
By rydellingtonstuff

2.1K 289 120

Things were going great in college for Ellington Ratliff. Well that was until badass Rydel Lynch strutted int... More

Chapter one.
Chapter three.
Chapter four.
Chapter five.
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine.
Chapter ten.
Chapter eleven.
Chapter twelve.
Chapter thirteen.
Chapter fourteen.
Chapter fourteen. - part two.
Chapter fifteen.
Chapter sixteen.

Chapter two.

168 17 3
By rydellingtonstuff

Ellington pulled the pillow tighter over his ears, groaning. The haunting echo of the music from surrounding dorms went on into early hours of the morning, patronisingly. This happened almost every weekend and it was beginning to annoy him. He wasn't against parties or having fun but he was so sleep deprived that it agitated him. He rolled over, pulling the blanket up higher over his head in a desperate attempt to conceal more of the noise.

A loud tapping noise filled the air and Ellington sat up like a shot, partially curious and partially petrified that his classmates could hear his thoughts and were out to get him. The tapping noise continued as he slid out of bed and lightly treaded towards the window, the tapping sound getting louder every step he took.

He pulled the curtains back abruptly and his eyes widened in shock.

There she was. The new girl. She was sat, perched on the thick window ledge two stories up. It wasn't exactly dangerous because he did it all the time but he wondered how she had gotten up there. He pushed the window open, looking at her.

"Hey." She said casually, swinging her legs inside. She was wearing exactly the same clothes as earlier except her shirt was lightly stained with some kind of liquid and he honestly didn't want to know.

"Can I help you?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest as the cold drifted inside, nipping at his bare skin.

"Yes actually. Yes you can. You're coming with me." She instructed firmly, her eyes radiating some kind of warmth and reassurance that her voice didn't.

"Where to?" He questioned, rubbing his hands together slightly to warm them up. He was definitely not an adventurous kind of person.

"Rule number one. No questions." She stated, flicking her hair over her shoulders.

He shook his head, climbing back into bed. "Then no thanks. I don't really want to."

She allowed herself to climb into his room, pacing back and forth. "The way I see it, you don't have any friends. I'm new and kind of a lone wolf anyway. You should be honoured that I'm willing to take you with me."

He sighed, propping himself up on his elbows. "I don't really have a choice, do I?"

A sly smile appeared on her face for a few seconds. "No you do not."

He threw off the covers and wandered over to his closet in search of some clothes. "Nice spongebob pjs." She chuckled, crossing her arms over her chest and raising an eyebrow.

"Do you want me to come with you or not?" He questioned, selecting some jogging pants and a t-shirt.

She didn't say anything, picking at her black nail polish.

"I'm Ellington by the way." He said, holding out his hand for her to shake.

She took it and gripped it firmly. "Rydel. Rydel Lynch."

As soon as she let go of his hand, he shook it out, grimacing a bit in discomfort. "quite a strong grip you have." he grumbled, putting the shirt over the one he was wearing.

A chuckle escaped from her lips as she watched him. "Hurry up dude. we gotta go soon.

He pulled off his pjs and replaced them with his jogging pants a quite a phenomenal speed.

"That was fast." She gasped, walking towards the window as climbing out into the ledge.

"Well when you get wedgies a lot, you learn to be fast." He told her, stuffing his pockets with a few things from his top drawer by his bed before walking over to the window and standing by her. "Do we have to go through the window?"

She made eye contact with him, winking one of her mysterious eyes in a way that made him feel a weird feeling inside. "Rule number one. No questions." She reminded him, moving along the ledge so there was room for him to climb out too.

He crawled out of the window and onto the ledge, gripping onto the edge of the window as tightly as he could as a wave of fear washed over him.

She looked at him and lifted his chin, directing his gaze in her direction. "Watch and then copy."

She looked down at the floor that was several metres below them and a lot further down than it seemed. She squatted slightly before jumping off the edge and plummeting towards the ground very gracefully. She rolled on the floor like some sort of secret agent before dusting off her jacket and getting to her feet. She looked up at him. "Your turn."

"What?! Are you insane?! I'll die!" He exclaimed, sounding terrified. His legs began to tremble and he closed his eyes thinking he was going to faint.

"Ellington! Look at me!" She yelled up to him and he slowly opened his eyes. "Trust me. Jump."

That's all it took.

He jumped off the ledge and fell towards the ground, closing his eyes tightly as he fell. "I'm so gonna die." He told himself as he hit the floor.

And then bounced up into the air again.

"What the-" he gasped, opening his eyes to see himself land on the trampoline flatly. She leaned over him, grabbing his hand firmly and pulling him to his feet with a wicked smile plastered on her face.

"Did you really think I would let you die?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yes! I could gave died! How did you know I was going to land on that tiny trampoline!" He yelled at her, gesturing wildly to the trampoline and then at her.

"Oh relax dude. Just be a little rebellious."

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