Sterek One Shots (boyxboy)

Von ThinkABetterWorld

18.9K 732 18

Also other Teen Wolf ships (but mostly Sterek). Random One Shots. I just write random ideas I have to get the... Mehr

Beautiful day
Professor Hale
The new teacher
Stiles isn't stupid
Come Back
Cuddling with Erica and Isaac
Danny is against bullying

Always loved you though

1.6K 91 4
Von ThinkABetterWorld

Claudia and Talia are best friends. The Stilinski family knows about werewolves. No Hale fire. Claudia never gets sick.


[Stiles 0|Derek 4]

Claudia was having tea with Talia when she got into labour. Nobody else was in the Hale House at that point. Most of the kids were in school and the parents mostly a work or out getting groceries, just Talia and her four-year-old stayed behind. The young boys name was Derek and he liked to be near Claudia. For him it was absolutely fascinating to hear a heartbeat from something so small, from a child not even born yet. So when Talia drove with Claudia and him to the hospital, he was really excited.

For hours Derek needed to stay in the waiting room and as soon as his mother told him he could come in now, he already was in the room. Some nurses wondered how fast he could run, but nobody really cared.

When Derek saw the little bundle in Claudia's arms he also wanted to hold the boy, but his mother didn't allow it. Instead Talia picked her son up and put him on the bed next to Claudia so he could get a better look at the boy. "What's his name?" Derek asked and Claudia told him. "M ...?" Derek tried to pronounce the name, but couldn't get past the first letter. Claudia laughed softly. "That is too complicated! I'm gonna call him Stilin ..." Derek also couldn't pronounce the boy's last name. "Stilinski?" Talia tried to help with a soft smile. "He's Stiles now. That's easier." "He's not even an hour old and already got a nickname." Claudia chuckled. But Derek looked at Stiles' whiskey colored eyes and said. "Hello, Stiles. I'm Derek. You are really beautiful." Derek suddenly got an idea. "Can I marry him one day? I promise to always protect him and tell him he's beautiful and gorgeous." Claudia laughed at Derek, she thought it was cute. But Talia sniffed a bit at her son and then at the baby. "Mates." Talia mouthed to Claudia and she knew what was going on. Derek had found the one person he would spent his whole life protecting and caring for. Carefully Claudia laid the baby in Derek's arms, he beamed. "Of course you can." Derek smiled and then pressed a kiss at Stiles forehead. "I will always love you, I promise, Stiles."

[Stiles 1|Derek 5]

It was a nice afternoon and Claudia and Talia were having tea in the garden of the Hale House. Nearly every day they drank tea together. The reason was meanly they two sons. When one time Claudia had an doctors appointment with Stiles in the afternoon, Derek looked like the world was ending. After Talia had told him that Stiles wouldn't come he got to his room and didn't talked to anyone the whole day. Talia once said how surprised she was that Stiles never cried or screamed, but Claudia whispered. "He does. Keeps me and John up half of the night, but every time Derek comes over or we come here he is beaming." Both women just loved how adorable it was that her sons like each other so much.

"They look adorable." Claudia now said, watching Stiles half walking half stumbling over the grass into Derek's arms. Derek completely ignored the comment and just cuddled Stiles. As a reply Stiles gurgled a bit. Derek laughed. "Der." Stiles suddenly said. "What? Say that again, Stiles!" Derek asked staring at Stiles. "Der!" The little boy announced happily. Derek just grabbed the boy and carried him to his mother and Claudia. "I heard." Talia said. "And she told me. So you just said your first word? I'm so proud, sweety." Claudia said and took her little son in her arms. "I was his first words!" Derek said existed. Talia and Claudia just smiled at Derek's overly happy face.

[Stiles 5|Derek 9]

As soon as Claudia let go of Stiles hand the boy run up into Derek's room while Talia made the tea for her and Claudia.

"Derek! Derek! Derek!" Stiles said excited, when he stormed right into Derek's room and than in his lap. Derek was sitting on his bed reading something about werewolves. "Hey, Stiles." Derek answered and laid the book to the side so he could pull Stiles close. But before he could, Stiles showed him a piece of paper. "Huh? What's that?" He asked and looked closer. It was a drawing from Stiles. He wrote his name on the paper, but he also wrote Derek's name. Under the names there was two man kissing each other. The one had light brown the other dark brown hair. The one with light brown hair had also brown eyes and the own with the darker hair had glowing yellows and claws and fangs. behind them was a house and four children. Two Boys and two Girls. "It's a gift for you. I draw it in Kindergarten. It's you and me when we are older. Look this is our house and this our children and this is us. We are kissing, because Mummy and Daddy also kiss and they are married." Derek took the drawing from Stiles' hand while he was still rambling. "It's beautiful, Stiles." Derek smiled at the boy and stood up to pin the drawing at his wall. On the wall already hang so many pictures so that Derek took off the oldest and put it into a box, where the other drawings were Derek got from Stiles over the years. Many of those drawings showed Derek and Stiles. Some showed how they played together, other showed adventures that never happened and others showed Derek and Stiles married.

But Stiles new drawing was the first that showed them kissing on the mouth.

After putting the box back in place Derek got back to his bed and sat next to Stiles. "You wanna try?" Derek asked, trying to look cool and mature. Stiles was just confused. "Trying what?" He asked. "Kissing." Derek answered and Stiles nodded eagerly. So Stiles leaned forward and pecked Derek's cheek, then Stiles giggled. "Why did you even ask? We always do that!" Derek gave a little sigh. "Stiles, I meant a kiss on the mouth." Stiles blushed. "I want to try." He says with a small voice. Derek just leant forward and pressed his lips on Stiles. There wasn't much movement or tongues. Just lips pressed against each other. But Stiles still giggled the whole afternoon, because of that one kiss and Derek couldn't hide his smile.

Talia and Claudia were a bit surprised when Derek didn't kiss Stiles on the cheek or head, like he normally does when Stiles need to go home, but rather pressing his lips against Stiles'.

[Stiles 6|Derek 10]

It was a lazy afternoon, the rain was dropping at the windows of the Stilinski house. Derek and Stiles were laying on the floor in Stiles room. "Today I talked to this awesome guy in my class. Of course first I didn't thought he was cool, but now I know he is." Stiles rambled. He always told Derek about his day, Derek just said something if he thought Stiles should know or would think it was cool. "So and what is this boys name?" Derek acted like he didn't care, but Stiles sat up and looked surprised at him. "Derek, are you jealous of Scott?" Stiles asked, because Stiles always knew what Derek felt or thought. Derek just looked away, instead of giving an answer. Stiles laughed and threw himself at Derek. "Don't be jealous, Der! Scott is my best friend, but I am gonna marry you. And Scott is cool, but you are still much cooler." Derek now smiled satisfied and wrapped his arms around Stiles. The younger boy giggled and then pressed their lips together.

[Stiles 14|Derek 18]

It was Stiles first day at Highschool. And Stiles knew it would be the best year ever. A whole year he and Derek would go to the same school and could see each other more often. Just to his 18th birthday Derek got a black camaro and he already promised to drive Stiles to school. Except today Claudia wanted to drive her son and Derek let her. Stiles was ten minutes before his first class at his locker and put in it a few of his books. "Stiles, bro. Thank God, I found you" Scott said and let himself drop against the lockers. "Hey, Scott. Show me your time table." Scott and Stiles compared and smiled over the classes they had together. "Have you seen Derek by any chance?" Stiles asked and Scott rolled his eyes. "Seriously? I'm starting to think that you would both die from heartbreak if you two are separated for more than 12 hours. And no I haven't."

Stiles now really looked heartbroken. "Hey, I was kidding. He probably will be here in a few minutes." As if Derek had heard Scott (he most certainly did, because werewolf!) Derek walked around the corner, searching for Stiles a pretty senior girl at his arm. "Come on, Derek. We are supposed to be together. We are the perfect couple, you finally need to see that." Stiles and Scott heard her, which makes Scott chuckle. Stiles knew that this girl was Kate Argent, Allison's older sister and the girl, who is after Derek. Derek seriously tells Stiles everything. "Shut up, Kate." Derek barks out and pulls his arm from Kate's tight grip, which makes Scott laugh, which makes Kate turn to him. "This is none of your damn business!" "You're right it's Stiles." Scott gave as a combat and turned to Stiles. Stiles decided to ignore everyone and just walk to Derek and place a kiss on his cheek. "Morning, Der." "Morning, Stiles." Derek replied and kissed Stiles on the mouth, before snitching Stiles' time table from his hand.

"Hey!" Stiles protested, while Derek read it. "My locker is always on the way, when either of us change the classroom. I show you were it is and we meet there between classes." Derek said and already pulled at Stiles hand so he would come along.

"I search for Allison, she just wrote me that she has the same first class as I do. See you two later." Scott said and waved at us. Kate still looked like something had bite her in the ass.

When Derek and Stiles arrived at Derek's locker a few of Derek's friends already waited. They also greeted Stiles, because when you invited Derek his boyfriend always comes along. Derek always looked out that Stiles wouldn't drink anything, because his and Stiles' parents would kill him then.

When it was time for class Derek brought Stiles to the door. "Remember, meet me at my locker." Derek reminded him and gave him a long kiss.

Stiles was sure this would become a great school year.

[Stiles 18|Derek 22]

Derek just got a job in New York City, right at the time Stiles searched for a college he could attend in a few weeks. So of course he would go to the University of New York City. That was the reason why Stiles and Derek moved into a beautiful apartment. It was their first apartment together. "Stiles?" "Mh?" Stiles replied. "How about we get married this fall?" Stiles smiled. "Sounds awesome."

So in fall the moment came everyone knew would come.

Claudia was having a speech telling everyone how Derek and Stiles got together. "It was 18 years ago at the same day Stiles was born, not even an hour after he got in this world. Derek gave him his nickname, just because he couldn't pronounce his name. At that day Derek asked me if he could marry my son. He promised to protect Stiles and to love him. You did a great job in those 18 years of engagement, so I'm sure you will do great in the rest of your lives."

And they did.


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