Double Trouble

By oXMoonBeamXo

56K 1.8K 291

Awakening in the world she thought she knew, Naruko quickly finds that everyone she knew was different and ev... More

Waking up
A crowd
Getting used to it
The trip
All grown up
One hell of a walk
Its a secret?!
Quite the saunter
I am here
Getting it done
Strong arms
Trial # 2
on our way
Down the rabbit hole
Suprise its a girl
Taking me
Kiss me not
Yet again
For you
A small moment
A moment of silence
A great father
Auther's note
Here we go
The reason we love
Authers note
Planet naruko
The last
A Special; Mizuki Hatake

A lesson of sorts

692 32 2
By oXMoonBeamXo

Warning: Read at your own risk, this chapter gets a little heated but doesn't have a R rated moment.

I stretched my legs and jumped up, spinning around. " Alright! " I sang clenching my fist. I pulled my sword out and slashed through the air. The air sang at the speed of the blade.

"Hey sis!" Naruto called from behind me.

I turned, putting my katana away, " Oh hi, big brother." I waved, giving him a smile. "What's up?" I asked, tilting my head. He looked tired from running I was guessing.

" You are not going to believe it! No way, no how! "He yelled, gripping me up.

I blinked, "huh?!" I was seriously confused. " You're not making any sense." I said, staring at him bewildered.

" Come onnnnn?!?!!!" He dragged me along.

"But-but I'm training!" I yelled but he already had dragged me so far it didn't even matter. I groaned, " seriously Naruto-" we burst into the Lady Hokage's office.

"Naruto! What's the meaning of this! And Naruko?!" Lady Hokage boomed. She looked caught off guard and stressed.

I was dizzy from the run, "N-Naruto... S-slow down..." I said oddly dizzy.

" I don't think she even knows what's going on, Lady Hokage." Kakashi said it from some place defending me.

" get -"She started.

"No way, old lady!! Me and Naruko are going!!!" He snapped, his temper flowing in suddenly.

I rubbed my head, " ugh.. Where are we going?" I asked, getting up leaning on my brother. " What the hell's this idiot going on about?" I asked, glaring at my brother confused.

I noticed Kakashi, Gaara and Shikamaru standing in front of the Hokage. This suddenly looked very serious, I perked up being snapped from my silly state.

" They are going on a mission in the land of ..."Naruto bit his cheek. He couldn't remember it.

" Land of time, Naruto..." Gaara told him in a bored voice.

Naruto nodded, " they said Sasuke could be there!" He loudly added, he was trying to defend his reason for bursting in, it seemed anyway.

I shook my head but then thought for a Second... A chance to see Sasuke and maybe talk to him? I pushed off of Naruto then shoved him from the room, " sorry bro can't let you go." Then slammed the door, I latched it feeling bad but was sure it was the right choice.

I turned to Lady Hokage and the others, " So what the hells going on? No bullshit... Because I'm going, whatever it is." I said it folding my arms. I tried to be stern but I knew it truly was up to the Hokage, and I would have to obey her.

Everyone looked back at the Hokage, funny how no one objected to me joining.

She smirked, " Actually... That's fine by me... A four man squid is better than a three for this. Fall in with the others I haven't gone into detail yet." She folded her hands nodding to me. "Naruto has too much emotion in this.." She added looking at the doors with a sad look. " Be sure to check on him before you go." She told me with a smile.

I walked up standing beside Shikamaru, " go on." I nodded to her, turning my attention to her completely.

She glanced at us all, " Your mission is to go to the land of time and study what is going on. We have intel that tells us that Sasuke and Karin had been spotted there. Do not attack unless provoked or forced. This is an intel mission... We need information." She said, tilting her head. " Except... There is a second part since Naruko is tagging along. Shikamaru and you need to infiltrate if needed.... Land of time is very unknown... Be prepared for anything." She said it sternly.

We nodded, " saying that basically Shika and Naru are up close and Gaara and Kakashi are distant." She said it, closing her eyes. "You leave in three days. I suggest you try to form bonds deeper, get ready..." She nodded to us.

We bowed and left heading out in flashes. I landed on a nearby roof overlooking the village. This mission seemed like it was going to be tough.

"Naruko" kakashi almost sang from behind me.

I jumped a foot , " gosh I'll end up dead if I still can't sense you!" I gasped folding my arms. I looked over at him and sighed, " wanna help me train?" I asked with a smile.

He tilted his head, " oh? Sure..." He gave me a closed eye.

I gave him a thumbs up and grabbed his hand. " Basically ninja hide and seek!" I winked. " hmm... Then we can play tag! " I laughed.

He chuckled, patting my head, " Well then you hide first." He chuckled.

I nodded and poofed, hmm... Where to hide... I tapped my chin. I had to hide somewhere he couldn't smell me out. I headed into the forest zipping throughout all the trees trying to spread out my scent throughout the woods.

Then I climbed up higher in the trees, "Hidden fox jutsu" I whispered. Now let's sit and wait... I crossed my legs and closed my eyes. I focused on spreading out my senses.

As soon as Kakashi stepped into my general area I could feel it. He was running and fast... He zipped through the forest following my trail until he must have realized what I had done. But then he started heading straight for me?!

I remained calm until he stopped at the tree I was at. I opened my eyes coming face to face with him.

"Found you!" He said with a closed eye smile. He smiled up at me amused.

I smiled, " here I thought I had fooled you for a moment." I giggled and tackled kakashi. "Oh!" I had forgotten we were in a tree. We started to fall but Kakashi held me and flipped, landing on a branch with me in his arms.

He shook his head, " careful now." He said with a chuckle. He held me carefully, but his hand gripping my bare thigh sent electric though my body, I did my best to ignore it.

I sighed, trying to move on. " Well it's your turn to hide." I said it as we hit the ground.

He sighed, " Alright... Then this tag of yours?" He asked, sitting me on my feet. He made sure I was steady before stepping away from me.

I nodded, " I think I can find you pretty fast. I've been working on creating a new jutsu... Time to see if it works." I said with a smile then started to count. He looked caught off guard but quickly vanished into thin air.

I closed my eyes and I clapped my hands together, " Ribbon of life jutsu!" When I opened my eyes I could see a silver glowing line of light. I blinked. This was the first time actually using this intentionally... Oh man... This was hard to keep focused.

I followed the silver Ribbon of light, it has to be Kakashi... I spotted a couple others but ignored them for now.They all flickered the moment my focus left just his, Just focus on kakashi. I held my hands together racing forward until I was in the old training area... Which was by the kia stone.

" found you!" I sang as I ran over to Kakashi who was leaning behind it.

He turned to me and froze, " Naru!?" He looked shocked. He was oddly well hidden , far away from where he had left me. Without the jutsu it would have been a while before I found him.

I pulled my hands apart breaking the jutsu, " Man... That was tough.. But this jutsu is awesomely hard." I said it softly poking his arm.

He looked at me surprised, " you really should explain this to me, dear..." He pressed. He had the same look as when I had fought him when I came back for years of training with Jiraiya.

I smiled and winked, " first tag! You or me?" I asked.

He sighed but smiled, " Let's see if you can catch me first." He leaned down pinching my cheek. Then he took off running.

I laughed and chased after him, we zipped through the town flashing about.

People started yelling so we moved it to the wooded area. They never liked it when Shinobi brought training into the village.

"Come now -" Kakashi started.

I planted my hand on his face and then ran off. " come and get me! Looossseeerrr!! Beaten by a little girl." I stuck my tongue out at him then turned again.

" Oh you're a goner." He laughed going after me, right on my heels.

I yelped, dropping down from the trees and zipping through them. It's been a while since I've raced Kakashi. I ran across water about to reach the other side when an arm went around my waist.

" Got you!" He said proudly. " and my prize is my beautiful lady." He winked down at me.

I stuck my tongue out at him again, " fine you win!" I said it and then I jumped from his arms. Onto dry land, " Say Kakashi... Let's go home." I said shyly. I suddenly just want to cuddle into bed with him, or watch a movie.


"Ahh so that's how it works hmm?" Kakashi rubbed his chin thinking after I told him about the ribbon jutsu.

I nodded, " I still need to learn a bit but still it should come in handy." I said it as we reached the apartment. I went right into Kakashi's and started on dinner. "I kind of stumbled upon it a few days ago while trying to meditate." I told him and I stirred a pot, after a bit of chatting we both got into our own things.

We ate relatively fast and I decided to shower over here. I seemed to not realize... The whole not having clothes thing...

So I walked into Kakashi's room wrapped in a towel. "Kakashi?" I whispered unsure, hopefully he would be understanding.

"Hmm?" He asked, looking at me and grunted. "Naruko! What are you doing?!" He said, shocked. His face was red, he seemed almost upset but he didn't look away from me.

I walked over to the bed where he lay, " I need some clothes... I forgot..." I mumbled, getting red in the face. "Sorry I didn't think this over." I added gesturing toward my dripping hair and towel. He didn't seem to be understanding at first.

He got up finally and tossed my the hoodie I usually wore. " It's okay Naru... But remember the dangerous line." He wiggled his finger at me laying back down. He seemed to lay differently now...

I smiled going back into the bathroom and changing at least I had underwear in my bag. I went back to Kakashi's bed and climbed in. I climbed over him to get to my side. I flopped down and looked over at him. " Why are you still dressed?" I asked suspiciously. Like he still had his vest on and everything.

He looked over at me with his one eye, " oh? Trying to undress me? I actually didn't even notice." He said, giving me a closed eye smile. He was lying but why?

I climbed on him and he sat up giving me a warning look, "oh shut up kakashi." I said with a laugh. I started to undo his vest. " don't expect me to sleep with you wearing all this." I said as he shrugged it off onto the floor. I reached up, undoing his headband. I tossed that with his vest. He watched me with both his eyes now, his hair relaxing out of the headbands hold.

I smiled and undid his mask only to find another one.... I shook my head, noticing it was just part of his shirt. " I guess I have to pull that down." I said nervously. I don't think I could take his shirt off for him. So I pulled it down, his face fully visible. "Hmmm... Much better." I sang lightly and leaned in, wrapping my arms around his neck. This jawline could challenge the gods.

He hummed and wrapped his arms around me pulling me close. " Happy now, little Naruko?" He asked in his husky voice. He looked at me wanting something else yet happy with what he had.

I nodded and leaned in to kiss him. I met his lips, his lips curved around mine with a hunger for more. He was always holding back... I pulled away and he seemed relieved and sad at the same time. I unwrapped my hands and held his face. He was watching me so happy... He really loves me... " Kakashi you can have me..." I whispered to him, if it was anyone it would be him...

His expression changed, he almost looked angry, " do you even know what you're saying?" He said, outraged suddenly. He had grabbed my hands, shoving me back suddenly.

My blood seemed to freeze, " y-yes!" That's all I could manage... What?

His face softened, " Naruko... Oh.... You little angel." He said laughing a little. " You're not ready for it.... I can tell right now.... " he said, letting go of my hands to hold my face. He looked into my eyes, he looked unsure. Something in me told me I really was pushing at a line.

I glared at him, " you treating me like-"

He gave me a dark look and pulled my face to his kissing my gently. I remember breathing this time through my nose but then I was suddenly caught off guard by Kakashi opening his mouth. I opened mine without thinking and his tongue danced around mine. He was rougher now...

My heart was picking up and my face felt hot. He pulled away but only from my mouth he started kissing down my jaw to my neck. I suddenly felt something I had never experienced and let out a light moan. He became rigid but kept going, he flipped me over. I was under him and I looked up at him dazed. My mind was swimming. He still had that hungry look to him, " had enough?" He whispered breathlessly.

I shook my head no, even though my heart was pounding and my stomach was doing flips, I was barely even there anymore. He leaned down kissing me on the neck again which felt amazing and he moved back to my mouth, his lips leaving almost a trail of fire. But he only held me with one hand. Where was- I felt Kakashi's hand sliding across my bare leg. This contact was making me crazy... No! I c-can do this.

I let out a shaky breath. Then his hand slid under the hoodie. I stopped breathing as his hand pressed up my stomach. He was letting out shaky breaths now his hand felt cool against my skin. Then realization took over of what was going on as his hand went over one of my breasts.

I gasped, and he squeezed, "ka- ka -" I breathed out. I wasn't scared, or was I? Not of him but the situation! He pulled my hoodie off and his own shirt. I covered my chest with my arms, staring at him wide eyed and unsure of what to do.

He grabbed my chest kissing up my jaw line making me moan out again.

I c-could do it! He moved down my neck to my shoulder and I relaxed under his touch. Kakashi... It felt so good but I was scared ... I could kill a man but I shook in fear from the touch of the man I loved? I gasped as he gently bit one of my breasts, " Kakashi!!" I almost screamed in horror. I couldn't do it!!

He pulled away breathing hard, he looked into my eyes. His face melted into regret, " I'm so sorry Naruto... I went to fa-" He rasped out.

I cut him off, wrapping my shaking arms around his neck and pulling him to me. I let out deep breaths... " You are right.... You are always right." I tried to keep my voice steady but I cried silently.

He wrapped his arms around me ," did I scare you that much? " He mumbled his head resting on my chest.

I let out a shaky laugh, " you could never scare me Kakashi... It was the situation... S-so many new... Things all at once." I said, swallowing. "It scared me a little." I admitted but then quickly added, "But a part of me loved it."

He chuckled, " innocent Naruko... I think I just ruined you." He said jokingly. " I went a lot farther than I had planned... " he sighed to me. He was half way back to normal...

I pulled my hands through his hair, trying to relax us both. " I'm glad you did..." I breathed out and then in, he smelled so good it helped me to relax slightly..

He pulled away from me looking down at me, his eyes trailed down my half bare body. " Now how will I stop myself?" He mumbled to himself. He looked into my eyes, " ah... There are those eyes..." He whispered, leaning in, staring more deeply into my eyes.. " I guess I better watch your limits, as will now..." He gave me a closed eye smile.

I giggled nervously, " truthfully I'm just not ready for anything b-below the belt just yet. " I said it looking at Kakashi's body, eyeing his..... My face heated up and I bit my lip. " y-yay... Not ready f-for that." I looked up at kakashi nervously.

His expression was amused and dark, " need to go take a cold shower...." He said it in a husky voice. He went to leave but I stopped him.

I shook my head and kissed him. " Why? Did I upset you?!" I asked worriedly, gripping the edge of his pants.

He moaned and pinned me to the bed. " Lines Naruko.. Lines." He said breathing heavily, he was stern but there was a weakness to his voice.

I fiddled with my fingers, " but why do you need a cold shower?" I was confused. As hot as I was at the moment... hmm...

He chuckled darkly, " you're really going to kill me little lady.... Cold showers.... Make me less...." He said it carefully, trailing off not quite saying it.

"Ooohhhhh." I said it understanding now. " I feel bad now..." I mumbled.

He raised a brow at me, " why is that?" He looked down at me, almost tired.

" Because you have to take a cold shower." I said petting his face. He was kind of sweaty. " hmm... "

Suddenly he pushed off the bed and got up leaving. His move was swift, you could barely hear his feet as he landed and went across the room. " I'll be back..." He said going into the bathroom.

I sighed, relaxing instantly, " holy cow." That was incredible... And that wasn't even the whole way yet. I yawned realizing how long of a day it had been.... I stretched, letting my eyes slide closed.

--------- next day----

I felt the sun on my face and blinked awake. I was curled into Kakashi with his arms around me. I yawned, stretching in his arms making him wake up.

"Hmm..." He grumbled squeezing me to him. " What time is it, Naruko?" He asked in a grumpy voice. I slid from his arms but he grabbed me again, " who said you could leave?" He said, more awake now.

I wiggled and he stared down at me, " look at you... " he sighed closing his eyes.

I looked at myself and froze, " gosh kakashi .... I'm sorry ." I covered my chest.

He chuckled, " you passed out like this .... It's alright Naruko... " he kissed my forehead. " I think we are even since all I have on is boxers." He joked with me. Then he leaned down kissing my shoulder, " although...." He kissed my neck and the electricity shot throughout my body. " now that I've had some of this.... You're never getting away now. " He buried his face in my neck taking a deep breath.

I sighed and he pulled away, " same goes for you mister..." I copied what he did.

He chuckled, " oh no... I've created my own nightmare." He grumbled then rolled off the bed with me, sitting me on my feet.

I looked up at him and pouted, " it's not like I can just kiss you when I like."

He looked down at me and he grabbed my chin leaning down kissing me. " very true... Maybe that's a good thing." He whispered, he was thinking to himself.

I picked up my hoodie and pulled it on. " I don't know about you but I'm starving." I said it heading into the kitchen. It felt nice to have clothes on, as great as it was to be so free with Kakashi... I wasn't ready just yet.

I started on breakfast and got to cleaning the apartment up. I went over to my own apartment and changed into my plain skirt, black knee high socks and tank top. I headed back to Kakashi's finishing breakfast while Kakashi sat filling out papers.

I smiled at him then turned back to the food. I made pancakes and eggs. Then I sat with Kakashi and we ate. Hmm... I looked over at him, " my big strong man." I said it with a giggle.

He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow, "hmm?" He asked.

I got up and went over to him sitting on his lap, " what are you doing?" I asked, looking at the papers.

He sighed, " just stuff the Hokage asked me to do... But now how will I do that." He wrapped his arms around me.

I blushed, " is this bothering you?" I asked.

He chuckled, " well you're sitting on me... But I can deal... I'll think of it as restraint training. " he reached around me and went back to writing.

I sat watching him reading over everything lightly.

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