By ElleBold

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'I knew I was never going to see him again. I knew it and yet in my heart I had hope. I could still sense him... More



128 5 0
By ElleBold

"Liam let me go!" I screamed as I was trying to break free from his strong hold.

"I can't do that, we need to go." He softly said

"I don't fucking care, Liam! I am not leaving without him."

"You have to. This is the only way to get you home."

"I don't want to go home! I want to be with him!" I started to cry.

He was so close and I only touched him for a mere second before I was ripped away from him again. I didn't care about anything else right now. I wanted him. I needed him.
I was hysterically crying and for a second my legs couldn't hold my weight anymore and I collapsed. Liam reacted quickly by catching me and he held my crying face against his chest.

"Let me take you home. David has missed you. Your parents and your friends are worried sick. There is nothing we can do right now, Rose." Liam said as he slowly helped me up.

David. I had missed him so much. And I finally found the will to cooperate and go with Liam. I was going to see my son again. A fluttering feeling went through my stomach and the closer we got to the car the more relieve I felt about being out of there.

I turned around just one last time hoping I would get a glimpse of him, but I saw nothing. He was gone. I felt the tears roll down my cheek and decided that it was okay. That I was allowed to grief and to be upset, so I cried. Hysterically.

I got in the car and within minutes I was fast a sleep. I hadn't had a good sleep in quite a while so this was the best thing that could happen right now. The movement of the car and the voices of the boys calmed me and kind of sang me to sleep. This was nice.
Of course I was roughly woken up by a terrible nightmare and I shot up. I was in de front seat next to Zayn and he put his hand on my leg and I jumped.

"It's okay. You're safe. Go back to sleep." He softly said and I closed my eyes again.

I don't know how long I had been sleeping but after a while I felt strong hands lift me out of the car and carry me somewhere. I didn't want to open my eyes. I was afraid I might be disappointed if I did.
Someone opened a door and the sound of the keys in the lock made me realize exactly where I was. Home. I opened my eyes and saw that it was Liam carrying me in and I looked around. He put me down on the couch and I took in the smell and I let my hand go over the couch.

Everything was exactly how I left it. The roses Harry had send me were dead in the vase but I was so relieved to see they where still there. I saw the blood on the floor from where I was shot had been cleaned up and I wondered who had done that.

I looked at the boys and saw them quietly discussing something. I never realized until now that they might have had quite the adventure trying to find me and knowing what I know now about the whole gang shit I'm sure it didn't all go down legally.

"I won't tell them you found me." I said

They looked at me confused, but I think Niall understood what I meant and he walked up to me and sat down.

"We did some things, in order for you to get home safe, that weren't exactly legal." He said and I nodded.

"Even showing our faces here is kind of dangerous." Louis said.

"Tell them you escaped. As long as we are not connected to you we might have a shot of getting out of here unseen." Zayn said and my head shot up.

"Out of here? What do you mean? Leaving me alone?" I said confused.

I was scared. I didn't want them to go anywhere I wanted them to stay here at all times and protect me. I knew that was not something they could do and I knew that I was safe now, but still. Them leaving meant I would never see them again.

"Look, Rosie, we need.."

"Please don't call me that." I interrupted

"I'm sorry. But we need to get out of town until this situation is resolved. It's not safe for us and we are of no use to you if we're behind bars." Liam said.

"I understand. I just.. I don't want to be alone."

"You won't be alone." I suddenly heard a familiar voice and I looked up.

"Mom.." I started to cry and I got up and she ran up to me embracing me and I had never felt more safe than in this moment.

I saw my dad walk in and as he moved towards me a little figure came out from behind him and I held my breath.

"David!" I yelled in excitement. And he ran up to me and jumped in my arms. I held him so close to me as the tears ran down my face. My son.

"Hi baby! How are you?" I cried and smiled at the same time.

I smelled his hair and hugged him tight. I had missed him so much and for a mother to be reunited with her child after a long time is a feeling I can't describe. A feeling of relieve and gratefulness. He was my baby and I finally had him back.

"Where's your hair mommy." He asked rubbing his little hands over my bald head.

"Mommy wanted something new. Do you like it?" I smiled. I was hurting inside because I hated it, but I needed to be strong and not let him see that.

"You always look pretty mommy." He smiled giving me a kiss on my head and I laughed.

I wanted to thank the boys, but as I looked up to say something I realized they were gone. I wish they had said goodbye at least, but I was starting to understand what they were involved in a little more and I realized that it was best for them to just go.

"You know we are going to have to go to the police and explain what happened to you, right?" My dad said.

"I know" I said quietly looking at David.

I don't know if I was ready yet to talk about it, I just got back. But it had to happen someday. I wasn't even sure what to tell them if I wanted to leave Harry and the boys out. I was going to have to make up a believable story that somehow would get Jason behind bars.

I looked at my parents. I never thought the day would come that I would be so grateful to see them as I was right now. They must have gone through hell not knowing where I was and I suddenly realized something.

"I need to see Eve." I said

"We can take you to her. You might as well stay with us for a couple of nights." My mom said.

"But first we need to go to the police." My dad insisted.

I nodded. I knew it was the right thing to do, so we made our way to the car and as we drove to the police station my mind was constantly drawn to Harry. Where would he be right now? Was he even still alive? I felt my heart ache in my chest and I swallowed back my tears as we pulled up at the station.

We got out and I felt my heart beating in my chest. I was nervous. I felt my mothers hand in mine and I looked over at her. Her beautiful calm face calmed me down a bit and we went inside. We walked over to the reception desk and I didn't really know what to do.

"Hello, I'm Rose Callen." I said.

AN: sorry it took so long! But here's chapter two. It's not that long but I hope you like it. Please let me know you thoughts and don't forget to vote!


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