Define E•vil

By yerd213

428 13 12

† ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ † ❝ How many have you killed?❞ ❝ More than you care to know." ❞ † ∞ ∞... More

Coming Soon
Chapter 1 || The Sun Is A Beast
Chapter 2 || Poison To Vampires
Chapter 3 || Reminder of Mortality

Prologue || Cuff Me

78 3 2
By yerd213

† ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞  †

June 10, 1987

I walked into the room, the smell hit me blindly. The metallic, stale delicious scent. I can picture the sweet taste touching my lips, running down my throat, and making me feel alive for only a moment. I enter the room and see her lying there on the couch. Her pulse long faded. Her neck painted red, but I know her veins are empty. I look at the room. Blood splatted across the walls, the tables flipped, pictures knocked on to the ground. In short, the house is a disaster.

"Ander?" I hear from somewhere in the house.

"Jasper, you've made quite the mess, my friend," I smile at the grey-haired man approaching me. For as old as he appears it is nowhere near as old as he is. Jasper lets out a shaky laugh.

"Yes, well we can't all be lucky, and have the compliant ones, can we? I blame it on your looks. Besides, you know I like the chase," he adds. "Help an old man out, and clean this mess up, will you? I'll just go around back and retrieve the car. We left it at the pub right?"

"Were you honestly that pissed that you cannot remember?" I ask, brows moving accordingly to question him.

"No, I just enjoy messing with you. I'll see you in a bit, ya?" He asks, collecting his coat and car keys, whilst I grab a cleaner and towels. "You're a good lad, Ander," he waves, before leaving me to clean the trails. I start by moving the bodies into the kitchen and scrubbing down every inch of the living room. I straighten the furniture, vacuum the glass, and throw out the pictures. When I'm done, and I'm pleased with my work. It's time to leave this apartment, I decide. But that's when I hear it: Sirens. Some nasty bloke called the cops on us! Dammit all to hell, that's what I get for trusting neighbors!

I quickly leave apartment 13 and race down the flight of stairs to the nearest door. I knock as sweetly as possible when being on the run. I know many would say, 'Ander. Why don't you just kill the bloody coppers, who try to take you into custody, for killing those two girls?' Well, unknown person in my head, that would be bloody stupid of me, seeing as I'm trying to keep a low profile!

"Who is it?" I hear from behind the door. The woman must be at least in her twenties like me, well the age I look like at least.

"Package delivery," I announce, that sounds reasonable.

"At this hour?" She questions. Bloody hell, just open the damn door! I scream in my head, upon hearing footsteps marching up the stairs. But sure enough, the door opens. I push past the woman, covering her small mouth with my hand, and closing the door quietly behind us. Moving us until we are nowhere near the invading cops. I swear, despite the times, they seem to just be getting more and more troublesome. You'd think the pitchfork and bonfire days would have been the most annoying. 

I look down at the small human in my arms, keeping my hand firm on her small face. It perfectly encompasses her. Giving even enough my fingertips to sink into her  I give her my most menacing glare, which if I do say so, can be pretty damn terrifying. "Are you going to cause me problems, if I remove my hand?" Lifting a brow as if daring her to try. Her brown eyes meet mine with fear, but she shakes her head 'no' with a firmness I quiet respect, for a human at least. "Alright." I lift my hand from her soft features and she instantly takes step back. I tend to have that effect on people. Well, that or make them frozen with my good looks and charm. I can't help the small smile that forms on my lips at the thought. 

"What do you want?" She asks her voice trembling slightly, but just then I hear shouts of a murder on the loose. The blood drains from her tawny brown skin, and a small tremor of fear gentle shakes as her eyes lift to mine."Are you the murder?"

She is far too enjoyable to watch, but unfortunately, now is not the time for more play. "Quiet you, I'm listening to the findings of my escapades." I wiggle my brows at her, and I can tell she becomes increasingly annoyed and...flustered. Just how I like all humans. I do not discriminate entertainment is entertainment.  

The footsteps fade and figuring, I will have to either escape from here or live here for a while longer, I might as well explore. I begin inspecting the small apartment. However, I am quickly coming to terms with the fact that this apartment is nothing like her neighbors. It is literally 4 walls. Besides the small bathroom, the girl lives in a shoebox. "Christ, how do you stand it? Trapped like a little mouse," I exclaim.  

"What?" she asks, searching around the apartment to find this crazed intruder's source of irritation.

He pulls on his dark green sweater his eyes getting darker. "Is there a way out of here?" He asks.

"What you mean like my underground tunnel leading to the sewer that takes me to Switzerland. No sorry, I haven't one," she says with more gumption in her voice. Slowly she was beginning to come to terms with the that this is her current situation and she could either allow the fear to consume her or be steady in the knowledge that the cops are outside.

Her mouth dripped with sass, and it lit a small fire in my nonexistence heart. "You're not scared of me?" I ask, surprised by this tiny woman. She couldn't be more than '5.2', but here she was standing her own in front of a vampire. The deadliest vampire in Europe, no doubt. 

She twitches at the question, but answers cooly. "I don't fear death."  And that's when I see it. The vile symbol that seems to hunt me. Around her neck sits a small silver cross. 

Without another thought I order, "Take that off." Pointing to the pest. Thankfully, it is small, and merely an annoyance, any bigger, and I could be found on the ground cowering. Not a scene I would like anyone to see. 

Wide-eyed by my sudden burst, she asks, "Why?" 

"Must you ask questions. Just do as I say," I growl at her, and see her small frame flinch, as she quickly complies with my demand. I rack my hands through my hair as I come to the realization; I'm trapped. I'm going to have to wait it out with this insensible woman. Taking a seat at the round table taking up most of her space, I sink into the chair preparing myself for a long wait. 

"Have you eaten yet?" She asks suddenly and I see the hesitation on her face. It is fun to watch humans that struggle to hide their emotions. Everything there for me to watch, no guard. The world has yet to crush their spirit. They tend to be my favorite, but I have already decided that this one will live after encountering me. Unlike all the others, I shutter as the faces being to dance across my eyes. Shit, I need more blood. Breathe, Ander, I chant in my head over and over. "Um?" she begins and I remember the question she asked, and I chuckle to myself.

"Not since last night, but you don't wont to help with my appetite," I state, and she goes wide-eyed again in fear, and I can't help the laughter that escapes my lips. This human is adorable. 

It's been almost an hour, and I've learned the name of the woman is Annie. She is a student at university, hence the small place, and little food. The police have begun searching homes going door to door, but they have yet to come here. She has already downed a bowl of cereal and is twiddling with the spoon in the dish.  "So, the murder was it a one-time thing or ... you know?"

"You know," I wicked smile forming. I'm enjoying the little game of questioning she began a while back. It's cute the fact that she believes me to be a weak little human.

"Oh," she sits up, shocked, and that sweet combination that drives me crazy. She gulps, "So like how many?"

"More than you care to know," I smile, trying to keep up the appearance of evil, as the words sit in my chest. 

"Are you going to kill me?" 

I think about the question for a moment, I know Annie now. I haven't known any of the others since I first started. Those faces fill my head again, and I shutter. "No". She visibly relaxes from my answer, rightfully so. 

"Okay, cool. So, um, why do you kill?" It's a reasonable question, I suppose, but it stops me for a moment. 

"Because I have to. It's who I am," I whisper loudly to her. Still trying to keep my voice low, and dangerous, so she won't feel the need to continue this line of questioning. It's getting too close. 

"You know. I don't believe you. If it was, you would kill me then," she states.

"Do you want me to kill you, Annie?" I ask confused as to where she was going with this. 

"No, of course not. It's just you can't say," she stops for moment morphing her face "It's who I am' and then not kill me?" 

"Wait was that meant to be me?" I ask laughing loudly, earning a smile from her. 

"So, what's the real answer, Ander?"

Her eyes practically bore into me. I want to scream under the weight of her eyes."Christ! Believe what you want! There's no talking sense into you," I sigh, frustrated with my situation. I'm now tempted to just surrender to the damn cops to get away from the likes of her, as I think it, I know I'm lying. This is the most honest I have been and relaxed, even with the want of blood slowly creeping. 

"Uh, I don't think you've ever really been asked that. Have you?" I shoot her glare, but she continues anyway. "Why do you kill?" She tried again, her brown eyes focusing on me. It was unnerving the way she did that. No human ever did that to me. So I thought about it. Why do I kill?

Its blood, I'm a vampire. The two, kind of go hand in hand. Sport? It is fun, hunting them down, charming them. The flashes of their faces become more vivid. There screams fill my eyes, and I flinch. Is it fun? Or hunting. "Be-because I'm a coward," I whisper the truth. "When I don't, I remember everything. Every name. Every scream. Every beg for release. I remember my past, and I can't face it. Because I am weak," I answer, surprising myself with how much of a weight lifted by my own confession to this human.

"Ha! That's the first thing you've said to me that I actually believe," she smiled. I met her eyes with confusion. I cannot seem to figure her out, and I want too. 

A hard pounding on the door breaks my concentration, and she points to the small coat closet for me to hide in, before she walks to the door to answer.

I listen to her racing heartbeat as she opens the door, "Hello, officer," she greets the man at the door, but there is no response. Instead, I hear, "Ander, you here?" Jasper. I come out of the closet to see the old man dressed as a cop, as though it were Halloween.

"Trick or treat, mate. It's about time," I embrace him, whilst he shuts the door. Annie moves away from us. She appears wary of Jasper, and I don't blame her. That prick is deadly, especially if you have a pulse. 

"Sorry, this place is swarming with blues it took some convincing to get in here. Now, I'm going to have to cuff you, and take you out to the car that way," he smiles. Pulling sliver cuffs out of his pocket that must have come with the outfit.

"Promise?" Wiggling my brows at him. I'm very aware of the fact that Annie has made her way to the bedroom and has shut the door. "Well get on with it," I say holding out my wrists.

"But the girl," he says motioning to the door Annie slipped behind.

"That little human is just a scared oblivious creature. Nothing to worry over," I say, trying to shrug it off, keeping my arms in front of me to get him back on task, but I know he isn't buying it. He hates witnesses. 

"She'll say something" he states, placing the cuffs on the table we were sitting at just a moment earlier. 

"You're just being paranoid, Jazzy. Come on, office. Cuff me. I've been so bad." I try my best to distract and him. Smiling wickedly his way, and for a millisecond I see the change in his face, but it wasn't enough.

"If you and your antics are the reason we have another century of human getting clever, I will-." I placed my hand over his mouth, not wanting to frighten the already terrified Annie. Pushing him back a little, I made my way to Annie's bedroom. "Fine, Jazz, if it will make you happy."

I enter the room, quickly, closing the door behind me. Annie's warm brown skin as taken a sheen, and her hands are visibly shaking, but she meets my eyes. The mouse is trapped. 

"Ander, if I am to die, I want you to do it," her eyes unwavering as she breathes slowly. "The other man I- I just," she stops. "I want you to do it." I stare at this confusing human, and for the first time in centuries am torn. Even thinking of draining her, fills me with... remorse? I don't want my time with her to just end she makes me feel. 

I am told she was not going to die, and I keep my words. She does not have to die. I walk towards her slowly, and mouth the word, 'Scream.' At first, her eyes are full of confusion. But, soon her face morphs into one of pain, and a blood-curdling scream releases from her. I take the letter opener sitting beside her and gently take her hand.

'This will hurt,' I mouth to her, so Jasper can't hear. She closes her eyes tightly and nods. I cut her palm, and she gasps at the stinging sensation. I see the trickle of blood beginning to form, the scent hits my nose. I feel my fangs begin to elongate, and my eyes transform. Annie lets out another gasp, but instead of pain, it's from fear. It's a sound I'm all too familiar with. Everything about this makes me want to just give in, and take Annie as I have countless times. Shaking the thoughts out, I use my fingers I paint the metallic liquid onto my teeth, quickly not wanting to think much into the taste. Christ, she is as sweet as I imagined. She's right there. Her warm blood pumping and calling to me. Begging me to finish her. 

When I'm finished. I swallow the lump forming in my dry throat, release her, and leave just as quickly as I entered. 

"About time, I was beginning to get nervous, come criminal, you have a date with justice!" He announces, cuffing my hands together. "I've always wanted to say that," he chuckles, loudly in my ear. We leave the apartment and make our way to the car waiting just outside.

- - - - - - -
What am I waiting for? Just knock on the damn door. Breathing low and shaking my hands, "Ugh, feck! I shouldn't have come," I decide, turning from the door to head towards the staircase. Before I could even move down one step, I heard Annie open her door. 

"Ander?" she asked, a bit of fear in her voice, but other than that she was fine. perfectly fine. It appears as though she had just taken a shower, as her droplets cascade off her hair. A big orange sweater eats her small form. "What are you doing here?"

"Um," I start scratching the back of my neck. I don't really know what I was expecting from this encounter with Annie. I just knew I didn't want yesterday to end. Jasper had left for Barcelona, so really there was no danger in visiting. Unless you count me. "I-I just wanted to see if you were okay." I began. Yeah! That sounds like a perfectly human thing to do. 

"You mean after the whole, grrr," she tried to imitate, Jasper? I think. But I was willing to take whatever tether she would throw my way. 

I nodded, "And after me?" I added, suddenly becoming fascinated with my shoes as I waited for the-the...approval of this human?

She sighed, "I'm fine, Ander. Thank you for checking." I didn't know what to say after that. Was that acceptance? Do I just start answering the unanswered questions I'm sure she has? Do we just stand here? Is it wrong for me to ask to come in now? I haven't felt this lost in a long time. "Do you perhaps want to come inside?"

My eyes shot up in surprise. I quickly nodded before she could change her mind. Her body was already moving to the side to let me pass. 

Looking behind me at the staircase she asked, "There aren't any friends with you, right?" I knew she was referring to Jasper. I shook my head.

"No, it's just me." There is was a subtle note of distress in her voice and I hated that it was placed there because of who I am.  "I shouldn't have come. I'm sorry, Annie. This is wrong."

He's spiraling, Annie noticed, his pricing crystal-like eyes are darting to his shoes and then her face.  After her encounter with Ander that was all Annie could think about. His eyes transforming to dark almost red. His teeth. The bluish veins popping out from his neck when he turned to me for that one moment. What is he? She questioned over and over. Thinking back to his vague and intense answers it was pretty clear; however, this isn't some fantasy this is her life and Vampires don't exist. "No, no, Ander. Stay. You came here for a reason. You want to talk about that?"

Confusion settled on his face, "Why I came here?" 

Annie coaxed him. "Yes. Why you find yourself at my house right now."

How truthful do I want to be? I thought about it for a moment, "I enjoyed our chat yesterday." 

"Hmm, Ander, I appreciate you not killing me and all, but what do you expect from?" she asked taking a seat in her usual spot. 

"Yes, that. I want to explore this," I stated finally, pointing at the space between us.

She looked taken back, "I'm flattered but-" It took me a second to realize where she was going with this. 

"Oh, God! No, not in that way," I stated, but then added, "Well, unless you want..." I trailed off, slowly getting closer to her, and watched as her breath stopped. 

Annie was opening gapping at the man before her. She watched as he slowly licked bottom lip, taking a small nip at it. She gulped. 

"Breathe, Annie," He whispered giving her that same wicked smile she was becoming all too familiar with. She shook her head, regaining some composure. 

"Sod off, you prick. That's not fair you did that thing of yours. Feck! That was good." She gives him a pointed look and watches as his face from a sexy beast to one of humor.

"I knew I liked you," He started chuckling. 

"Never again," she warned. He nodded doing a little cross my heart thing, but there was no sincerity behind those puppy dog eyes, and she rolled her eyes in frustration. "Okay, if this is going to be anything. Ground rules, first not lying ever. I can handle the truth. I can't handle lies."

Looking into her eyes Ander could tell there was more to this story, but he knew he would learn it in due time. For now, he simply sang, "Roger that, boss." 

"Okay, so I have to just confirm my suspicions. Vampire?" She asked, still unsure if she should even ask or if she was going to sound like a lunatic for asking.

She reminded me of what it means to be human, and the gift life is, as only Annie could. From that point on I swore off human blood.

† ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ †

Hey, fellow Bookworms! 

So, what do you think of Ander? This is my first ever paranormal, so I really hope you like it! Thank you for reading! Feel free to drop a comment below. I love hearing from you all, and if you liked it, be sure to vote! I update every Sunday

|| Picture || Feels like something Jasper would say. 

|| Music ||  War Of Hearts by Ruelle

Thanks, again! Stay awesome!


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