Another Bad Blind Date [SPINO...

By ravsisrekt

2.2M 87.4K 266K

{SPINOFF/SEQUEL to The Bad Blind Date} Jungkook and Y/N fell in love and got their happy-ever-after. But what... More

Chapter 2: she wasn't you.
Chapter 3: I'm Back!
Chapter 4: She's Nothing
Chapter 5: I Made Her Cry?
Chapter 6: That's Your Friend's Girl...
Chapter 7: Shawn Go, Go Fuck Off.
Chapter 8: You Like Him?
Chapter 9: I Like Iris
Chapter 10: Bye Shawn...
Chapter 11: I Miss You
Chapter 12: Of Course I'm Jealous!
Chapter 13: Frickle Frackle?
Chapter 14: I love you too Race.
Chapter 15: Pull Out Game Strong
Chapter 16: Surprise Present
Chapter 17: Best Present Ever
Chapter 18: Fuck You Jimin
Chapter 19: Korean Fight Club
Chapter 20: We'll Find Him
Chapter 21: My Future Daughter-in-law
Chapter 22: Pretty Boy and Gangs?
Chapter 23: Dares
Chapter 24: A Break?
Chapter 26: I Do Know Where He Is
Chapter 27: Way Too Easy
Chapter 28: Be Here With Me
Chapter 29: Aftermath
Chapter 30: Rainbow Drink
Chapter 31: Let's Get You Home Safe
Chapter 32: No Touching
Chapter 34: it was worth the wait.
Chapter 35: Baby Girl
Chapter 36: Love
Chapter 37: Please Marry Me.
Chapter 38: Hoseok's Wedding
Chapter 39: WHY'D IT HAVE TO BE YOU?
Chapter 40: Family
Epilogue: The List
Prologue: She's not my type
One Shot: Jin & Faera
One Shot: Taehyung & Serina
One Shot: Jimin, Shawn, & Kai
One Shot: Kylie & Huli
One Shot: Hoseok & Freeda
One Shot: Jungkook, Y/N, & Senko
One Shot: Namjoon
One Shot: The Children

Chapter 1: Stay Away

161K 4.2K 16.3K
By ravsisrekt

A/N: Hi guys! Yay, the spinoff ehhhhh! If any of you are new here and have no idea who the characters are might want to check out "The Bad Blind Date" first aha! Anyway, in this fic, I plan on exploring more with Iris and Yoongi, Shawn, and maybe a little of Jimin (I'm a fucking tease so I can't tell you if I want the Shimin ship to sail or not LMAO- I guess no one will know)!

I hope you guys love this fic just as much as part 1 :) Thanks for all the support babes~


Yoongi moved to create room on the glass table that was before him. Loose papers lay on the tops of the surface, a bunch of old CDs falling along different angles before him as well. Trying to settle out more space for him to place down more records, Yoongi looked at Jungkook who stood behind him. He tried not to focus on the maknae smiling over at him hugely.

"Jungkook-ah I already said no would you cut it out?" Yoongi sighed out as he pulled out his chair, leaning against the edges of the glass while stacking the papers on top of one another. Yoongi read through the scribbles of lyrics he wrote on each however, glancing down at the ones he liked versus the ones he didn't.

Too busy in his own world, the silver haired man barely noticed Jungkook beg him with his proposition again. Yoongi pulled out another stack of CDs from past the audio development section of their studio, and over in little boxes instead. Jungkook gave a new batch to Yoongi who willingly took it and nodded.

"That's enough," he said, studying the titles of the cases in his hands as he went to go grab his chair and sit by the table now.

Trying to scribble down some more, he couldn't focus much without the audio to help guide his flow.

"Jungkook, the speakers please? Set them here for me would you?" Yoongi asked as he pushed his glasses onto his nose and started to wave his pen in his hand while staring blankly down at a new sheet. He was focused, thinking about what to write in order to break out of this weird writer's block he had been going through this past week or so.

Jungkook went to do as his hyung asked, all while trying to ask again about his proposal.

"Yoongi hyung it's one little dinner date," Jungkook softly said as he laid out the speakers perfectly. "Y/N and I will be there too so it won't just be you and the girl alone," he reassured and Yoongi's face scrunched.

The man was trying to block Jungkook's voice out of his mind as he focused on formulating words onto the sheet of paper.

"You've gotten better ever since Racy left," Jungkook said softly, "We all gave you the space you needed and knew that you'd move on when you chose to. But everyone's worried about you always working- always distracting yourself."

"It's not a distraction when its work," Yoongi mumbled as he moved to look over at a few CD covers.

He tried not to react to Jungkook mentioning Racy.

Having fingers work over at the speakers, Yoongi tried not looking over at the awkward maknae.

"You've been practically living in this building hyu-"

"Jungkook," Yoongi piped irritated.

The maknae pursed his lips slowly, standing straight and alert as he waited for his hyung to continue.

"Jungkook-sshi, I understand that you- along with the others, all care for me," Yoongi's eyes met Jungkook's, "but just because you and Y/N have been together for a decent amount of time does not mean you're both sudden golden examples."

"We aren't trying to be," Jungkook defended, "We're trying to simply invited you to have fun a change. We'll have it here in the building if you can come back in the recording studio and maybe she can help you!"

Yoongi's finger's held his pencil hard. All tension falling on to the wooden stick, Yoongi rubbed at his face with his free hand. "Fine, fine," he sang out, his hold ready to snap his pencil in half when the maknae suddenly smiled hugely.


"Yeah," Yoongi said under his breath, irritated.

Jungkook watched the man start to rub at his temple as he waved the boy away.

Nodding instantly, Jungkook squeaked out a cute laugh as he moved towards the door.

"Yayyyy," the maknae sang and Yoongi couldn't help but smile a tiny bit at the excited boy.

Jungkook froze by the door when Yoongi spoke up again.

"Who's the girl?"

Jungkook grinned to himself before looking over at his hyung, his smile suddenly gone while trying to mimic a serious expression.

"She's Y/N's distant friend," he said softly, "she's perfect for you."

Yoongi dropped the pencil.

Jungkook couldn't believe he accidentally spoke his mind near the end. Watching the taken aback man try and pick his pencil back up, Jungkook made a run for it, running out.

"Jungkook-ah!" he yelled after him.

The last thing he wanted was for the maknae to meddle or assume he was seriously going to date this mystery woman. It was just dinner. Just dinner...

Jungkook simply ran faster, taking out his cell in an instant so he could call you. He had to tell you about him pressuring Yoongi in saying yes to finally seeing Iris again.

So what if hyung didn't know it was her exactly...


"What?" you whispered into the phone, shocked out of your mind.

Looking over at the door opposite of the bed, you noticed the light still glowing from underneath the bottom crack. Making sure to keep as quiet as possible, the excitement that raged through you was hard to contain.

The last thing you wanted was for you friend, Shawn Letsbi, to come out of the bathroom and see you freaking out over the phone with Jeon Jungkook. Even after 10 months, the two important men in your life weren't exactly the best-of-friends yet.

Shawn still tried to have you hook up with men other than your boyfriend...

"Yah! I thought he would just start to yell out 'nos' but instead he finally agreed to go through with it," Jungkook said chuckling, "but one catch, we've got to bring Iris here. He's bent up on staying in the building."

You felt a little nauseous at the mention of Iris Sommers, your other precious friend. She was like a sister to you...a sister who would be very mad if you lied about who she would be seeing tonight.

Jungkook noticed you grow quiet over the other line, eyes narrowing, he tested you, "You have asked Iris right?"

"Of course I have!"

He took in an irritated breath at your nervous tone. "Y/N!" he softly yelled, trying not to disrupt the others around him either.

"I'll make sure she's there, trust me," you said quickly, trying to reassure the man you had been repeatedly annoying with your procrastination.

"Fine," he sighed out as he turned another corner of the building.

He walked casually through the halls, smiling over at every employee he say, bowing respectfully.

"She'll come and we'll all have fun," you said, sighing yourself.

"Who will have fun?"

Your eyes widened when snapping your head towards the direction of the low voice. Looking over at Shawn who slipped out of the bathroom, you rolled your eyes at him walk over to you grinning almost half naked.

"Does it kill you to wear a shirt?" you asked annoyed as you looked away and tried to focus on Jungkook who was mumbling over at her.

"Yes," Shawn said grinning, "it really does."

Watching as you went back to putting the phone to your ear, Shawn chuckled when you tried to grab him hastily when he suddenly grabbed the phone from you.

You panicked.

"Ooooo, who is it?" he asked, laughing at your cute and surprised expression.

Putting the phone to his ear, he sang out a loud "hello?"

Shawn's face fell so quick.

Jungkook almost tripped over himself as he walked down the hall. No longer able to walk gracefully through the hall, he seemed to lose all purpose.

"H-Hi Shawn."

"Oh, hey dickface," Shawn sighed out, glancing over at you.

You glared at him. "Behave" you mouthed to him, wanting so badly for your boyfriend and your friend to finally get along already.

Shawn rolled his eyes, about to pass the phone back to you, he stopped at what Jungkook said next.

It intrigued the man over the maknae trying to start a conversation with him.

"So how have you been? You alright?" Jungkook asked, rubbing at his neck in nervousness.

The maknae needed the wall to lean on now, his legs numbing up.

"I've been fantastic," Shawn said slowly.

You smiled at Shawn actually replying back to Jungkook's greetings. You being in the room and watching him was probably why.

"Good, that's good."

Jungkook chuckled nervously and Shawn grinned. His eyes narrowed at the tone coming from the boy.

"Yeah, everything's been good," Shawn said grinning like an idiot while looking over at you.

Your brows furrowed at your friend's expression. It didn't sit right with you. What are you up to?

"After your little birthday date yesterday, it's been good having Y/N sleep over."

Jungkook's leg twitched uncomfortably while against the wall still. An employee bowed over at him and he had trouble greeting back.

"That's nice," Jungkook said slowly, unsure over where the boy was going with this.

"Yeah it was," Shawn said laughing, winking over at you, "it's always nice sleeping with Y/N."

You shoved at Shawn's arm hard, whining.

Jungkook swallowed harshly, trying to laugh but his voice just cracked.

"He's joking, he's joking," you yelled into the phone and Shawn rolled his eyes at you trying to get the phone back and into your hands again.

"Of course I'm joking."

You glared at him.

"Didn't think anything of it it's-"

"She just went down on me a few times, nothing more," Shawn blurted out, cutting the maknae off.

Jungkook almost tripped while against the wall, his nervous and bumbling form branching out.

Shawn laughed when you squeaked and quickly grabbed the phone from him.

Laying onto the bed, he grinned smugly at you as you ran towards the bedroom door.

"No don't leave! You still have to help me out with my date!" Shawn yelled laughing.

You simply flipped him off, rushing out of the room.


Iris slid her glasses back on after having finished applying makeup to her eyes. Grinning over at the mirror as she flipped her hair playfully over her shoulder, you laughed.

"I look hot," Iris sang out, cutely laughing over at you when you nodded quick.

"Yes, your date will be on his knees."

Iris went "aye!" and it took you a moment to figure out why exactly she was laughing so hysterically all of a sudden. When the final wave of dirtiness hit you, your eyes widened.

Bursting out laughing yourself, you rolled your eyes at yourself.

"I've been spending way too much time with Shawn," you said grinning and Iris seemed to smile sweetly at his name.

"I haven't seen him in awhile," she said softly, cleaning up the counters of the bathroom, "how is he?"

"On a date today," you chimed, "which girl he's taking I have no idea."

Iris grinned, "at least he'll be off my back for a while."

"Don't let him joking about your virginity get to you," you demanded, "he's just all bent on trying to take it."

"He's a pervert," Iris said laughing and you laughed, nodding.

Iris knew he would never with her. He was too sweet to actually pull through with all the jokes he told.

"He's sweet," you sighed, stopping with joking around as you moved to fix Iris's hair a bit.

"He is," Iris said as she poked your cheek with her finger, "and he's super protective of you so make sure Jungkook never breaks your heart ever again or else Jungkook's weird dick will be long gone."

Iris laughed loudly when you shoved her to the door.

"Kook junior is beautiful!" you chimed, pouting as you moved to exit the woman's bathroom with her.

Entering the hallway, Iris smiled, blinking over at you. "I'm sure once it's cut off of him they could save it," she said with fake sympathy, "it'll make a remarkable exhibit in a museum somewhere in Korea, don't you think?"

You gasped, trying not to laugh as you shoved her towards the stairs.

Iris giggled, rushing down the stairs of her place as she moved to quickly grab her stuff.

"Who's this guy anyway? Is he cute?" Iris asked grinning like an idiot as she watched you start to move out of the door.

You found yourself to be nervous over Iris slightly blushing as she picked up her jacket.

The girl was excited. It was her first date in years and something about having it with a stressed Yoongi worried you. You could never imagine her glowing and bubbly personality ever being snatched away to be masked by hurt...

Never did you want to see Iris cry.

"He is cute," you said softly.

Iris bit at her lower lip, hugging her bare arms a slight bit as she moved to walk out the door with you.

"Even if he isn't," Iris popped cutely as she looked over at you past her shoulder, "I'd still gladly throw myself at him."

She giggled again and something within your stomach turned.

Never do I want to see Iris cry...


Yoongi stood in his white tee and ripped jeans. Looking over at Jungkook who was dressed up, the silver haired man seemed to awkwardly look down at himself.

"It doesn't make me seem like an ass right?" Yoongi asked and Jungkook looked over at his hyung who lazily sighed while pointing over at his clothing.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked, his gaze examining the man's exterior.

"I was stuck in the building and didn't think much about changing," Yoongi let out softly, his arms crossing over his chest as he focused up front and over at the building's entrance.

Jungkook had received a text stating that you and Iris had arrived. Practically having to drag Yoongi from the empty building, it was still a surprise to him that PD Nim had allowed Jungkook to take over and close up the building when they were done. He was just glad even their very manager understood that Yoongi needed some time to relax...

"They'll be here," Jungkook said as he awkwardly moved the phone back into his pocket.

He was slightly nervous over Yoongi reacting to Iris. Not knowing why both you and him were nervous, both just assumed Yoongi would act with anger or irritation. Why both of you thought this way was a mystery. He's just been so busy and stressed with himself...

"Hyung?" Jungkook hesitantly let out.

Yoongi seemed to smile softly over at him as he waited for Jungkook to continue.

The dark haired boy was slightly taken aback over Yoongi so calm. Snapping out of his confusion, Jungkook made it to simply tell the man who was coming with you tonight.

"It's Iris," Jungkook lowly let out, his eyes weirdly looking away and over at the entrance again.

He prayed they'd come and save him from potential yelling.

Instead, there was silence.

"What do you mean?" Yoongi asked confused.

"Iris," Jungkook tried again, trying to have the information settle within the older friend before actually seeing her, "Y/N's bringing Iris she-"

Yoongi's eyes widened very slowly as Jungkook continued. "Oh," he popped, breathless.

Jungkook was confused over the man silent. He was expecting at least an mumble of annoyance of some sort...


"Hm?" Yoongi asked, snapping his head back to focus on Jungkook and not the ground.

The man was slightly dazed while lost in his thoughts. Jungkook chuckled lightly. "You okay with that?" he asked suspiciously.

"It's just dinner," Yoongi sighed out shrugging.

Jungkook's nose scrunched at that as he looked forward.

Here Jungkook and you were trying to meddle and have you two date, while in his hyung's eyes, this was just some pathetic get together for the night.

Oh so great, Jungkook mumbled internally.

"It's a date hyung," Jungkook numbly let out in annoyance.

Yoongi's brows knit lightly over the tone coming from the boy. About to say something, his mouth shut immediately when the front doors opened.

Eyes spotting you, Yoongi bowed lightly back when you bowed over at him. He noticed your nervous form and figured you thought he didn't know.

Nervous suddenly himself, his eyes seemed to dart away from the door when spotting Iris following you into the building and in front of them.

"Hi babe," you said sweetly as Jungkook hugged you.

Iris saw Jungkook first, bowing at him politely. Surprised when he came over and simply hugged her, Iris chuckled lightly while patting Jungkook's back awkwardly.

Jungkook pulled back and stepped away with you in his arms.

Iris was confused over the looks both Jungkook and you were giving as she looked around for her supposed date.

Eyes meeting Yoongi's form, the flutters of nervousness that built within her grew instantly. The very sight of him caused her to forget how to breath for a moment. The fact that she was supposed to be seeing her date and the only other boy here was her bias, Iris remained confused and yet terrified of the answer to her next question.

"Where's my date?" she asked lightly, knowing exactly who it was. She wished differently however, trying to focus on remembering how to breath.

You moved closer to Jungkook a bit, afraid Iris would jump over on to you in anger.

Yoongi swallowed harshly, raising his hand lamely.

While Iris was trying to focus on her breathing, he was busy with having his gaze not roam the girl's dressed up form.

Iris laughed nervously, as she looked over at you. "Ha, very funny," she sang out in denial, "for real, where is he?"

Yoongi awkwardly waved his arms at his sides as he smiled sweetly over at the woman who was still incredibly surprised.

"Let's eat," Jungkook popped, moving with you to the elevator quickly.

Iris's orbs were wide, lips parted.

Yoongi watched the two move over to the elevator. Looking over at the woman who seemed to awkwardly move under his gaze, he swallowed his pride before sticking his hand out for her to take.

"Hi Ivy," he said soothingly.

Iris's eyes narrowed deeply at the nerve he had.

Jungkook and you started to hit at the buttons of the elevator to arrive faster.

"It's Iris," she said through her teeth, looking down at his hand that was still open for her.

He awkwardly closed it into a fist when she stepped back from him, hugging at her jacket instead of having her palm land in his.

"Sorry," he apologized, in awe of him actually calling her a different name.

"Even after that one weekend together my name's a mystery huh?" Iris asked softly, feeling slightly bummed and used.

Yoongi felt bad. He noticed the woman trying not to seem upset and laughed nervously when remembering the moments they shared on that trip. It had been a very long while since he had seen her- not that that's a good excuse for screwing up her name.

"You look amazing," he said smiling.

Iris awkwardly popped out a thank you before walking over to the couple that didn't dare look over at her when she walked to stand beside them.

Yoongi's eyes shut in defeat when she passed him. Scolding himself internally to snap out of his stressed and tired state, he made it a goal to just try and enjoy himself.

Moving to move and stand uncomfortably next to the woman he had just failed in greeting, he noticed her awkwardly glance over at him a few times as the four of them waiting before the slow elevator.

Jungkook swallowed, pushing the button again.

He could feel you staring into the side of his face.

"This elevator has always been a hassle," he let out under his breath, a nervous chuckle leaving him.

No one else laughed.


It was insanely quiet.

The elevator ride, to now, in a lounge room eating, Yoongi thanked Jungkook for suggesting them turning on a movie.

What once he thanked Jungkook for, Yoongi now regretted. It wasn't a pleasing situation to have Jungkook and his girlfriend cuddled up next to each other while watching the movie, all while having him and Iris purposely sitting away from one another on the three-seater.

The first thirty minutes of the movie took what seemed like hours to Yoongi. His knee urged to move, his body tempted to get up from this stupid gathering and move to the recording studio and continue writing.

The fact that he could feel Iris's eyes linger at the side of his face at points during the movie didn't help either.

An hour went by.

Yoongi was dying.

Having his head lazily on the couch's cushion, he struggled in keeping his mind from roaming over all he could've finished. I could've been done a song by now...

"Did you want to ditch?"

Yoongi looked over at the woman who carried the soft voice. Having his eyes meet Iris who glanced away from the screen and over at him, Yoongi smiled lightly at her trying to smile sweetly over at him.

The very offer made him feel incredibly relaxed quick. He nodded a little too quickly and she giggled softly.

He grinned hugely at her giggle.

Watching as she stood up and fixed her top, he stood up too.

Jungkook nor you tried to ask where they were heading off too, surprised as they left.

"Wow," you piped chuckling.

Jungkook grinned, looking back at the screen.

"Maybe we were wrong about Yoongi hyung being tense," Jungkook lowly let out.

You pursed your lips, eyeing the exit a bit.

The unsettling feeling didn't quite leave you just yet.


Iris giggled, eyes wide while looking over at all the pages of lyrics.

"So you're finally writing up that mixtape?!" she asked excitedly as she sat down next to Yoongi who was gathering his sheets.

He smiled at her so excited, nodding.

"What made you finally go through with it?" she asked breathlessly by his side.

He was busy moving the CDs away from in front of her, giving her arm room.

She smiled at the gesture.

He smiled shyly at her reaction to him.

"Well having certain fans telling me to do so every time seeing them was one reason," he said laughing and Iris grinned hugely.

"Me being one?"

He nodded, glancing over at her quick in hopes that she wouldn't notice him eyeing her.

She didn't.

Iris was too busy trying to compose her inner fan girl. All she saw was lyric sheets clouding the tops of the table and the excitement within her was overwhelming.

His eyes roamed the side of her face.

"I'm sorry for downstairs," he said softly. He genuinely meant it, feeling incredibly bad for having her feel shitty.

She seemed to look over at him, her smile faltering a slight bit.

He licked his bottom lip, gaze falling to her lips.

"My name is pretty easy you know?" she teased lightly, looking forward again, oblivious to the man's eyes still on her.

"It is," he said softly, forcing himself to look away and forward again.

"Say it," she popped, challenging him.

He grinned, his elbow resting on the glass surface. Having his hand move onto his palm, he looked over at her with tired eyes. "Iris," he said cutely, smiling a gummy grin when she clapped instantly.

Giggling herself, she had her hand go over onto his chest, patting him there playfully as a reward.

"Next time I'll give you a gold sticker," she said giggling.

It was a surprise to him that his already huge smile grew, the muscles in his cheeks straining. It hurt. But seeing her adorable form before him, he didn't notice the ache.

"I'll look forward to that," he said chuckling.

She moved her hand lightly away from his chest. Focusing on the table again only to freeze when her hand was stopped by his.

Looking over at his chest, her heart fluttered at the sight of his hand over hers, stopping her from moving away from over his shirt.

Gaze meeting his soft one, Iris's brows furrowed lightly at the slight teasing glint in his eyes.

Her brows relaxed instantly when she felt his thumb graze the back of her soft hand gently, the very movement causing shivers to run down her arm.

Finding his soft eyes again, she didn't dare move when seeing him glance over at her lips.

She forgot how to breath when he leaned his head hesitantly towards her, his hand that was over hers letting her go and going to the back of her chair in attempts to allow himself lean over more.

His lips curved when feeling her shaky breath hit his mouth.

Fluttering her eyes closed, she leaned in herself, letting her lips gently meet his welcoming ones.

Practically hearing her heart thumping in her ears as she let her lips move quicker with his, she allowed herself to touch him. Hand that was once awkwardly hovering at his chest, her fingers slowly trailed along the side of his neck.

His head tilted for better access of her lips, his eagerness getting the best of him.

Iris's breath shook as she tried to keep up with his mouth.

Leaning off of her chair when his arm moved away from around her chair and now around her hip, she slowly stood, kissing him deeply, Iris moved over to lean over him.

One knee moving to his side, she made the attempt to straddle him but got distracted over his phone make a noise.

She ignored it at first. But messages seemed to continue to spam the screen little by little.

Glancing over at his phone as he simply seemed to be dazed and kissing her, Iris's brows jumped at the name that surfaced on the top of the screen.

I'm glad, the new text read.

"Racy?" Iris breathed confused by Yoongi's lips that suddenly seemed to freeze against hers.

Moving her other knee lamely onto him, her eyes widened instantly when he moaned in pain instantly.

Stumbling on to his shaking form, it took her a moment to realize that she accidentally kneed him hard in the groin.

"Holy shit I am so sor-"

Yoongi gasped in air as he fell back on the chair, the side of his face banging into the glass table that they were near. His body went on to the floor quick and rough. He moaned in frustration, grabbing at his crotch and his face.

Iris tried to grab at him as he was falling but failed, her eyes wide while looking down at the man rolling in pain on the ground.

"I AM SO SORRY!" she yelled in pure shock as she rushed to help him.

"Stay the f-fuck," he struggled, moaning in annoyance again as he curled up into a ball now, "stay away, stay the fuck away."

Iris looked down at him, freezing as he yelled from the ground.

"I'M SORRY!" she yelled down at him again.

"I HEARD YOU!" he whined back.

His face and his dick hurt.

He was going to kill Jungkook as soon as he figured out how to get back onto his feet again.

There was laughter.

Yoongi's teeth gritted when hearing the loud heaving coming from the door.

Jimin banged into the door laughing, practically rolling on the ground in pain himself.

"S-She," Jimin was dying, "She just-"

Iris went red.

Yoongi groaned, roaring in anger in attempts to have the boy leave the threshold.

The loudness simply seemed to attract the other members to the room instantly. All of them appearing out of thin air.

Yoongi felt light-headed, his vision slowly falling black. The last thing he heard before the throbbing in his head won over was Namjoon's voice roar.



A/N: aye, ouch.

Any guesses for where you think this spinoff may go?

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