them.


"It's about time!" I jump as Ichiru opens the door for me.

"Wh-what did I do?!" I question him surprised.

"I've had to deal with Kaname and Zero while you were gone. They're just impossible. I don't know how you dealt with it, without losing your mind!" I blink, and nod my head.

"Can't lose something I never had." I say with a shrug. Ichiru pulls me in, and grabs his jacket.

"Huh?! Where are you going?!" I question him. He stops at the door.

"I'm going to see your sister." He says not meeting my eyes, and then leaving. The tone in his voice told me that wasn't it. He must know about Shizuka. He's going to her I bet. He's betraying me. I want to go after him, but a cracking sound and multiple gun shots keep me in place.

I groan, and open the two doors. If they break anything, it goes on Sensei's tab, and I know that I'll get blamed for this somehow, when it was Ichiru that locked them in separate rooms. I walk towards the single Lay-Z-Boy couch, and sit there with my knees up. The two nekos I let out stand in front of me, but far apart from each other.

"Can I ask you two something?" I tell them not looking at either one of them, but outside at the leaves that are changing color, signaling the time for Autumn.

"What is it?" Kaname answers me after a while. I look over at them. Everything I had planned to say won't escape me. It's stuck. I bite my lower lip, and make up my mind. I sit upright, and look between the two.

"You guys know how you two became nekos, don't you?" They keep calm, but I can feel the sudden tension.

"I knew it. When did you guys actually remember everything? No, wait. You guys never forgot, did you? You just didn't want to tell me about Yuki Kuran, right?!" I say standing up, and looking down at them. I never imagined I'd get so angry all of a sudden. Everything I've held in is coming out in this moment through this rage, and these damn tears.

"That's it, isn't it?! Why would you keep this from me?! I've just wanted to help you guys, but none of you will let me!" I put my left palm to my eye that is covered by my long bang. "I don't know what I'm saying anymore." A laugh with no emotion escapes me.

"I'm being unreasonable. I'm so frustrated that I don't know what's coming out of my mouth anymore. I'm sorry. Forget I said anything." I say turning away, and trying to go past them, but they work together to drop me on the floor, and keep my arms pinned down to either side of me.

"Are you done?" Zero questions me. I close my eyes tightly, and I feel more tears slip out. I nod my head.

"Who told you about Yuki?" Kaname questions me.

"President Cross." I answer him with a slight crack to my voice. "I don't understand what's going. You guys never told me your names, how on earth did I know them?!" I question.

"I put it in your mind. Like the suggestion I put in your parents brains before we left." Kaname says making me open my eyes to look over at him. I see, now that makes perfect sense. I didn't actually know their names, they were implanted into my thoughts.

"Was meeting you guys a coincidence or was it planned?" I question him again.

"It was partially planned. I never expected to be with Kiryu in that box or be turned into a neko. The Association and I merely had the same plan to search for you. Our paths crossed, and we ended up making this little alliance." I look at Kaname surprised.

"So, just like the other purebloods you were after me for my blood." I say sadly.

"That was the idea, but then I got to know you, and my intentions changed completely. I never imagined I'd love again. Especially not so soon." I blush, and look up at the ceiling.

"So you two really did love her, and now you just have to settle for me since I'm the only one available at the moment?" I use my vampire strength to get them off of me, and I sit up not looking at them.

"But I assure you two that the moment you two have your bodies back I'll be nothing but a memory once other girls see you two." I curse at myself for acting like they belong to me. I'm acting like a jealous girlfriend, but they don't belong to me and I have no relationship with either one of them. I'm ridiculous. I run my hands through my hair.

"I don't know what I'm saying anymore. Just shut me up!" I yell out, and drop my head to my knees. "Why do I feel like this? It's cruel to myself and you guys. Why can't I just make up my mind?!" I feel my powers stirring, so I focus on calming that down.

"I'm not settling for you. I don't think I really loved her. She was the only one there for me, so I guess I confused love and gratitude." I look over at Zero surprised. "Don't get me wrong. She was my friend, and still is. I regret not being able to protect her. All because of-" I hug Zero to make him stop talking. I don't want him and Kaname to start fighting.

 "Thank you, but you don't have to lie to me to make me feel better. If you loved her it's fine. I can't control your heart or change the past." I kiss his cheek softly before turning over to Kaname.

"You too. You don't have to make anything up." I tell him reaching down to kiss his cheek as well.

"I wasn't lying." Zero says as I prepare to stand up, but that makes me fall back again.

"W-what? Are you serious?" I question him with a blush. He lightly smiles, and nods his head. My blush deepens, and I stand up.

"Well, that's partially settled, but I need to know another thing." I sigh, and look over at them.

"Did she tell you guys a way to change back?" They instantly shake their heads.

"I didn't think so. She probably had no idea she cursed you guys in the end anyway." I turn back to look out of the window. "I guess I have a lot more to figure out while dealing with my confusion and Shizuka's sudden return, and to find out whose side Ichiru is on. He never said it and I never asked, but I can be sure that he was in love with her." I say feeling my heart pound. Hoping that Ichiru wasn't going to betray my trust.

"Ichiru wouldn't do that, right Zero? He wouldn't do that." I question him with a small smile. He looks away. "Zero?" He clenches his small hands, and looks back over at me.

"He might. He was on Shizuka's side the day she killed our parents and turned me into a vampire." My heart skips a beat.

"Y-you were turned? So you're a Level D?! You might become a Level E?!" I question feeling my body tremble. He looks so calm with that, but I'm freaking out at the sudden confession.

"Why didn't you say so sooner?!" I question crouching down to his level to touch him, to make sure Zero is still Zero.

"You already have enough to worry about." He says placing his hand on top of mine or at least as much as his small hand will cover.

"He won't fall into a Level E. Not when he's had a taste of pureblood blood." Kaname says rather displeased at my concern for Zero.

"Kaname, please don't get mad. I worry about you both. I show you both affection equally. What am I doing wrong?" I question Kaname, but that question was also for Zero.

"You show him affection." They answer me. I sigh. I had to make up my mind soon or else this will bring a huge rift between the three of us. I wouldn't be able to stand losing the ones I've come to love so much.

"I don't know when I'll clear my confusion, but right now I need the both of you. I need help in stopping Shizuka once and for all. I can't do this alone, and you both know that. Please for just this once. . .put your differences aside, and help me." I beg of them. They look at each other with a glare, and turn a softer gaze at me.

"If it's for you, I'll do it." Kaname says.

"I won't like it, but I'll do it." Zero adds in. I smile at them.

"Thank you."

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