After "Love"

By xxCheyenneRosexx

4K 242 15

Completed! Sequel to Kidnapped for Love! About Beth's life after her horrible experience with kidnappers, dem... More

Married : Chapter 1
Reception : Chapter 2
Rose Petals : Chapter 3
Package Delivery : Chapter 4
Flight :Chapter 5
Stores : Chapter 6
Stabbed : Chapter 7
Waiting Game :Chapter 8
Bane :Chapter 9
The Plan: Chapter 10
Nightmare Becoming Real? : Chapter 11
Changed Plans : Chapter 12
Safe? : Chapter 13
Fight : Chapter 14
Shaggy : Chapter 15
You are a What?!?! : Chapter 16
Black Wolf : Chapter 17
Matt : Chapter 18
Run : Chapter 19
Friday : Chapter 20
Barbecue : Chapter 21

Kids : Chapter 22

211 14 2
By xxCheyenneRosexx

Beth's POV

5 years later

As I sat on the wicker chair on the porch, I watched my two kids playing on the lawn. My oldest, Lucas, and my youngest, Lia, were throwing a ball back and forth to each other. And by oldest and youngest, I mean one was born 5 minutes earlier. Yep, that's right... I had twins.

"Lucas, Lia! Time for dinner!" I yelled to them.

They came running and Jake quickly swooped in and grabbed one under one arm and the other in a different arm. They screamed in excitement and Jake grinned as he saw them smiling as he spun them around.

"Okay, time for dinner!" I yelled again mostly for Jake to listen...

I swear Jake doesn't listen but Lucas and Lia do...

"Fineeee....." Jake said setting them down.

They rushed to me and grabbed my legs for protection.

"Hey, babe." Jake said kissing my cheek.

"Hi." I said giving him a hug back.

We all walked into the house and sat around the table as we ate. After eating, someone call for Jake.

"Alpha!!!" Someone yelled.

Dennis walked in with his mate and his kid, Ray.

"Hi, Ray!" Lia said to him.

It was so cute... I can already tell they are mates.

"Lia!!!" He squealed.

They hugged each other as Jake chatted with Dennis.

"So, how's it going?" I asked Dennis's mate, Harper.

"Good, how have you been doing?" She asked.

"I'm good." I replied.

"Mom!" Lucas said.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"Can I go play with Ray and Lia outside?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.

He grinned and ran out the back door.

"I can totally see Ray and Lia being mates." I said to Harper.

"Oh my gosh. Yeah, it is so obvious." She said smiling at the sight of them playing in the backyard.

I grinned at the sight of the three children in the yard.

"So, how far along are you on the second kid?" I asked Harper.

"Well, it's been about 4 months." She replied looking at her growing stomach.

"Oh, so almost halfway..." I said grinning.

"Oh, be quiet... when are you going to have a third child???" She asked.

I shrugged my shoulders wondering about it myself. Lia and Lucas are the best children, if I had another I can't imagine what their personality would be.

"Are you going to have a third child?" Harper asked.

"I don't know, I mean I have a daughter and son. Lucas will eventually take over as Alpha so I don't really know yet." I answered.

"Oh, okay." Harper said.

Jackie ran up to me and licked my leg showing she wants to be pet. I reached down and grabbed her. She was old but trust me, she still has her energy!

"Beth!" I heard someone yell.

"Yeah?" I called out.

Jane walked out in front of me and our eyes met.

"Jane!" I squeaked.

"Hi, Beth." She replied.

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused.

"Well, believe it or not... I found my mate and they belong to this pack too." Jane said.

"No, I don't believe you!" I replied.

"Well, you better believe it!" Jane said grinning.

Out of no where, a guy walked out and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Hey, I'm James." He said.

"Hey, I've seen you around!" I replied.

"Well, I've seen you around, Luna." He said which made me smile.

"Well, anyways... I'm going to live with the pack." Jane butted in.

"That's great!" I said.

"Well, we are going to go get my stuff and move it in. I'll see you later, Luna." Jane said emphasizing the word Luna.

I shook my head at her as she left and smiled at the thought of James and Jane. Wow, their names are really close... just the m and n and I guess s. Imagine Janes, yeah that's weird.

"Beth?" Jake called for me.

I went around the corner to find Dennis going out the door.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"I'm going with Dennis to check on the pack. Harper is going to stay here to watch the kids with you." Jake said.

"Okay, love you." I replied.

"Love you too, bye." He said before going out the door after Dennis.

I sat at the kitchen table and watched the kids in the window as I thought. My mother was kind of shocked when Jane and I told her about the mate thing but she quickly became used to it. She lives in Maine near the pack so we visit her but she has found a boyfriend. His name is Robert, yeah I know sounds boring but he is actually really funny and doesn't take much things seriously. I'm not complaining though because my mother has been happy ever since she met him.

"So, how has Lia and Lucas been doing with their learning?" Harper asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, they're doing great! How is Ray doing?" I asked Harper .

"He is doing well..." She replied.

"Do you want to go outside to watch them?" I asked her.

"Oh, yeah sure." She replied.

We walked outside and sat in some of the chairs I have on the porch.

"Look what I found!" Lia said bringing me her hands cupped together.

She opened her hands and revealed a small frog. Ray was standing right behind her also looking at the frog. All of a sudden, it popped out of her hand. Lia and Ray tried to catch it again as Lucas was drawing in the mud with a stick.

My experience with Jake has been amazing and I don't think I would change anything about it... well maybe I would remove the part about Matt beating me but he is long gone now. I live with my happy amazing family consisting of Jake and my two great childern as Luna.

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Last chapter! Hope you all enjoyed the books!

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