Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

as soon as I woke up, I knew something was missing. Blindly, I reached out across the bed to find empty sheets tangled in a heap where Emily should have been. I groaned in frustration and pulled my hand over my face, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

I sat up and glanced over at the clock, eyes widening when I noticed that it read 11:00. I quickly pulled at the sheets that were binding me at the ankles and stumbled out of bed, making my way outside and into the living room. I frowned when I found it empty, and I suddenly became worried as to where Emily could be.

I aimlessly stumbled around the apartment with no luck, and I came to the conclusion that I would have to turn to my brother for help. I had begun to notice how nervous and quiet he had been getting around Emily and I, not to mention how pissed I was when I found out he had spent two whole days with her and I had barely enough time to even wish her a good morning. But he could've heard her get up...and I really didn't have much of a choice.

So, hesitantly, I approached his bedroom door and raised my hand to knock. But before I did, I was startled by a hushed yell coming from the other side. "He has to know!" I heard a female voice whisper harshly, causing me to frown. In curiosity, I quietly opened the door and peaked inside, eyes widening when I saw who was sitting on Edwards bed with him.

"I still think he shouldn't find out, not this soon at least. You know how he'll react!" Edward snapped bitterly at a distraught-looking Emily, her eyes frantic and her hair wild. "You know I can't do that Ed! I have to tell him!" She snapped back, equally bitter. It took me a second before I realized who they were talking about, and my confusion only deepened when I realized it was me.

I pushed the door open the rest of the way, Ed and Emily's heads turning sharply in my direction. "Tell me what?" I asked innocently, walking forward slowly and stopping next to the bed. "I-I um, well, you see-" Emily began, but Ed cut her off. "Look Haz, we didn't want you to find out...but we're trying to organize your Birthday Party. But I guess you caught us out and you now know." He shrugged and gave a defeated sigh whilst Emily sat in silence.

"Ah, that's too bad." I paused, not convinced, "But are you sure that's all?" I quizzed, sensing that there was something else that they weren't telling me. Ed slowly nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, that's it. We're terrible at keeping secrets, so it would've gotten out eventually." He shrugged, giving me a half smile. I looked over at Emily and noticed that she was looking down at her hands, not uttering a word. "You okay Em?" I asked softly, ignoring Ed's presence.

She looked up at me with a stunned gaze, looking ever innocent. "Um, yeah, I'm fine! Just a bit upset that you find out." She smiled unconvincingly before dropping her gaze and sliding off the bed. "You wanna get ready to go out? You said you were talking me somewhere today." She asked, grinning brightly.

I shook my head in a daze and blinked. "Oh, yeah. Um, let's go get ready." I replied before I turned to an angry-looking Edward shooting daggers at me, causing me to physically pull back as if I had been stung. "Um, Ed, we're gonna be out all day today, so take care and if you need anything then give me a buzz. See you."

Earning no less than a nod from my brother, Emily and I left his room and went to get changed. "So, what's the occasion? Casual? Semi-formal?" Emily asked offhandedly as she shuffled through the draws with her clothes. "Swimwear actually." I grinned widely. "But I don't have a costume here!" She whined, turning to me with a frown. "Oh well, just wear matching underwear." I winked and watched as her cheeks turned red before giving me a small nod and turning around, hiding her face and continuing her search.

I hesitantly walked over to her side and placed my hand on her hip, softly turning her to face me. I looked down at her with worry, lifting my hand to stroke her cheek. "Are you okay? You seem tense. We don't have to go out if you don't want to." I murmured, continuing to caress her face. She shook her head, eyebrows dropping over her eyes as she wrapped her arms around me.

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