Demons Don't Smile

By bb2410

24.6K 994 382

It's been two years since we've last seen Nicolas and Valeria; everything is pleasant and thriving in their r... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Four

2.8K 123 43
By bb2410

"Tell him yes. Even if you are dying of fear, even if you are sorry later, because whatever you do, you will be sorry all the rest of your life if you say no."

― Gabriel García Márquez, Love in the Time of Cholera


"You think this is going to work?" I asked Nicolas as we got dressed for Cara's surprise proposal planned by none other than Victor Mosello himself. I just had an enjoyable round of puking my guts out in the bathroom thanks to the morning sickness and thanked God that my stomach had finally given me a break. I was so over this part of my pregnancy, I wanted to be at the part where you saw all the mothers on the pamphlet smiling and holding their stomachs with content.

I was at the far end of that.

"I'm sure it will work, know Victor is a master of spontaneous behavior." Nicolas reminded me as he slipped on my flats for my lazy ass sitting on the bed swinging my feet, really too weak to do anything.

"Thanks baby." I smiled as he placed a kiss on my forehead and stood up straight.

"Are you sure you're feeling well enough to attend, love?" He asked me with concern lacing his face.

I swear ever since this man learned that I was pregnant with his child, he's become extra protective of me and has been doing everything that I pretty much could do on my own like I don't know...walk.

He'd carry me around the house sometimes as if I were incapable of placing one foot in front of the other and navigating around the house. I mean I knew I was having a hell of a ride with the morning sickness and it was worrying him how weak I was getting, the lack of food I was eating, the drop in my initial weight, and my constant fatigue and sleepiness but I was doing fine enough to still work at the office until I've had enough.

"There's no way in hell that I'm going to miss my best friend's proposal! That's a memory you probably can never get back in life so I'm going...I don't care if I throw up on the way." I said stubbornly.

Nicolas sighed and nodded. "Then it is set." He said in his native Italian tongue.

I took a deep breath and with exhaustion I slid off the bed, "I have to pee again...hold on." I said as I stood up abruptly and literally almost toppled over, this wave of dizziness just struck me and I lost my footing but Nicolas was thankfully there and caught me in time.

"Whoops!" I grabbed my head and waited momentarily for the world to stop spinning before I stood up straight and walked to the bathroom.

"You are not okay!" Nicolas called out to me.

"It was just a dizzy spell, I started having those a couple of days ago...shut up!" I was already in the bathroom taking a tinkle. When I was finished I washed my hands and made sure that I looked mostly presentable for the night out in Napa Valley in California.

I was dressed in a simple green bodycon sleeveless dress with a crisscross design on the back. I wore that with my Chanel flats, and hair in a laid-back ponytail. I was 12 weeks pregnant now, my body still seemed to look pretty normal except for the little pudgy area in my abdomen that looked like I had snacked on a little too many caramel popcorn snacks.

I was excited about having a baby and Nicolas and I were still trying to figure out how to tell his family and mine. We already knew we wanted to gather everyone together to tell them all together so everyone could feel like a family and included, it was just a matter of how we were going to tell them which was going to be the challenge.

As for now, we were focused on making sure Cara still thought this was a triple date with Roman, Daphne, Nicolas, Victor, and I. Nicolas and Daphne were generous enough to lend Victor their breading fields for wine for the special occasion. Victor planned a scavenger hunt that we were all going to go on after dinner, and from there we were left in the dark but ordered to follow directions when given.

Victor was a mess sometimes.

"Are you okay in there, Valeria?" Nicolas asked me at the doorway and I jumped a little, I totally had forgot that we were leaving right now and found myself staring at the bathroom wall idle as if I had nowhere to go.

I shook my head, "Yeah, I'm ready baby." I said walking out of the bathroom and grabbing my Givenchy tote that was resting on the mattress of our home in Bel-Air. Nicolas followed me out shutting the lights in the process, we hopped into the Range Rover out in front and we drove the airport where we would be taking a quick plane trip to Napa County since a drive up there would take about 6 hours and nobody had time for that.

We made it to the airport in exceptional time and stepped into the Gulfstream G650 and was in the famous wine district before 8. When we reached our ultimate destination everyone was there and waiting for us at a private table to the far corner of the wine restaurant.

"Nice of you both to finally join us!" Cara called out as we approached the table.

I rolled my eyes, "We're not even late. We still got a good 5 minutes early." I said checking my Rolex watch for the time which stated that there was still 5 minutes to 8 o'clock.

Nicolas agreed, "We are exceptionally early in Milan time." He said as he helped me into my chair and pushed me in before he grabbed his own seat.

"That is very true." Daphne agreed with her brother as she took a light sip of her red wine that was placed on the table in a sparkling complimenting glass.

Nicolas called over the waiter and ordered some wine for him and some sparkling water for me since I was in no condition to be drinking since I was now pregnant with a child. We were quickly given our drink of choice and I took a hefty gulp of the water, it seemed to be the only thing I could tolerate these days, hopefully I would be able to eat dinner with my friends.

"So this is nice, getting us all here together...but we live in New York, why are we all the way in California?" Cara asked Victor as she looked through the menu for something she fancied.

Everyone looked back and forth at each other and then at Victor for an answer.

He was on his own for this.

Let's see where his slick mouth would take him today.

Victor cleared his throat, "A chance of scenery is good for the soul, Caroline." He answered simply and that seemed to satisfy her because she no longer questioned that, instead she asked another question.

"Where is Marco?" She asked us as she looked up from the menu.

"I thought he said he had to go attend to his sick mother in Naples." Roman said as if everyone knew this information.

"I just heard he wasn't coming." I shrugged as I continued looking at the menu.

"I'm right here friends, no need to worry for me any longer." Marco boasted cockily as he walked towards our table with a busty blonde on his arm.

Everyone paused and took a good look at the woman Marco had on his arm; it wasn't often that Marco Bastile brought a girl around us, he seemed to be private when it came to his relationship with females even though I sometimes overheard the guys talking about his player lifestyle he continued to live.

They both took a seat besides Nicolas and I, the woman beside me. She looked over at me and smiled, but it seemed that her face was in a permanent smile because of the Botox that had her face frozen in one position for eternity.

She looked like a model—the kind that did X-rated videos for a living, she sported a glittering sapphire blue low-cut dress and matching stiletto heels that seemed a bit inappropriate for a semi-casual event such as this. She had very large breasts...those were probably done as well, they were up and perky nearly busting from her strapless dress, and to compliment that huge bust was a matching rear that did not match those stick match legs that were ready to snap at any minute. Her face was caked up with tons of makeup and intense contour, her false eyelashes batted against her striking green eyes and her lips were smothered with glossy red lipstick.

Finally she had bumpy brown loose curls that went down to her waist that seemed to be the only thing that had not been modified by a plastic surgeon.

"Marco...who is your friend you've brought here?" Victor was the one to break the silence and address the elephant in the room.

Clearly everyone was seeing what I was seeing.

This woman was doing too much.

He smirked, "This is Ruby Sanchez." He said introducing her to everyone.

Is that her porn name or government given?

"That is Valeria, Nicolas, Cara, Victor, Roman, and Daphne." He said pointing us all out to her.

She waved wildly. "Nice to meet y'all!" She had a completely southern accent that sounded thick and loud.

So why the Sanchez?

She wouldn't happen to be Hispanic as well?

"Are you from Hispanic descent, dear?" Daphne asked Ruby curiously.

She shook her head and I meant like took her head and swung it back and forth so much one of her curls slapped me in the face and I got a whiff of the intense amount of hairspray she probably applied to keep those curls popping on her head.

"Aw nah! It's just my stage name honey bun." She smiled revealing a bright-wide smile.

"Stage name?" Cara cringed as she looked at Ruby not with distaste but with fear of what she might say next.

She nodded her head roughly up and down and her curls went with her.

"I'm in the entertainment industry you see and I'm not too comfortable giving out my government-issued name." She said leaving it at that.

I'm looking her up on Pornhub.

"Ci si va di nuovo portando prostitute al tavolo ancora una volta, Marco. Stiamo cercando di avere una cena civile qui!" (There you go again bringing hookers to the table again, Marco. We're trying to have a civilized dinner here) Nicolas said with a little bit of annoyance playing on his voice.

Marco smirked as if his words had not bothered him.

So this has happened before apparently. 

 "Non è un problema mio amico, lei non è un problema, ed è per lo più tranquillo....a meno che non si chiede alle sue domande." (It's not a problem my friend, she's not a problem and is mostly quiet...unless you ask her questions) He laughed.

Cara narrowed her eyes. "Well don't count on me not to ask her any questions." She said out-loud.

This time everyone turned and looked at Cara, if there was one thing we knew about her is that she was the only one that couldn't speak nor understand Italian when it was spoken throughout the table unlike the native-born which consisted of Daphne, Marco, Victor, and Nicolas. Only Roman and I have took it upon ourselves to become fluent in the language.

But Cara has been struggling with it for a while, but it seems that she understood what Marco has said.

"You understood that, Cara?" He asked her in English.

She nodded and smiled proudly, "I've been taking private Italian lessons so I can low-key easy drop on all your conversations but the secret is out...surprise!" She raised her hands up in accomplishment.

Daphne and I were the only ones who seemed to be clapping with praise towards he as the guys shifted slightly uncomfortable at her statement.

"How long have you been learning?" Victor asked her curiously with a look of wide surprise marking his face.

She thought back with a pensive look on her face, "About a year and half now." She said.

Victor slammed his hands on the table. "Merda!" He cursed.

Cara nodded her head up and down and crossed her arms over her chest, "I heard about that secret boat you bought, mhmmm.." She said smirked sheepishly as if the secret was out.

He sighed and sat back in his chair, I think he was hoping what we were all hoping for right now.

That Cara didn't know she was going to be proposed to tonight.

Cara laughed.

"Watch your back boys, I'm armed and dangerous."


The dinner went relatively well, Cara entertained the idea of Ruby being here and chatted her up, making her feel included in the group which I found to be hilarious but interesting. I also was so preoccupied with their conversation that I hadn't realized that I finished all my shrimp Alfredo without throwing up; I had hope that maybe my morning sickness was no longer going to be affecting me at this stage in my pregnancy.

I had my fingers crossed.

Victor clapped his hands calling all our attention towards him.

"Friends! It would be shameful for me as a host to invite my friends all the way out to California and not suggest a fun game to make our time more memorable." He said to us.

I guess it was time for the scavenger hunt.

"What are you suggesting, Victor?" Daphne asked purposely as if she did not know what Victor was doing right now.

Just like the plan.

"I challenge you all to a scavenger hunt in the wine fields right now." He challenged us.

Nicolas groaned. "Aye! Must you have to make a game out of everything, Vic." Nicolas sighed.

Victor laughed, "Of course, friend. Life is just a big game that we have to beat, no?" He asked us.

I arched my eyebrow. "Is it?" I asked him.

Victor rolled his eyes, "Everyone quit being grouchy...especially you Roman and come with me so we can begin this game." He said especially pointing out Roman and his plain grouch face.

"Fuck you, Victor." He responded as he got up with everyone else.

We all followed Victor down the spiral staircase that led to the grape fields and surprisingly enough it was lit up with many lights that illuminated the paths so people could walk through without much problem.

"Gesù, Victor quello che hai fatto per i nostri campi!" Daphne said as he over-looked the lit-up field.

He waved his hand at her absently, "Not a problem, can be fixed later." He smiled as he gazed upon his creation with pride.

"Nice job, babe." She complimented him with a pat on the back.

I swear Cara and Victor were a match-made in heaven.

Victor turned to us and pulled some small papers out of his pockets and walked over to each and one of us and handed us a slip. It read the name of one of the people in our group and on the back in red it was a number.

Mine read Cara: 8.

"Yay, Val we're partners!" Cara jumped and snaked her arm onto mine.

I smiled. "I guess we are." I said.

"God damn it Victor!....Must I always be paired with you?!" Nicolas grumbled as he realized we weren't going to partners for this scavenger hunt.

I laughed, "Aren't you happy to finally be with your boyfriend." I teased him.

He growled and I laughed harder.

"We are like brothers Nicolas, I wouldn't have it any other way." Victor pouted childishly.

"Aww!!" Daphne cooed with sarcasm and walked over to Ruby since she seemed to be partners with her.

That left Marco and Roman to be partners and they walked over to each other to settle the space difference between them.

"At least I'm not in the middle of a three-some containing Victor and Nicolas." He joked.

"Shut up!" Nicolas called out to him.

The scavenger hunt began and we headed to the grape field number 8 which contained the Pinot Noir selections; my absolute favorite drink aside from white wine. The grapes even at this time of night still smelt fragrant and juice-filled. I'm pretty sure they were ripe and soon to be picked with the way they were so big and dark-colored hanging from the vines.

"Okay, what does the first clue say?" I asked Cara as we walked through the long lane of grape vines.

She cleared her throat, "It says what letter adds great value to a pear?" She said making a face as she scrunched her eyebrow.

"What the hell does that even mean?" She asked me.

I shrugged and I thought for a moment, "Hey! Maybe it means it's like an actual letter or something, and we got to look for it around the bushes or something." I suggested to her.

She nodded her head, "Mhm....good luck, Val...Victor likes letter puzzles." She said as she started bending over for a letter but I looked at the clue again.

"A letter that adds great value to a pear....." I thought and then my eyes lit up.

"L!" I shouted.

"Ow...damn vines, huh Val...Did you find something?" She asked me as she plucked a vine from her hair.

I nodded, "L...if you add L to Pear...what word does it make?" I asked her.

She thought for a moment, "Pearl!" She stated.


An L adds value to Pear to make it to into a Pearl.

"We got to search for some pearls!" I said.

We immediately got to it and fount it hanging on one of the vines along with a letter L with the next clue.

Cara put the pearls around her neck and read the next riddle.

"What letter is like a scandalmonger?" She said and made another face.

"The fuck is up with these questions, Victor." She muttered to herself.

I smirked.

I knew damn well we got the WILL part of will you marry me, and I was just messing with her so she could do some thinking before she came across the entire statement.

"Well scandalmonger means a person who stirs up public outrage toward someone or their actions by spreading rumors or malicious gossip." I said reading the definition off my phone.

"Oh? So like magazine and paps?" She said.

I nodded. "So maybe we look for something like a magazine or something?" I suggested.

She nodded, "You're really good at this." She continued walking until we stumbled upon a Peoples magazine and she quickly opened it, not even realizing the cover featured the title: Wedding of the Year!

"Ohhh!! A W!" She cheered.

On the back of the W it read, the letter W makes ill will.

"Mhm...clever." I mumbled.

"Indeed." She agreed.

I decided to read the next clue on the back of the letter, "What letter is invisible yet never out of sight?" I said out-loud.

I let Cara think for this one and she pipped up, getting the trend of this scavenger hunt.

"I!" She hopped up in excitement.

"But where is the letter?" I asked her not knowing myself where the hell the letter was.

We searched for what seemed like an hour but really was probably 20 minutes before we gave up.

"What the hell?" I said.

"I'm kicking Victor's ass when I see him." She huffed.

I agreed and walked ahead of her to see if there was anything showing up in the front and then Cara yelped causing me to jump.

"Oh my God! What?!" I asked her rubbing my belly as I did this, I could feel the flop as she screamed.

Cara cringed, "Sorry, Val...forgot you were carrying a mini one in there." She patted my stomach gently and then reached for my back to pull of a letter I that was stuck onto me.

That bastard....he put a letter on me when I wasn't looking.

Clever....real clever.

"Okay is there another riddle?" I asked her as her head was bent reading the letter. It was quite amusing to see how energetic she was about the scavenger hunt even though she wanted fry Victor's balls at the weird questions pertaining to letters.

She nodded, "It says, this letter will take you to your right back to where you need to be to continue the challenge." She furrowed her brow at the complication of this riddle.

I thought, what did I know about these wine fields.

It was one of the biggest in the country.

It had more combinations of wine than any other state.

Their grape vines were wrapped around and shaped like an L to lead you into another area!

"L!" I called out.

Cara turned to me with a frown, "We already have an L." She said.

I shrugged, "Who says we can't have two?" I asked her.

She cocked her head to the side. "Que?" She asked.

"The vineyards wrap around in an L shape, he wants us to take it back to a location." I stated.

She pointed at me, "Smart." She grabbed my arm and pulled me in the forward direction that was leading to the end of the Pinot Noir lane, we took a turn and ended up near an area with a deep pond, around it there were candles...on the floor the missing letter.

An L.

Cara picked up. "Well I think we got them all because this one doesn't have anything on it." She said.

I bit the inside of my cheek, "What are we supposed to do with a LIWL...what does that even spell?" I said provoking her.

She thought. "Damn...nothing...LIWL...IWLL...the spells nothing!" She said with frustration.

If only I were in The Office right now, I really needed a camera to look into right now with a straight face.

I laughed. "Well that was sort of fun." I said looking around and wondering where the hell everyone else was.

Just as I said this Daphne and Ruby appeared with some letters in their hands. "Hey, what are these letters here for, huh?" Ruby called out in her southern accent.

I shrugged, "We got some too." I said playing dumb.

Daphne smirked, they got the MARRY portion of the phrase.

A couple of moments later Roman and Marco came out of their field carrying the YOU portion of the hunt.

We waited for Victor and Nicolas to come out which they did not a moment later with the last potion which was a ME, but with all the words scrambled Cara couldn't really put the words together to make it into a phrase of any kind.

"Victor what kind of bullshit is this? These are a whole bunch of letters!" She stated.

Victor looked a bit nervous but he seemed to mask that with a smug shrug. "So you think. I think it says something." He teased her.

She narrowed her gaze.

Victor turned to the group. "You all have a minute to put all the words together and if you do so correctly then you guys get a prize." He tested us.

"What kind of prize, asshole!" Roman called out to him.

He smirked, "Figure out the puzzle and maybe I'll tell you." He said to him.

"Your time begins now!" He said using the time on his iPhone to count down our time.


"Okay guys....we have to figure this out quickly....everyone try their best to make their letters into words out of their own groups then we put it together!" Cara said getting straight into thinking mode by placing the letters onto the ground as she pensively thought of what our letters met.

"LILL..ILW...damn." She muttered to herself.

Wow. She tried everything but the W in front of the other letters.

The rest of the group beside Nicolas who had his letters up in "ME" because there was really no other way to have them.

"WILL!" I looked down as Cara clapped her hands and finally got the word right.

She stood up. "Okay...I got WILL..." She looked over at the rest of the group and noticed Nicolas was the only ready one.

"Nicolas, are you sure that it's me?" She asked me.

He gave her a look, "No, I'm almost positive it's EM." He said sarcastically.

She flipped him off and turned to the other groups. "Get your head in the game, guys!" She called out to Roman, Marco, Daphne, and Ruby who were still scrambling to get their letters together.

"Okay this one is YOU!" Marco and Roman said putting their words together.

"5 seconds!" Victor called out.

Cara clapped fiercely. "Ruby! Daphne! Let's go!" She said.

They both looked flustered, but I knew Daphne was faking it, Ruby on the other hand....

"Ah heavens! I have no idea what this dog on words says!" Ruby huffed.

"Times up!" Victor called out.

"Damn it!" Cara muttered.

"You all fail me...pathetic. We are standing amongst billionaires, bankers, and multi business owners and you fail to give me a sentence." Victor shook his head and I giggled.

Cara turned to Victor and everyone quickly scrambled to change in the right order of how the sentence was supposed to go. I grabbed the WILL and made my way over to the front of the line without alerting Cara as she scolded Victor.

"Your game is rigged! I want a re-do...poor Ruby didn't know she was going to be thrust into this anyway!" She said demanding another chance.

"No re-dos." He said to her simply.

She frowned, "What does that damned thing say anyway!" She groaned in frustration.

"Tā shuō, nǐ yuànyì jià gěi wǒ!" (It says will you marry me!) Cara's mother Mia erupted from the fields with her father holding her hands and beaming with a wide smile.

"Ma! What are you doing here?!" She asked with pure surprise marking her face.

Along with Cara's parents were Victor's mother and father

"Jiyayi! You are a smart girl, look behind you!" She shouted.

Shocked by both Victor and Cara's parents being here, Cara turned around and finally faced us and gasped when she read the full scavenger hunt sentence: WILL YOU MARRY ME? Cara turned back around shaking and looking at Victor who had gotten down on one knee.

Before he could say anything a string orchestra appeared behind their family and with them carried none other than Maxwell himself who immediately went into singing Ascension while he was accompanied by the string orchestra that consisted of violins, second violins, violas, the cellos, and the double basses.

"It happened the moment, when you were revealed

'Cause you were a dream that you should not have been

A fantasy real

You gave me this beating baby

This rhythm inside

And you made me feel good and feel nice and feel loved

Give me paradise

So shouldn't I realize

You're the highest of the high

If you don't know, then I'll say it

So don't ever wonder

So shouldn't I realize

You're the highest of the high

If you don't know, then I'll say it

So don't ever wonder." I couldn't help but sing along, not only did it sound heavenly accompanied by the orchestra but it was my jam!

"That's our song." Cara said to him.

Victor nodded, I could tell he was so nervous right now to get into his speech but I knew he could so it.

Victor licked his lips and held Cara's hands in his.

Behind them the music dimmed and quieted so she could hear Victor speak to her.

I think I was going to cry.

"Caroline Jiyayi Williams. I didn't think I would ever find love ever again in my life after having my heart broken in the past. Then I met you, and it was as if you were love itself. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of you. You're my everything, you keep my level, you allow me to feel emotions, you are the only one who can challenge me in more ways than others, you are my weakness, yet you are my absolute strength. Your laugh and smiles set me afloat and even if you are angry with me you are still the most beautiful woman in the world. Even though we have had our ups and downs there's no other person in the world that I would rather spend the rest of my life perfecting our love with than you." He cleared his throat, I could tell he was getting emotional.

Hell, I was crying right now.

Damn pregnancy hormones!

Nicolas came over to me and comforted me pulling me to his side and kissing the top of my head as I sobbed; I was so happy for Cara right now, she was finally getting her happy ending.

"So will you do me the honor of being by my side forever as my wife and only love?" He asked her.

Cara had tears falling down her face as her eyes remained glued onto Victor, you could see the true love coming from the both of them, they were both a handful for each other but they loved it because they were cut from the same kind of cloth. They fit each other like a missing piece of a was a match made in heaven.

Cara cried a little more before she nodded her head up and down, she sniffled, "Yes...I'll marry you Victor Mosello." She said.

Everyone cheered.

Victor was probably the happiest man alive right now, his smile said everything as he picked Cara up and spun her around placing kisses all around her face and lips before settling her down and putting the ring upon her finger.

Once he did that they embraced each other once more vowing to never let go.

I was a bloody mess in the back, Nicolas could barely contain me.

Cara and Victor's family erupted and came over to hug and kiss everyone. I broke away from Nicolas momentarily to make my way to Cara and hug her, Daphne was on the same agenda as me as she followed me, her eyes red and filled with tears as we both tackled Caroline in a hug. We all just cried together as we celebrated in the happiness of our best friend.

Once Cara got married.

This entire group was going to be filled with married women and men.

"I'm so happy for you, Cara." Daphne sniffled.

"Thanks guys! I'm so mad you were in on it the whole time." She smacked our arms lightly.

We laughed.

"I was wondering why the hell Val knew all this crap and I couldn't even figure it out." She nudged me playfully.

"Let's see that ring, girl!" Daphne said excited to see the huge rock that Victor put on my best friend's finger.

It better be big or I'm taking Victor's ass home.

She showed us her left hand which was still very much shaking with shock and excitement. On it was a pear-shaped pink diamond with diamonds adorning the rest of the ring where the gem and the ring-holder met. It was beautiful and of course it was extravagant which matched both of their personalities to a T, I expected nothing less from their two weddings they were going to have; I just couldn't wait to help plan the event with her.

"Isn't it crazy? My mom was in on this too!" She said shaking her head at her mother who was talking adamantly with Victor's mother, I hadn't seen her in so long, she was still a beautiful and fragrant woman—aging but she still had her timeless beauty locked into her.

I excused myself from Cara and Daphne and made my way over to Victor who was getting a pat-down from his boys for finally popping the questions. He looked up when he saw me and smiled.

"Val." He said.

"Vic." I said as I tackled him with a hug.

"Oof!" He said as he stumbled back a bit. "Careful there, you and that baby are going to drive Nicolas crazy with your excitement." He chuckled giving me stomach a gentle pat.

I laughed. "I'm so proud of you, Vic...I wish you guys nothing but the utmost happiness and success." I said to him.

He beamed, "Thanks, Val...that means a lot to me." He said sincerely.

I nodded and then in the same quick motion I pulled him down to face me directly. "If you screw with her Mosello, I will personally have your balls ripped from their sacs, and then burned right in front of you." I warned him.

His eyes widened with fear running through them.

"Understand?" I asked him.

He nodded.

I pulled on his collar tighter.

"Si. Si!" He said in Italian.

I chuckled. "Good. Good." I cackled.

He straightened up his posture and called for Nicolas. "Nic...get your crazy ass wife!" He said to him.

Nicolas chuckled and pulled my body back to his and kissed my temple. "Enough with your crazy scare tactics, he's going to take good care of her, just like how I take good care of you." He said simply.

"Yet you won't let me have anymore of my caramel popcorn! Where are you hiding it, you monster!" I began attacking him.

"Alright, I think we need to get home, crazy." He said.

I fumed.

"I want my popcorn, Nicolas."

"And I would really like to make love to you right now, but we both can't have what we want, huh?" I whispered in her ear.

I smirked.

"How about a trade-off?"

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