
By thenextstep774

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After being kidnapped at the age of fifteen for ten years, Richelle Jackson finally escapes. She makes her wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 // Finale

Chapter 17

1.1K 54 61
By thenextstep774

Noah's pov
As I go to turn the tap on, I can't help but wonder how Richelle's accident happened. I mean, Amanda said that she fell, but Richelle's very cautious! When we used to hang out together, I almost fell down the exact same stairs, but she caught me. And she always takes one step at a time, making sure that nothing bad happens. I do find it hard to believe that she fell, Richelle has never had an accident in her life!

Wait a minute....if Richelle caught me that one time, couldn't Amanda have caught her? She was right beside her when I walked in and Richelle was tumbling down the stairs! She could've easily put her hand out to catch her! But...but...but she didn't. What? What am I thinking? Of course Amanda would've caught her! Maybe there wasn't enough time to catch her. I don't know, but something seems odd about this whole accident.

Once I've run Richelle's bath, I make sure that it's a nice temperature; not too hot, or too cold. I also filled the bath with bubbles when I first turned the tap on, apparently females can relax in them! I don't know how, they annoy the heck out of me!

Okay, all I need is Richelle! So, I walk out of the bathroom, and through the hallway, passing a few photos framed on the wall. I stop to look at them, and see one of me and Rich- wait a moment, what's this? I squint my eyes at the picture, and see that an 'x' is drawn on Richelle's face. What! Who did that? I certainly didn't, Richelle definitely won't have, so....Amanda? What? That doesn't make any sense! Why would she? Wait a moment! This is all making sense to me now! I thought that Amanda could've caught Richelle from falling, and she didn't! And I know that Richelle is cautious about things like that, so she wouldn't have tripped! Did Amanda....did Amanda push Richelle down the stairs? Does she want to get rid of her? Is that why there's an 'x' over Richelle's face? Oh gosh! I have to ask Richelle if I'm right!

As quick as a flash, I dart into the living room where Richelle is lying, looking as unhappy as someone can be. I take one look at the stairs, and one look at Richelle before crouching down beside her and asking, "Richelle, did you really trip down the stairs?"

With a now slightly scared looking face, she hesitates before replying with, "Yes."
"Richelle, I was best friends with you for years. I can still remember how you lie; you hesitate. Now, why are you lying to me?"
"I...I can't say."
"Not even to me? Don't you trust me?"
"Of course I trust you! I just don't want to face the consequences if I tell the tr-"

She stops herself before saying the last word. Her head turns away from me and she begins to look flustered. So she didn't trip! I've got her now! She has to confess! But, I can't be too harsh with her, I just want the truth.

"Richelle," I begin, gently lifting her chin up so she's directly looking at me in the eyes, "I need you to tell me the truth. Whatever you say, stays between you and me, okay?"
"Okay," she agrees, finally giving in, "Amanda pushed me."

"I knew it!"
"I figured it out, I'll explain later. But, before you enjoy your relaxing bath, I need to ask you a question."
"What's that?"
"Why did she push you?"
"Because I was, and still am, wearing her clothes! She didn't know that you let me borrow them and she got angry at me before because-"

She stops herself again, not wanting to reveal the next few words. Don't stop now Richelle! This is getting juicy! Ugh, I should've told Amanda that I let Richelle borrow her clothes!

"Go on," I say, giving her a hand gesture to represent my words.
"I can't."
"And why not?"
"Because I don't want you to get mad."
"I won't get mad with you, Richelle. You can tell me!"
"Okay, I saw Amanda sneak out last night!"
"Quite late, you were asleep."
"Wait, so what you said earlier is true?"
"Noah, I'd never make something like that up!"
"I know you wouldn't, thank you for telling me. I know what I need to do."
"Don't tell her I told you!"
"Of course I won't! When you get out of the bath, we can think of a plan to see where she goes, if she goes tonight that is. How do I not wake up? Will you wake me up if she goes?"
"Of course! I'll try my best to move, considering I can't now..."
"Oh yeah, we'll think about that when you get out of the bath."

And with that being discussed, I gently lift Richelle off the sofa and into my arms, carrying her like a baby down the hallway and into the bathroom. I already left her pyjamas out for her to change into, so hopefully she can climb out of the tub herself because, well, it will be extremely awkward if I have to help her out the tub, considering the fact that she'll be naked....yeah, I'm not going to think about that anymore.

So, once she thinks that she can handle it from there, I walk out of the room and change into my pyjamas. Time to start thinking....

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