Stitch By Stitch || Haikyuu!!

By himitsumints

246K 8.7K 12.3K

"And maybe this is proof that even if you think you'll be stuck in the dark forever, there will always be som... More

Stitch by Stitch
end note.
just a little update ;^^


4.1K 196 1K
By himitsumints

Weww 20th chapter :0

Third Person

"Well, you know about the dance, don't you?"


"Then go ahead and ask her!" Kuroo pushed his best friend forward, nodding towards a specific blonde as she walked out of the music room. 

"Who said I was going to the dance?"

"I did! Kenma, you'll regret the chances you didn't take."

"...I guess so, but... I don't really think I should..."

"Well, why not---"

Kenma shot a look at his friend, and the two fell silent as none other than their own team libero approached her.

"I'm almost one-hundred percent sure," Kenma muttered, "that Yaku-san's going to ask her."

"How would you be sure?" Kuroo raised an eyebrow. "And shouldn't that just make you want to ask her even more? You know, before he does."


"C'mon, you're being negative." The middle blocker nudged his friend, cupped his hands, and called out. "Oi, Yaku!"

Irritation clearly showed on the said third-year's face as he turned towards them. "Really, Kuroo?"

"Ah," Cosette acknowledged the two, "hi."

"Konimi, come with me for a minute, leave these two to sort out things."

"...sort out? I wasn't aware something happened with them."

"It's a long story."

"Kuro---" Kenma began, but his voice trailed off.

"What? I'm not coming with you. Why would I? I'll just go look for Naomi."

Kuroo stared defeatedly after the half-Japanese as she easily slipped past them to look for her friend.

Geez, I wanted to talk to her, too. She's avoiding it too much.

"Ah, well," he sighed, "that can't be helped. I'll leave you two. Kenma, talk to him. About everything."

Yaku looked concernedly at his kouhai as Kuroo walked away. "Kenma? Is something wrong?"

The said second-year let out a long, somewhat tired, sigh, and looked at the ground. "The dance. For the premier. Are you asking anyone...?"

"Th-this is sudden... I'm not sure if I am..."

"'re not asking her, then? Konimi," Kenma glanced up, and Yaku's eyes widened with realization when he saw a glimmer of hope in his otherwise emotionless eyes.

That... explains a lot... Yaku thought, his expression softening.

"Kenma... you like her, don't you?"

Kenma didn't reply, but the hint of pink on his cheeks told Yaku all he needed to know.

Smiling, the libero lightly punched Kenma's shoulder.

"Then you should go ask her. Why are you so concerned about me?"

Letting out another sigh, the second-year finally looked directly at him. "Yaku-san. Do you not like her?"


"...nevermind. But if it's okay with you, then I will ask her."

Yaku opened his mouth to say something, but didn't, as Kenma had already turned around and walked away.

It's not like I mind if Kenma asks her to the dance... right?



"Oh! Cosette-chan~! How was music?"

"I... don't really know," Cosette said sheepishly, "but it helps knowing at least one of you guys will be waiting for me outside the room."

"Wasn't it Mori-kun's turn today? Why isn't he with you?"

"Kenma had to talk to him..."

"I see..." Naomi tilted her head curiously, but let it slide as she linked arms with her friend. "So, apparently the dance part of the premier is optional, even for cast members. But... you're still going, right?"

Cosette averted her gaze to the ground, unsure. "I don't usually like big social gatherings like that, Naomi..."

"But you have to go!"


"Because... I'm not the only one who wants you to."


"Look, just, come, alright? We can go and look for a dress later, or something."

Cosette looked at her friend with a small frown, but sighed, defeated. "Okay, okay, I'll come..."



"I bet she's not worried about who's taking her to the dance, then, huh?" said a familiar voice, and the two turned around.

"S-Seira-chan?!" Naomi's eyes widened.

"We aren't on first-name basis anymore. So don't call me that."

Cosette's eyes narrowed. "No, I couldn't care less if I wasn't asked to the dance," she said icily, taking a step forward, "but maybe you do, because the one person you want to ask you doesn't talk to you anymore."

"Cosette-chan, I think it's better to---"

"You did not just say that."

"I don't know why you're still talking to us. I thought we weren't friends."

"Well, I---"

"If you're going to apologize, save it."

"I wasn't going to apologize!" Seira cried. "Because that would mean forgiving you, and---"

"What do you have to forgive me for? My non-existent relationship with Kuroo?"

"That's what you always say. Non-existent relationship with any of the guys. You're one dense, clueless---"

"Onishi-chan," Naomi cut in quietly, taking a step forward. "You have a right to be jealous, because maybe the two of them seem closer than you and Kuroo might ever be. But if you're going to take that out on her like it's her fault, don't. It's not her fault. It's not her fault that maybe she's more interesting than you are."

Seira looked at her in shock. "How can you take her side?! How can you take her side, when you're so obviously losing against her, too?!"

"Losing...?" Cosette frowned, glancing back at her classmate.

"...Because it isn't her fault that Morisuke pays more attention to her, either," Naomi said quietly.

The blonde's eyes widened slightly. I... never noticed... but she's right...

"And if you don't understand that friendship is more important than whatever you might be jealous of..." she looked directly at Seira, her expression hard, "then just go away. And don't bother talking to us again."

"Wha--- I---"


Seira opened her mouth to speak, but was unable to form any words.

"Let's go, Cosette."

The said second-year followed her friend outside the building, a little taken aback.

"Do you... really feel that way, Naomi..?" Cosette's voice was quiet, but loud enough for Naomi to hear. "Like you've lost to me...?"

"I... well, I hate to say it, but... yeah. I kind of do. D-don't worry about it, though!" Naomi flashed her a smile. "So! Do you have anything to do right now? Is shopping for dresses okay in a few minutes---"

"Ano... Konimi... do you have a moment...?"


Cosette turned, easily recognizing the voice. "Sure, I guess..." She shot a questioning glance at her friend, whose expression seemed to have lit up.

"Yeah, go ahead! It's alright, I'll just wait over there!" she chirped, skipping away. "Good luck~!"

Good luck? Why would she say that?

Slightly confused, Cosette focused her attention on her classmate.

"...I-I was just wondering if... if anyone had asked you to the dance yet..."

"The dance...? No, nobody's asked me."

"Th-then... will you... go with me?"

A light shade of pink dusted the setter's cheeks as he turned his head away awkwardly, and Cosette blinked in surprise.

Me...? But why would he...

"I... don't you... don't you have someone you like? Why me?"

It couldn't...

There was a deafening silence, and Cosette's heartbeat increased.

No way... don't tell me...

Kenma shyly glanced up at her, unsure of how to respond.

But just as Cosette was about to say something, he beat her to it, knowing Kuroo would probably kill him if he heard what he said nezt.

"...I might like someone, yeah," he mumbled, though still not taking his gaze off of her. "But I, um, wanted to ask you. Because... you... y-you're important, too. To me."

"...I see..." Cosette let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.

Of course not. It wouldn't be me.

"So... will you... go to the dance with me... Cosette?"

The blonde's expression softened as she heard him call her by her first name. "...Yeah. I'd love to."


Cosette nodded, and a small smile appeared on Kenma's face as he averted his gaze to the ground. "I'm... glad."

"I'll see you, then? Naomi's waiting..."

"...oh. Um, yeah, okay."

Cosette walked away, over to where her seemingly excited friend was waiting.

"Well?! He asked you, didn't he?!"

" did you know he was going to do that?"

"Why? Because he obviously li--- wait, why aren't you showing much emotion? Didn't he tell you anything?"

"Tell me what? He just asked me to the dance, that's it. Apparently, he... didn't ask the girl he liked..."

"You're... you're serious?"

Naomi looked at her friend, bewildered. Is she that dense? And why didn't Kenma just straight-out say he liked her?! Doesn't he want her to know?!



"Why are you disappointed?"

"Nothing. Nevermind," the raven-haired girl cleared her throat, grateful she didn't spill. "Come on, let's take the train to the mall."


Cosette unlocked the door with her given spare key,  quietly stepping in.

"Cosette-neesan!" a voice called out, and the blonde was greeted with a hug. She had begun calling her by her first name the day before, and she couldn't help feeling glad about it.

"H-Haru...chan...!" she choked out, but couldn't keep in a smile. "Can't... breathe..."

"Ah, Cosette, you're back. You were with Naomi?" Yaku smiled, coming out of the kitchen. "Come on, Haru-chan, give her space to breathe."

"Welcome back, Cosette!" Mitsuka called out. "I'm in here preparing dinner, I'll come out in a bit! Haru-chan, will you come in and help me?"


Cosette glanced awkwardly at Yaku, seeing as they were the only two in the living room at the moment.

Normally, she wouldn't have.

She didn't know why she felt awkward around him all of a sudden.

"So... you're going to the dance, huh?" he asked, breaking the silence. "With Kenma."

He cringed at how he said it. It's not like I'm bothered by it, so why...?

"Yeah. Are you going?"

"I guess so. If I feel like it, yeah. It's optional, anyway, so..."

"If you are going, though... will you be asking someone?"

Cosette bit her lip, almost regretting asking that. Why am I so curious?

"I... don't know about that. Probably Naomi, I guess."

Despite herself, Cosette's expression softened. "She'd... be glad to hear that," she said quietly, more of to herself, but Yaku heard her, anyway.

"Really? You think?"


He really is oblivious to her feelings.

"Alright, you two! Dinner's ready!"


I should really be sleeping by now... Cosette sighed, turning her body to face the door.

It was about midnight, and she had yet to fall asleep.

Her phone buzzed, and she reached under her pillow to read the message.


From: Seira
Subject: Contest

Akiyama-sensei told me to tell you, and I just told Ayame. The contest will be held three weeks after the premier, which you know is this weekend. We've chosen you for the country genre, and you need to submit your original song by next week. That's all.

Right, this contest challenges everything you know about music, including composing a whole new song...

Cosette sat up, grabbing her notebook and favorite pen. Sitting up and turning on her lamp, she flipped the notebook open to a new page and tapped the end of her pen against it.

How do I start...?

Sighing, Cosette put down her pen and leaned against the headboard of her bed.

What do I even want my song to be about?

An image of her nightmare flashed through her mind briefly, and she grimaced.

But nonetheless, an idea formed, and she pressed her pen against the paper and began to write.

I haven't written like this in a while... it reminds me so much of mother.

Absorbed in her thoughts and the lyrics of her song, Cosette was alarmed when she heard a knock on her door.

"Cosette? Are you awake?"

The blonde's startled expression softened slightly at the familliar voice. "Oh... yeah. Couldn't sleep."

The door opened, and Yaku peeked inside, smiling a little. "Figured as much. There was a light coming out of your bedroom door."

"What are you doing awake?"

"The same reason," he closed the door behind him and sat down on her bed. "I was going down to the kitchen to get something to eat, and I saw the light."

"Hmm," Cosette hummed, turning her attention back to the song she was writing.

Yaku peered over her shoulder, trying to read the small, foreign handwriting, but to no avail.

"What're you writing? That's English, isn't it?"

The corner of Cosette's mouth turned up into a small smile, and she teasingly pulled the notebook to her chest. "No, it's French. It uses English letters, but the pronunciation is different."

"Eh! Really?"

The way his eyes lit up at the new information made Cosette's smile grow wider.

"Can I read it?"

" won't understand it."

"Well, is it a story or something?"

"N-no, I'm uh, writing a song."

"In French?"

"Yeah... I'm not that good in French, but mother did manage to teach me some lessons."

"That's pretty cool!" he leaned in closer. "Is this your song for the competition?"

Cosette fought down her blush; he was too close for comfort.

"M-Morisuke... you're..."

"Ah! S-s-sorry..." the libero pulled back, completely flushed.

"N-nevermind... it's alright..." Cosette smiled weakly. "Yeah, it's for the contest. I'm most probably translating this into Japanese for that, but I do want to practice writing in French, since I haven't in so long..."

There was a pause.

"A-anyway, do you even know how to speak French? I know Kuroo said that you're a straight-A student, but..."

"He said that?! I'm not really that..." his voice trailed off, and Cosette couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, I'm not that experienced with French, but... I do know some basic stuff?"

"Like?" Cosette raised her eyebrows, challenging him.

"Well, you know, greetings. Bonjour, salut, bonsoir, comment ca-va, those stuff. And, uh."


Yaku smiled weakly, looking away. "J-je t'aime."

There was a short silence.

In Japan, "I love you"s were very strong; rarely said. Cosette knew that, so she knew it was awkward for him to say it.

"My father said that to me a lot... so..."

"Oh... yeah, of course... um..." Cosette cleared her throat and handed him her notebook. "H-here."

Yaku frowned a little as he squinted at the words, and Cosette almost laughed at his concentration.

He couldn't pronounce any words in his head, nor could he understand them, but one sentence caught his eye nonetheless.

"Uhh... ak-tu-reru-mentu... je suis..." he sighed, shaking his head. "You know what, nevermind."

Cosette smiled, gently taking the notebook out of his hands. "This sentence?"


"Actuellement, je suis un morceau de vêtement qui était utilisé trop souvent---autrefois aimé, maintenant jeté," Cosette pronounced. She hadn't spoken French in a long time, so although she pronounced it right, there was still a noticable Japanese accent in her voice.

"Whoah, that... seems like such a complicated thing to say..."

"Not exactly," Cosette shrugged.

"So, what does it mean?"

"Well, indirectly, it would be translated as, I've been used too many times, now I'm a worn-out piece of clothing---once loved, now thrown away."

Yaku paused at the words, watching as a nostalgic expression appeared on Cosette's face.

This song... it really describes her...

"Hey, Cosette?"


"Have you been having nightmares again?"

The blonde's eyes flew open, and she looked at the third-year, bewildered. "What... how...?"

"I had a feeling," Yaku said sheepishly. "They haven't stopped, have they? And you still remember them?"

"Pretty much..."

"Are you okay with it?"


"Cosette... you know I can always help you..."

"Y-yeah, I know... sorry, I didn't want to bother you."

"You don't have the ability to do that," he smiled. "Don't you know that already?"

Cosette bit her lip, fighting the urge to blush.

"I promised you I wouldn't leave you. I would never break that promise." He took her hand and looked directly at her.

Her heartbeat increased at their close proximity; the second time it had happened today.

Why... am I feeling this way?

"Cosette, you... really mean a lot to me. I don't know if I've ever stressed on that before, but, you do."

She let out a weak, uncertain smile, unsure of how to react. But she couldn't deny the almost happy feeling she felt after hearing that.

Naomi... wouldn't like this...

"Are you still afraid? Of caring?"

Cosette was unable to tear her gaze away. "A little bit," she whispered quietly.

"Then don't be, you don't need to be anymore."

He leaned in closer to her, and she didn't back away; she couldn't move.

This... isn't right...

"Because I... will always be here. I... I-I really---"

Knock knock knock.

Yaku immediately sprung backwards, startled, and extremely flustered about what he was just about to do.

He... didn't...

Someone was knocking not on Cosette's door, but on the door of the room across---the door of his room.

"Niichan... I can't slee~p..." came a soft, muffled voice.

The libero, trying to compose himself, hastily got up and opened the door. "Haru-chan, I'm in here."

"Niichan~!" the young brunette launched herself at her brother, sighing happily. "I had a nightmare, niichan! You were gone, you left me and mama!"

"Shh, shh, it's okay, Haru-chan," he tried to comfort his little sister. "I'm right here, I'm right beside you. There, now."

Cosette tried to even her breathing as she watched the scene unfold.

Her left hand, where Yaku's hand had previously rest on, was now cold, relived of the warmth.

What was he going to say?

Was he really just about to do what I thought he would?

"Cosette?" Yaku turned to her with an apologetic smile as Haru's sobs seized, and her eyes just closed, her breathing relaxed. "I'll bring her to her room, alright?"

"...yeah. Okay."

"Are you going to sleep now?"

The blonde's eyes trailed the ground. "P-probably..."

"Oh, alright. Goodnight, then... sweet dreams, okay?" he gave her a bright smile, as if nothing had happened, and closed the door behind him, carrying his sister to her room bridal-style.

Leaving me hanging like that... how cruel of you, Morisuke.

Cosette closed her eyes, burying her head in her hands.

But I'm sorry, Naomi...

I think I've fallen in love with him.


y'all are gonna kill me aren't you xD but hahaha please spare my life this once :'))

*clears throat*

but well. other than that. apparently a lot of my irl friends didn't seem to realize what yesterday was, and i mean, i'm okay with that, i guess... maybe... aha...

(for those of you who didn't know, it was my birthday yesterday :')) and yes, i know, one day before suga's birthday xD)

but yeah, i know i didn't post any update yesterday (i was supposed to post this), and yes, it's been quite a while since i've updated this, but hey---i'm done with all my stressful schoolwork now, hallelujah <33

so basically, i have more free time on my hands now, so i guess you can expect more frequent updates to make up for that :3

dedicating this chapter to gagoozer -- thanks for showing all your support through your comments, love <3 ily ;^^

alsooo~ thanks, all of you, for 10k+ reads :0 i never imagined this much support from y'all, honestly... just, wow, thanks so much <3

i hoped you guys liked this chapter! love you <3


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