Irresistible [Lirry] EDITING!

By hopeangel11

124K 3.2K 277

One Direction Fanfic! [AU] Liam Payne + Harry Styles = Lirry Stayne! <3 Vampire (Harry) and human (Liam) l... More

Irresistible [Lirry]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 23

2.6K 72 5
By hopeangel11

Chapter 23

*Harry's POV* 

"What are you smiling about?" Liam asked me before we walked to the living room our fingers intertwined.

"Just how perfect you really are," I replied and kissed his cheek. He looked at me questioningly and all I said was, "You'd make a great father, Liam. I mean that."

He blinked at me and smiled. He pecked my lips and said, "I'm sure you will, too." We walked into the living room and Danny was still crying, but softly now.

Ruth looked up from Danny to us, looking relieved. "Oh, Liam! Good; you're here! Can you help? I need you to carry Daniel again. He hasn't stopped crying since you carried him," she said, looking panicked and tired.

Liam nodded and walked to the couch after letting go of my hand. I frowned slightly and followed him, sitting beside Karen. She squeezed my hand and smiled at me. I smiled back and watched Liam carry Danny again.

He rocked Danny slightly and held his hand. Danny looked up at him and stopped crying, just to smile again. "There. He stopped crying," Liam stated happily and turned back to Ruth. He was about to hand Danny back to her but she shook her head, frowning.

"Keep holding him. I think he likes you better than me. I blame you for that. I mean, I'm his mother and he prefers to be held by you after one time!" Ruth complained.

Liam chuckled and continued to rock Danny lightly. Danny cooed and gurgled at Liam, making him and me smile. Liam was really good with babies.

"Look at him! He's smiling and laughing with you! Mum, why won't he do that to me?" Ruth said, frowning at Liam and Danny.

Karen laughed beside me and said, "Maybe it's because Liam was the first to hold him. But I'm not sure."

"Well, he better get used to me, cuz he's MY son, not Liam's! What is this world?" she exclaimed.

Callum came back then, frowning. "Ruth, I have to go to work. There was an emergency meeting called after people got fired. I might promoted if I'm there. We have to leave today."

"Now? But we just got here. And look at your son. He finally stopped crying because Liam is holding him. He's being like Kyle all over again!" Ruth said.

"Why don't we just leave him here then? With Liam and your parents?" Callum suggested.

Ruth glared at him and stood up. "Callum, honey. I am NOT leaving Daniel here without me. I'm his mother! He needs me."

"He seems fine to me. He'll just cry again if we take him from Liam. Face it, he's got a way with kids," Callum said.

Ruth scoffed, clearly offended. "Are you saying I don't have a way with our son? I freaking gave birth to him!"

"I know, I know! And no, I'm not saying that at all. Just...Maybe we should just leave him with your family. We'll be back next week. It's just a week without Danny," Callum said.

Liam whistled at that and and shook his head at Callum. "Bad choice of words, Callum," he muttered at him.

Callum widened his eyes and looked back at Ruth. She fumed and took a step towards him. "How could you say that so easily? You want to leave our son so you can go get promoted at work?"

"I said I 'could' get - " Callum started, but Liam cleared his throat to stop him. "Just apologize," he muttered to Callum.

"And what makes you think that my family will just willingly take care of Daniel while we're gone for a week?" Ruth continued.

"Actually, we don't mind, Ruth. Your father and I can take care of him when Liam's at school, and Liam can take care of him the rest of the time," Karen said happily.

Liam choked and blinked at his mum. "What? I will?" he asked in shock.

"Yes, Liam. You will. Danny already loves you and stopped crying for you. So clearly he wants you around more often. When your father and I are at work, you'll have to take care of him," Karen replied.

"But you both work when I have school! Who's gonna take care of him then?" Liam asked.

Karen raised an eyebrow at him and Liam quickly caught on. "No. No! Mum! No, I'm not bringing him with me to school. Who does that?!"

"You will. Starting on Monday, for the rest of the week. Until your sister comes back, that is," Karen said and turned to Ruth. "Danny will be fine with Liam. And us."

"But Mum, I - " Liam started but Karen looked back at him with  a stern look. He sighed and leaned back on the couch. "Fine. As if this is completely normal at school." I chuckled and leaned back with him.

Ruth sighed heavily and gave in. "I don't know why I'm actually agreeing to this, but fine. We'll leave Daniel for you to take care of him, Liam. And when I mean take care of him, I mean do NOT leave him out of your sight. When he's not with  Mom and Dad, he'll be with you the rest of the time. I don't care if you disagree, Liam. You're doing it," she said sternly to LIam.

"You hate me, don't you? That's exactly what this is. And so does Mum. You're actually agreeing to this?" Liam said in disbelief.

"Yes, I am, Liam. So just get over it. I trust you with my child so don't you dare screw this over. You've already taken care of Kyle when he was a baby. Daniel won't be so different. He's just cuter and more behaved around you," Ruth said.

"Sure, this will be no problem at all. It's not like I have other things to do or worry about. Danny won't be a problem," Liam stated sarcastically.

Ruth rolled her eyes at him and said, "Yeah, yeah. You're being being sarcastic, but I know you'll do it anyways. It's practically in you as an instinct to never disappoint anyone."

"And if I decide to change that now? Would you take Daniel with you?" Liam asked.

Ruth scoffed. "Okay, yeah, sure. You're just gonna change who you are in seconds. Not happening. Daniel can't come with us because I have to check on work when I'm there. And Callum has that meeting. Just be happy you have a week with him only. It's not like it's a month or anything."

"It better not be a month," Liam muttered, and I chuckled beside him.

"You never know," Karen said jokingly and Liam looked like he was gonna get a heart attack.

"Nope! No! That's where I draw the line. No way am I keeping Daniel with me for a whole month practically 24/7. Ruth, you're coming back in a week, even if I have to make you somehow," Liam said.

We all laughed as my family walked in. Mum and Jonannah sat on the other side of Karen and they started talking about Liam's skill with kids. Dad and Mark sat with Geoff to talk about their jobs. Louis and El sat on their chair and watched Liam fondly with Danny, talking about how good Liam was at that; being only 16. 

I completely agree with them. Liam is really good with Danny and probably all other kids he's taken care of... I wonder how that will be like with OUR children? - Wait. Did I really just think about having children with Liam? Wow, I must be that into him if I can already picture marrying him with kids in the future.

I looked at Liam, who was having a glaring contest with Ruth. I chuckled and Liam spoke. "Ruth, I'm serious. Do not even think about leaving for more than a week."

"So what if we do, Liam? I mean, come on! Danny is completely fine with you. Much better than when he's actually with us. For whatever reason, you 2 have bonded over the couple of minutes in total you've had together. Look at him. He keeps smiling at you. I'm pretty sure he can't even see properly yet," Ruth retorted.

"They can't see clearly until their 3 months old," Liam stated. We all blinked at him and he blushed. "Don't look at me that way. Nicky told me that when she did research before she had Kyle," he said and looked away from anyone.

"Just the fact that you know that is exactly why we're leaving Daniel in your hands; full responsibility. For a whole week, Liam. That's it," Ruth said. Callum nodded and Liam sighed in defeat.

"I always lose this, don't I?" he asked.

"Yes. I'm your sister and you have to listen to me. That's how it works. Now, Callum and I have to get going. Bye Mum and Dad! Bye everyone! And Liam, he better be more than 'fine' when we get back," Ruth said and walked to the door with Callum.

Karen and Geoff looked at each other, smiling and geting up to go to the door. Liam must have noticed too, because he groaned and said, "Really? You're actually gonna leave Danny with me now? You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

Geoff nodded and chuckled, walking to the door. Karen laughed and said, "Oh, I don't know, Liam. Maybe if you hadn't stayed away from him for a whole month, you wouldn't have to do this. But your father and I have to go to work anyways."

"You never wanted a son, did you? You actually hate me, Mum. I can tell," Liam complained and got up to follow thm to the door. I got up as well and followed him.

Karen laughed again and stood at the open door with Geoff, Ruth and Callum smiling at Liam. "We don't hate you, Liam. Stop being silly. We just want you to spend time with Danny. You'll be fine. And I'm sure that if you need anything, then you could just ask Anne or Johannah."

My family came up behind me and Mum replied. "Of course we can help! We haven't had a baby around here in years. It'd be a nice change to experience that again."

Karen smiled and said, "See, hunny? You'll be fine. You've done this with Kyle before. You know what to do."

"That was only for a day and you were home! This will be a week by myself!" Liam complained. Danny cooed and Liam looked down. "You better not be laughing at me."

"Liam! Don't scold him from his happiness!" Ruth scolded him.

Liam sighed and looked back up. "Mum, please don't leave me to do this now."

"Sorry sweetie! We have to go now anyways. Have fun with Danny!" Karen said happily and walked out with the rest of her family, closing the door behind her.

Liam glared at the door and sighed. He looked down at Danny, who smiled back. "I don't know why you're happy, because I'm pretty sure I'll mess up with you."

*Liam's stuck to take care of Danny by himself! Think he can do it? How will that go?

Wasn't it sweet when Harry thought about his future with Liam? Will they have a happy ending together?

What will happen next?* x

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