Irresistible [Lirry] EDITING!

By hopeangel11

124K 3.2K 277

One Direction Fanfic! [AU] Liam Payne + Harry Styles = Lirry Stayne! <3 Vampire (Harry) and human (Liam) l... More

Irresistible [Lirry]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 19

2.8K 90 3
By hopeangel11

Chapter 19

*Harry's POV*


Liam was pretty shaken after the whole birthing incident. He was definitely scarred; he says it all the time. After the baby came out crying, Liam wrapped a towel around it and gave him to Ruth. He was just silent, looking at nothing with a shocked expression on his face. He couldn't even look at his sister the same way again. It was funny, but this is my boyfriend. I can't laugh at his face. But I don't mind laughing around him.

Liam has been avoiding his sister and the baby for the whole month. He even avoids going home as much as possible. He calls home and tells his mum that he's staying at my house, and she just laughs and says, "Fine. But you'll be home when Nicola gets here next week."

Liam groans and lies back on my bed. "Why are they coming too? Isn't there enough hormones and estrogen in the house?" Liam complained. I just watched him, playing with his hand and hair as I laid beside him.

"Liam, you have to face your sister some time about this. It was just a baby you helped her with. Your nephew, might I add," Karen said.

"She'll have to wait until I can get those horrible images from my head. That'll probably take the rest of my life. Think she can wait that long?" he said, making me chuckle.

"At least help take care of your nephew. You know, Danny misses you. Come home and hold him; even for a minute," Karen said.

"Mum, need I remind you that I was the first to actually hold him when he was born. I don't need to be reminded of that again. He was crying and bloody...and he scarred me," Liam said and I laughed, kissing his fingers. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Fine, be stubborn, Liam. But you will be home when Nicola comes, whether you like it or not."

"Mum, if that's your way of telling me that I have to help her with HER baby this time, I am absolutely not going home," Liam stated.

Karen laughed and said, "Not yet, hunny. She's only 2 months away from it though. And be happy she's coming with Kyle. He missed you so much."

Liam sighed and said, "He's lucky he's my first nephew and I didn't help Nicola give birth to him."

"Yes, you almost did though. Okay, I have to go help Ruth with Danny. Bye sweetie! Have fun at Harry's!" Karen exclaimed.

"Use protection!" I heard someone call out from the other end. Sounded like Ruth. Liam rolled his eyes and hung up.

I leaned into him and kissed his lips. He slowly kissed back and I wrapped an arm around him. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I rolled on top of him. I really like kissing Liam. It feels so right. I could this forever, but Liam always ends up pulling away. I understand why. Everytime I try to take things a bit further, he freaks out and tells me he's not ready. I can't blame him though. He is only 16. I may be 118, and I've never been laid, but that doesn't mean I'm not sure I want Liam to be my first. I am absolutely sure he's the one.

But surprisingly today, he lets me take things a bit further. I slid my hand up his shirt to feel his abs and chest. He shivers and I pull at the hem of his shirt. He didn't stop me, moaning in my mouth. I smiled into our kiss and quickly broke away to pull his shirt off.

Liam looked at me and I pulled my shirt off too before I kissed him again. I felt his hands go down from my neck, to my arms and now my torso. I moaned and pulled him closer, making him moan back.

Then there was a knock on my door and Liam immediately pulled away. I growled and called out, "What, Louis?"

Louis chuckled on the other side and said, "I know you're both busy with 'homework', but dinner's ready. Save it for dessert."

Liam blushed and I rolled off him. He got off the bed and grabbed his shirt. He tugged it on, throwing mine back to me. I sighed and said, "We'll be down."

"I said save it until after dinner for dessert! Not finish it quickly!" Louis exclaimed jokingly, laughing to himself. "And Liam, Milo and Nyko are calling you. I think they need to go on a walk or they're hungry. They won't stop pacing at the stairs."

"Probably both. I'm coming," Liam said and headed to the door. I followed him, taking his hand.

He opened the door and we found Louis smirking at us; especially at me. I rolled my eyes at him and pulled a blushing Liam down the stairs. Milo and Nyko barked happily when they saw Liam, and smiled, petting them.

"I know you're hungry. Come here," Liam said to them and they follwed us to the kitchen.

My family greeted us and Liam smiled back. "Chicken or dog food?" Mum asked him.

He looked at Milo and Nyko, who were just sticking their tongues out at him. "Chicken. I think they hate dog food now. Spoiled dogs," Liam replied.

We laughed and I pulled him to sit at the table with everyone else. Milo and Nyko followed Liam and sat in either side of him. They started standing up and taking food from Liam's plate. He scolded them, but they just barked happily at him. 

I've noticed they've been bugging Liam a lot this month. Ever since the birthing incident, Milo and Nyko have been bothering Liam constantly. They've been sticking their noses on him and barking when he walks out the house. Liam was just trying to get away from Ruth and the baby. I think Milo and Nyko understand that though. They probably just want him to get over it. They keep following him everywhere; even at school. No one minded though; neither did I. They kept growling whenever someone would try and talk to him, and Liam wouldn't mind either. They happily kept the desperados away from him.

I think Liam's feels suffocated by Milo and Nyko though. They're constantly around him. They even try to go in the washroom with him, but Liam would tell them to get out. I just think it's funny! They're right though. Liam needs to face Ruth and the baby some time soon. He's related to them.

"No! Milo! Nyko! Stop that! Your food is over there. Go eat it," Liam scolded them and pointed at the bowls by the fridge. They walked over after licking Liam's arms and Liam sighed in relief.

We laughed and I said, "Li, I think they're trying to tell you to go home and spend time with Ruth and Danny."

Liam shook his head and groaned. "No, absolutely not. I can't. That will make things worse."

"As much as Harry loves sleeping with you, he's actually letting you go home to your family instead of staying with him. That's guts, Liam," Louis said jokingly and I glared at him.

"Was is really that bad? That was your sister and your nephew," El asked.

"Don't. That's why it's worse. And the fact that I had to do that when I'm only 16 makes it that much more scarring," Liam said.

We laughed and Mum said, "You'll get over it, Liam. At least you'll be able to say that you helped deliver him when he's older."

"I don't think I will ever bring that up. Ruth and Callum can tell him that all he wants. I can just deny it," Liam retorted.

"I'm sure you will. Or maybe you'll just be proud of yourself for that in the future. I don't know any other 16 year olds that have done that before," I said to make him smile.

He just frowned some more. "That's because other teenagers avoid that situation as much as possible. Because it's smarter to not get stuck with horrible images."

I chuckled and stood up with him to put our dishes away. "At least you can say you've done it before, if anyone asks," I said playfully.

"Let's hope no one asks then," Liam stated. Milo and Nyko walked to his feet and Liam pointed to the door. They barked and ran there, Liam following them. I walked after them to the door and stood by the wall as he put their leashes on.

If someone would walk in here, they would think Liam was part of this family and lives here. He's been staying over here for a month and I don't mind at all; neither does my famly. They've grown so used to seeing Liam walk in and out, with Milo and Nyko, that it feels so normal. I've grown so used to being with Liam for the past month, that the thought of him leaving hurts me.

"Come on boys! Let's go," Liam said to Milo and Nyko, who barked and tugged at the leashes to get out the door. 

I frowned and Liam looked at me. "Wanna come with us? You know you can," he asked me.

I smiled at him and shook my head. "I'm okay. Just don't take too long on your walk," I replied, kissing his lips. He kissed back and pulled away after a full minute. 

"We'll be back in 20 minutes, maybe 30 if they don't run," he said and walked out the door. I closed the door and heard happy barks from Milo and Nyko.

I heard footsteps behind me and knew it was Louis and El. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, Haz. You're actually jealous of dogs. That's really sad, mate," Louis said.

I sighed and went in the living room, them following me. "Harry, it's okay to miss Liam and everything, but you know he's coming back. He always does," El said as she sat with Louis on the couch.

"Yeah, Haz. They just went for a walk. They aren't taking him that far," Louis said.

"I know. I just...I'm so used to being with him that it bugs me when he's not around. It's like I'll lose him any second," I said tiredly.

"Aw, Harry! You don't have to worry about that. Liam clearly loves you as much as you love him," El cooed at me.

"Yeah, Haz. You make him happy. He gets to stay away from his sister to stay with you. I know you don't mind that," Louis teased.

"I get it. It's just...When Liam talks to Niall and Zayn, it's like he wants to stay away from me after their warnings. I know we've bumped into them a couple times this past month, but we don't do anything wrong," I said.

"What's really bothering you, Haz? I know it's more than that," Louis said seriously.

"I- I think they're trying to get Liam to join the 'Blood Hunters'."

*OOH! Niall and Zayn are trying to get Liam to join the Blood Hunters?! Will Liam accept and turn against Harry?

Drama on the way!

What will happen next?* x

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