The Number Of Six

By silkenelen

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Living in a house with five original vampires, Elena Mikaelson is the only human in her family. Her oldest br... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter deel 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Naamloos deel 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 4

71 0 0
By silkenelen

Finally, it was Monday and I couldn't be locked up in the house anymore. As soon as I saw Caroline at school, I pulled her to the side and looked around to see if anybody was listening.
''What's up with your Sherlock attitude?'' She asked.
''I really need to tell you something.'' I said, but not a second later, the bell had rung. 
''No!'' I screamed in frustration. 
''Lunch time, fountain. Be there.'' 
''Promise. You do make me curious, Salvatore. I've never seen you so excited about anything, not even when we got that A+ for chemistry.'' She tapped her finger to her chin and narrowed her eyes, as if Caroline Forbes would ever think.  And just like that, the thinking stopped and her eyes went wide. ''No, no, no! I have math, with that annoying teacher, you know, the one who has al these disciplines, he will kill me...'' and off she was. I crossed my fingers that she wouldn't get detention. 

The four hours between first period and lunch break felt like four days. I even got weird looks from other students, my impatience so obvious. I think the teacher thought his lesson was going too slow for me because all of a sudden, he asked me advanced questions, which I of course could answer, to his astonishment and annoyance.  At least, there had been a little distraction from looking at how slow the minutes went. It was after second period, I was walking with Jenna towards our next class until all of a sudden, Matt turns around the corner and bumps into us. Jenna started blushing and mumbling these apologies but it was nothing coherent. Matt just mirrored her awkward behaviour and I stood on the side, enjoying the show.  

So, it was finally lunch time and I immediately sought out Caroline. The fountain was only a couple of feet away but she was nowhere to be seen. Had she forgotten? But then I saw her blond hair, waving in the wind and I just knew it was her. As if she could feel my eyes burning in her back, she turned around, gasped and looked at her watch before she ran over. It was more speed-walking, but I appreciated the gesture. 

''I am so sorry. Our class ended earlier, so I kind of lost track of time. I didn't forget though.'' Caroline looked apologetically but I waved it away.
''You know I was grounded, right?''
''Yeah, but I still don't know why. ''
''Neither do I, to be honest, but-'' I looked around before speaking again,
'' I went outside and met someone, a boy.''
''Wait, what? A boy? You talk to boys? Your brothers didn't kill him?''
''Let me finish! '' I said and was interrupted by a shy ''Hi'' from behind. Jenna stood next to us, fidgeting with her shirt. 

''Hi, Jenna. Is it okay if we meet up later?'' I politely asked. But I still felt bad for sending her away like this.
''Ow, okay.'' Jenna walked away, her pride obviously hurt. Damn it. I wanted to make her feel involved and a part of our little group but this was supernatural stuff.
''I feel bad for her.''
''Yeah me too. I'll make it up to her.''
''Now go on, a boy. Who? What? Where?''
I had told Caroline everything, except for the wolf part. I had yet to get there. But would she want to here that? She didn't react so well to vampires, but maybe she felt more for animals? There's only one way of knowwing.
''There is this little thing I didn't tell you...'' I hesitated but went on, '''s something supernatural. '' 

Caroline sighed. ''I'll have to get used to it. So why not start now?'' As she said this, I saw some acceptance starting to take form.  
''He is a wolf. I've never really had a decent conversation for longer than ten minutes with one and he told me something about wolves that Elijah hasn't. ''
''What was it?''
''He said you had to kill someone to become a wolf. '' Caroline looked shocked.
''So you basically met a murderer. Did you ask...?''
''Of course not! I was shocked and just wanted to forget about it, honestly. Asking him how or who he had killed was the last thing on my mind.'' And for not caring then, I had been sure caring a lot ever since. I regretted now that I hadn't pried further.
The only words I remembered him saying were: ''it wasn't my fault''. Did that really take away the responsibility of murdering someone?

''I think it's a little hypocrite to say that wolves are murderers and your siblings aren't.''
I looked up, shocked and mad that she called them murders.
 Caroline held her hands up. ''No offense.''

''They don't murder people! '' I almost yelled, my sibling loyality showing. 
''How do you know? They drink blood from other people, don't they? It must've gone wrong a couple of times. '' She shivered and so did I. I couldn't think of them as bad, as monsters who killed innocent people. 
''My point is, your siblings aren't bad even though they have probably killed..'' And that's when Caroline, the blond who only cared about appearances, changed into a moral compass. Not really though, but you get the point. 

The problem now, was that I needed to face the fact that my siblings were killers as well. 

''Maybe. I wish I only knew his name, I'm probably never going to see him again.'' I said, feeling almost sad. Why did I feel sad? I never met him before, I should care less if I saw him never again.
''Did you tell Elijah?'' Caroline asked.
''No! are you crazy? Only Rebeckah is a little suspicious, she smelled him but she promised not to say anything.''
''God, it must be so fun to have a big sister, my little sister, Lili, she is just so-''
From one second to another, we moved from the topic of killing people to her little ''so annoying'' sister. That's why I loved Caroline.

''I don't know if it is a good idea to come to my place Jenna. Can't we do the assignment at yours?"
"No! My parents are repainting everything so it will stink awfully. And I'd like to see your house. Please Elena.'' I sighed and turned to my locker. I did have something to make up to her.
''You'd like to come to our house, Jenna, right?'' Stefan said, who appeared right next to my shoulder. 
''What?'' I turned to him with big eyes of wonder.
''Yeah, it'll be fun to have one of my little sister's friends around, won't it?''
My brother, who, I might add, hated me had put his arm around my shoulder. What on earth was wrong with him? 
''What is going on?'' I asked, not buying this good-brother thing. Stefan smiled, winked at Jenna and left with his friends. Before turning the corner, he shouted: ''So you'll come, right?'' Jenna nodded her head with a big smile plastered on her face which didn't leave her face all day. Great, I thought.
''Finally! '' she said in a high-pitched voice, her exitement taking over.
''I don't get why you want to see my house so bad.''
"Because I'd like to know where you live and know what your family's. like''
''You really don't with mine. Trust me. "
"Stefan looks all right. How bad can the rest be if you say he's the worst?''
I sighed. I couldn't say no, I knew I had to make up for closing her out the other day and since Stefan had already invited her, there wasn't much I could do about it.
''Can we talk about something else please?''

"Here we are. " Stefan stopped in front of our house. He had offered to drive us home from school and he and Jenna had been talking and flirting all the way home. It didn't exactly help that I sat in the back and was not interested in their classes together but I got through it and could finally escape.
Stefan opened the front door, stood back and let Jenna in first. What a gentlemen. I rolled my eyes and when I wanted to get in, he slammed the door in my face. Funny.
''Stefan!'' I screamed even though he could've heared me if I whispered. I started looking for my keys in my pockets but I already knew I left them in my other jacket.
''Jenna, can you open the door please?'' I shouted, wondering why she hadn't done that yet.
I started to get worried, Jenna alone with Stefan, that couldn't be good. After a couple of seconds, that really felt like minutes, nobody had answered. What were they doing there? I sat down on the ground and took my cell.
I called Elijah, wondering where he was when you needed him. He didn't answer his phone, which was very unusual, so I called my second choice, Damon. After the fourth ring, he answered. He told me that he was in another city, visiting old friends. I sighed and hung up. He wasn't going to be home soon. Right before I wanted to dial Rebeckah's number, her car drove on the ramp. I stood up, glad that rescue had come. I was already planning my revenge on Stefan by telling Elijah what he had done when Rebeckah walked to the door, dressed in a tight red dress with her hair pinned up. 
'Why are you standing here? Who else is in the house?'' she asked me.
''A friend. Can you please open the door? She is alone with Stefan and I don't trust it.'' She raised an eyebrow but opened the door without further questions asked. I walked in and saw them talking on the couch, having fun.

''Well thanks, Jenna. '' I said, but she ignored me.
''Jenna?" I asked, not sure what's going on. But then it hit me. 
''You compelled her!'' I stated in utter amazement. He turned his head to me, winked and started laughing with something Jenna said I couldn't hear. I turned to Beckah.
''He compelled her!'' I repeated.
''She is right, Stefan. You shouldn't compel her friends. '' That was all? When I broke the rules, I got locked up. When Stefan does, he just gets a scowl?
"Wait until Elijah hears about it.'' I threatened and sat down on the kitchen island.
''He won't.'' Stefan said and erased Jenna's memory. She blinked and looked around her.
''Wow, this is a nice house.'' She said but I wasn't paying attention.
''Yes he will, when he comes-''
''You won't tell a thing, Elena.'' Rebeckah interrupted me. I turned around, again, my neck was starting to hurt from all the turning, and stared at her with a questioning look.
''He has had a lot on his mind the past few days, some siblings fighting won't do him good so neither of you will tell. Understood? From now on, you will come to me or Damon. " Stefan grinned and my mouth fell open.
''That's the last thing I want to hear about it.''
I crossed my arms. It was practically giving Stefan a free pass to do whatever he liked. God. 

Jenna coughed a little unsure and I had almost forgotten her.
''Rebeckah, this is my friend from school, Jenna. Jenna, this is my sister, Rebeckah. ''
"Nice to meet you. We don't get to meet a lot of friends of Elena."

"Nice to meet you too. It is also not easy meeting the siblings of Elena. '' I rolled my eyes. After they talked a little bit about how I did at school and how I was around my friends, Klaus barged in.
''Elijah won't be home soon, so I brought something with me. '' He announced where after a tall skinny blond girl came through the door.
"I'm very hungry so I'm just going to-'' but before he could finish his sentence, Rebeckah interrupted him.
'' We have a visitor, a friend of Elena's. Jenna." Klaus took her in from top to toe and it gave me the creeps at how he looked at her. Jenna must've felt it because she cringed a little but she stayed friendly and nodded her head as a greeting.looked like she felt uncomfortable under his stare and nodded friendly as a greeting.
''Well, Elena. Apparently, I won't be needing this girl anymore. '' He said , pointing at the blond behind him.

''If you only dare.'' I said.
''Klaus.'' Rebeckah warned. He rolled his eyes, muttered something about us being boring and went to his room with the girl. After we heard his door shut, Jenna started talking.
''Is it what I think it is?''
''Kind of.'' I tried not to lie and it wasn't a lie, he won't only use her for the blood but probably also for sex. She cleared her throat to get the clear the awkward silence. 

''So who is the youngest and who is the oldest? '' I named all my brothers and sister according to our birthdates and told her a little bit about their characters. Rebeckah had left again, leaving us with no food. There'd probably be a lot of healthy food in the fridge but I really didn't feel like being healthy. Klaus had mentioned Elijah not coming home , I wondered where he was but besides getting a little worried, I also felt relieved that I could order a pizza and after explaining that my siblings didn't need food, that they would take care of their own, we ordered two large pizzas. Half an hour later, the doorbell rang, probably the delivery guy with our pizzas. I opened the door and saw a familiar face.
''Aren't you the bartender who gets underaged girls drunk?'' I asked. He smiled. ''Yeah, remember my name? Cause I happen to have one. And considering the two of you ran into me, you should know my name by now.' '

I looked down, ashamed and acted like I tried to remember but I sucked at remembering names, I already knew I wouldn't be able to remember it.

''Matt. His name is Matt, isn't it?'' Jenna who had come out of the couch, suddenly stood next to me.
''So someone remembered. You were the other girl, right?'' Matt asked.
''I haven't seen you around much.'' He added.
''Yeah, I'm Jenna. But I'm a newbie.''
''Well, nice to meet you. ''
''So, as to make it up to you for running into you, want to drink something with us next Friday?''
Jenna, she couldn't have been more obvious, got really excited or nervous, I couldn't tell the difference, and started pinching my arm so hard that my blood stopped flowing. Matt answered that he would love to and asked if he could bring a friend, which was okay for us.
He gave us the pizza's, waved goodbye and closed the door.

''I can't believe you know him! He is so handsome! I've been eyeing him for a while now, waiting for an opportunity to talk to him. ''
''He is very cute. You should go for it.'' I said.
''So, you give me the permission to?'' she asked shyly. I was confused.
''What do you mean?''
''Well, he has been talking to you, not to me and I assumed-'' I cut her off before she could say more ridiculous things.
''No! I mean, he is cute and friendly but he is not boyfriend materiel to me. Don't worry.'' I told her with a smile. It's not that I knew who was boyfriend materiel because I had never had one, one I loved at least. I've had boyfriends but they were just for status, not for the love or a relationship or any of that. It's actually very pathetic if I think about it, I've lived for so many years now and I've never had a boyfriend where I was in love with. I wondered how it felt, being in love with someone. I couldn't imagine wanting to be with someone all the time, seeing them as perfect, not minding their imperfections, being so open to someone. Someday, I'll probably know what it's like but thinking about it won't help so I pushed it to the back of my mind.
''Thanks!'' she said, interrupting my thoughts, and threw her arms around me. I awkwardly hugged her back, we weren't the affectionate kind of people so I rarely hugged. We wanted to start our pizza's when Damon walked in.
''Hey sis and girl next to my sis. ''
''Hi, I'm Jenna. '' She greeted Damon who smiled his most charming smile.
''Your brother, is very, very, very handsome.'' She whispered. I giggled because she didn't know he could hear her. I took a peek at him and saw his ego taking a boost but I gave him a warning look not to react. He took the hint because he saluted.
''What are you eating?'' He asked, looking at the pizza in front of us.
''Oh shit.'' I had totally forgotten it. Damon agreed with Elijah on a few things, like the eating habits. He cared a lot about the appearance of people. Jenna looked confused at me and I was trying to make an excuse but couldn't find one so I did what I was best at, I kept shut.
''You know how bad that food is, it'll get you fat.'' He looked mad.
''I thought you knew better.'' He took the pizza away and threw it in the bin.
''Shut up.'' He said, not mad but just silent.
''Make something else. Elijah will be home in an hour. You're grounded, Elena.''
''Because I ate pizza?'' I asked, in utter disbelief.
''No way.'' I said, to my own amazement. I never stood up to any of my siblings, I always obeyed. And I was immediately reminded why. He swung me over his shoulder, ran in one second to my room, put me in bed and closed the door. I immediately got out and started pulling on my door but he had locked it.
''You've got to be kidding me!'' I shouted, angry about not being able to do something. I leaned my ear against the door and listened. He compelled Jenna, making her leave. Great. She came one evening and got compelled twice. I wished Elijah was here, he would never let this happen. Realizing he wasn't going to let me out anymore, at least, not this evening, I put my pajamas on and heard the front door. I quickly ran to my door and tried to listen. It was Rebeckah, she asked where Jenna and I were. Damon told her about what happened, Rebeckah said he had acted a little bit over the top but Damon said he needed to so he could make sure I never did anything that wasn't allowed. I rolled my eyes. As if I could do such a thing with five vampires watching my back.
''Can I come out?'' I asked.
''No. '' was my immediate response. I decided not to go begging and went to bed, at eight 'o clock. An hour later, I woke up from a hand going through my hair.
''Elijah,'' I said, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. My eyes adjusted to the dark and I was immediately reminded of what Rebeckah had said, he did look tired even though he was a vampire. He looked like he had been through a hell of a difficult time, so I just kept shut and said nothing about the recent events. ''Go back to sleep, I'll talk to you in the morning.'' He said where after he gave me a goodnight kiss and disappeared.

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