House of Anubis Short Stories...

By PumpkynMonster

2.9K 73 100

Hey, so this is going to be a collection of short stories all related to House of Anubis, Most of them will b... More

i || i hear you // peddie (part 1)
iii || canoeing // peddie, jeroy and amfie
iv || after a long time // jabian
v || sibuna kidnapped // s2 sibuna
let's become trash

ii || i hear you // peddie (part 2)

420 17 7
By PumpkynMonster

Patricia sat up, she was panting and sweating like mad. Why did she have that dream? What was going on? Why now was she thinking about Eddie, it had been over a year since they broke up and he moved back to America.

Patricia looked around the room, it was dark, night time. She looked over to Piper to see her asleep. How long was she asleep? It was the afternoon when they arrived.

Patricia shook the shock of the dream off of her, before slipping off her bed. As she did this she saw a note on the end of her bed, it read Hey Trix, I went to dinner, didn't want to wake you. Not sure when you are reading this, but if it is at night then I know that the hotel restaurant is open until midnight if you are hungry. See you in the morning, Piper x

Patricia looked down at her watch, 1:57, the restaurant shut almost 2 hours ago.

Patricia walked over to the door, she was fully dressed seeing as she fell asleep in her clothes. She opened the door, being quiet and careful not to wake Piper.


Patricia exited the main building, and walked down the street. She had no idea where she was going as she had never been on the streets of New York before, she just wanted to walk and be alone with her thoughts.

She looked at the shops surrounding her as she walked, she passed some fast food places, they were all shut, and some clothes shops, they were shut too. She then looked at a sign, Yack Nights she read, she had to do a double take before realising that is said Black Nights.

"Stupid mind," She whispered to herself.

Black Nights however was open, it looked to be a night club. Patricia thought about going in, and then decided to. She showed her identification and walked in.

Looking around her she saw loads of people dancing, she dodged them and went to sit down at the bar towards the back.


"Yacker?" She heard a questioning voice behind her, she decided to ignore it, she was sick of her ears deceiving her.

"Hey! Yacker!" The voice sounded again.

Patricia, annoyed, turned round on her chair, "E- E- Eddie?" She could barely get the word out.

"Patricia what are you doing here, in New York?" Eddie asked

"I'm... Err... On holiday with my sister," Patricia told him, "What are you doing here?"

"I live here," He chuckled as if it was obvious.

"Oh, okay," Patricia spoke blankly.

"Uh... So why are you in Black Nights?" Eddie questioned.

Patricia smiled at the fact that she heard the word black over yack, before answering, "I was wondering the streets and decided on entering. Why are you here?"

"Oh, my cousin owns the place, so I spend most nights here" Eddie explained

"Okay," Patricia responded bluntly.

"So..." Eddie began, "Want to dance?"

"You turn up after all this time, after breaking up with me, and asked if I want to dance!" Patricia scoffed, almost shouting.

"I'm sorry about breaking up with you, it was stupid of me," Eddie apologised softly, "So... About this dance?" He smirked.

"Dream on, Weasel," Patricia responded, rolling her eyes.

"Come on," Eddie encouraged.

"No way!" Patricia snapped.

"Okay," Eddie spoke, walking away. He walked up to the DJ and asked him to put on a certain song after this one finishes. The DJ agreed. Patricia was looking over his way, confused at what he was doing.

Suddenly after the song finished, All the Same by Sick Puppies began to play

Eddie walked back up to Patricia, "Sure you don't want to dance, Yacker?" He questioned, holding out his hand in hope.

Patricia couldn't help but smile about the fact that Eddie still knew her favourite song, but still she shook her head.

"You are a very difficult person," Eddie chuckled, before pulling Patricia out of her seat.

Reluctantly Patricia followed Eddie on to the dance floor and began to dance with him. She hated dancing, but couldn't removed the smiled from her face.

['ello. So this story pretty rubbish, I am absolutely awful at writing 'lovey' things. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this short story, I will have a new one up soon. Catch ya, Byeee ^_^]

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