Chapter 6

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Emily's POV

~1 month later~

"Zayn, I'm serious, stop touching my feet!" I pulled my legs into my chest again and death stared the laughing boy at the end of the couch. "Well if you want to invade my personal space, then that's what happens to you." He grinned, settling deeper into the couch pillows. "Harry, tell him to stop!" I whined, looking up at the curly haired boy with puppy dog eyes. "You know how he is, don't say he didn't warn you." He smiled down at me and ran his fingers through my red hair. I poked my tongue out at him and sat up off his lap, crossing my legs and arms with a huff.

"Well someone's grumpy again!" Louis exclaimed, squeezing between Harry and I. "I'm not grumpy, I'm just upset." I frowned at him, moving over so that he wasn't on top of me. "Niall, pass some chips!" I called to the blonde boy stuffing his face. "Are you kidding?" Both Niall and Liam said in unison, giving me a shocked face. "But I'm HUNGRY!" I whined again. Niall shrugged and popped another chip in his mouth. "It's not my fault you're in your period."

"Why am I friends with you guys? You're all so mean!" Harry leant over Louis and kissed me. "It's because you're my girlfriend, remember?" He stated matter-of-factly. I smiled and connected our lips. But as I did, we were pulled apart by Louis. "Ew. Stop. Keep your grossness away from me!" He yelped, a hand on each of our chests to keep a distance between us. Compared to Harry, Louis was weak and he only leaned in and kissed me again with a grin. Lou shot up and stared at us. "I hate you both." He huffed, before going to sit on the other couch with Niall and Liam.

I snuggled up to Harry and he resumed running his fingers through my hair. "Are you coming over Saturday after next?" He asked. I hated that he had to leave for a conference with Simon, just like I always hated when he had to leave for other One Direction-related things. But I would have to deal with it as it was all part if the 'relationship package'.

"I don't know Hazza, I might have a shift. I'll see." I yawned and stretched out, coping another grab of my feet from Zayn. "Ahh! That's it. I'm going!" I stood and glared at a laughing Zayn before heading to Harry's door. "I'll see you when I see you, yeah?" He asked as he leant on the doorframe. "Of course." I pecked him on the lips and left him standing there, hating that I wouldn't see him for a whole week and a half, hating that I came second to his job, but having to learn to live with it, for the sake of both of us.

Harry's POV

"Just promise not to trash the place, please?" I smiled at the stewardess and took a coffee from her cart, taking a gulp. "What and I going to do? Have a house party?" Ed sniggered, but I only rolled my eyes. "Just don't, okay? Just because you're back from college, doesn't mean you have rights over everything I own." I warned him. "We're the same age, so you can't expect to use that excuse either." I added before he could say anything. "I'm older by two minutes, don't forget that!" He stated before hanging up.

Sighing, I put my phone away and turned to Liam in the seat next to me. "Do you think he'll do something crazy? I asked with a worried frown. Liam scoffed and gave me a 'yeah right' look, settling my nerves.

Flipping open my wallet, I smiled at the gorgeous picture of Emily where her hair was covering half her face and she was looking at the ground with a blush. I ran my finger over the picture before putting it away and frowning a little.

"Are you okay Hazza?" Liam asked softly, noticing my glum attitude. "Yeah. I just feel bad about leaving Em again. We've been together for a little over a month and I can't count how many times I've been away from her." I look down at my hands as my frown deepened. "Well, she's still around, isn't she?" Liam asked happily, bumping my shoulder. "She still wants to be with you Haz, don't worry." I offered him a half smile and bumped my head on the head rest of my chair.

"Attention all passengers, we will be arriving in New York in under five minutes. Please ensure your belts are fastened and you remain seated until we have landed. Thank you." We buckled our belts as the plane started its decent and quickly packed away our stuff. "Don't worry, this trip will be over before you know it." Liam assured me with a warm smile. "I hope so." I mumbled, more to myself than to anyone else.

Emily's POV

I had grown a habit of driving every time Harry was gone as it helped me get my mind off things. It was scary when I ended up in places and didn't even remember how I got there, but it did help with managing with his absence, and killing the time it took until he got back. This time around, I had driven so much that I had clocked up an extra 30 kays on my old Ford Laser in 3 days, which was a slight bit worrying.

On the fourth morning of being without Harry, I had a free day off and went on a drive yet again. As I was driving past the boys' apartments, I noticed a silhouette in Harry's window. Slamming on the breaks, I did a double take, but the shadow was gone. I parked on the street and climbed up to Harry's apartment. I knocked impatiently, panic bubbling through my veins.

The door cracked open, hesitated, and then fully swung inwards. There in front of me stood a tall, curly haired boy wearing low hanging slacks and a thin shirt. "Can I help you?" He asked with a frown. I was taken aback, first Harry was back early and second of all, he was being so RUDE!

"Um, yeah! What are you doing back without telling me? I can't BELIEVE you! Were you lying? Did you actually leave? Oh! I can't believe I was so stupid! Why did you do this to me? How could you be so me-" I was cut off by Harry's laugh and I only became more angry with him. "This is NOT funny Harry! I don't know what to think right now!" I yelled, wanting to slap his stupid grin off his face. "No, it's really funny actually." He laughed again and I crossed my arms. "Why is this 'funny'? Huh?" I huffed, my heart feeling like it was going to burst.

"Because I'm not Harry!" I frowned, confused at his outburst. "Wha-what do you mean?" I stuttered. "I'm Edward, Harry's twin? I'm pleased to meet you too." He smirked , shoving his hands in his pockets. "I-I don't understand," I spluttered, confused to no extreme. "Harry has a twin?" Edward nodded and flashed me a dimple-less grin. "I'm really sorry, I didn't notice. Just...what are you doing here?" He looked around outside with a worried look before his eyes fell on me again. "Um, do you want to come in, it's pissing down out there." He gestured to the heavy rain that had started out of nowhere.

With a sigh, I nodded and pushed past Edward into the heated apartment and made my way over to my favourite spot in the middle of the couch. "So can you answer my question?" I asked Edward who was sitting in Zayn's usual spot. "Well, college season is over and I needed a place to crash. My brother was so kind as to lend me his place while he was gone. So, here I am." He gestured to the messy apartment with pizza boxes and unidentifiable things strewn everywhere. "Um, okay then. Well then, I'd best be off." I stood and softly kicked away a dirty shirt, not wanting to get too cozy with a complete stranger, no matter how much they looked like my boyfriend.

Edward followed me to the door and offered me a smile. "You should come past some other time. It would be nice to have some visitors." Edward scratched his head and I grinned at him. "I'll think about it." I turned and ran through the rain to my car. With a confused frown. I pulled out my phone and texted Harry.

To: Hazza Bear

How could you not tell me that you had a twin?! Hope you're having a good time :) xx

My phone buzzed in a matter of seconds and I grinned, reading his response.

From: Hazza Bear

I hope he's not tormenting you! I'm trying, it's not fun without you though. I've got to go back into the meeting soon, we'll talk later. I miss you xx

I smiled with a sigh and tucked my phone away. "I miss you too babe." I whispered to myself, turning the engine and driving off once again.



Yes, a short chapter, but I had to introduce Edward!! So, here he is!! Ahh, I'm so excited, my story is establishing!!

Any-who, please comment and/or vote, I'd love some feedback!! Lots of love xxx

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