
By sunsetsoverscars

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Adel had always looked up to the heroes of her favorite TV show, Bleach. The confidence, the fighting, it all... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chater Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
OOC Nombre 2
Chapter Forty-Eight

Chapter Thirty

1.6K 44 7
By sunsetsoverscars

“Hey guys,” I said, speaking to the little boys. They turned quickly at the sound of a female’s voice and their eyes widened to saucers. I wanted to puke; these boys are like eleven and ALREADY perverts…I’ll have to keep Yuzu and Karin away from them. 

I bent down to their level. “I’m looking for my, uh, friend and I was wondering if you’ve seen him. He’s a highschooler, orange hair, still wearing a uniform. You seen anyone like that?”

They were silent for a bit before one started to respond. “Uh…we haven’t seen anyone like that, lady. Sorry.”

Another one looked at me strangely. I unfortunately noticed he was holding what seemed to be the Japanese equivalent of Playboy. I looked at it, disgusted, but moved on. 

“Is he your boyfriend or somethin’?” One of them asked. I glanced at him as he spoke: glasses, a cocky grin, and an Elvis-style haircut. I snorted as I realized he looked like a mix of a video game nerd and a total douchebag. 

“As if,” I responded bluntly, looking to the side. I noticed the orange streak overhead and knew he was listening. “He wishes. Thanks anyway, guys. I found him.” I glanced up to Kon, who looked surprised at my noticing of his presence. I waved and grinned. “Hey! Get ‘cher ass down here, idiot!”

He seemed to be thinking for a minute on whether to listen to me or not, but eventually he shrugged in indifference and lept down. I chuckled as I saw the boys’ looks of terror and amazement as they saw him “drop from the sky.” 

I grabbed his hand and tried to drag him away. “Come on,” I pleaded. “We need to get back to school.”

I expected him to come back with some smart-ass comment, but he was completely silent, something so rare that it made me a bit wary. “Come on,” I said, tugging on his arm a bit harder. But he just stared into the sky, as if he was looking for something. 

Suddenly, a GIANT FREAKING HOLLOW appeared, soaring over the other side of the school’s gym and towards us. It looked like a giant centipede, one of my few true fears. I know, a dumb thing to be scared of, but when you wake up in the middle of the night with one on your arm, it kinda leaves a mark on you. So of course, I froze up. I mean, not only was it a centipede, but a FREAKING HUGE ONE. I had no idea what to do. 

Thankfully, Kon did. He grabbed me around the waist and the nerds by their shirt collars and sprinted away. He took us a good two hundred yards before dropping us off and turning to the Hollow. 

“What was that for?” one of the little dorks asked. “What’d we do to you? Jeez, you didn’t have to nearly choke us!” 

He ignored them. “RUN!!” he yelled. 

“Huh?” they chorused. 

“You wanna die?” I yelled to them, picking myself off the ground. “Get the hell away, you little assholes!”

“What the--” one of them asked. Before they could really reply, the Hollow attacked, and Kon fell with a huge gash in his shoulder. 

The boys screamed. 

“Look, guys!” I said. “This is what we mean! Go away! Go hide in the locker room or something!”

They didn’t hesitate to follow my orders. With them running away and gone, I rushed over to Kon, helping him back up. Once he was up, I faced the Hollow. “Hey, dipshit!” I yelled, grabbing its attention. “Over here, lardo!” (A/N: I just noticed how many freaking fight scenes there are. Oh well, that’s shonen manga.)

It obviously didn’t like what I was saying, so the Hollow lunged at me. I quickly dodged and landed a swift kick on its mask. It did almost nothing, but it distracted the beast for a moment. And a moment was all I needed. 

“DAMMIT!” Ichigo (the real one) yelled, slicing one of the Hollow’s arms off. I sighed. Thank God, someone who could actually kill this thing. 

He panted, tired from running across the school to follow the monster. While the Hollow was wincing in pain over its lost appendage, he grabbed Kon’s shirt and pulled him close. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he yell-asked. “That’s my damn body you’re screwing up! Be more careful!”

Kon looked dazedly at him, but quickly grew angry. “I wouldn’t have had to mess up your body if you were HERE! I didn’t have a choice!”

“I’ll eat you all!!” the Hollow, obviously over losing his arm yelled, lunging toward us.

“EAT THIS!!” Kon and Kurosaki yelled simultaneously, Kon kicking the Hollow in the face, Kurosaki swiping him with his zanpaku-to. It was quite a touching, cool moment. I almost kawaii’d (but I’d never do that over idiots like them).

The Hollow fell as it disintegrated. Kon quickly ran up under it and kicked it far away; it flew like James and Jesse from Pokemon. 

Ichigo was seething at more abuse to his physical body, but I squeezed his shoulder. “Look,” I said, speaking to Kon. “Once a Hollow’s head’s been sliced, it’s done for. You didn’t have to kick it.”

Kon blushed deeply. “I…I-I didn’t want it to hit…the ants….”

I looked down at the ground where the Hollow would have hit. And there, just like he said, was a little trail of ants, each carrying a little crumb of bread. 

“I don’t believe it,” Ichigo scoffed rudely. “Ants? You nearly broke my leg for--”

“SO?!” Kon asked angrily. “I…I can’t kill anything!”

“Jeez, Kurosaki!” I yelled, sincerely pissed. “Be a bit more sensitive!”

“I can’t kill anything!” Kon said. “When I was born, the day of my death was set! I mean, I EXIST! I should have the right to live and die freely! How is it fair that some random scientist I don’t know gets to plan my life for me? I have that right! Everything should have that right! That’s why…I can’t kill!”

I put a hand on Kon’s uninjured shoulder, offering solace. He looked up at me and smiled sadly. 

“Well,” another voice called. “Looks like we found you. And you’re already incapacitated, lucky us. We didn’t need all this artillery after all.”

My eyes widened as I glared at the brain of the Bleach series:

Kisuke Urahara.

Kisuke quicky took his staff, a flaming skull on the end printed in blue, and shoved it through Ichigo’s physical head, pushing the mod konpaku pill out of Ichigo’s body. The body quickly went limp and fell to the ground. 

“Okay, guys!” he said cheerily. “Mission accomplished! We can go home now!”

A little boy behind him, his red pointy hair making him look like a little devil, started pitching a fit. “Are you serious?!” he yelled. “I wanted to fight!”

“Wait!” I said. Kisuke and friends turned to me. “What’re you gonna do with him?”

“Well,” Urahara said, his voice now serious and grim. “Isn’t it obvious? I’m gonna destroy it.”

“You can see it…and me…” Ichigo said dazedly. “Just what are you?”

“I’m not sure how to answer--”

“A greedy merchant,” Rukia said, swiping Kon from Urahara’s hand. 

“Miss Kuchiki!” Urahara said excitedly. “You can’t have that?”

“Why not?” she said, tossing it up and down as if it was nothing but a simple child’s marble. “I bought it, what gives you the right to just take it away?”

“I’ll give you a full refund,” he said. 

“It’s alright, Kisuke,” she said smugly. “I’m satisfied with my purchase. And it’s not like you guys are working legally, anyway.”

Kisuke went back to being serious. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Miss Kuchiki.”

“I’m fully aware.” She tossed Kon into my hand. 

“Thanks for saving him,” I said, smiling sadly. 

She grinned back at me. “He’s your responsibility now, it’s the least I could do.”

Kisuke and gang left the scene, afraid of the Soul Society finding the ModSoul and arresting someone, I guess. I held tight onto Kon; now to just find his body. 

It had started to get late, so Rukia, Kurosaki and I decided it was high time to go. I laughed on the way home as I watched the two stare intently at the road, crouched in what can only be described as an “L” pose. They were sitting just like him, I swear!

Kurosaki groaned as we started to walk home. “What’re we gonna do? We can’t find any body to put him in!”

Rukia shrugged. “He might just have to stay in the pill….”

I snorted. “You guys are such morons. The soul doesn’t have to be in an organic body. Watch.” I picked up the stuffed lion--Kon’s true body--in front of me on the ground and popped Kon in. In seconds my chest was surrounded by plush. 

“Nee-san!” Kon yelled, clutching me tightly. “It’s so nice to see you again!”

I grimaced. I’d forgotten how much of a perv Kon was. I peeled him off my shirt and attatched him to my head, where he held on tightly. “Dude, don’t do that again, or I’ll be forced to kill you.”

He was in a state of utter kawaii, so I was positive he didn’t hear me. I sighed and shrugged. What can you do?

“Wait…” Ichigo said surprisedly. “How’d you know that Mod Konpaku don’t have to be in an orgainc body?”

I sweatdropped. I’d forgotten about that. “Um…just a guess? I mean I figured it already had the soul, all it needed was arms and legs. And even some non-organic things have that. Like stuffed animals.”

Ichigo was dubious, but let the subject drop, thank God. I don’t think I could’ve kept that conversation going if he’d asked further.

We all headed home in silence. As we approached Kurosaki Clinic, however, Rukia had to depart so Isshin wouldn’t see her. She still lived in the Clinic, just not to the owner’s knowledge. 

We entered the house almost silently and slipped our shoes off. Upon entry, however, Isshin jumped Ichigo in a roundhouse kick. 

“YOU’RE LATE!” he screeched. Isshin looked to me. “Evening, Adel.”

I smiled and waved, heading further into the house. I saw Babs and Tara chilling on the couch, playing charades with the twins. 

“Hey, guys.” I waved to them.

Tara muttered a “hey” and concentrated further on the girls in the middle of the living room who were swirling their arms like madmen. “Um..OCTOPI! No…RYUUGA HIDEKI!! WAIT…PONYO!!!”

I chucked at her silliness. 

“Hey, what’s with the stuffed animal,” Babs said, pointing at Kon. I panicked a bit, unsure of how to reply. 

“Um…I found him on the street and felt bad for him, so I took him home.”

Babs shrugged and returned to the game. “Just make sure to wash it.” She took one glance at the girls. “Kirarin Revolution.”

“YES!” Karin yelled, finally happy to stop dancing.

“HOW’D YOU GET THAT?!?!?” Tara asked in amazement.

I turned away, the muffled sounds of their argument behind me. I had such idiots for friends.

Isshin and Ichigo both entered the room, Isshin looking contentedly happy and Ichigo looking pissed. He rubbed his head as if he had been hit; knowing Isshin he had dealt his son quite a hit, though.

“So what’s for dinner, guys?” Isshin asked excitedly, rubbing his hands together as if he had just finished an arduous task. I rolled my eyes. 

“Burgers,” Yuzu said from the couch, barely turning to answer her father. 

“Yum!” he said, clapping his hands together childishly. 

I scoffed at him. “I swear, Isshin. It’s like Yuzu’s the parent and you’re the elementary-schooler.”

He pouted at me, his anime puppy-dog eyes flashing dangerously. “B…b-but Adel-chan!!” he whined. “I’m the adult!”

I grinned. I pat his head maternally. “I know, Isshin,” I cooed as if I was speaking to an infant. “You are a big boy! A big, big boy!”

He giggled and a pat his head once more before walking up to my room. I grabbed my book, Jake, Reinvented, and continued from where I left off. 

“When the final score was announced over the loudspeaker, Dipsy charged back in from the parking lot, howling like a madman….”

Before I knew it, I was being called for dinner. I placed my bookmark in the spine and closed it, throwing it on the bed and rushing down to the kitchen. Unfortunately, we were eating hamburgers Japanese-style: no bun, no fries. Just the piece of meat and rice. It still made for a good meal, but it really made a girl miss the greasy food she got from her school football games, not that she went for the sport. She (obviously referring to me) went to hang out with her friends and laugh at the stoners stumble around the school and make fools of themselves. 



Longer chapter! I'll have tons of time to write now that I'm on break (thank the LORD). So some good (and longer) stuff should be coming out soon! Look forward to it!

...I've noticed that each chapter gets about 50 reads its first week. Good, but I'd really appreciate it if you guys could vote, comment, Like, Plus (whatever the hell that +1 is), and just tell people! Thanks! 

So...I don't have much of a random tangent, but...I TOOK A KENDO CLASS YESTERDAY!! Holy SHIT, my Sensei smelled bad. Just saying. But I got my own boken (wooden practice blade) and it was hard, but FUN. Defenitely would go again if I could. 



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