By danmcgivney

211K 2.3K 412

Coby is one of the popular and known students at his school. Every time they heard his name, the only thing t... More



11.1K 455 96
By danmcgivney


We didn't have a decent class during the sport fest which would last for three days. All we just did was to roam around at the track and field. Watch games plus the sun was scorching hot.

Camille just texted me that they were at the tennis court since one of her classmate was playing the game. Tristan, Jackson and Philip were nowhere to be found. They were only my few but true friends in school so I felt so alone.

I was passing the volleyball court when I heard someone called my name. It was a guy, the same class with me in math and my prime suspect that he was Four since he was tall and he was sitting behind me. He was the only one who could see my paper clearly that I didn't had any answers on number four.

"Coby." He waved his hand at me. I stopped walking and waited for him.

"Yes? What do you want?" I said when he was in front of me already.

Is he going to say that he's Four?

"We're classmates in Analytic Geometry." He said with a wide grin.

"Yeah, I know, of course." I said.

"Oh. Do have something to do tomorrow?"

"Uhhh. I don't know bu-" I jumped when I felt my phone vibrated. I pulled it out and Four's message popped out on the screen.

Four: Where are you?

I glanced at the man in front of me and frowned. He's not Four. Then another message popped up from my sister.

Cam: Where r ya? The game's ending! And btw, u know Rogue S? He's hot.

I rolled my eyes before I slipped my phone in my pocket without replying those two and looked back at the man in front of me.

"I'm sorry but I'm not free tomorrow." I lied.

"Really? Too bad. I, um, I'll see you later then." He said.

"Yeah." I said and jogged to the tennis court which unbelievably was full of girls. I could even hear them giggling over something when I saw the opponent of Camille's classmate. It was Rogue. That explained why I could only count the male audience there. I climb at the top of the bleachers and scanned the audience searching for Camille but it made me feel dizzy. I was about to call her when I received another message.

Four: Watch out!

I read and exactly a ball just passed a few inches away on the side of my head so fast. I didn't even see it. I just felt the wind passing. I didn't even had the time to react. All the attention was at me who was almost hit by a tennis ball just when the game was over.

"Are you okay, Coby?" A girl I didn't know asked me and I just nodded.

"Does it hurt anywhere?" Another one asked me and I shook my head no.

My gaze fall to Rogue who was also looking at me. He was the one who hit the ball and I wondered how does Four know? He immediately sent me a warning so fast.

The audience slowly exited when the game was over. I was waiting for Camille who was still at the opposite bleacher stranded when someone approached me and I was surprised to see Rogue in front of me standing so tall. He was three inches taller than me... well, maybe four inches.

"I'm sorry about that." He said while looking straight to my eyes.

"I'm okay." I said and tried to fake a smile.

"That's good to hear." Rogue said nodding while scanning me from head to toe and looked back at my face. "I'm Rogue." He said and held his hand for a handshake.

"Coby." I took his hand in a brief handshake.

"We're classmates."

"Yeah, math" Rogue smiled and I was surprised to see it. He looked friendly when he smiles.

"Hey, Cob-" Camille stopped when she saw Rogue. "Hi! I'm Camille, Coby's little sister. We're a year apart only." She smiled sweetly that it almost made me puke. Camille was trying hard to look cute at Rogue. Was he her crush? And why does she have to mention about their age gap?

"I'm Rogue." Rogue said and shook hand with Camille.

"I know." She said blinking her eyes rapidly like an idiot and Rogue just smiled at her.


I didn't go to school the next day. I just stayed in the house rather than being toasted by the heat of the sun watching the games. Plus, I was at least away from that Four. I spent my whole day watching movies on netflix until I got bored. So bored then I fell asleep and woke up when I heard my phone buzzed at the top of the table.

It was Four. Come to think of it. I haven't received a message from Four since last night. Just now, but it doesn't mean that I missed him. Brrrgh!

Four: I didn't see you at school today.

Why does this one care? This Four was diffenitely hitting on me. There was only one way to find out.

Me: r u hitting on me?

It took a while before I received a reply.

Four: What if yes?

I was speechless when I read Four's reply. "Fvck! Camille's right!" I didn't know what to say and reply. It should creep me out but... yeah it actually crept me out. I couldn't believe a girl was threatening me! Or was Four even a girl?

Me: Are u a woman? Or a man?

Four: That's for you to find out. 😝

A girl, definitely, Four's a girl. Boys doesn't use emoticons!

Me: What the fvck! Btw, yesterday, how did you guessed that the ball's about to hit me?

It was abnormal. She was abnormal.

Four: I just know. Stay away from that Dylan.

"Who's Dylan?" I murmured.

Me: Dylan, who?

Four: The one who talked to you.

He saw me talking to that man who asked me if I was free today.

Me: U don't tell me who i want to talk to!!

Four: I will expose your secret then.

I narrowed my eyes while reading Four's message. That annoying thing again! It really pissed me off. I didn't want to be tied to Four because of that stupid secret. She was trying to manipulate me. Kiss my ass!

Me: fuck off! I don't care anymore! You're so annoying!

Four: Are you saying I'm free to spread it?

Then a thought came across my mind. What if I would just get rid of the reason why she was blackmailing me? Get rid of my virginity. Can I do it?

Me: If I get rid of it, will you stop stalking me?

Four: What are you talking?

Me: i will fvck every single person i see when i went outside the house

Four: Even an older man who was strolling outside your house?

I shivered when I imagined.

Me: I'm not into guys!

"Moron!" I slammed my phone at the couch leaving it there and went inside the bathroom and showered. I wore a green shirt inside a black hoodie. A pair of gray jeans and black Vans. Camille just arrived when I walked outside my room.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'm screwing myself. Cover me when mom asks." I said and picked my phone from the couch. I didn't read Four's messages but i just typed my reply.

Me: Fvck you!

Before I turned my phone off and went out of the house. Of course, it was a lie about me fvcking every single person I saw outside. Who would do something like that?

"I won't cover for you!" Camille screamed.

"Fine with me." I said and jogged to the bus stop.


I went inside an ordinary bar: people dancing with the beat of an electronic music, the lights. Well, I'm not really planning on giving myself to just anyone. Lol. Maybe I just want to be alone. I sat on the counter when a woman just sat beside me. I looked at her when she planted her elbows on the counter and put her head on her hand facing me.

She's wearing that seductive look while scanning me. She smiled when I scanned her also but it doesn't mean anything at all.

I don't know why, maybe she interpreted it in the wrong way and she just leaned on me without warning pressing her body to mine.

"Want to do something good tonight?" She whispered loudly since the music was loud while she's tracing my cheeks with her hands. I have this feelings that I wanted to shove her. I always do when someone touched me like that.

"So-" I was about to say sorry but interrupted when I heard my name.

"Coby, right?" It was Rogue in all black and it seems like he was surprised to see me there.

The girl pushed my chest away from her and stood facing Rogue. She's just a slut, I silently snorted.

"Hi!" The girl said to Rogue.

"Hello, can I talk to him?" Rogue said pointing me. Wow, I thought he'll took the girl.

"Of course. You can see me there-" she pointed somewhere inside the bar "-if you, you know, wanted a companion after your chitchat."

Just because he's taller than me. Rogue sat on the stool beside me and motioned a drink on the bartender before he faced me.

Rogue said something that I didn't heard clearly. I mouthed Rogue that I didn't heard him and he leaned closer to me with our shoulders now bumping which was kinda... awkward for two guys.

"You alone?" Rogue said after thanking the bartender who gave him two glass of alcohol. He gave the other glass to me.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks." I said accepting the glass and drink half of it.

"Do you occassionaly drink here?" He lean closer.

"No. It's my first time drinking here."

"And alone. I thought that girl-" he pointes his thumb at his back "-was your-"

"No." I interrupted him. "I don't really know her." I drink the last half of the alcohol.

"Oh. I was with my friends but they kinda abandoned me and went to another bar."

I chuckled. "They must hated you for stealing all the girls attention." Like he did to me, but I was kinda greatful about it.

I heard him chuckled and drink his alcohol empty. "No, nothing of that sorts happened. I decided to stay." He said and looked at me when he said the word 'stay'.

"So you weren't abandoned." I motioned for refill.

"Right." Rogue smiled.

"So, you do tennis. I mean, you're good at it." I said trying to start a topic.

"Yeah, since I was young. But, I'm not that good as what you think. Besides, I almost ruin your face, right?" Rogue said and drank his alcohol.

I nodded. "Yeah, you almost did! I can't forget that, of course. You sure you didn't intend to hit me with that hard ball right?"

"No. Of course, not." Rogue chuckled. "I.. it just flew there. I was spaced out, I think."

"Spaced out! During a match?" I frowned. How can he afford to space out during a game and just hit the ball sending it on the wrong direction. It almost costs my face.

"Kinda? Look, I'm really sorry about it." Rogue said sincerely.

"It's fine. It didn't hit me anyway." I looked at Rogue. "You're not the person I expected you to be." I just said what I thought suddenly.

"What do you mean?" He cocked his head. "What do you expect?"

"I, you know, thought that you're a violent or easily angered person. I rarely see you talk and you have that very intimedating atmosphere surrounding you that made you hard to approach."

Rogue laughed. "Did you just say I am violent?"

"That was my first impression of you."

"You were checking me?"

"N-yes. Everyone does that when you meet new people." I said in as matter of fact tone.

"Yeah? So, what's your second impression of me?"

"Ha? Um, my second impression?" I frowned. "That you're not that bad to talk to and you should smile a lot." I suggested and Rogue smiled upon hearing it and drink his alcohol.

It kinda felt awkward after that so we just drink, refill and drink until I felt drunk. Dizzy and I don't know what I'm thinking. I just started talking anything that popped on my mind.

"You know, I'm not really here to drink." I saw Rogue looking at me with curious eyes, I grinned. I leaned my lips near his ears and whispered. "I'm here to look for someone to screw me." I put my hands on Rogue's shoulder for support when I felt dizzy again. "But, I think I'm going home." I tried to stand but it felt like my knees doesn't have any strength. I found myself leaning on Rogue and his arms were wrapped on my waist.

"You can't go home like that." Rogue said.

"True. Probably my mom will freak out." I said and raised my head to look at Rogue. "Will you take me somewhere else, then?"

"I can take you to my home."


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