Define E•vil

Par yerd213

428 13 12

† ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ † ❝ How many have you killed?❞ ❝ More than you care to know." ❞ † ∞ ∞... Plus

Coming Soon
Prologue || Cuff Me
Chapter 1 || The Sun Is A Beast
Chapter 3 || Reminder of Mortality

Chapter 2 || Poison To Vampires

33 2 0
Par yerd213

Waking up on the cool concrete, Mary instantly knows where she is: The Cellar. Her body is sore and achy from the early morning transformation. Trying to sketch out the sores of her naked body, she is hit by a pang of terror. "Oh God, what have I done," she gasps, looking around. Ander is gone. She sniffs again and again. No blood. No sign of death. Everyone must be safe another night from the dangers that lurk within her. Thank God! The last thing she remembers is Ander practically carrying her through the woods, but then all is blank. Mary discovered the mind will purposefully block out moments that are deemed too painful, and transformations defiantly qualify as a contender for that category. She just wishes it would happen every time. 

The thing that is most confusing of all for Mary is that the next full moon is not for another week. I shouldn't have changed yet. How could this be? Slowly moving her aching body up from the bench, she walks over to the string attached to the key. It's strange to think that the beast within her cannot remember or think about using the key; however, she does. It's one of the things that makes her believe that in beast form she isn't much of anything but destruction. No one is safe from me. I am a monster. Trying to push out the intruding thoughts, she unlocks the steel gate. It creaks open, walking out of her cage, she begins grabbing the various clothing items from the shelves Ander had built close to the start of their friendship, all those years ago. 

"For fucks sake. What are you doing out here dressed or should I say underdressed like that?" The man called staring down at me. My skin crawled as he drew close and fear of what a man would do to a woman in my state riddled me frozen with terror. I had just completed my second transformation. The sun was still rising, and I was lost and confused. I could not tell where I was just that I couldn't stay. I had dried blood in my nail beds and my stomach turned at the thought of what I might have done. "Christ, my apologies." He added at my appearance. Flinging his thick wool coat around my cold naked body, he asked, "What do you need right now?" 

I was taken aback by the question. The beast inside tugged telling me to run that the man was dangerous but his actions said otherwise. There was a gentleness about him I was not anticipating. I thought for a moment about what I really needed. What would make me feel human again? "I-I need a shower."

He nodded with understanding, but how could he. "My flat is just down the road. If you would like to go clean yourself up a bit. I have some clothes you could borrow, and I've been told I can make fairly decent beans and sausage." To my surprise, I accepted his offer, and I haven't really left the flat since. Discovering, he is a vampire and I am a werewolf gave me a little clarity as to why the beast in me wanted to run to the hills at the first meet of the charming Ander. 

The day Ander installed the shelves and helped Mary curate the cellar, Greg wanted nothing more than to help, unfortunately, that was only a few months after his death, and he hadn't gotten used to the whole ghostly being thing just yet. Thinking back that these small moments that had rather big impacts on her life, Mary couldn't help but feel a little sentimental. She loves her small dysfunctional family with all her heart, and although, they are not blood she would do anything for them, and she knows they reciprocate the feelings. They have become a pack for her. 

Dressed in black joggers and a long sleeve gray top, she realized a while back that if someone comes from the woods appearing to be on a jog there fewer questions or looks of concern. She takes a deep sigh before, jogging up the stairs, propping up the concealed cellar door, and climbing through. Before leaving, she moves debris to hide the door once again.  Searching around to ensure no one is around, Mary sniffs the air, before pushing past the bushes and trees to jog lightly back home. Doing what she can to keep up the appearance of normalcy. She passes a mom and her daughter, who seem to sell cookies around the neighborhood. 

Turning the corner she sees their brown door and pushes herself a little faster, practically jumping through the door. When she enters, Greg screams. "What the f-" He stops seeing Mary and runs to meet her in the hall. "Oh thank the spirits that be. I've been worried sick! What happened? Are you okay? Do you need anything? I'll go get Ander." Greg spirals trying to leave, but Mary interjects by embracing him. Although Greg cannot feel the warmth she emits, she will never miss the opportunity to shower him with affection. That is one thing that is very true about all three of them, they love to give and receive affection. Perhaps it has to do with the constant feeling of not being worthy of it. 

"No, stay. He is probably sleeping, and no one needs a cranky vampire. Besides I'm okay. I have no clue what happened and it has me a bit spooked, but there is nothing me, you, or Ander can do about it right now. In the meantime, I'm going to go shower. When I return, breakfast, and some Nortan before work?" She suggests. 

"Are you really considering going to work today? I mean after what happened. Shouldn't we try to get some answers first? Make sure you are safe." Greg tried, and Mary could in fact hear the sensible logic behind his concerns, but he didn't know what Mary did. 

"Normally I would; however, I have a very important meeting with the Boss Lady at work. I believe this meeting might be attached to a raise, which means..." Mary stopped giving Greg the chance to fill in the blanks. 

"We can get cable?" He all but shouted. If there is one thing that Greg misses more than breathing from his normal life it is the ability to aimlessly flip through channel after channel on his remote when boredom kicks in. Especially, on days when he is home alone. Watching him smile from ear to ear, Mary nods, and he engulfed her into another hug. 

A small sound of pain escaped her lips in the embrace. She didn't mean it to and normally it wouldn't have hurt but her body is still healing from the transformation, and she needs at least another two hours to be good to go. 

Ashamed, Greg quickly releases her and takes a step back. "I am so sorry, Mary." His thick brows squeeze together. "Are you okay? That was too tight."

"Stop. I'm fine. You were excited, and I am too. However, I am going to run upstairs and take that shower. Be back in a bit," she smiled giving him a quick peck on the cheek. When she got to the top of the stairs, Ander had opened his door to reveal the dark abyss that is his room. 

"Good morning," she smiled at him, and his eyes crinkled slightly at the sides as he grinned seeing her face. Ander walked slowly closer towards her, giving her beast the chance to not feel threatened. He only ever acted careful like this with her when a transformation had just happened. They have had many conversations on how to ensure safety and comfort in their friendship. 

Once he is within grabbing reach, Mary pulls him in tight. Ignoring the internal groans. "I'm glad you are okay, Mary." He whispered to her leaning down to place his head on top of hers. A gesture he started doing more and more recently. It always makes Mary feel small and protected, as though he could block all the horrors of her life in that one move. 

"Thanks. I was so worried I had-" She began, but Ander cut her off stepping back, so she could see his face.

"Don't worry about me. I have lived a long life, and death. You are who matters in moments like that. Besides, I'm careful, your little beasty is going to have to try harder than that to pin me down." He winked, giving Mary that smile that is both wicked and charming. A smile Ander seems to have mastered.

She leaned into his shoulder and sighed for a moment. To anyone else it might look like a loving relationship, but to them it was a gesture of comfort. After collecting herself, Mary looked up at him and said, "Even still, I'm glad nothing happened."

"Me too." He said, and in that rare moment, Mary was privy to a glimpse of Ander behind the charm, wit, and cheerful disposition. It doesn't happen often, and if you are not watching closely you may miss it. But Mary knows what to look for, and she nods in understanding, before he adds, "Now, I believe you have a shower calling you. You're smelling more beasty than Mary." Mary lightly smacks his chest. Before Mary could say anything though, he is laughing, and running down the stairs to annoy Greg she suspects. 

"Ugh, you are annoying." She states not needing to yell after her, for she knows he will hear her. The deep carefree chuckle of Ander emanates from the kitchen. Mary headed towards the lavatory and will only exit once all existence of her beastly life is seemingly tucked nicely back inside. The intruding thoughts will still intrude, but only in the shower. 

Flashbacks to the night fill her mind as the shower water runs down her back. Every break. No. Stay away, please I don't want these memories. Please no. The invading images bring pain. She continues her shower fighting with herself with every scrub. pushing back against the images and the physical reactions. With each drop, the night is being washed away. The shower is where she finds it most possible to wash away the sins of the beast. 

Soon enough the shower is over, she wraps herself tightly in her light green towel, hanging behind the door. Looking, into the fogged mirror, Mary stares at her reflection. Her caramel brown skin has droplets running down her shoulders. Her usually perfect corkscrew curls have parted and began to fizz a bit. Knowing she will have to give her hair some extra love today before work, she smiles. Doing my hair is a perfectly human thing to do, she thinks. She looks into her big green eyes and practices her smiles and business look for the meeting. "What do you mean, Bridget? I'm just always this put together. What can I say?" She whispers to herself indulging in the fantasy. 

She begins her hair routine, ensuring the right creams, and oils are applied to keep her natural curls as healthy and happy as possible. Anytime she does her hair she can't help but think of her family. A wave of sadness is always associated with these thoughts, since the last time she saw them was six years ago. She knows Bren, her younger brother is married now with a baby girl on the way. And her Mum and Dad are on Holiday in Crete. She knows these things because she checks in on them through socials. She left them shortly after her attack, and allowed the world to think her dead. It's better this way. She reminded herself.  Completing her routine, and throwing on some clothes she bounces downstairs in time to hear Greg and Ander arguing over food. 

"You might not know this considering you don't really eat, anymore, but the sausage is ready. Any longer and you will burn it," Ander quipped. 

"Ha, you can barely withstand the taste of any food that isn't covered in blood and you think you can tell me when it is time to take the sausage off the stove. Please continue all mighty one." Greg remarked. 

"Look when the meat as that nice layer of glaze and the cook marks it comes off." Ander took to demonstrating. 

"Hm, yes I do see that, but, my undead friend, that sausage is still raw on the inside because the heat was up too high. Go ahead and check it." Mary waited in the corner of the room just watching their antics. Neither one of them was all that good at cooking. Although, they both state how amazing they are. Luckily for them, Mary is not that picky and seeing as she is the only one that eats real food. She knows any cooking down is for her benefit. Ander must have smelled her, for he turns in nudges Greg. 

"Your food is done, my lady," Ander calls, pulling the sausage off the stove without checking it like Greg had challenged him to do. At least it's a beef sausage, so if it is a bit undercooked it won't hurt her later. 

She saw Greg rolling his eyes in annoyance at Ander, but he pilled some beans and a roll onto the plate being placed on the table for her. Walking over to give them both a kiss on the cheek she exclaimed, "You both are the best! Thank you!" Not bothering with a utensil, she picks up the sausage and begins eating it. Greg was right she thinks instantly, but it's not bad. She heads over to sit in front of the television, changing the channel to find the reruns of Father Ted. 

Ander and Greg joined her. "Mary, I'm going to ask around after work and see if anyone knows anything about the transformations." Ander states, not taking his eyes off the show. 

"Please be careful," was all she said, all three of them know how dangerous it is to be out at night, but when you have the reputation Ander has, even being a "vegan" vampire still warrants him certain access. 

"Aren't I always," he says, before leaving to get ready for work. Leaning back on the couch, Greg begins absent-mindedly rubbing Mary's shoulders, and soon she is full and sleepy. 

† ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ † 

Hey, fellow bookworms! So, I hope you liked the chapter. I really hope you enjoyed meeting Mary! Thank you for reading and supporting the book, it means a lot. Feel free to drop a comment below, and if you liked the chapter, be sure to vote

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Stay Awesome!

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