Irresistible [Lirry] EDITING!

By hopeangel11

124K 3.2K 277

One Direction Fanfic! [AU] Liam Payne + Harry Styles = Lirry Stayne! <3 Vampire (Harry) and human (Liam) l... More

Irresistible [Lirry]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 13

3K 98 10
By hopeangel11

Chapter 13

He really wants me to leave my window open so he can climb in? Wasn't that a high climb? Was he insane?!

Should I leave my window open for him?

I shook my head and walked back in my house. My mum was beaming at me when I walked in and I looked at her questioningly. "Mum...Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you have a boyfriend! Hunny, why didn't you tell me that you liked him?" Mum exclaimed as she led me to the dining room to eat dinner.

Dad laughed, sitting in his seat at the table. I groaned at my mum and said, "Mum, I already told you this. Harry isn't my boyfriend."

"Not yet he isn't. But he will be, am I right?" Mum said excitedly, passing me the bowl of potatoes.

"I don't know if he even wants me as his boyfriend. We still barely know each other," I said, trying to hide the sadness I felt at that thought.

"Oh sweetie, I'm sure he likes you as much as you like him. I can tell that from just the couple of minutes I saw him with you. The way he looks at you is full of love. Now I know you may not be thinking about love right now, or not ready for that. But I'm telling you the truth, Liam. That boy, Harry, is definitely in love with you," Mum said to me, full of seriousness and smiled at me.

"He actually already told me that he loved me at his house..." I muttered. Mum and Dad stopped eating and stared at me.

"He did?" Dad asked, smiling.

"Yes..." I said, looking away, blushing.

"Oh, sweetie! I told you he loved you! Now all you have to do is tell him you love him too!" Mum exclaimed happily.

I groaned and got up from the table with my empty plate and walked in the kitchen. I washed my dishes and walked to the stairs. "I'll be in my room now, if you need me." I called out to them, walking up the stairs.

I went into my room and walked to my closet. I grabbed a change of clothes to sleep in and headed into my bathroom. I took a shower, thinking about all that happened today. I just got 2 new dogs, Harry kissed me, he asked me to the dance, and my parents think he's my boyfriend...Well, that last one, I'm still unsure of. Does Harry really want to be my boyfriend?

I got out of the bathroom after drying myself off with my towel, with just shorts on. I decided not to wear a shirt to bed tonight; it was much too hot to sleep with one on.

I turned to the door after I heard it open and almost had a heart attack. I saw my 2 fur balls walking over to me, wagging their tails happily. They licked my hands and I bent down to their level to pet them. They licked my face and I laughed, gently pushing them away.

"You both really like licking my face, don't you?" I asked them, they barked softly at me, tongues hanging out. "I'll take that as a 'yes'."

Suddenly I heard a tap on my window, making me jump up. For the second time in a minute, I almost had a heart attack. I saw a slihouette at the window and as I walked closer to it, I saw that it was Harry. He was smiling at me and pointed down at the window.

I opened the window and asked him, "You were really serious, weren't you?"

He jumped in quietly and closed the window behind him. Then he turned back to me to smirk. "Yes, I really was. I wasn't ready to say goodnight to you just then. I don't think I'm ready now, either."

He was leaning in to kiss me, but I turned my head and looked out the window. "How'd you get up here anyways? Did you climb up here?"

Harry sighed and turned my head to look at him again. "Liam, focus please. I want to spend time with you tonight. Just you and I; no interruptions."

"No, but seriously. How'd you get up he- " I aked again, but the cut me off by kissing my lips.

I felt his cold arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer. I kissed back slowly, letting his feeling against me sink in. He started backing me up to lie on my bed, when I heard 2 "woofs" behind me.

I pulled away and petted Milo and Nyko. I chuckled and said, "We're not alone just yet, Harry."

Harry groaned, but still petted them. They licked his hands and Harry smiled. "Think we can get some privacy for the night?" Harry asked, looking intently at me.

"If we really have to. But I don't think they wanna be away from their daddy again, do you boys?" I teased Harry, who's jaw dropped as I cooed at my dogs. They barked happily and wagged their tails. "See? They wanna stay with me tonight. Maybe you can come over another time, Harry. It's my time with my kids now."

Harry shook his head and narrowed his eyes at me. "Liam, I am not waiting any longer to be alone with you. I've already been tortured enough for 2 years. Please take them out? Please, Li?" Harry practically begged me.

I smirked at him and pretended to be sad, sighing exageratingly. "Fine, Harold. Be that way. Come on, Milo and Nyko. Let's go downstairs with Mama and Papa so Harry and I can have alone time." I led them out and told them to go downstairs to Mum and Dad. They licked my hand one last time before obeying and running down the stairs. 

I walked back in my room, finding a pouting Harry standing there. Then he suddenly smirked at me, his eyes roaming my body. I suddenly felt conscious that I wasn't wearing a shirt, and blushed, looking away from him.

"I see I came at the right time. You look really good, Li. Like, you're really fit..." Harry drawled, walking over and wrapping his arms around me. I shivered at his cold skin and he kissed my lips again.

"Why don't we take this to your bed, huh?" Harry asked and led me to my bed. He laid me on my back, him lying on top of me, staring intently into my eyes. "Speechless, Li? Do I make you that nervous?"

I swallowed and decided to change the topic. "You still have some explaining to do," I said to him, pointing at the gauze on my neck.

Harry sighed and lighty pecked it. "I'm sorry about that again. Did your parents see?"

"No...But please explain what the heck happened. Why did you bite? Or more importantly, HOW did you bite me? You must have some pretty sharp teeth to do so."

"I...I don't know if you'll believe when I tell you," Harry said, looking at me.

"Just tell me, Harry...Only if you're comfortable to. I don't wanna force you to tell me," I said softly.

Harry sat up, pulling me with him. He made me lean against the headboard of my bed, him sitting across from me. He looked at me intently, and then looked down. "I'm......I'm a vampire, Liam."


*Harry's POV*

There. I told the love of my life my deepest and darkest secret. Well, it was my whole family's secret, but I still did it. I told Liam that I am a vampire, and I have no idea how he's gonna react. What if he doesn't believe me? What if he thinks this is a joke? What if he's scared of me now? What if he HATES me?!

All that was gonna be anwered now, because Liam had shocked eyes staring at me. His mouth was open, and I could hear his heart pounding like crazy. I knew he did that when he was nervous. I've observed him long enough over the past 2 years to know that. Not that that's creepy or anything...What? I'm in love with him! Sue me. 

"You're-...And you bit me.......And you just-...Huh?" Liam stuttered out, looking terrified and confused.

I grabbed his hands, noticing that he pulled away slightly. I was hurt by that, but I wasn't gonna let myself lose the love of my life without even getting a chance to be with him. "Li...Please listen to me, okay? I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise. Please trust me," I pleaded him, looking his straight in the eyes.

He shook slightly but nodded his head. "Okay...How do I start?.......Um, how about this? My parents were turned when they were in their early 20's, after having my older sister and I. And eventually, when I turned 18, they turned me into a vampire."

Liam continued to stare at me for a minute and then skakily spoke. "So, you're actually 18? Why didn't you tell me that before?!"

I blinked at his response and asked, "Really? That's what you're focusing on? Not even that fact that I'm telling you that I'm a vampire?"

"Of course that freaks me out, but still! You're freaking 18! Why are you in third year high school?" Liam said, eyes wide.

"I think this will freak you out more, but....I'm actually 118 years old. I just look 18 because that's when I was turned, to look like this forever."

"So you really do live for eternity? Does that get boring?" Liam asked.

I laughed and leaned in closer. "Not really. I mean, I get to watch the world change as time does. I may not age anymore, but things continue to change around us. I just got to see over a hundred years before you," I replied.

Liam nodded and looked thoughtful. I smiled and kissed his lips. I would do this all day if he lets me...

Liam suddenly pulled away and stared at me. "So let me get this straight. You're a 118 year old vampire, in high school, and you're pining for ME? How does that make any sense? You could have had anyone else for the hundred and so years you've lived!"

"I was never interested in anyone else. Until YOU. I didn't have to meet you to fall instantly in love with you. You caught my attention the second I laid my eyes on you, and I've been patient. VERY patient, waiting for you to notice me. Then when you did, I couldn't have been happier. You have know idea how you make me feel, Liam. No matter how many time I tell you. I really am in love with you; whether you believe me or not," I said sincerely to him.

He blinked and blushed at me. "Harry...I don't know what to say. You're so - ........Wow. Those words meant a lot, I bet."

I nodded and pecked his lips. "I've been waiting over a hundred years for you, Liam. Please don't make me wait any longer."

*LIRRY MOMENTS! Harry finally admitted he was a vampire to Liam! What'd you think of that? 

Aww! Harry admitted his deepest feelings for Liam! What will Liam say to this? Will he tell Harry he loves him back?

What will happen next?* x

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