Seeing Double - A Styles Twin...

By allourmemories

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Emily Samuels. Independent. Confident. Sassy. She is a waitress in a cosy café who is, of all chances, target... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 17

505 32 20
By allourmemories


Emily's POV
(Play song in the sidebar at the *)

I stared dumbfounded at Ed, unable to believe that he had actually come to ME after everything that had happened. "What the fuck makes you think I'd let you in after everything that you've done?" I asked in a weak voice, throat scratchy from my sobbing.

Edward stood in the dark hallway, eyes cast down and watching his shuffling feet. "I have no where else to go." He whispered, still not making eye contact. "I don't know if I really want to Ed. I'm really hurt..." I croaked, "No. I'm sorry. I really can't. Please leave. I just-goodbye Ed." I stuttered in a shaky voice. I began to close the door, but Ed's hand whipped out and held it open, strong and desperate.

His blue eyes searched mine pleadingly as his hand blocked me from shutting the door on him. "Em. You have NO idea how bad I feel for hurting you. And I'm so sorry. But I came to you because I don't have anyone else. And I thought maybe you would've been nice enough to let me crash here." He pleaded, piercing stare causing me to slip and contemplate actually letting him in.

"Ed. I really can't. It's too hard. I-I ca-" I began but Ed pushed closer so that he was grabbing my shoulders in his shaking hands. "PLEASE Em! Just for tonight! I just need to sleep! I have no one else! I need to sleep. Please. I'm sorry. Please." He begged weakly, fingers digging into my skin.

Although he had ruined everything, I knew deep down that it was only the right thing to do to let him in. Even just for one night. I was the one who had gotten him thrown out of Harry's, and it only made sense that I was the one to give him a place to stay. So, reluctantly, I stepped away from the door and hesitantly let Edward inside before softy shutting it.

I turned cautiously to find him standing awkwardly in the middle of my apartment, hands stuffed back in his pockets and his head ducked low. "Uh, you can have the couch. I'll get you a pillow and a blanket." I murmured before wandering off.

I grabbed what I needed and went back to give them to Ed, who I found still standing awkwardly. I threw the bedding on the couch and awkwardly stood in front of him. They silence stretched between us as neither of us made a move to fill the void. "Have a good night." I finally muttered bluntly before turning to my room and shutting my door.


I hastily shucked off my clothes and pulled on one of Harry's discarded big grey tees, heart aching at how it smelt of him. I shrunk into my bed and shut my eyes, willing myself to sleep. But sleep didn't come. And I stayed wide awake, disturbed by flashing images of our fight. I knew that hot tears were pouring down my cheeks, but I ignored their weakness.

There was a sudden knock on my bedroom door, and I jumped in fright. I watched in the dark as the door cracked open and a tall figure with curly hair became silhouetted in the doorframe. "E-Em? Are you awake?" I heard Ed whisper, and I only grunted in response. "Can I come in?" He asked softly, weariness evident in his voice. "What do you want?" I demanded weakly, sitting up in bed and turning on my bedside lamp, finding a small, frightened boy standing at my doorway.

"I want to talk." He offered, slowly etching his way into my room. "I have nothing to say to you." I replied shortly. He only closed the door behind him and slowly walked towards me. "I have something to say though, and I would love if you gave me the time to listen." He spoke before stopping in front of me.

I stared up at him weakly, wrapped in on myself. I hesitated before giving into him in defeat. "Well, are you going to sit?" I questioned him angrily, but there was no bitterness in my harsh tone, no feeling.

Ed hesitantly sat beside me at a safe distance, and I waited for him to start. But instead of asking something serious, he surprised me with; "You couldn't sleep either?" I rolled my eyes and looked at him with a serious glare. "Gee, you don't say?" I replied hotly, eyes narrowing into slits.

"I know. Me too." He nodded and looks down at his tangled, calloused fingers. He took a deep breath before looking up at me and gulping. "Emily. I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am for hurting your relationship with Harry. I know you two are perfect for each other, and I came along and ruined that.

"I just want you to know that I DO have feelings for you. Strong ones in fact. And because of those feelings, I want what is best for you. And if that is my brother, then so be it. But I just want you to be happy. Because the smile I fell in love with is gone, and I really want it back. Even if I'm not on the receiving end. Just, please understand. I'm sorry Em. That's all. I'll leave you to sleep." He finished, slowly standing and leaving me shocked by his confession.

I hastily stood and ran towards the retreating boy, reaching out to grab his arm. "Ed! Wait!" I urged, spinning him so that he was staring down at me. I still held onto his arm as I looked up at him, eyes teary and wide.

I inhaled deeply before deciding to confess. "I felt it on the very first day we met. I knew-I KNOW-that I have feelings for you. The forbidden type, that shouldn't be allowed to blossom. But they have, and I don't know HOW to feel anymore. I-I just don't want to lose you. You mean too much to me." I pleaded softly, numb and empty.

I watched as Edwards eyes welled with tears and his hands came to rest on my cheeks. "Em. I-I've fallen in love with you. Ive been IN love for a while now. And I know you love me too. I can see it in your eyes, or whenever you smile at me. I can tell now, where I can feel your heartbeat going crazy under my touch. I love you Em. I love you so much."

He whispered softly, thumb stroking my cheek and swiping away the tears falling there. His eyes searched mine before he slowly leant down and connected our lips in a feather kiss that was over before it began.

He lingered there though, our breaths mingling between us as we breathed unsteadily. The soft strokes of his thumb soothed me and cleared away my pain and fear. Edward kept repeating 'I love you's, barely audible over my thudding heart.

And then I suddenly knew. I knew how I felt about him. I knew that this boy held my heart, and would give it to him if he asked. He was soft and caring and quiet and compassionate and supportive and so filled with love that it radiated off his skin and warmed my own. I loved him. I loved Edward Styles. I loved him so much that it hurt.

I snaked my hands up around Edwards neck before bringing his awaiting lips to my own, hoping he would know how I felt. How much it hurt. How much I needed him. How much he meant to me.

"I love you." I faintly whispered, lips ghosting over Eds. He inhaled my soft words with a hard kiss, arms going around my waist and pulling me close. "Stay with me?" I asked quietly, looking up into Edwards gleaming eyes. "I wouldn't want anything more." He replied simply before picking me up and carrying me over to my bed and placing me down under the sheets.

He settled beside me and clasped our hands between our thudding chests, warmth engulfing us as we breathed each other in. Our legs were entwined just as messily as our hearts, and I knew that, in that moment, I wouldn't have it any other way.

This boy had claimed me, and I had finally woken up to the truth that had been staring right at me through all these times. Our connection. Our love. Our destiny to be together. We were made for each other, he and I, and it was the most warming and humble feeling to feel such love. A feeling I had never felt before. An engulfing feeling that made me feel whole. Complete. And worth something.


Please tell me you're crying. If you're not then you're heartless...or I'm just a big softy :P

I PLOT TWISTED!! YES!! IT'S EDWARD SHE LOVES!! But I don't think this story ends in a happy ending here. Not just yet. Might not even end happily at all O_o

Let my know what you think!!! Are you surprised? Disappointed? Angry? Filled with remorse? Let me know and I'll keep working toward the end of the book.

Vote comment share and love, and, as always, thank you and I love you xxxxxxx <

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