From Worse, To Better- A Zayn...

By aspiringwriting

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At 17 years old, Eleanor Tomlinson has found out one of the worst things in her life; She's related to Louis... More

From Worse, To Better- A Zayn Malik Fanfic
Chapter 2~ This day can get better
Chapter 3 ~ Boyfriend?
Chapter 4~ Pain Gets The Best Of Me
Chapter 5~ "Shut it, you damn bastard."
Chapter 6~Love at 2?
Chapter 7~Drama
Chapter 8~Relationships
Chapter 9~Pain and Fame
Chapter 10~Unknown News
Chapter 11~Broken Hearted Lovers
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 18 *Please Read Author's Note*
Chapter 19

Chapter 17

138 5 0
By aspiringwriting

     ~*Eleanor's Point of View*~ 


     My eyes were roaming the area, the vast terrain not only making me more curious, but making it impossible not to be curious. Zayn had decided that for a better first date we should go to lazer tag. It was a good idea, until we got inside. 

     I was unable to figure out where to go. You only have twenty lives until you were considered out, and so far, Zayn has shot me nine times, while I've shot him, you guessed it, zero times. It wasn't that I wasn't trying to shoot Zayn, because I am honestly one of the most competitive people you will meet; it's just that Zayn really hates when he loses. 

     I was giggling as I heard Zayn rounding the corner. He wasn't exactly quiet as he was trying to shoot me, and I really don't think getting him once would hurt his ego, correct? I was wrong, totally wrong. As I shot him, for the first time, his eyes got glassy and a pissed off expression appeared on his face.

     "Eleanor, I thought we discussed this. You're supposed to be the damsal in distress, the female that always loses, while I'm the prince that saves you, the male that wins." His voice was cold and sent shivers down my spine. 

     I was afarid he was going to hit me again, like he did weeks ago when I made him 'sexually fustrated'. He was looking at me with that same cold look he did moments before he had hit me on that night, and it scared me. 

     "Don't fear me, baby." Zayn whispered in my ear. I felt the chills go down my spine, "I only want to play." 

     He set down his gun, grabbing mine from my hand and putting it down. He pulled me close, attempting to kiss down my neck. I pushed him away slightly, the events from weeks ago fresh in my brain. He hit me. I wasn't going to allow this so early. 

     "Zayn, no." I gasped as he pushed himself toward me, "I don't want this!" 

     "Oh, don't be like that, baby," Zayn put his hand on my cheek. 

     I pushed him away again, disliking  this Zayn. This was the Zayn that hurt me last time, not the sweet Zayn that suggest going out on a date, but the nasty, abusive Zayn. "No!" 

     I felt a pain on my cheek, the blood rushing up to it. My hands cupped my cheek as the tears welled up in my eyes. Zayn slapped me. Again. 

     "What the fuck?!" I yelled, a tear slipping down my cheek. 

     "Kiss me, you dirty whore." Zayn snapped. 

     I shook my head, biting my lip in pain as he punched my gut. It hurt, too much for me to bear. I watched as Zayn picked up the gun and raised  it up, bashing it on my head. The last thing I knew was I was on the ground, moaning and groaning in pain. 


     I woke up with a fright, unable to think as I thought about what happened a while ago. All the bad things Zayn has ever done to me, in any abusive way, has come back to my mind. Things from when we first met to now, all flooding back within a flash. My heart was beating fast, my palms beginning to get sweaty. I couldn't think straight as I heard my brother trying to talk to me. 

     "Eleanor?! Come on, El!" I shook my head, unable to think about eating at this time. I thought about all the punches, the kicks, the yelling and the fighting. All the things that I have never told anyone about, that Zayn had done to me. 

     "I-I can't do this, Louis." I was crying hard, curling into a ball on the couch. It had been three months since I was admitted into the hospital, and since then, I would have emotional breakdowns every time I thought of Zayn, pain and almost anything. Zayn has corrupted my world, and now, I can't do anything without crying... 

     "Please, El. You need to eat." Louis whispered, setting down the spoon. I refused to eat myself. The only way you could get me to eat is if you forcefully fed me, which Louis did a lot. If it wasn't for him feeding me, I wouldn't have eaten for three months.

     "I don't want to, it'll make me fat." I whispered. 

     Zayn called me fat when he was angry. When I angered him, or refused to do something, he'd call me fat, ugly, deluded, gay and every other insult he could think of at the moment. The tears welled up in my eyes as I thought of the first time he did that: 

     "Ellie?" I heard Zayn call as I quickly put in my earrings. 

     Zayn, of course, thought that we should try to go on a date again. He promised this time he wouldn't hurt me, he said he wouldn't do anything of sort that  would physically or emotionally pain me of any sort. It took him a while to convince me, as he said the same thing last time -though Zayn is highly persuasive, and finally convinced me.

     "I-I'm coming." I yelled down the stairs, slowly walking down. 

     Truthfully, I hadn't wanted to go on this date, at all. The only reason I said yes is so then he wouldn't hit me again, that wasn't something I enjoyed having happen to me -but to no avail, would it stop him. 

     I was walking too slow, or I wasn't replying fast enough. Zayn was getting fed up, too fed up apparently. 

     "Hurry your fat ass up!" He snarled, pulling me along. Not only did the movement hurt, the fact it was so fast and harsh, but the words he said hurt too. 

     Was I really so fat it was slowing down how fast I was walking? Am I really fat? 

     "Come on, air-head. We need to hurry, god damn. You're so fucking slow!" Zayn pushed me into the vehicle, "And stop your fucking crying, you baby. I'm not going to pity you any longer, you worthless piece of shit." 

     I wiped the tears slowly falling down my cheeks. Every word Zayn said whirlled around in my head, staying there. Was I really a worthless piece a shit? Was I really fat? Am I slow? 

     Zayn pulled over the vehicle and looked at me, "If you don't stop fucking crying, I swear to god, I will fucking kill you, right here, right now. You got it, pea-brain?" 

     I gulped and nodded my head, wiping the tears that continued to drip down my cheeks. I continued to wonder to myself; Why was I falling in love with someone so abusive? 


     I stared at Louis blankly, wiping the tears that had emerged again. I couldn't handle this anymore, everything reminded me of Zayn. All the emotional pain he put me through, all of the physcial pain, all comes back to me with just a single word. 

     "We need to get rid of Zayn." I said blankly to my elder brother.

     "How is that going to help anything? You still have scars and emotional damage from him, proof that will stick with you forever. Getting rid of him won't help." Louis said back, his voice flat. 

     The fact he was right made it all hurt worse. I hate how I can't erase anything that happened. Everything is stuck, I can't change that fact that Zayn has hit me and emotionally scarred me. It's stuck there forever. It's ingrianed in my mind, stuck there like gum to a shoe. It'll take a lot to get rid off, it'll take a lot of time, and there will always be a spot there to remind me of it. 

     I wish there was something, anything, that I could do to help me get rid of the pain Zayn has put me through -but I know deep inside, that it is almost impossible, and that I need more than therapy to get through it. 

~*Louis' Point of View*~ 

    I listen through the door as my sister talks to herself, mindlessly minding her own business. I know that she is still in pain, much, much emotional pain... but she still needs to eat and interact with me. I'm her eldest brother, her protector.. who hadn't done such a good job at protecting, but still her brother... I just wish she'd eat, and talk to me... 

     "Eleanor, please. Come out and talk to me!" I heard shuffling, but nothing more that rusling papers and a marker working on paper. It's the only way she's been talking to anyone in our family, on a piece of paper. She'd do nothing more than talk to herself if she didn't need to use the loo. 

     She slipped the paper through the door slowly, almost like she didn't want me to read it words. It read: Make me.

     I crumpled up the paper, about fuming. "I am fucking tired of this, Eleanor. Open the fucking door right now, or else I will kick it down!" 

     The door slowly opened before me as I came in contact with a puffy, red-eyed teenage girl I call my sister. 

     "What?" Her voice was hoarse and cracked. 

     Zayn will pay for what he has done to my Eleanor, my younger sister. 



I'd like to start off with this is unedited, as it is always. I am probably going to edit once I finish this, just saying.

I am so sorry for the wait upon the update, but I really hope you liked it, and I really hope it was a longer one. 

I also reccomend you read my new Fan-Fiction, Secret

It's about a girl named, Brinley Jane. She's best friends with Harry Styles, and they both have a secret that neither of them know. Everything started with a secret. 

Thank you for reading. Thanks for fanning. Thanks for commenting and thank you so damn much for the votes. 

You all are beautiful, inside and out. 


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