Made In The A.M. (BWWM/ INTER...

By KoolLePlaisir

446K 15K 4.1K

'Won't you stay till the a.m.? All my favourite conversations Always made in the a.m. 'Cause we don't know wh... More

1: The Beginning
2: Mrs. Hendry?
3: Don't
4: Missing You
5: Speak Now
6: When I Realized 'It's You' (1)
7: When I Realized 'It's You' (2)
8: Moments of Heaven & Hell
9: +
10: EXit That Way
11: Mr. Hendry
12: ❌ed My Path
14: Fuck You
15: Before Thought
16: Ticking Clocks
17: Wild Boys
18: A.M.
19: My Vows To You
20: Family to Foe
21: Gifts From the Past
22: No More Games
23: All About You
24: Guy Talk
25: Trouble Finds You
26: Set That Bitch Straight
27: Thanksgiving Pettiness
28: No Letting Go
29: Turning Pages
30: One Last Chance

13: Spending Time

14K 424 171
By KoolLePlaisir

First off, throwback to my childhood. I love this song to this very day. This song brings back so many memories. 😧 I miss that music era so much. Anyways, I hope that you enjoy some cuteness, a little arguing, & sexy times with our favorite couple that have their own way of doing things. Don't forget to drop a vote/ comment! I just love your comments & I really appreciate them as well as your votes!😶 Deuces!

P.s. This is unedited & the longest chapter thus far!


"Elijah, you have a shoot in Barcelona tomorrow morning. So I need you to pack up and hop on a plane in 3 hours so you will be well rested for the shoot", my agent said pissing me off. Every since unwanted people have left our lives we have both been too busy to actually spend time together. The few quick lunches and conversations in the morning and late at night are not cutting it for me. I miss my woman. I miss holding her in my arms. I miss the taste of her lips, the feel of her hands, and seeing those beautiful eyes of her's that I love so much.

I miss us. It is like we are drifting apart when we are so close to tying ourselves together for eternity. "Kristen, I have a wedding to get ready for in a matter of weeks and a pregnant fiancée I need to be here for. Why the bloody hell do you keep booking me for shoots when I told you that I was taking a month off?", I responded harshly. "Congratulations, I had no idea about any of that. Maybe if you told me why you needed that break then I would not have continued booking you anyway instead of telling me 'because I said so'. Regardless of the fact, you still have to hop your arse on that plane I booked for you and be there for that shoot", she said snarkily. I hummed running a hand through my hair. "Regardless of me getting on that plane or not, Kristen your services are no longer needed", I responded nonchalantly.

"Elijah, I know that you are upset but let's not make hasty decisions. We work amazing together and are the perfect duo in the industry. We would make an even better co-", I interrupted her because I could not stand to hear anymore of this woman's bullshit. "Kristen, you and I will never happen. We were never going to happen. I told you that I do not mix business with pleasure. You are not my type nor are you anywhere near half the woman my beautiful fiancée is. There is nothing hasty about my decision. I have been thinking about this for months, but you just gave me the feather that broke the camel's back. I will do this shoot, but I advise you to cancel all of the other shoots you scheduled for me before you find yourself dealing with multiple lawsuits", I responded, voice strained.

"I will do no such freaking thing. We are under contract, Stephen and I as your agent get to decide if you can take a break or not. Now you will board that plane and after that another and so on", she spat, and there it was. She really thought that there would not be any loopholes or I would not have a way to break our contract. I smirked as my love stirred awake in the bed behind me.

I glanced back at her to see her awake and already looking at me. I held up a finger to let her know to give me a moment before looking away from her to focus back on the matter at hand. "We will be there in Barcelona tonight and we will talk about this more there face to face", I responded casually before hanging up on her before she could say anything else. I set my phone to 'Do Not Disturb' mode before locking it because for the moment I was done with that woman. A pair of soft smooth arms wrapped around me, one going over my shoulder and the other around my torso pressing a female body against my back. I turned my head to be met in a tender kiss from my love.

"Good morning, Finny", she whispered resting her cheek on my shoulder. "Good morning, love", I whispered back reaching up and taking her hand into my own intertwining our fingers. Obviously neither one of us gave a fuck about morning breath this morning because Ana usually would avoid kissing me until after she has brushed her teeth or at least rinsed her mouth with mouthwash. Although I am about to burst our happy little bubble, I hope that she will not be too upset that our plans for the next few days have been ruined with an unexpected photo shoot. I sighed giving her hand a squeeze before letting it go. "I have a shoot in Barcelona tomorrow but my flight leaves in 3 hours", I said plainly.

"When will you be back?", she asked after a moment of silence passed between us. "I was planning on taking you too. I want you to be with me and I need my lawyer for the shit that is about to go down in Barcelona", I responded. I felt her nod before releasing me and climbing out of the bed. I rose from the bed and made my way to my closet to begin packing for our the trip while she went into the bathroom to shower. As I packed I thought about how everything with Kristen would go. I know that Ana is upset eventhough she seemed calm about everything and I completely understand that being in the same boat.

I had just finished packing when she called out to me snapping me out of my thoughts. "Finny?", she called and when I glanced over my shoulder at her I had to do a double take. "Where the hell do you think you are going dressed like that?", I asked pointedly. I had no problem with her top half. It was the bottom, or the lack of a bottom she was wearing. I really hope she does not think I am letting her walk out of here dressed like that because my love is going to be in for a rude awakening.

"What? What's wrong with the way that I am dressed? ", she asked looking down at herself as she did her hair. I raised a brow, "Aren't your shorts missing some of them?", I asked and she scoffed. "You cannot be serious right, Stephen?", she asked exasperated. "Bloody fucking serious", I deadpan and she rolled her eyes. "I will wear whatever I want to. It is not like my ass is hanging out, so why are you making such a big deal about it?", she snapped. I sighed not wanting to argue with her and just walked into the bathroom.

I turned on the shower and got in washing myself quickly so we would have enough time for Ana to pack and get to the airport without hassle. I had a little scruff on my face but I did not feel the need to shave it off so I went on into my room and got dressed. Ana was sitting on the bed and she still had on those bloody shorts but I did not comment on it again. I just grabbed my bag off the bed along with my cell, wallet, and keys and while she grabbed stuff then we headed out. The entire ride over to her place was tensed and I hated it. We are usually so comfortable around each other and carefree, but now it is different.

I do not like that at all. So while she was packing I laid on her sectional and texted the guys letting them know that we were leaving for a few days and bought a ticket for Ana.

When she came out pulling a suitcase behind her with a duffle bag on top of it I got up sticking my phone back into my pocket and helped her. She mumbled a 'thank you' before walking ahead of me as we stepped out of the condo into the hallway. She locked the door and we made our way to the elevator in a tense silence. Stepping on the elevator when it came and the doors opened allowing us on the elevator with her being so near, but so far bothered me like crazy. So as soon as the doors closed I turned to her lifting her clean off her feet and pressing her back against the wall. "Steph-mmm", I interrupted my love with a kiss, silencing any objections before she could utter them.

She tried to resist me, but she gave in to me and kissed back. "Stephen", she breathed my name as I deepened the kiss. Fuck, I am hard as steel right now. "Finny?", she moaned breathlessly as I kissed from her succulent lips to her neck where I left marks on her. The elevator dinged and the doors opened alerting us that we had reached our stop. With one last tender kiss to my baby's lips I sat her back down on her own two feet.

I took her hand into my own intertwining our fingers together and grabbed the handle on her suitcase before we exited the elevator. I ignored the looks we received from people that saw our interaction in the elevator, pulling along Ana and her suitcase with me towards the exit. "I cannot believe you did that, Stephen. All those people were judging us", Ana grumbled making me shrug because we both knew that I did not give a rat's arse what other people thought about me unless they were cutting me a check. Even then it was still not so much. "Love, did you forget who I am? Let them stare. Let them judge. The only people's judgement of you you should be concerned with are those closest to you and God. The rest can sod off", I responded nonchalantly. She sighed, "I am not like you, Finny. I cannot just shrug things like that off. I am a lawyer for Pete's sake. Dealing with judgement is what I do. I sway judgement in my favor and that little stunt you pulled in the el-", I grunted in annoyance before interrupting her once again.

"Would not have made a difference. Your outfit alone makes people judge you more than they would have just for us being together alone does. So whether I kissed my fiancée in an elevator up against a wall or out on the street, it would not of made a difference, Anastasia", I said snarkily before letting go of her hand and continuing pulling along her suitcase to my car. "Are you seriously mad at me for my choice of clothing? I like the way that I dress and I do not see anything wrong with it. You never had a problem with it before we got together so why have one now?", she spat making me halt in my steps. I turned to face her so she could really feel everything I was about to say to her. So that my words can hit home and register within her mind. I stepped to her making us nearly chest to chest due to our height difference. "I have always had a problem with you dressing the way you do now from the start. I just never said anything because you were happy and it was not my place as your friend to comment on it. I was not your man then, but I am now and I am telling you that it bothers me that you wear things that leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. Noone but me should see you like this or any part of your body that only a lover should, Anastasia. I am your man and I do not want men staring at my woman like she is some prize to be won at a fucking fair. It is like you want them looking at you. It is like you are telling me that my attention is not enough for you", I spat.

I love this woman. I love this woman so much, but God. She really tests my patience. She knows I have anger problems, yet she still provokes me. I will never raise my hand to strike a woman, especially not my woman. That is not how I was raised. I was raised to respect women, but some make it extremely hard to do that.

"Why did you not tell me, Fin? I-I-Baby, i'm sorry", she whispered before bursting into tears. I sighed and pulled her into a hug shushing her. "Love, stop crying", I mumbled rubbing her back. "But you are mad at me", she whimpered making me sigh again. "I am. I am very mad at you right now, but I love you. I know that me being angry with you upsets you, but why are you crying, love? You do not usually cry when we have a disagreement", I responded. She sniffled snuggling into my chest.

"It's these damn hormones. You did this shit to me, Stephen", she suddenly snapped shoving at my chest. I stumbled a few steps back having been taken by surprise, but I regained my composure. "I'm sorry, Fin. My hormones are just everywhere right now. I understand, baby. I just feel comfortable enough in my own skin to wear clothes like this after being too insecure to for so long. I just want to show that I am confident in myself and I like the way I dress. I am sorry for upsetting you and testing your patience. Forgive me, Finny?", she said stepping up to me and wrapping her arms around my waist. I just stared down at her while she ran her hands up and down my back and buried her face into my chest, nuzzling it. "I am sorry, Finny. I love you, baby", she whispered staring up at me as her hands slipped under my shirt and ran the expanses of my back.

With a groan I leaned down pecking her on the lips. "I love you too, love. I admit that these shorts show off your arse beautifully, my arse", I mumbled cupping her arse in my hands and squeezing it firmly. She slapped me on the chest with a giggle making me smile down at her fondly. "We are truly bi-polar", I commented and she just smiled up at me while I continued groping her. "Maybe, but we need to get a move on before we miss our flight", she whispered standing on her tiptoes and pecking me on the lips. I hummed giving her arse one last squeeze before stepping away from her and taking her by the hand again while grabbing her suitcase.

A few minutes later we were on the road heading to the airport. We made it to the airport with almost 40 minutes to spare. There were a few paparazzi there but we ignored them and went on our merry way to drop off our luggage then headed off to security. Ana was teasing me when we went through the metal detector because I had to take off my shirt to get rescanned by a hand held due to my nipple piercings. That was fine because I got to tease her when she blew up on the woman at the desk for trying to flirt with me.

Our flight was spent with me mostly taking care of Ana because she was dealing with motion sickness from the plane ride but other than that we were making plans for our wedding and eat. Through it all I enjoyed it because I got spend time with my love. By the time we landed in Barcelona it was dark out so we headed to the hotel that was booked for me and checked in. I drew us a bath while Ana ordered us room service some. I had just dropped in some rose petals that I found in the bathroom when Ana came strolling into the bathroom stark naked causing Stephen Jr. to salute his Queen. I groaned adjusting my hard on in my jeans and finished making our bath water.

"Is the bath ready?", she asked pressing her naked body up against my back, her arms going around my waist to my jeans and unfastening my belt. She unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans then slid her hand into my briefs grasping my dick in her hand. I cleared my throat removing her hand from inside my briefs and stepping away from her. She pouted at me, but I just ignored it not wanting to get sucked into whatever she was playing at. "It's ready, love. You can get in, just give me a minute", I said gruffly, finally responding to her question. She giggled like I had just told her a funny joke as I watched her carefully climb into the tub and lower herself into the water.

Once I knew that she was situated in the tub I left the bathroom to check my phone, turning off 'Do Not Disturb' mode. Almost instantly my phone began ringing with Kristen's name appearing on the screen. With a sigh I swiped to answer and placed the phone to my ear. "Elijah, so wonderful for you to finally answer one of my calls", Kristen greeted sarcastically making my hard on deflate instantly. I rolled my eyes at her attitude because who the hell is she to have an attitude with me when she made moves without my say so? It is not like I am taking her away from the little time you finally have to spend with the person she loves after not being able to be with them like you wanted to for weeks.

Oh, right. That is all of the shit she pulled on me. "What do you want? Ana and I are in Barcelona like you wanted and are trying to make the best of the situation that you put us in", I responded letting my irritation seep into my voice. "Ana? Anastasia is with you? Why did you bring her, you are here to work, Elijah?", she hissed. "You have no right to question me about anything, Kristen. Why were you blowing up my phone?", I responded blandly. "I was making sure that you made your flight. I just landed in Barcelona and want to meet for drinks at a p-", I did not want to here it. "No. We will see you tomorrow at the shoot", I deadpan and hung up on her.

I tossed my phone on the bed and stripped down before joining my love in the bath. I pulled her onto my lap, her back to my chest and just held her as we sat in a comfortable silence enjoying each other's presence. "She called you didn't she?", she asked looking up at me over her shoulder. I hummed, "Over 37 times", I mumbled caressing the inner part of her thighs. Ana tsked, turning in my lap to straddle me. "She wants you so badly, yet you have turned a blind eye to her and her feelings for so long. Tell me, have you ever had sex with that woman?", she whispered sultry as she grasped me in her hand and gave a nice firm stroke making me groan in appreciation.

"Have you ever kissed her like this?", she whispered before kissing me passionately and pulling away, leaving me wanting more as she continued stroking me beneath the water. "Has she ever worked your dick the way that I do, Finny?", she breathed jerking her hand sharply making me nearly blow my load like a young teenage boy. "Love, stop", I breathed, a groan of pleasure falling from my lips half a second later. "Answer me, Stephen. Tell me, who do you belong to? Who is your woman? Who's pussy does your lips and tongue taste? Who's dick is this?", she questioned sternly, jerking me faster. "Oh, fuck. Love, shit", I cursed, my hips bucking into her hand. "Who Stephen?", she purred and I lost it.

I pried her hand off of my dick, grabbing it in my own hand and positioned it at her pussy hole. My chest was heaving like I had been running and I was lust driven and needy. So all thoughts of being careful and making love were gone out of the window. She wants an answer then I will give her one. "You want to know who I belong to, whose dick this is, whose man I am, then feel it, baby", I whispered into her ear before thrusting my hips forward, driving my dick deep inside of her making her gasp. "Oh God!", she yelled as I gripped her hips firmly and began bouncing her on my dick while thrusting my hips upwards to meet her bounce for bounce.

"Yes, oh God is right", I grunted speeding up the pace. "B-Baby, ah!", she moaned gripping my shoulders to steady herself. Water splashed over the edges of the tub as I fucked my love giving her so much pleasure that she was a blubbering mess. She will be feeling the drag of my dick inside of her for days after this fucking at just the mere thought of me. With the sounds spilling from my love's mouth I am expecting a sound complaint to be coming our way soon. However, I will not try to silence my love's cries of pleasure at all.

"Look at you, love. So fucking gorgeous and so fucking mine. No woman can ever please me the way that you do. You were made for me. Your pussy was made to take this dick. All of me is yours, baby. All of me is yours as all of you is mine", I whispered into her ear lovingly, getting a soft 'Yes' from her in return. I gave her that little extra stimulation, taking her right nipple into my mouth sending her over the edge. She arched her back, pressing her breast to my mouth even more as she practically rose right off my dick screaming to the high heavens. But I was not having any of that at all. I slid my hands around from her hips to her arse, gripping it in a bruising grip before slamming her back down on my dick. "Stephen!", she screamed digging her nails into my shoulders, shuddering uncontrollably.

"You feel so fucking good, baby", I groaned into her ear, before givig her 3 last hard thrusts and cumming inside of her pussy, our cum mixing together. I slowly fucked the both of us through our orgasms before finally letting up on my love. Our chests heaved as we caught our breaths before I helped Ana ease her sore body off of me and turned on the jets to help ease her soreness. After a few minutes of just sitting in the tub allowing the jets to massage our sore muscles we bathed and got out of the tub. It was not until I was helping my love out of the tub did I see how brutally I actually fucked her. She had bruises on her hips and arse, and her pussy was a little swollen.

My hands had ceased all movement as I stared at the bruises I had left on her beautiful skin. "Baby, I am fine. You did not hurt me nearly as bad as you think you did. I am just a little sore and another good soak in the tub along with some Aleve's and I will be ready for more. So, relax. I promise that it is fine", she assured me, but I still felt bad. I sighed gently pulling her forward so that she was standing in between my open legs and gently kissed the bruises on her hips and arse saving her pussy for last. I gently pecked it not wanting to hurt her even more than I already have before peppering it with kisses then continued drying the rest of her body off. After she was all dried off I helped her lotion herself and other hygiene stuff then helped her put on her gown then I dried myself off. I did not get a chance to put on any clothes though before room service was knocking at our hotel room door.

So I re-wrapped the towel around my waist and answered the door allowing them into our room. What I did not, or rather who I did not expect to come strutting in after them was Kristen. I followed behind her, my anger spiking again at the sight of the bitch.

"All of this food for two people? Elijah, you should not be pigging out with your friend before a shoot. You will wind up looking fat in your pictures", Kristen commented snidely. Goodness, does this girl ever quit? "What are you doing here, Kristen?", Ana asked sounding just as irritated as I feel.

Kristen scoffed, her eyes narrowed as she looked at my love. "It's Ms. Lincoln, Anastasia. Your mistake. As for my being here, this was my room too originally, but Elijah brought a plus one so I had to get another one. Aside from that, I came to talk to my client since he could not come meet me like I requested him to do", she replied haughtily. I rolled my eyes walking pass her over to my bag getting out my wallet and tipping the people for bringing us our food then escorting them out before rejoining Ana along with our guest. "I told you that I was not meeting you tonight and I also told you that we would be seeing you tomorrow. That did not mean for you to come barging into our hotel room unannounced. Do yourself a favor and not dig yourself an even bigger hole to get buried in by throwing jabs at my fiancée, but since you obviously cannot wait until tomorrow to hash it out. Let's get this all over with now", I said blandly.

She rolled her eyes at the reminder of Ana being my fiancée. "Mr. Hendry, I will take it from here. Please, grab my duffle bag for me?", my love said in her court room voice before Kristen could utter another word. I happily complied, sitting her bag on her lap and kissing her on the forehead before moving over to the carts of food. "Wow, so original, Anastasia. You call your fiancé by his last name. That's cute that you try so hard", Kristen commented sarcastically. I opened my mouth to her to get the hell out of our room when I caught the slight twitch of my love's lips before she smirked. "I can assure you, Kristen, that I am far from cute in my man's eyes but enough about our personal life. Let's get down to business, that is why you came here", Ana responded casually.

"I came to talk to, Elijah, not you. So why don't you step out for a moment or something?", Kristen foolishly said. Ana raised a brow, glancing my way. "Mr. Hendry, how did you ever get anything done through this incompetent woman?", Ana directed at me. I shrugged, "She was wonderful to work with in the beginning, but lately I have been considering a change of management due to irreconcilable differences", I responded honestly. "Shut up, Stephen. You better not say another word to her about us. We work wonderful together, even you admitted to that fact. So there is no need for you considering anything. Besides, we have a contract", Kristen sneered making me glare at her.

I saw it in her eyes the moment ours met, she wanted to back down so badly but she had too much pride to do it in front of someone she deemed an enemy, Ana. The only thing that made me look away from Kristen was the sound of my love humming. "Kristen, dear. You mean this contract?", Ana asked waving said contract at her. Kristen glowered at my baby. "Why the hell d-", before she could even finish her question Ana began talking over her. "I find it funny that you have seemed to have forgotten that I am, Stephen's lawyer which makes me Elijah's lawyer. That means that I have every right to stay in this room and you, Ms. Lincoln, have said more than enough. I have heard more than enough from both parties to end your contract. However, you will still be paid your percentile for booking this shoot, but the rest you will cancel tomorrow or you have to deal with me also taking you to court. Now I advise you to get the hell out of our hotel room before I as his fiancée beats your ass and drag you out by your hair like the trash of a woman that you are. And no honey, that was not a damn threat. That is a promise", my love spat with more malice than 2 countries at war with each other.

Kristen looked white as a sheet of paper when she was done speaking, but she did not make a move to leave. "Bitch, did I not just tell you-", Ana snapped getting up off the bed and advancing on the shooken woman, but I intercepted sweeping her off her feet holding her bridal style. "Love, calm down. You will not be fighting. You are pregnant and can get you both hurt", I whispered into her ear making her huff but she still glared daggers at Kristen who had yet to move at all. That made me glare at her again myself. "What the hell are you still standing there for? Get. Out", I yelled startling Kristen out of her stupor. She blinked then scowled at us and stormed out of the room slamming the door behind her as she left.

I gently sat a pouting Ana back down on the bed and pushed the cart closer to the bed so that everything was easily in reaching distance before sitting down beside her. I took the tops off the trays looking over our food selection. It was all basically junk and fatty foods, but I could care less. With the way that I burn energy and work off fat, I can basically eat whatever I want to.

Ana grabbed the plate with the burger on it and began tucking it in right away. She moaned making me raise a brow and chuckle at her as she stared at me with narrowed eyes and chipmunk cheeks. "You are so cute sometimes, love", I commented picking up a cheese stick and dipping it in the tomato sauce then eating it. She rolled her eyes as she swallowing and picking up an onion ring from her plate before pointing it at me like an accusing finger. "Cute is for babies, puppies, and kittens. I am a grown woman. I am not cute. I am sexy", she chided before biting into the onion ring like it had done something to her. "Kitten, you just made yourself seem even more cuter to me", I responded picking up the plate of boritos and a fork off the cart.

She went quiet making me look at her, only to find her staring at me with tears in her beautiful eyes. "What's wrong, baby?", I asked concerned about what had upset her. She shook her head and gave me a soft smile. "You called me Kitten. You have not called me that since we were kids, Finny", she whispered leaning forward and pecking me on the lips. I shook my head and pecked her back on the lips before beginning to actually eat. As we both ate we talked more about the finishing touches for our wedding such as the flowers, gift bags, and seating arrangements during the actual ceremony and at the reception.

Everything is basically set in stone except us getting our rings and writing our vows. We have yet to do either because we have been so busy with work and drama that it slipped our minds. We both agreed that we will get our rings when we got back home and as for our vows. We agreed that we would not write out our vows and to just speak from our hearts. So in other words, we are going to wing it. That is about everything that still needed to be down or picked out for our wedding.

I honestly cannot wait to see my beautiful bride walking down the aisle to me. I am ready to be married. I am ready to share my family's last name with my wife. I am not entirely ready to be a father, but I was ready enough to risk my love getting pregnant so I am surely ready enough to take care of my responsibilities like a real man should. Most of all, I am ready to start a new life with my love. I have waited so long for this and now that it is all happening, I cannot help but think about how blessed I am to have her as we lie in bed together. Her head is resting on my chest while her leg is thrown across my waist and one of my arms is wrapped around her waist holding her protectively against my side while the other is tucked under my head.

We stayed like that until we fell asleep. And when we woke up early the next morning and shared a shower before getting dressed for the long day ahead of us, I could not keep the smile off my face although I was tired.

She made it all worth wild. In between breaks she was there at my side spending time with me, whether it was while I was changing clothes or just a breather. She was there making me smile and laugh. She was there like she always has been, will be.

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