Virtues & Vices

By maryash12

146K 5.1K 1.8K

They say that true human growth in humans is not their size or shape but their characters. I think that Helen... More

Lie (Lying)
Ambition (PT I)
Ambition (PT. II)
New Story.


11K 401 146
By maryash12

kuh-prish-uh s, -pree-shuh s

1. subject to, led by, or indicative of a sudden, odd notion or unpredictable change; erratic. He's such a capricious boss I never know how he'll react.

2. to describe a person or thing that's impulsive and unpredictable. Like a bride who suddenly leaves her groom standing at the wedding altar.

Humans, unregulated, are cruel and capricious; violent and selfish; miserable and quarrelsome. It is only after their instincts and basic emotions have been controlled that they can be happy, generous, and good.

-Lauren Oliver

I suppose memory has at least two faces, and capricious ones at that.

-Darin Strauss


"Okay. Yeah. Yeah." ending the call I concentrated on the newspaper on my lap.

"I still can't believe we are going to be living in a mansion" Sophia squealed for the tenth time. She was shaking like crazy as the limo pulled through the city to the outskirts. The Danson mansion was just on the outskirts of the Hamptons.

I looked up from the newspaper to smile at her briefly before digging back to what I was reading. It was the local gossip column and the airing of laundry good and bad. I must say that I was excited and thrilled of my critics. They called the night sensational; and a true comeback for Merissa Tay-Danson. I was still miffed about the Danson part but I could suffer in silence. After all it will all be worth it in the end. The article called me strong and in control and get this, very much in love with Zach. I guess I was a better actress than I imagined.

Laughing to myself I couldn't help but think of the irony of the whole situation/ I guess the line between love and hate is very thin.

Folding the newspaper I turned to the two ladies.

"Excited?" I asked.

"Nervous is more like it" Sophia sighed.

"It will be fine" I assured her. I wouldn't let anything happen to her. I swear it.

"I hope so. It's just that I don't think they will like me or appreciate me coming to live with you" quietly to herself.

"First, I can bring whoever I want. Second, they don't have to like you. They need to fear you. You are an extension of me. And no one will dare challenge that. I won't allow it. You will tell me if anyone bothers you, right?"

She nodded her head slowly.

"Don't worry Soph, everything is going to be fine" Theo assured her. She was sitting next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner.

"I know. By the way, Meri, did I mention that you are looking beautiful" she gushed changing the subject.

"Only about ten times" I laughed. I decided to let it go. She was nervous enough. Yesterday, after the party she was telling me how nervous and out of place she felt at the Expo. I couldn't blame her. It is a lot to take in and everyone's eyes are on you waiting for you to slip up and make one small mistake.

Sophia was a very quiet human being. Good willing and naïve. And so innocent. At times, she reminded me of myself and that is why I needed to protect her more than ever. I was bringing her into a world where kindness does not exist. Only bullying, backstabbing and lies. It was quite confusing, sometimes I want her to grow a thicker skin and other times I want to keep her innocence and naiveté.

"Well it's true you are looking gorgeous"

And she wasn't wrong. Even I will admit that I look great. I took great pains with this outfit. It was a form-fitting black pencil skirt with a cream blouse. I was wearing black four-inch boot heels. My hair had been curled to give me a soft look and I was wearing nude lipstick.

We continued to talk about yesterday night and the events that took place. Most of them were hilarious. I had become a cynic if I was not surprised by the amount of backstabbing and kiss-ups that I had seen and received.

The car was slowing down making a circle. I looked out the window and I could see the two water fountains. We are here.

"We are here" I announced giving them a watery smile.

"Whoa, it is huge" Theo exclaimed. I almost laughed at her jaw dropping to the car floor. Instead I managed a simple nod. I used to have sleep-overs here at this place when my dad worked here. I will come weekdays and weekends. I nearly cried at the memory. My brother and sister and I will bunk in one of the lavish rooms in the servants' quarters. And as time went on I gradually moved to the main house. I adored this place, I had always been passionate for sceneries and I tell you that Northridge had some of the best sceneries in the continent at least.

As the car pulls up, memories starting resurfacing. I can almost see me racing around the gardens and forests with Zach. Having picnics with the whole family. Or pushing Jessica into the fountain hours before her high school prom. Those memories are so capricious.

So stupid. This house had brought me pain and terror. The ending of my marriage started here.

"I second that"

The car came to a complete stop.

"You can do this Meri" Theo encouraged.

"Yeah. And we will be right with you every step of the way." Sophia added reaching to pat my leg.

I could cry. I really did have the best people right in front of me. "Whatever, happens I want you guys to know how grateful I am and how I always love you both." looking them deeply in the eyes. And it was true I couldn't do this without their support.

"We know"

With a deep breath "Okay. It's time" putting on my sunglasses and grabbing my purse, I opened the car door. Theo was beside me in a second. She looked good in blue jeans and a wide opening white collar top with high heels.

"I'll see you guys in a minute" Sophia called. We had a plan and for that to work she had to stay in the car for the time being.

I gave her a wave and together we walked up the stairs to the door.

"My word. No matter how much I dislike them Danson's I can't hate them for their taste" Theo whistled.

"Yeah. They have taste all right" I replied wryly. It was the same taste that had driven them to treat me inhumanly.

Before we could take our final steps to the door, it swung open. I glanced at Theo and then walked in.

The door closed and I could finally see who was behind it. It was good old Evan.

Evan was the head of the Danson staff. He oversaw the managers that run this place. At times, he was more of a family member than a servant. He had been with the Danson family longer than my dad had been. I think it was spanning forty-two years if my calculations was right. He was so loyal. So kind. So determine. So protective.

And I despised him.

How could I not. He had turned his back on my father, during the storm. He had been the one who literally had him thrown out on his rear. Once upon a time, we had had a close relationship he and I. But like everyone else he had blamed me for the way that life had turned out for Zach. Evan treated me with polite rudeness and polite disrespect. What is sad, is the fact that he had known me nearly all my life. I had worked side by side with him during summer jobs. But I guess I was always meant to be second to Zach. No, I lie. I am meant to be second to every Danson and person of importance.

Presently, he had a sad look on his face. He was looking at me with an expression that expressed regret and inner sadness.


A very different look from the ones I had been used to.

"Hello, Mrs. Tay" he greeted with a rich voice. Always so debonair.

Taking off my sunglasses and giving my hair a little shake I addressed the smiling man "Actually, it is Mrs. Danson" with a megawatt smile and a voice of superiority.

I looked at him closely and I could see him squirm slightly. The exact reaction that I was looking for. For years, I had resisted being called Mrs. Danson. One, because it was far too formal. And two, because I didn't want to usurp the authority of the older Mrs. Danson. But that was all about to change.

"Forgive me. Mrs. Danson" he corrected himself. They learn so quickly.

"This is my sister, Ms. Theodora Cooper" gesturing to Theo.

"Ms. Cooper" he greeted bowing his head and body slightly.

She nodded her head back in response.

"Please allow me to introduce the staff" gesturing to the right side of the room where all the staff was gathered. There were about 40 people gathered but I knew there were so much more. This place was so enormous that it required over a hundred people to run it. From what I remember only half of the staff lived on the grounds. I tuned back to listen to who was speaking.

"On behalf of the Dansons, we welcome you here. Please don't hesitate to ask us for anything" Lois, Evans counterpart, said to us, taking a step away from the rest of the staff. Her voice was still the same warm motherly soothing one that I remembered as a kid and as an adult. Old woman Lois, was still alive and kicking I see.

Pity. Why did the good ones always have to be taken away? And the idiots and evil ones live on to torment other humans.

Lois oversaw the day to day running of the place. And she was also a close confidant to the family. Her story was exactly like Evan. Nice to me in the beginning, failed me in my marriage. When my mother departed she became the surrogate to my sibling and I. Especially my younger sister. But I guess it's true what they say, mothers have no qualm about eating their young. She had an expectant look on her face.

"Oh I won't" I replied in a voice that held a promise of danger and cruelty. I turned to the staff who were looking at me with expectant faces. Deciding to be nice in the beginning I gave them a warm smile.

"Hello everybody"

"Hello ma'am" they chorused back.

Well some of them. A couple of them had bitter looks on their faces that didn't go unnoticed by me. Well, they better suck it up. I own this house and I can have them fired in a second if I felt like it.

"So many familiar faces. And so many new ones" looking through the crowd. "Well, before anything starts I want to already thank you for all your help. It is much appreciated. And I promise not to give you too much hassle" I laughed at the end.

"It will be an honor to serve you Mrs. Danson" Evan replied.

"And Ms. Cooper I hope" casting a hard look at him.

"Of course." he quickly backtracked.

I nodded my head.

Evan and Lois dismissed them. I could see the staff give me look overs. I just smiled. The room cleared out and I was left with Evan and Lois in the parlor.

"Where is everybody Evan?" turning to him. Again he squirmed a little. I never used to call him Evan. Never. It was always Mr. Evan or Uncle. But relationships have changed. I was the employee. And he, nothing more than a servant. A servant that I wanted and was going to make his life miserable.

"In the first living room" he answered promptly. This house had over five living rooms.

"Welll?" I said expectantly.

"Shall I take you there, ma'am?" he asked me

"I don't know. Should you?" raising my eyebrow and twirling my sunglasses in my hands.

"This way ma'am" leading the way. I waited for Lois to start walking before I followed.

"Thank you" I called walking behind them. Theo was chuckling. I just smiled and followed behind him. Walking the hallways I see family portraits and pictures. I saw one that made my blood boil and I would love nothing better than to smash it with my bare fists and throw it in a bonfire.

"Mrs. Danson and Ms. Cooper, sirs and ladies" he announced ahead of me.

I rolled my eyes at his prim and proper behavior. Theo gave me a little shove but she had a mischievous smile on her face nevertheless.

However, I placed a smile on my face, arched my back and walked into the open space living room.

"Hello everybody" I greeted.

"Merissa" they called getting up from their seats and standing to their feet. The Danson's were all here. How perfect.

In a cheerful voice I asked "How is everybody doing?" as we walked down the five steps asked and taking a seat at the only empty couch.

"Well. Yourself?" I couldn't tell who asked though I answered nevertheless.

"I am well. To be honest I am quite surprised. I thought I will be exhausted from last night but I feel so rejuvenated" I giggled feeling all giddy.

I didn't miss the looks they were giving to each other from my hooded eyes. I am sure that they have dozens upon dozens of questions.

"Hello Kristian" I looked up to take in the oldest member of the family.

"Hello Merissa" he greeted back in a controlled voice. I could detect some pain in them.

"You know Kristian, I didn't expect you to be here. I thought with all the stress and excitement of last night you will be lying in bed or the hospital" placing my sunglasses in the case as I spoke. Snapping it shut I looked back up to see him giving me a glare.

That was a low blow. But it was so fun. Yesterday I honestly thought he was going to have a heart attack. He looked like he had lost a child.

Before he could reply Sheldon cut him off. Unfair because I would have loved to hear his comeback.

"And who is this?" Sheldon asked referring to Theo. I could already see him giving the once over.

"Theodora. But I prefer Theo."

"Hello Theo" Jessica and Ashton greeted. I could see the confusion on their faces.

"Theo is my sister" helping them out.

"Sister?" I heard voices in unison. They still had looks of deer caught in headlights .

"Yes, sister" I repeated. "Theo that is Kristian, Amber, Sheldon, Ashton, Jessica and Zach" pointing to each of the members and she likewise nodded her head politely at each one of them which they returned.

I turned to face each and every one of them with an innocent expression "Is there a problem?"

"No. It's just that we have never met her before" Amber rushed to explain.


"Yes. Well this Theodora Cooper. My older sister"

"What happened to Tracey?" Kristian directed at me.

"Sick, dead, drinking herself in a gutter, prostituting, dying, homeless, rich, married, pregnant, in prison take your pick." my voice was so nonchalant and I shrugged my shoulders like I was talking about an everyday thing like the weather and not the wellbeing of my sister.

Now I got their attention. Each one of them was giving me gaping looks. Amber and Jessica had their mouths open as they looked at me in shock. Not believing that I was so uncaring and indifferent about my younger sister.

But I wasn't done yet.

"Cause I don't care" in a hard and menacing voice that replaced the sweet and nonchalant voice only seconds ago.

There was a momentary silence. Each person looking at each other trying to comprehend what I had just said.

"Excuse me to interrupt sirs and madams" Evan broke the silence. "But there are two people here requesting to see Mrs. Dansons" he had a hard look on his face.

"Who is it Evan?" Amber asked.

I cut him off before he could answer "Is it two ladies?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Let them in" in a commanding voice.

"Yes ma'am" Though he seemed a bit reluctant to do so. But he had no choice.

"Are you expecting someone?" Amber asked.

I just smiled and said nothing. Why ruin the surprise for her? Minutes passed and the tapping of the heel got higher and closer until it was at the edge.

"Hello everybody" a feminine voice greeted in a cheerful voice. I didn't have to turn my back to know who it was.

I had to smile at Zach's reaction. I was sitting directly across from him with my back to the guests. It was priceless. He uncrossed his legs so fast and hopped to his feet.

"What is she doing here?" he growled.

"She lives here now" still sitting down.

"What?!" came yells Jessica, Ashton and Kristian joining their brother and son on their feet. Robert the nonchalant one. The one that nothing ever fazed him remained sitting.

"Yes." standing to my feet as well.

"Hello sweetie" turning to give Ophelia a hug. Sophia was holding baby Valentino.

"Why is she here? What business does she have doing here?" Zach barking so loud.

"She is here because I want her to be here. Because it is more convenient for her to be here? And Sophia is my baby sister" I explained.

"Who is Sophia?" Amber asked quietly.

"I am" She spoke.

"And besides, I couldn't stand to be away from godchild. He has a special place in my heart like my very own son" walking to Valentino and bending down to give him a kiss. The kid was too handsome for his own good.

I turned in time to face the angry gods and to see a flash of hurt on Zach's face. He looked so pained.

"Merissa I don't think this is a good idea" Kristian reprimanded me.

"And this is my house and I can do whatever I want." I replied in a hostile voice. He flinched back.

"You have to think of how uncomfortable everyone will be. This woman has caused so much pain and harm to our family. How can you even stand to be in her presence?" Jessica screeched pointing an accusing finger at Ophelia.

What a hypocrite.

"The same way I can stand to be in yours" looking her straight in the eye. She flinched back. Tears building in her eyes.

"Merissa" she croaked but I ignored her and focused my attention on the butler. Lois was in the room as well

"Evan, you and Lois please prepare three more rooms at the West side. One for Sophia and Theo but for Ophelia I want a double suite"

He said nothing. And he did nothing. Lois stood there gaping at me like an idiot. I counted to ten.

"Is there a problem Evan?"

He said nothing. Now I was starting to lose the already small patience I had.

"Evan is there a problem?"

"Ma'am?" still standing there with a hard expression on his face.

"I asked you to do something and you are still standing there not doing it" raising my eyebrow.

"It is nothing ma'am. It is just..." trailing off.

"Just what?" I snapped.

"If I may speak. I am not really comfortable serving a woman like Ms. Ophelia" Lois coming to his rescue.

"Really?" encouraging her to continue. "You feel this way as well Lois?"

"Yes. I am hesitant to serve a woman who is responsible for wreaking havoc to this family" in an angry voice. She truly was the first line of defense.

"I see. Well we can't have that, can we?"

Letting out a deep breath I pretended to think. I had made my decision. Then in the sweetest voice I could muster

"Evan you are fired, pack your things and get out. Lois you can stay"



"You can't do that!"

"Merissa please!"

"No please Mrs. Danson. I was the one who said those things. Not Evan"

Someone would think I had gone mad. Why would I fire a man who had not said a word and let the loud mouth witch Lois, stay? I didn't have an answer so I guess I truly was crazy.

"Quiet" I yelled.

Evan was still standing at attention. Looking straightforward.

"Should I leave then ma'am?" he asked in a controlled voice.

"It is entirely up to you. If you won't obey my instructions then you have no place here"

"But" he tried to speak

"But nothing" I cut him off. Evan stands quietly as I circle around him.

"You don't exist. You only speak when spoken to" echoing the same word that he spoke to me years ago. I just tweaked the words

"I just thought..."

"That was your first mistake. You thinking. You are the servant. You don't think. You just react. Remember that" raising my voice.

He finally looked at me in the eyes. His spirit broken. "Very well. I will prepare the rooms immediately" turning to leave.

"Hop to it" giving him a smile. Lois gave me a look and I gave her one right back daring her to challenge me. She wisely did not and turned to go I assume to help Evan.

I turned to the rest of the room. They had appalled looks. I could almost giggle.

"Ophelia, Sophia. Don't just stand there come and sit down" taking a seat again.

Sophia had a frightened look on her face. I patted her hand reassuringly. She never looked up from Valentino's face. Something was bothering her. She seemed more frightened than usual. When she walked into the room her eyes flew up in shock and surprise. She couldn't be that surprised, I had warned her beforehand that things might get a little...messy. I had to have a talk with her.

I turned to the other side of the room. Jessica looked sad, Amber looked hurt, Zach was infuriated, Sheldon was in shock, Ashton was confused, and Kristian was despondent. My work was complete. Almost complete. Robert was still unfazed. I had to find out what can do to get under his skin. There must be something that can break the Ice King Rob.

Minutes passed and no one had still said anything. That was new.

Evan and Lois finally returned.

"The rooms for Ophelia and Sophia are ready" Lois addressed me in a quiet voice.

"For who?" I snapped.

"Ophelia and Sophia" Evan answered this time.

I rolled my eyes. "Ms." I corrected.

They both looked at me confused.

"It is Ms. Ophelia or Madam Ophelia, Ms. Sophia and Ms. Theo, understand?"

Yes" he nodded.

"Yes, Mrs. Danson" stretching the words to enunciate every syllable.

"Yes Mrs. Danson" they replied. Their voices soft.

"Good. Try and remember that" I said in a rather rude voice.

"Please show them to their rooms."

"Follow me Ms. Ophelia, Ms. Theo, Ms. Sophia"

They stood up to follow him.

I grabbed my purse "I trust I will see you all at dinner" nodding my head at them.

I took a few steps then I decided I had to say something to the humans in the room.

"I don't care what you all think. I don't care if Ophelia even murdered your mother or your child. She is staying and that is that. The sooner you accept it the better it will be for all of you."

Then I turned my back and walked out. Down the walls I heard a small voice ask "Who is she?"

I could only smile.


The ladies and I were getting settled in our rooms. Well, currently we were in Ophelia's room. Giggling and hashing out what just happened.

"Are you sure you are not bipolar?" Theo asked laughing.

"Yeah. One minute you are nice and the next you are as hard as steel"

"Not that I know of" playfully throwing a pillow at them.

I could see a little bit of apprehension in the ladies eyes. Whereas I? I was good. I did not feel the least bit nervous or sad. As we discussed the next plan of action there was a knock at the door.

"Come in" Ophelia called. Placing Valentino in his crib for a nap.

The door opened and it was a maid.

"Misuses, please it is time for dinner" she said in a quiet voice whilst her head was bowed.

"We will be right down" Ophelia answered. The maid nodded her head and turned her back to leave.

"Thank you" Ophelia called after her.

"Well it is dinner time. Time to face all of them again" I sighed like I was going to my death. Ironically I was. I had left them in shock. I tried as much as possible to leave them confused and always in wonder of what I would do or say next.

"I am going to freshen up a little. I will meet you guys there, okay" standing up and heading to the door.

"Okay. See you" they called after me.

Walking to my room I changed my dress and wore a rather simple navy blue dress with boots. Brushing my hair, my stomach was in knots. I couldn't help it. I thought I will never have to see any of them again. Much less live with them. And now I will be seeing them for two whole years.

"You can do this Merissa. You are stronger now. Do it for father. Do it for your baby."

My conscious was right. I needed to get myself together.

"Time for dinner" I whispered to myself. With one last glance in the mirror, I headed down to the dining room.

Walking to the room, I saw the maids and butlers lined up. I was the first to arrive, so I went ahead and sat at the head of the table.

"Would you like something to drink, ma'am" one young man asked me.

"Yes. A glass of sherry, please" thanks to Ophelia I was starting to tolerate alcohol.

I had my phone with me and something was nudging me to go Facebook. I was semi-surprised and highly disgusted to see that I had over 300 Friend Requests. Most of them were from the city's celebrities to socialites to my old class mates.

Aren't I blessed? I went from having five friends to having 200 Friend Requests. I scrolled through and I smiled in glee to see that I had not only a friend request from my sister but also a message. Clicking the message icon

'Meri, we have to talk. Please call me. My number is 453-457-3344. Please call me.'

"How sweet" I said aloud my voice dripping with sarcasm. I am sure some of the maids were looking at me weird.

Finally, the family started to troop in. First was Robert. He was still as handsome as ever. The signature smile, the thick semi-curly hair. The Roman nose and the lips that were to die for. Like Zach he worked out and even at home he still wore a custom made suit. Robert had his demons. He was closed off and no one could approach him. He was like a lion that everyone admired from a distance, absolutely terrified to get close to him. Zach was serious and dangerous and no one wanted to get on his bad side (I was the living testament of that). But Robert, Robert was a different version of terror. Zach was approachable. Robert was not. Zach smiled sometimes. But Robert never smiled. He never laughed. He just had a stoic expression and his attitude kept people at bay. He had a sort of dark force field that kept people at bay.

He looked at me with an unreadable expression. I just looked right back at him. I wonder if he was recalling the times we used to spend together. The good times. All the siblings. In a former life we used to get along. That was before he turned his back on me. Though in his defense, he was the last to turn his back on me.

He took a seat right next to me. Robert was not scared of anybody. He did what he wanted and he was as ruthless as they come. That would soon change by the time I was done with him. I wonder what he thought of my performance three hours ago.

The next to come was Amber and her husband. I see he had collected himself better. He looked at me angrily and his wife had a look of disappointment on her face. He took the other head seat. With his wife beside him, laying a comforting hand on his. How very sweet.

One of my people showed up next. Theo arrived and gave me a smile which I returned. She sat on my left. Zach followed. He looked good. But so did Lucifer and he was the devil. Next to him was Jessica, Sheldon and Ashton. How very special. Zach looked at me with a sad expression. His eyes held remorse. Soon it will hold more terror.

They sat down next to Robert.

Kristian clearing his throat got the attention of the room. "Well now that we are all here, dinner can begin" signaling for the chefs to start rolling the food.

"Actually we are not all here" I spoke up.

His eyes changed to slits.

"Ophelia and Sophia are not yet here" I explained. I could hear response in the forms of scoffs and mutterings.

"Well can someone please go and call them. We are hungry" Kristian said impatiently. "You over there"

"Me sir?"

"Yes. Go and call the two ladies and tell them to get down here" he demanded.

"Right away sir" turning to leave.

"Franklin stop" I commanded.

He immediately stopped. It paid to have a listening ear.

"Ma'am?" looking confused and afraid.

"Don't go. I am sure that they are on their way. Besides Kristian, we waited patiently for your kids to arrive. It only seems fair that we wait for them"

Kristian didn't look too pleased but nevertheless, he said nothing. Franklin went back to his position.

After five minutes, Kristian spoke again. This time, he seemed very irritated.

"How long do we have to wait for them?" he snapped.

"Eternity if we have to" dragging out the words and looking down on my phone knowing it will irritate him.

"Hello" Ophelia called in a perky voice. She looked pretty. Unfortunately, some of the people sitting at the table glared at her. How rude.

Sophia was behind her. No, more like hiding behind her. She looked stunning. I guess Ophelia was helping her with her outfit and her hair. She was going to break a lot of hearts. She was beautiful. But for some reason, Sophia was more nervous than usual. Even after I assured her that everything was going to be all right and I would always protect her. Like right now she was looking down at the tablecloth like it is the most interesting thing since the creation of bread. Almost like she was avoiding somebody. I wondered I someone was making her uncomfortable and who would dare.

"I hope we didn't keep everyone waiting" Ophelia asked in a cheerful voice pulling up a chair next to Theo.

"No. You didn't. We all just arrived" I answered back with a smile.

I could feel glares come from Kristian.

"Oh that's good" she replied.

"Well now that we are all here, we can eat" I said in a quiet and calm voice.

Immediately the chefs started to roll in the food. To begin we had the appetizers which was creamy tomato soup, a Cesar salad, and chicken samosa. Then it was on with the main grilled chicken with asparagus and baked potatoes.

It was like being served in a high-class restaurant. Little portions of the most expensive things. However good it tasted I didn't enjoy it. I remembered when my father used to work here. Back then it was a family affair. There was so much good and home cooked food you could ever dream or think of. There was happiness and enjoyment. Now it was jut being in a million dollar restaurant.

Dinner was a somber affair. Nobody spoke much. You could cut the tension with a chainsaw. Well it was on to dessert black forest cake with chocolate pudding. As the maids and the head chef were collecting the plates I clearly heard Sophia politely ask the manager of the day maids, Janet, for a glass of water. Sophia's voice was small, but I could hear.

However, Janet outright refused. Throughout the evening I had noticed that she was hostile and flippant with my family. Oh she was nice and sweet to the Dansons but when it came to my side, she was cold and disrespectful. Almost like she resents the fact that they are sitting at this table.

But my patient had run thin. I could already feel my eyes changing to slits. I said nothing. When she reached where I was seated me I asked Janet the same question that Sophia just asked.

"Janet, can I please get two glasses of water please?" I said kindly.

The woman not looking up just continues clearing and stacking the dishes and answers

"I am busy. Get it yourself". The tone of her voice was tremendously rude.

Immediately I see and hear the whole room get very quiet.

Wrong answer, Janet. Wrong answer. I guess no one told her about the lambasting I gave to her superiors Lois and Evan.

Standing up slowly and placing my napkin on the table I gently take the plate out of Janet's hand.

She looks at me confused. I just smile, then my eyes turn cold and I toss the plate to my left breaking it to hundreds of pieces.

Well that certainly got her attention. As well as the attention of the whole room. She looked at me shocked.

From the corner of my eye I could see Kristian's jaw drop in shock.

I take three more plates from the stacks and throw them across the room and on the walls. It brought me some satisfaction see them shatter into pieces.

I try to take another one but Janet getting a hold of herself, tries to take it from me. She succeeded in grabbing it from my hand.

I calmly hold out my hand indicating that I want it back. "Give it to me Janet"

"No you are just going to destroy them" she yelled.

"You're right. I am." Still holding out my hand.

"Are you crazy? Do you know how expensive these plates are?" screeching.

"Do I look like I care?" sneering at her.

"Well I am not going to give it to you." Hiding the plate behind her.

I raised my eyebrows at her challenge. Well I am going to have to show her who is the real challenger.

"Every staff member step away from the table. Now!" I yelled. Immediately they took steps back. I could see Evan and Lois in the crowd. They both had sad expressions on their faces.

I walk calmly to where Robert is sitting. His wine glass was still there. Picking it up gently, I flung it at the wall, the contents causing a stain on the wall. Next to him was Jessica, she wasn't quick enough I grabbed her tea cup and tossed it the side. Ashton had his wine glass I flung it next to my feet. I wasn't done there. And I certainly wasn't done then.

I eyed the cart that was holding the dirty plates and the glasses and the cutlery, I overturned it causing all of the items to break and spill on the floor.

"Merissa enough" Tristian yelled. I looked at him and noticed that he had a look of apprehension on his face.

I ignored him. I picked up the metal tray that had fallen on the floor and flung it to the bay windows. The windows shattered. And I heard Amber scream.

"Merissa. I think that is enough!" Zach pleaded.

"Merissa stop please. You are frightening everybody" this came from Sheldon.

"No Sheldon. You're wrong. I am not frightening anybody, let alone everybody. Because if I were that cow -pointing to Janet- will not dare disrespect me. Or my friends" I growled.

"Friends. Which ones? The woman who caused the downfall of our marriage you consider her your friend?" Zach demanded.

"Well, who's the idiot and the gullible fool that let that happen" I countered calmly. He looked down in shame.

I continue on my rampage and chuck everything to the ground.

I finally got back to where Janet was standing "These will come out of your wages if you don't start showing me the respect that I and my family deserve"

She looked at me frightened. But I didn't care, I just continued

"And if that does not get through your thick head, I will break every single set of dishes and glasses and portraits and table in this mansion. And charge you for them. Remember one thing Janet Amario, I have money to burn so I have absolutely no qualms in doing it"

Janet looks at me and I see fear swimming in her eyes. "You are enjoying this aren't you? You are enjoying making everyone suffer" she asked me.

I look at her and reply in a warm voice and a sweet smile "No Janet. I am not enjoying this. Because you are not crying yet. When you fall to the ground in pain and crying your heart out then I will enjoy it"

She looked at me like I had gone crazy. But I was not finished there.

"Besides, Janet I have not done what you did to me. But thanks to people like you, I am now accustomed to people's miserable behavior. Like how you treated my father. Pushing him around and making snide comments. Or making his job even harder. Or writing those lies and filth on every social media you could get your hands on. Or like how you purposefully disrespected me when Zach and I were married. From the first day that I stepped into this house as his wife you humiliated me and devalued me. Which I still don't get?"

"Really? You don't know Merissa?" Ophelia asked.

"Know what?" I said in a curt voice.

"That Zach used to hook up with Janet's daughter. They were sort of an item. Maybe Janet here thought that Zach should have married her daughter"

"Shut up Ophelia!" Zach yelled in anger.

"Yes shut-up" Jessica added.

"Why don't the both of you shut-up" I snapped. Jessica looked like I had slapped her.

"You're- you're taking her side?" she whispered. Hurt apparent in her eyes and voice.

"Why not. She is just telling me the truth" waving her off.

"Back to you Janet. Now I know what the cause is the resentment can stop. Tell your daughter that she can have this animal. I have no use for him whatsoever."

"Merissa!" I heard series of gasps.

Janet looks shock at first. Then it quickly changes to anger when she whispers "Your father should never have worked here. He didn't teach you your place. Your father was just an opp-"

"Enough" I screamed so loud that I am sure a couple of people may lose their hearing for a while.

"You are so lucky that I have resolved not to hit senior citizens. Take this as your only warning. Talk about my father ever again and I will reconsider my stance"

I continue "From the first day I knew you were resentful towards me. A resentful and bitter woman. But so help me Janet if you ever disrespect my family ever again, especially my father I will use my resentment to send you to an early grave. I swear it on his grave" I yelled.

She looked at me in fear. Perhaps it finally dawned on her that I was not messing around.

She looks around the room dazed. I can see a couple of the maids chuckling at her expense. She looks at me one last time then turns her back to me and starts making her way out of the room. But I am not done with her.

"Janet come back here. I said come back!" Calling her back angrily shouting

She comes to stand in front of me.

"Don't you ever disrespect me again. Don't disrespect my family and friend again. And that goes for all of you" pointing at the maids and butlers.

Some nodded their heads in fear.

"But especially you." Turning back to her.

My tone turned soft "Now give me that plate" referring to the plate she held in her hand. She slowly and reluctantly gave it me.

I chucked it to the side of her feet.

I looked straight at her in her eye. I saw fear and I saw fear and submission. I had won.

"Now do what you do best." I said in the most condescending voice that I could muster. "Help"

I turned to the rest of the staff. "The rest of you are dismissed. Janet go get something to clean this up" pointing to the broken dishes and the mess.

"And take heed to my words. I said only Janet"

Janet scurries out like her pants are on fire.

I face the table. I saw a lot of expressions. Some happy, some awed, some shocked, some depressed. But I didn't care. Grabbing my phone from the table I turned to the left and walked out of the room with my head held high.

I get to the stairs and my energy goes from a hundred to zero. I clutch the bannister for dear life. I can't help but say a silent prayer "Forgive me I never imagined I could do something like that but I had to show her who is in control"

Before I could say another word, someone is quickly pulling me up from the floor and dragging me up the stairs. I see it is Ophelia. She leads me to her and slams the door behind her. She carefully leads me to the cushion in front of her bed. I collapse on it.

Standing in front of me she has a grin on her face

"Now that was bipolar"

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