Fifth Harmony/you One Shots

By Kashymcgraa

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Nice and lovely one shots with the beautiful and perfect members of Fifth Unison (aka harmony) I also take re... More

shower time*(lauren/you)
mutual agreement*(Dinah/you)
Movie Time * (Normani/You)
Tattooed Heart (Lauren/You)
Temporary Bliss(Ally/You)
Too Hot * (Camila/You)
Not the way it was imagined * (Dinah/You)
Late Nights * (Normani/You)
The Succubus*(Lauren/You)
The Fall and Everything After*(Ally/you)
The Time(Camila/You)
Shower Fun* (Normani/You)
Knot Romantic*(Lauren/You)

Kissy Revenge (Dinah/You)

950 14 0
By Kashymcgraa

"No, No and No Y/LN!"

"What now Dinah?!" Y/N grouches in annoyance "I did what you told me!"

"Correction, you heard what I told you" The polly bites back, an air of condescension in her words "That however doesn't mean you actually carried out the damn task!"

"I did too!"

"Oh really?" Dinah asked mockingly "Let's recap Y/L/N, shall we? I told you that when you head for a kiss you DON'T fucking go right in; you need to ease into it, don't think too much into this, no kiss is ever good if you worry too much, you need to be calm and briefly look into the eyes of the person you want to kiss. I.E. ME, don't purse your lips. Keep them softly parted, not so much that you could breathe comfortably through the opening, but enough that you could bite your bottom lip easily"

"That's what I did!"

"Y/L/N you just took a big ass bite out of my lips!" Dinah pointed out "And while I love the feeling of pain in any part of my body it won't get you to second base now try again!"

The smaller girl did as she was told and learned forward, "Amazing... Just amazing... Four months and she's still not satisfied with how I kiss"

"Well? Get to it Y/L/N" Jade ordered sharply "chop chop!"

"You know I don't appreciate you being all ganky over you kisses"

"You call that kissing?!"

"Yes as a matter of fact I do!"

"Is that so?" Dinah asked tauntingly "Because it felt more like sucking to me"

"Hey! That's not nice!"

"I'm not a nice person Y/L/N" The taller girl said bluntly "You asked for my help and I'm giving you the full Dinah-Jane teaching experience, insults and nasty remarks free of charge"

"Gee, thanks" Y/N said sarcastically.

"You're welcome" The Polly teased back "But the bottom line here is this, you want to learn to kiss? Good for you; but obviously you can't be self-taught, I felt your kisses and they leave too much to be desired"


"So out of the goodness of my heart I taken such a monumental task to make your lips feel all the more enjoyable"

"You have a heart?" Y/N chortled.

"Yes and I'm about to have two if you don't shut up"

The smaller Y/H/C puts both her hands over her chest, it was a self-defence gesture but that most likely wouldn't have done much good since she wouldn't put it past the Polly to rip her heart out with a pair of rusty scissors.

"Trust me by the time we're done, you'll kiss better than Camila!"

"And how do you know how well Camila kisses?" Y/N asked suspicionsly.

"Who do you think taught her? Lauren?!"Dinah asked back "Unfortunately had I known she was going to smack lips with Mendez in the end then I probably wouldn't have gone all the way on my teachings"

"You think so highly of yourself don't you?"

"My dear Y/L/N, I am a person of many, many talents" The polly said with a smug smile " You of all people should know that, specially after the midnight kiss I gave you on the roof that night"

The goofy smile that made it's way into the smaller girl's face was testament that she remembered the "New Years" kiss very fondly.

"That being said, I just didn't think it would take this long for you to learn to kiss... Scratch that, you haven't learned, period"


"Ah ah ah!" The polly said with a patronising move of her index finger "No skipping to passionately yelling out my name, you won't get to third base unless you lean how to use that mouth of yours properly"

Y/N was flushed, if slightly nervous, but still very determined to go through with this. It really was a simple mechanical process to lean in and meet Dinah's lips with her own.

"Yeah, simple"

Y/N went ahead, she moved forward and both her lips and her friend's connected, the smaller girl moved her tongue very slowly, as if trying to gain access to Dinah's mouth, something the Poly permitted without a hitch.

After several seconds they parted ways, Y/N slowly moved her head backwards with her eyes closed for effect, she felt as if she finally nailed it, that Dinah would finally praise her efforts.


The tanned girl smacked her lips together "You still suck"

"Oh come on!" Y/N moaned "You have got to be kidding me!"

"You gotta make me want more Y/L/N" Dinah said matter of factly "I have to feel like I'm turning into puddy and whatever the hell you just did to me wasn't a kiss, it felt as if an octopus was trying to lay eggs in my throat"

"Ok, now I know you're just saying that to get under my skin"

"Umm, yes that is an added bonus" Dinah admitted coyly "But you still can't kiss"

"Well I want a second opinion!"

"Who else are you going to ask Y/L/N?" The tan teen asked with an eye roll "There is only a handful of people who have kissed you besides me and I highly doubt you'll get an honest answer from those two douchebags Stephen and Ryder"

Y/N scowled.

"I could ask Shawn"

"Right, because you want to admit that Mendez got anywhere near your lips, smart move Y/L/N"

"He kissed you too remember?"

"He didn't kiss me!" Dinah snarled angrily "He trip over me and the fucking satellite made it seem like he..." She shudders "Kiss me... Oh god I think I'm gonna hurl"

"I could ask Normani"

Dinah's eyes narrowed dangerously "Oh no, you are not going to go to my ex-girlfriend and ask her how well you kiss!"

"Why not?" Y/N challenged "Afraid that she might give me an honest answer?"

"Honest my ass!" Dinah snarled "She could try to kiss you!"

Y/N shrugged "So?"

"SO?" Dinah bellowed out "I won't allow it!"

"I don't think you can tell me who I can and can't kiss" Y/N said evenly "You're not my girlfriend"


"How?"" The smaller girl asked angrily "Tell how is not relevant? Last I checked you aren't I aren't together, we simply kiss out of convenience and to tell you the truth I'm sick of you putting down my kissing abilities!"

"That's because you can't do it right!" Dinah snapped back "I keep telling you over and over the same thing and you won't apply the instructions to your kisses, do you want to br known as a crappy kisser? Because if that's the case you are doing a fine job at it!"

"Wow... Nice Dinah, real nice"

Without another word Y/N got her backpack from the floor and left the Poly's house, but not before telling her one final thing.

"Besa mis nalgas"

She angrily slammed the front door after that.

Dinah knew enough Spanish to figure out that Y/N had basically told her to kiss her butt.



February 14

"It's only 8:30 and I already know this stupid day is going to blow" Dinah muttered with a huff as she drove to school, she hated this pointless time of the year more than she hated her father's attempt to get her to follow in his footsteps.

Valentine's Day was in Dinah's negative opinion just a materialistic holiday simply made by the big corporations to not only make an easy Buck but also to remind her of how stupid it was to set a specific date to show affection for that special someone when in reality you could do that just about every single day of your life.

Not that she had anyone to be affectionate with.

"Goddamn it... I just had to go there didn't I?"

It had been a week since the smaller had unceremoniously stormed out of her house and to be completely honest with herself, Dinah probably shouldn't have gone overboard, or more accurately she shouldn't have mercilessly taunted Y/N's kissing so many times.

Not that she was ever going to say she was wrong... About anything!

However she couldn't deny that at least Y/N had a point; things would be different if they were dating but unfortunately they weren't, they weren't even on friendly terms as of late so she had no right to tell Y/N who she could and couldn't kiss, not that she was about to admit that to the other brunette.

The Poly however knew she had to do something, after their fight Y/N had give Dinah the cold shoulder and it was horrible, it drove Dinah completely mad when Camila or Lauren or whoever talked to the smaller girl she was all sweet and happy but when Dinah tried to engage in conversation Tori's personality took a 180 degree turn to cold and distant.

Dinah loathed that so very much.

"Great move Hansen" She berated herself "Pissing off your crush, what the hell was I thinking?! Oh that's right that you thought it was fan-fucking-tasting to see her squirm under your insults"

Dinah hits the wheel of her car angrily.

"I gotta fix this"

A few horns from the cars behind her destructed her from her train of thoughts, so in return she simply gave the other drivers the finger.

As soon as Dinah made it to Hollywood Arts she parked her car in her "reserved" parking space, one that she had managed to acquire due to easy intimidation of the school's faculty and student body alike.

The Poly got out of her car rather tensely, she knew what she had to do snd she didn't like it but it was her only choice.. She had to... Tell Y/N that she was.. Sorry.

Dinah made a face at that despicable option, but it was the only one available if she was going to get a chance to continue feeling those smooth sexy lips against hers in lessons to come and more.

"Damn it Y/L/N, what have your kisses dove to me?" The Thespian thought angrily "There has to be something in those lips that made me go all Gaga for you... Otherwise I wouldn't even contemplate giving you any sort of an apology"

Had Dinah being paying attention she probably would have notice a very specific paper on a nearby pole, not that it mattered because there were more on the bulletin board, Windows, etc.

The scary Poly however managed to miss every one due to her deep train of thoughts along with the facts that many, many students were making way so she would walk past them and not be responsible for the chaos that would ensure any moment now.

Dinah's inner thoughts were only broken when a big piece of paper hit her on the face.

"Ugh, crap" Dinah said in annoyance, grabbing the offended item from her face she continued to grouched "Why the hell don't people just put the damn trash... Where it...belongs"

It was then that Dinah saw the contents of what the paper held.

"What the fuck?!"

Her hands were shaking in rage "Oh no she didn't"


Dinah ripped the piece of paper into itty bitty pieces and then ran towards the cafeteria.

She had to give a certain girl a piece of her mind.

If anyone was to put the ripped pieces back together they would have seen a photo of a smiling Tori Vega and underneath it were big bold letter with a single question.

"Want to kiss Y/F/N?"

Bellow that was the location of a kissing booth.

Yup, Dinah was blazing mad right about now.

Said Poly angrily stomped her way towards the gym, scaring poor students as she made it to her destination.

"Screw it with the apology, I'm going to kills her!"

Once in front of the Hollywood Arts Gym Dinah kicked it open with her boot, what she saw made Dinah want to strangle her crush, her left eye twitching uncontrollably for effect that she was not being able to suppress her rage.

"Count back from from ten" She thought trying to calm herself, she needed to be calm in order to talk to Y/N otherwise it would be a repeat of what happened last week.

"10... 9...8...7...6...5..."

"Ok, everyone just a few more minutes" Y/N said sweetly "The kissing booth will open as soon as the clock hits 9"

"Aw fuck it.. I tried"


Y/N took over eyes off from the murmuring crowd, only to be meet with a pair of very brown eyes.

"Hi Dinah" She said coldly.

"You can take your hi and shove it up you ass!" The Poly replied ominously "What the hell is all this?!"

To empathise her question, Dinah angrily moved her hands all over the kissing booth which was crudely constructed, but it didn't matter, all over the poorly painted wood were close-up photos of a very teasing girl with the words "Want to kiss me?" And the price of one dollar.

"Isn't it obvious Dinah?" Y/N asked rhetorically "People come, they give me money and in return I let them kiss me"



"Are you freaking kidding me?!"

"Nope, every cent goes to the school so they can bribe some other school to take Mallory away from here"

"There is no amount Hollywood Arts could give that would make that possible" Dinah sneered. "And you said charity, paying so done to take Mallory isn't exactly charitable"

"It is for the school" Y/N shrugged "Now go away I'm about to be open for business"

"I'm not going anywhere!" Dinah snapped "And I'm not letting you kiss anyone else!"

"Yeah well there's nothing you can do about it, I got a press pass and unlike you who has to be in class all day I can stay here so just about any student can come here and kiss me as long and many times as they want to"

"You... Y/L/N... This..."

The poly teen then exploded with a bloody scream.

"What's the matter Dinah?" Y/N teased "Afraid done one could do a better job than you?"

"Ok that it!" She bellowed madly, drool coming out of her mouth.

"Holy smokes, she could make a pitbull go running with its tail between his legs"

Dinah got in front of the line, much to the chagrin and irritating of the students behind her, but a scattering glare shit everyone up.

As she muttered swear words under her breath, the Poly girl got a dollar out if her purse and puts it on the counter.

"Ok, Y/L/N, I'll play your little game" Dinah growled dangerously "Here's your money, now I believe you owe me a kiss?"

"Sorry it's not enough" Y/N said evenly.

"What are you talking about?!" Dinah snapped "It's a dollar! Of course it's enough!"

"Not for you it isn't" The smaller girl replied, she then wrote something down on a piece of paper and with ducktape put it next to the one dollar price.

Dinah-Jane Hansen: 50 dollars.

Everyone else: 1 dollar.

Needless to say, Dinah was not amused, in fact she was right down furious.

"Are... You... Fucking... KIDDING ME?!"

"Nope, so unless you got the remaining 49 dollars, I'm going to have to ask you to stand aside and let others to ahead"

Dinah's left eye began to teach uncontrollably at the smaller girl's sudden backbone.

"Fine... You asked for it"

She turned around to meet the crowd "Anyone who is stupid enough to stay in the next five seconds will get the sharp end of a pair of scissors... " Dinah threatened ominously "Five... Four... Three..."

Everyone ran out of the gym before she made it to one.

"Good... As for you Y/L/N... I gave a few things I... WHAT THE HELL?!"

Somehow, someone had managed to sneak passed Dinah's very scary defence because a very familiar head of raven hair was on a full make out session with Y/N.


Dinah's voice did very little to break the kiss between the two girls, in actuality it only served to intensify it.

"How did this happen?" Dinah asked "I didn't even see her in the fucking line!"

As soon as both girls parted lips, a very smug Y/N gave Dinah a coy smirk, Lauren however frowned a bit.

"Um Y/N?"

"Yeah Lo?"

"Would it hurt your feelings if I told you that your a bad kisser?"

"Uh... What?"

After hearing her best friend say that to Y/N it made Dinah start laughing uncontrollably at this turn of events "Ok, maybe I won't kill Jauregui for this"

"Lauren! I tried my very best on that kiss!"

"I'm sorry but Y/N, your lips feel weird!"

"Weird, how?"

"Like I'm kissing a pineapple under the sea"

Dinah just began to laugh harder, which resulted in getting a nasty look from the smaller girl"

"It's ok Lauren" Y/N said dissapointed "Thanks for being honest at least, guess I'll have to try harder"

That made Dinah stop laughing.

"The next kiss is on the house" Y/N said "Want another one Lo?"

"Okay cool! Free Kiss!"

As both girls were getting closer, Dinah had grabbed the pale girl by the arm and shoved her out of the gymnasium "Ok, Lauren thanks for coming, Dinah doesn't need any help I'll take it from here!"

"But I didn't get my.."

She didn't get to finish her sentence since the Poly has slammed the door in her face, Dinah then turned around, evilly glaring at her crush.

"Ok, Y/N listen to me and listen to me well... I don't like you kissing other people, be it guys or girls and if you don't get out of that kissing booth then I will burn it to the ground!"

Y/N however didn't hear the other girl's very real treath, she simply looked down at her hands snd sighed dejected "Looks like you were right"

"What are you babbling about this time?"

Y/N looked at Dinah with hurt eyes "That I can't kiss"

"Y/L/N, I never said you couldn't kiss" The Poly replied tiredly "I said, you suck at it, which means there is still room for improvement"

"Is that suppose to make me feel better?"

"Y/L/N... Y/N... I may have done this the wrong way"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean..." Dinah sighed in defeat "Look, your not a terrible kisser, you aren't good by any means but you aren't bad either I just was giving you a hard time over the whole thing"

"Why?" Y/N asked "So you could have some fun at my expense?"

"That's partly it" The Thespian admitted reluctantly "But a more truthful part is that if ai kept telling you that you stunk then you wouldn't want to kiss anyone else"

Y/N's jaw dropped "Are you for real?"

"Yes! I don't want you kissing anyone else but me!"

"Why not?"

"Because... I um... The thing is..."

"What Dinah?" What?"

"I like you ok!" The Poly admitted "I fucking like you and I don't like seeing you kiss anyone else! It fucking drives me insane!"

Y/N smiled mischievously, she got another piece of paper from under the booth and started to write something with a magic marker again, once she finished she ducktape do the sheet of paper over the one she put not too long ago.


The poly read the latest sign, she raised an eyebrow at the peppy girl behind the booth, who kept smiling like an idiot,.

"Listen Dinah, I know you and I have lots to talk about but for now... Would you be my Valentine?"

"You Dork"

"So... Is that a no?"

It didn't take long for the tan Poly to start kissing her.

"Guess that answers my question"

"Your mine Y/L/N, bad kisses or not, your mine"

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