Darkiplier and Anti

By Thunderthestorm

15.6K 618 235

Partners in crime?....I don't know,Dark and Anti are both friends and known each other for the last....couple... More

Typical day
Wilford Warfstache
Mark and Jack
Dark again!
Normal day
Off to find Dark
Lets leave
We're alive!
Mah fam
The morning after
Breaking in

New home

548 26 19
By Thunderthestorm

Trigger warning-there is a little smol bean in this chapter that will be very sad at the end.May make you cry
Dreamiplier POV
I ran from uncle Dark and Anti until I saw a house!This must be uncle Dark's house!I haven't been here in a long time :3 maybe I should go inside!"I'm home!"I yelled in my best impression of uncle Dark."Dark,are you on helium or something,cause..."Uncle Glitch walked in rubbing his eyes.He also had no pants on.I ran behind the counter in the kitchen and waited for him to walk in.I ran up from behind and grabbed his leg."BOO!"I yelled.He looked down and didn't smile or frown."Aaah.I'm so scared."he said in his normal voice.I got him so good! ^_^

Uncle Glitch walked to the fridge with me hanging onto his leg."Could ya let go now buddy?""Nope!"I giggled.He sighed and shook his head.I let go of his leg and walked around the house.There are so many rooms here!I saw one door that had a sign that said "Google" on it.I wonder what that could be?Maybe it's full of candy!I opened the door.No candy in sight -3-

But,I saw this man with a blue shirt sitting in a corner.His eyes were closed and something was attached to his arm.Above his head was this thing that said 80% in this green box."Hi!Are you awake?"I asked.I walked over to him and poked his arm.His eyes suddenly popped open.

"Are you a resident of this house."he said.He sounds like Dark,only like a robot!"I'm Dreamiplier!Nice 2 meet u :D!""No results in residency for "Dreamiplier".Hostile phase initiated."His eyes glowed red,and these hot lights shot out.I don't wanna stay around and get burned!I ran out of the room while he continuously shot lasers out.

I ran into the kitchen and my face slammed into a leg."Dream!There you are!Don't run  off like that again,ok?"Uncle Dark said,smiling."Uncle Dark!Theres this scawy guy chasing me!He's twying to keel me!"I said hiding behind his leg.He looks confused.I saw that creepy man and pointed at him."Google!Stop!Stop!"Uncle Anti yelled.The man's eyes went back to normal."This is Dreamiplier.Add him to "family"."His eyes glowed blue,and went back to normal after a few seconds."Dreamiplier added."He walked back into his room,and out of my sight.

"Dream,he is Google.He's a robot and he helps around the house.Don't disturb him ok?""Ok!"I smiled."How am I gonna go home now?"I asked.Mommy and daddy are gonna be worried!"Who takes care of you?"Uncle Dark asked."Mom and dad!I found them on the pwaygwound and they said I could live wit dem!"Once again,he looks confused."I imagine them,and they suddenly appear!"Uncle Dark suddenly looked sad when I said that."Oh...where do you live?""I live on the sidewalk!I sleep there too!"he walked out of the room.What was that about?
Dark POV
"Glitch!We need to talk!""Okay.Whats up?""You see,Dreamiplier doesn't have any real parents or people to take care of him.He sleeps on the streets!"Glitch looked sad now."What're we gonna do?"I looked at him."There are extra rooms here at our house..."I started.Glitch's face went pale."Woah woah woah!Nonononono!"He waved both hands at me."Raspy hill is too dangerous for Dream to stay.He is 5.Years.Old!""I know,but I can take care of him!You won't have to do anything!"Glitch thinks for a moment."Fine..."I went back into the kitchen to tell Dream."Ok Dream!"I used the sweetest,most sappy voice I could use."I talked with your mommy and daddy.You'll live with me,uncle Anti,and Glitch now!"I put on the biggest smile ever.Dream's smile faded and his face fell.Oh no.Please don't cry please don't cry please don't cry.....no such luck"I WANT MY MOMMY!!"Dream started crying and fell on the floor.He ran into an empty room and slammed the door.I could hear his crying all the way from downstairs.

"Dream!Please come out!""NO!"he screamed.I groaned and rubbed my face.Ok Dark,how are you gonna tell a five year old that his parents aren't real and he's a demon?"Dream,your adopted?No that wouldn't work..."I said out loud.Come on,think!"Dream,your parents ran away?"Nope.Oh,I got it!"Dream,your parents are dead!"Oh shoot,I said that too loud...
"Wait....what?"a tiny voice said.I turned around and saw Dream looking up at me.I sighed.There's no point hiding it anymore."Dream.Come with me,we need to talk.We walked out the door and into the forest.Great...now to explain what "deceased" means.
Wilford POV
I went back into the house to see Glitch on the couch."Glitch!""What?!"Where's Dark?""I dunno,he went off with Dream or something!"I went to my room and slammed the door behind me.I looked at my closet.The door looks like the door is about to fall off its hinges-
I spoke too soon.Dead bodies lay everywhere.Better clean this up!
(30 minutes later)
The bodies disappeared,but the smell didn't.I heard the sound of sniffling as the front door opened."...so that's what happened.You'll live here now,ok?""Ok..."That's the saddest voice I've ever heard,it almost made me burst out crying.I cracked open the door to see Dark walk up the stairs."Dark,what's wrong?""Dream is gonna live with us now.He found out about his parents."I cringed.Thats gotta be tough on him....especially since he's 5."He'll get over it.""Yeah!In another 6 years!"Dark said.He has a point.

Dream POV
I went to the room where Dark told me to go.I opened the door,and there was a bed in there.That's it.No table,no paint on the walls,just a bed,pillow,and blanket.I lay there and pulled the blanket over my head."I miss you...mom and dad..."I said.I feel sleepy.Maybe...I should...zzzzzzzz......

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