Fast and furious. My version.

By TheBookLoverof99

758K 15.1K 1K

Lexi Turner was a normal girly girl and did whatever her parents told her..... up until racing changed her. A... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 25

13.8K 302 20
By TheBookLoverof99

I woke up with Mia's arm wrapped around me so when I slid out of bed I was careful to not wake her up. I pulled on one of Mia's long cardigans and tip-toed downstairs. I poured a glass of water and walked out the back door to sit at the back table and watch the sky, bathing in the warm sunrise air.

I wrapped myself up and closed my eyes letting the sun soak into my skin.

This was what felt right.

Somehow it felt better than staying in a flashy hotel by the pool drinking cocktails. Or flying in private jets to places around the world.  

This was home and that would never change.

Home is where the people you love are.

"Lexi?" A voice asked from the back door.

I turned around and saw Letty there. Her hair was sticking in every direction, and night clothes which was a pair of shorts and one of  Dom shirts were ruffled.

"Morning, how are you?" I asked taking a sip of my water.

"Good I'm a bit tired but, I'll survive." She sighed smiling dropping into the seat next to me.

"What time did you guys get in?" I asked looking up at the sky.

"I don't think it's any of your business!" She said her voice becoming sharp.

"Whoa Letty calm down the only reason I asked was because we all went to bed at two in the morning and we were wondering what time you guys would come home, that's all." I said looking at her with soft eyes, I didn't want to start a cat fight this early in the morning.

"Right, I'm sorry." She said shaking her head and looking up as well. "I know." She started, "About what's going on with you and Dom."

I looked over at her.

She didn't look mad.

But I still didn't know what to say.

All I could think of doing was making up some excuse and making a bolt to my car.

"I'm not an idiot, I see the way he looks at you, it's almost like he used to look at you, when I didn't matter." She said.

I stayed silent.

"I love him, and I can understand where you stand. I know that you've been wanting to talk to me I can see it in your eyes."

"I just don't know what to say. You probably think I'm such a bitch?" I said looking at the floor.

"Yes and No." She said jokingly, "I  see your point, I just hope you can see mine. I don't want to waste time hating you."

"I see your point Letty, I do and I am so glad that you don't hate me. " I said slightly laughing nervously, "I came here for one reason and that was to see the gang again for Tay. To tell them that, she was gone. I had every intention of leaving afterwards. But when I saw Dom......."  I said trailing off as I went back over all our memories. "When I came back I felt broken, I felt like a broken used doll that could never be fixed. But when I saw Dom again. I felt every bone in my body click back into place. I felt every cut sew itself back together. I felt every scar, disappear without a trace. I fell deeply in love with him. It was a feeling I thought that I would never experience again. Dom is a special person. He sees the good in people, even when they don't see it. He will appear tough to everyone else. But to people like us, that know him well. We know that he will only be tough to those who threaten those he cares about. He will love deeply and will fight till the end for family." I said not being able to look her in the eyes as I admitted feelings for the first time. " If he chooses you, I'll leave I won't stand around being the pathetic ex-girlfriend and even though I'll be jealous. I won't hate you."

"If he chooses you, well I guess I'll move on also. I will be jealous. But somehow. I think I'll be able to survive without Dom. I did before." Letty said in a sad tone.

We both gave each other small sad, awkward smiles.  

"I should get going, I spend more time here than at home so I better get back. Could you tell the guys that I'll come over later?" I smiled.

"Sure. See ya, Lexi." She said walking inside.

I took off Mia's cardigan and put it on the bench inside. I then walked out the back gate to my car. My phone then started ringing as I opened the door.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Cuz how are you?" The rough voice said on the other end.

"Sammy, wow, hey I was going to call you but things have been busy." I said truthfully.

"Yeah that's fine I know you were, I just had to call because you did say you were coming home for a while just to see us and Tatia. So where are you now?"

"I'm in LA, with the Toretto's."

"Really? Have you talked to them all?"

"Yes I have."

"And does Dom know? Have you told him? Have you given them the letter?"

"No, I'm not going to tell Dom, Sammy I know I said I would but things are way too complicated. But the letter I'm going to give to them tonight."  I said fidgeting with the mirrors in my car.

"You have to tell him Lexi!"

"No, Sammy. He's with another woman! And even though I know he still loves me. He is having a hard time choosing between his current girlfriend and me. Now if I was to tell him. It would look like I'm trying to sway his mind. That's not what I'm trying to do."

"Yes, but don't you think that he deserves to know about her? Why you actually left? And why you didn't go back there straight after you ran away from your parents."

"Mia knows about what my parents did but I'm not going to tell her about T. She would pressure me more then what you are know but she's the type of person who would just tell him anyway." I said looking up at the house. "No, when the time is right then I'll tell him. So stop pressuring me. How are the kids?"

"They are fine, Tatia's fine. Everything here is alright. Just please come and visit, you don't want T to resent you for never being around, she's going to be a teen before you know it."

"Oh don't say that! She still has another 7 years before that happens and I promise I'll be out of this mess before that. I'm going to finish up here and come straight there okay? Give me another week or so."

"Okay, Lexi but you really need to sort your priorities out, work or family? Something has to give."

"I've got to go and give all the munchkins kisses from me ok, I love you and tell T I love her too"

"I will, love you Lex."


I hung up and slumped myself over the wheel, this mess of a life I had gotten myself into was going to be the death of me.

Dom's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes slowly waking up finding that Letty was no longer beside me.

"Letty?" I said looking around the room.

I climbed out of bed and rubbed my eyes pulling on a random pair of pants and a t-shirt.  I opened my door and walked downstairs to see if she was in the lounge when I saw the backdoor open, Letty and Lexi were talking. I walked up to the door and listened in staying out of sight hoping that they weren't fighting.

"I'm not an idiot, I see the way he looks at you, it's almost like he used to look at you, when I didn't matter." Letty said.

Lexi remained silent.

"I love him, and I can understand where you stand. I know that you've been wanting to talk to me I can see it in your eyes." Letty said.

"I just didn't know what to say. You probably think I'm such a bitch?" Lexi said looking at the floor.

"Yes and No." Letty said laughing "I see your point, I just hope you can see mine. I don't want to waste time hating you." Letty said slightly smiling.

"I see your point Letty, I do and I am so glad that you don't hate me. I came here for one reason and that was to see the gang again for Tay. To tell them that she was gone. I had every intention of leaving afterwards. But when I saw Dom......."  Lexi said smiling. "When I came back I felt broken, I felt like a broken used doll that could never be fixed. But when I saw Dom again. I felt every bone in my body click back into place. I felt every cut sew itself back together. I felt every scar, disappear without a trace. I fell deeply in love with him. It was a feeling I thought that I would never experience again. Dom is a special person. He sees the good in people, even when they don't see it. He will appear tough to everyone else. But to people like us, that know him well. We know that he will only be tough to those who threaten those he cares about. He will love deeply and will fight till the end for family.If he chooses you, I'll leave I want stand around being the pathetic ex-girlfriend and even though I'll be jealous. I won't hate you."

"If he chooses you, well I guess I'll move on also. I will be jealous. But somehow. I think I'll be able to survive without Dom. I did before." Letty said.

"I should get going I spend more time here than at home so I better get back. Could you tell the guys that I'll come over later?" Lexi smiled.

"Sure. See ya, Lexi." Letty said walking inside.

I ran into the other room, and waited a few second before walking into the kitchen.

"Dom. You're awake?" Letty said, her hair was a messy but she didn't care about things like that.

"Yeah, I was wondering why you still weren't in bed?" I lied wrapping my arms around her.

"Don't lie to me Dom I know you were listening. How much did you hear?" She said banging slightly on my chest.

"From, 'I'm not an idiot' to the end."

"So you heard pretty much the whole conversation?" She said rolling her eyes.

"Is that really the way you feel about the situation?"

"Yes. It is your choice Dom. I know you two have history. Maybe you guys are meant for each other I don't know. But she really does love you." She said before walking back upstairs out of my grasp.

Lexi words echoed in my head "But when I saw Dom again. I felt every bone in my body click back into place. I felt every cut sew itself back together. I felt every scar, disappear without a trace. I fell deeply in love with him."

I knew that I wanted to choose Lexi. I wanted to but, would that mean that my feelings for Letty weren't real?

 Was Letty's attitude to this situation a test, to see who I would choose?

And even if I was to choose Lexi, our relationship wouldn't be an immediate thing, I would have to wait for her to do.....Well what ever it was she had to do before we actually could be together.

Why couldn't life be as simple, as those ten seconds in a race when all the bullshit just went away?

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