Fuckboy ↬ Nick Robinson Fanfi...

By cooIkid

4.5K 128 37

She followed the rules and didn't get attached. So why? Why did she end up not wining that damn game? More



347 11 3
By cooIkid

"Once upon a time, a devil and an angel fell in love,"


"What is it you wanted to talk about?" I asked, strolling around in the empty streets.
My stare was glued to my Converse, yellowed by time and slightly covered with mud on various spots.

"Nothing in particular, I just wanted to ditch, and you seem like a pretty cool chick," he replied, glancing at me with a grin, hands deeply dug in his pockets.

"Aw, sweet,"

It has been about 20 minutes since we left our school, we were walking along the sides of random streets, not paying attention to where we were going.
He walked mostly looking down, occasionally glancing at me with a slight smirk and eyes that spoke clearer than a mouth ever could every time I would say something that amused him.

The farther we got from our school, the greater I felt, which would be considered normal. Who doesn't love to be away from school anyway?
But that wasn't the point, I just felt like I was completely alone with him, in our own little word. It was a time of the day where everyone was busy either working or being in class, and we were walking in the streets of a neighborhood I had never been in before, never crossing the path of any cars.

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked, glancing around to see if anything was familiar.

"If I told you, I wouldn't have the satisfaction of seeing you wonder where the hell we're going. You almost look anxious, it's cute,"

"Right," I replied, letting out a soft chuckle.

"This way,"

He randomly stopped in the middle of the street and bifurcated to the left, leading me to an opening in the trees and bushes.

"What is this?"

"Shut up and just go," he replied, smirking.

I listened to him and went through the small opening, wondering what was going on. I made myself smaller so that I could pass underneath the branches and looked at my feet until the ground I was stepping on became noticeably different. It was no longer dead leaves and roots, but solid ground on which people could walk.
We were in a forest, I believe. A forest with paths and benches for people who would take a walk in it. The leaves were turning to warmer colours, going from deep red to dark yellow, some of them occasionally falling down to land beside our feet, due to the time of the year.

"That's amazing," I mumbled, looking around.

Wind was softly blowing through the ends of my hair, through the branches and leaves, creating a small melody along the birds who chirped higher in the cime of the trees.
It was a sunny day, not too warm, not too chilly, slightly windy, but perfect for a day outside.

"But why didn't we pass by the entrance instead of this?" I asked, glancing at the bushes he just made me pass through.

"We're not allowed to be here,"

"What do you mean? It's a forest, it doesn't really belong to anyone," I replied, slightly furrowing my eyebrows.

"This one does, it's a summer camp, I actually work here during the summer,"

"Wait, you- you work here?" I replied amused, "No way, the badass kid works at a summer camp,"

"Surprised?" he smirked, raising his eyebrows, "It's fucking awesome actually, you pretty much get paid for not doing anything in particular,"

"Come on, I want to show you something," he added, glancing away and turning around.

I followed him for a few minutes, as he led me through trees and trails. We walked for a few minutes in complete silence, the only audible noises being the leaves cracking underneath our footsteps and the birds singing.
A few moments later, he slowly stopped walking, as his lips curved into a slight smirk, admiring what was in front of him. It seemed to be a field.
No more trees were around us, as if forming a circle of land in the middle of the forest. In the middle of that field stood a weirdly shaped climbing wall.
It really was a summer camp.

"You wanted to show me a climbing wall?" I asked, slightly amused.

"Yeah," he turned around, looking at me with those eyes that make my knees go weak, "Actually, it's what's inside that interests me,"

I followed him closer to the climbing wall with an expression of confusion plastered on my face.

"What's inside?"

He didn't respond, he simply turned around the four climbing walls, each connected to one another forming some kind of rectangle before opening a trap in one of those walls.

"Yep, what's inside," he replied, smirking, before motionning me to go inside the trap.

I furrowed my eyebrows but went anyway, not seeing anything due to the darkness inside the walls. Small holes in the walls made it seem like I was underneath a starlit sky.
"You coming or what?" I asked, turning around, but to my surprise he was already coming in.

There was some kind of ladder, or steps that went to the top, probably for security when the kids are climbing the walls. I started climbing and tried not to kill myself falling due to the lack of light inside the walls and when I finally made it to the top, I opened some kind of small trap and found myself on top of the climbing walls, high above the ground.
There were places you could sit, so it was indeed a place for people who work here, to supervise the kids who are climbing.

"I like the vew," Nick said, sitting down with both his arms resting on his knees.

I sat next to him and looked around. I never knew our neighborhood had so many mountains and trees. It was a gigantic forest and mountains were displayed behind us, on which pine trees grew tall and on which spots of warm colours including red, orange and yellow had explosed.
It was a little chilly outside, due to the time of the year, although I didn't complain about it.

"So, feels food to ditch?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Absolutely, especially with a random stranger," I grinned, playing with a small branch I had found on the roof of the walls.

"Stranger? I wouldn't say we're strangers, we're more than that, I don't usually ditch with just fucking anyone,"

"Oh, so you ditch a lot?" I asked, amused.

"I usually ditch by myself, being alone feels good sometimes," he said, digging his hands in the pockets of his jacket, seeming a little chilly, "Do you mind if I..." he trailed off, taking out a pack of cigarettes.

"No, go ahead,"

He lit a cigarette and put it in between his lip, inhaling its content. He released a dark cloud of smoke in the air, and rested his arm holding the cigarette on his left knee.

I stared at the scene and tried resisting the urge to talk to him about cigarettes and their impacts on the human body, but I failed.

"You know cigarettes are bad for you, right?" I pressed my lips together, realizing that I was way out of line considering alcohol isn't really better for your body.

"And you, my dear, do know that it is none of your business, right?" he mocked, turning his gaze to me, slightly smirking as usual.
Whatever he did, it was always smooth. He knew how to talk, as weird as it sounds.

"I know it's bad for me, and I know I shouldn't smoke, but we all die eventually, whether we smoke or not," he continued, exhaling another cloud of smoke in the mid september air.

"That's a good way to see things, except you seem to forget the fact that the age where you die can change if you smoke,"

"It can change if you keep minding other's business as well,"

My eyes widened, but I let out a soft giggle,"Right,"

"I'm joking," he reminded, "My sister can't fucking stand that I'm smoking, you remind me of her in a way,"

"I bet she's pretty damn cool if I remind you of her,"

"She is, but she also annoys the shit out of me," he softly smiled to himself, staring at the horizon, "I don't see her a lot, and we fight most of the time, but you know, siblings and shit,"

"I wouldn't know, I'm an only child," I replied, playing with the same branch I had found earlier, "How old is she?"


"I've always wanted a younger sister,"

"It's shitty most of the times, I-

He stopped talking randomly and turned around,"Fuck,"
He threw his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it, bending down near the trap as he opened it.

"What's happening?" I asked nervously.

"Patrols, if they see me I lose my job, come on," he replied, way too amused for this situation.

We got back into the darkness, away from the exterior of the walls and started going down the ladder as I heard him chuckle. We could hear footsteps coming from the outside, so as soon as we hit the ground, we shut our mouth and breathed slowly, not moving very much in order to not make a sound.
It was dark, and I could only see his figure. He was looking at his right with a slight grin, slightly illuminated by daylight coming through the small symetrical holes in the walls.

"How do we get out?" I whispered, leaning on the wall.

"We don't, not now, there's something I want to do first,"


Even though I couldn't see very well due to the lack of light, I knew he was leaning dangerously close, but for a reason I ignore to this day, I placed both my hands at the back of his neck and let it happen.
Our lips connected and there was no escape, my body was trapped between a wall and the boy who made my knees go weak with a single stare. Our lips moved in synch, as if made for each other, as if completing each other. I knew it was wrong, Scar would be devastated, but I couldn't bring myself to stop, my body was taking control over my mind and I couldn't help but enjoy every single second of it. His hands travelled down my body and stopped at the very bottom of my back, making me crave the sensation of his fingers on my skin. I told him smoking was bad for you, but this, this must be fatal.


What do you guys think about this story so far?:))
PROM IS TOMORROW i'm excited

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