Percabeth Teach at Hogwarts

By Book_worm_4_life_987

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Do you know what loss feels like? Do you know what it feels like to see your friends and family die in front... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Two

13K 250 237
By Book_worm_4_life_987


Percy had always hated planes. He had never been on a plane until this very moment, but his grandparents had died on a plane and Zeus once promised him that if Percy entered his realm again, he would blow Percy out of the sky. Therefore, Percy had a reason not to like planes.

So, why, Percy asks, would Chiron send Annabeth and him on a plane? A flight from New York to the United Kingdom was precisely six and a half hours. Six hours in, Percy was sure he was going to puke. He gripped the arm rests for his dear life, and didn't dare open his mouth in fear of really throwing up. Annabeth pried his hand from the seat and held it. She squeezed it affectionately and reassuringly.

"Percy," she whispered, "I think Zeus would have shot us down already if he wanted to."

"No!" Percy shook his head fervently. "That's what he wants us to think! Once he gets our guards down, he'll shoot us out of the sky!"

In the back of the plane, a person screamed, running out of the bathroom, claiming that the toilet had exploded.

Annabeth raised an eyebrow at Percy.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly.

Grinning, Annabeth sat back in her seat. Percy sat straight up, refusing to relax. Even the ocean below him didn't comfort him.

Finally, after what felt like forever for Percy, the plane landed without a hitch. Percy nearly kissed the ground when Annabeth and him emerged from the terminal. "Now what?" Percy asked.

Annabeth frowned. "Good question." Annabeth took Percy's arm and pulled him to a secluded area so she could make an Iris Message to call Chiron. Percy provided the water and Annabeth pulled a drachma from her pocket.

"Chiron, Camp Half-Blood," she said, flipping the coin into the makeshift rainbow.

Chiron's kind face appeared in the image. "Percy! Annabeth! How can I help you?"

"Well. We're in England, but what, exactly, should we do next? Where should we go?" Annabeth asked.

"Ah." Chiron said, as if remembering that he had forgotten to mention this particular issue in their conversation. "There should be a family, called the Weasley's, that are waiting for you. None of them know that you are, demigods of course. They are under the impression that you are exchange students or professors from America's wizarding department. So do not clue them in. However, they will be taking you to Diagon Alley, and helping you get the supplies needed to teach and successfully keep up the ruse that you are Wizards. They will then drop you off at a . . . Motel of sorts to stay at until your train leaves at eleven tomorrow morning. Ask them for instructions of how to get onto the platform to get to the Hogwarts Express."

Percy nodded. "Seems easy enough. Find the Weasley's, get supplies, get onto train."

"Exactly. Just Iris Message me again if you need anything. Talk to you two soon!" Chiron swiped his hand through the message, leaving Percy and Annabeth, once again, on their own.

"Well, let's find the Weasley's, I guess," Percy said, heaving his duffle bag onto his shoulder.

Annabeth nodded, and the two of them continued on. Annabeth, having been a smarter packer then Percy, had a light duffle bag, and a small cinch-pack, while Percy had practically packed his entire cabin. He lagged behind Annabeth, panting. "Next time," he said, trying to catch his breath, "you're packing my bag."

Annabeth laughed heartily, attracting some attention by passers. "You are seventeen years old, and perfectly capable of packing your own bag."

Percy huffed. His eyes landed on a group of people in a corner holding up a white sign that read, 'Percy and Annabeth,' on it above their head's. Percy nudged Annabeth and gestured towards the sign. Annabeth nodded and led the way to the group of five. Percy gripped Riptide as a precaution. One never knew when the mist was disguising a person.

"Are you the Weasley's?" Annabeth asked when Percy and her approached the small group.

The three red-heads looked over at Percy and Annabeth.

"We're the Weasley's," the red-headed girl said, "and this is Harry Potter and Hermione Granger."

* * *


Harry peered around the airport, watching the Muggles rush to their gates to make their flights. It all seemed so mundane; them carrying luggage around, chatting happily or worriedly, with seemingly no problems except fear of their flight being delayed.

Harry envied them. Even though this past year has been normal on his terms, it would never be on par with what a muggle called normal.

Harry, his right hand wrapped around Ginny's, adjusted his glasses and looked around the airport in wonder. He wasn't quite sure what he was looking for. The Ministry had told him, Hermione, and the Weasley's that they would be housing two American wizards for a day and then taking them shopping the next day for required wizard items in Britian. They were also to acquire new wands. Harry wondered what happened to their old ones.

Suddenly, two Americans, about the age of Harry and his friends, lugged their bags up to Harry and the Weasley's and Hermione. The boy had dark black hair like Harry's and green eyes like Harry too, but the closer he got, the more Harry realized that the boy's eyes were not exactly green, but blue-green. The boy was tan and wearing Muggle clothing and was built from what Harry supposed was constant work outs. The girl, was built much like the boy but less obviously—the curve of her shoulders was more delicate, not as sharp as the boy's and her arms were smaller, only seen as muscular when she picked up her bag and hefted it over her shoulder. Her eyes were a startling gray, almost unnaturally gray, and her hair was a golden blonde, only accomplished by being in the sun a lot, much like her sun-bleached and tan skin.

Harry didn't realize either of the Americans had talked until Ginny swiftly kicked him in the shin. He looked up to meet the American's gazes. "What was that?" He asked as politely as he could.

The girl grinned and tried again. "I asked your names. We only know last names."

"Of course," Ginny responded when she got over the initial shock that—Harry was currently in—they didn't know Harry's name. "I'm Ginny Weasley, and this is my boyfriend–"

"Harry," Harry finished. "Harry Potter," he emphasized, waiting for the reaction that was bound to come. But there was nothing, only a slightly raised eyebrow from the boy.

"I'm Hermione Granger," Hermione spoke up, smiling politely.

Ron followed up, grabbing Hermione's hand, and saying, "I'm Ron." 


"Arthur," Mr. Weasley concluded, his eyes shining as he took in everything about the Americans. "What are your names?"

The boy spoke up first, winding his arm around the girl's shoulder unconsciously. "I'm Percy, Percy Jackson." He grinned with all his teeth, and Harry felt himself grinning too, Percy's smile contagious.

"And I'm Annabeth," the girl stated, not really paying attention, but instead digging in her bag for something Harry didn't know. "I'm sorry," she apologized, "if you could give us a second." She smiled guiltily them pulled Percy back with her by his sleeve. She whispered incoherently to Percy and was constantly flicking her eyes to a spot over Harry's shoulder. Percy straightened up and pulled a pen out of his pocket, fiddling with the cap of it. Harry caught their last words: "They'll know."

They then came back over to Harry and his friends as if nothing had happened, the only indication of the previous conversation, Percy fiddling  with his pen. "Shall we?" Arthur asked quietly.

"Sure," Percy responded, not completely there. "And thank you."

"Of course," Mr. Weasley bobbed his head up and down, smiling in appreciation for the thank you. "We're parked right this way."

Percy and Annabeth fell in step with Harry and Ginny, and Harry was hit again by the surprise, and gratefulness, that the two didn't recognize Harry. Apparently Harry's name hadn't travelled to the States. Ginny turned her body slightly towards Percy and Annabeth, "What school did you go to in America?"

Annabeth looked up, pulled from her reverie. "Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"Where is that at?"

"Massachusetts," Percy answered, his face slightly pinched in what Harry realized was a sign that they didn't want to talk about it anymore. Before Ginny could ask another question, Harry squeezed her hand and told her with his eyes to leave them be. Ginny nodded, smiling up at Harry, then reaching up to kiss him quickly. Harry and Ginny weren't people who were big on public shows of affection, so they kissed in small doses when in public. Harry watched Percy who was leaning down to Annabeth's height to talk. This time, he didn't care to whisper. "They're following us."

Annabeth turned and cursed under her breath. Harry turned too, trying to see what they did. Indeed, two men, probably a little younger than Mr. Weasley, were following the group. Harry gripped his wand tightly. They were probably old Death Eaters, seeking to mess with the Boy Who Lived. Harry nudged Hermione and Ron with his knee. They turned around in question. Harry flicked his eyes to the men following them and Hermione visually reached into her coat pocket to seemingly grab her wand. "Percy and Annabeth have their eyes on them too."

Finally, they exited the airport and headed to the car, which was deserted. By that time, it was obvious the men were following them because there were no other cars around theirs, yet there the men were. Hermione whipped out her wand and rounded on the men. "Stupefy!"

The first man went careening backwards, hitting the ground hard. The second man seemed to growl, and shift inside his skin. He flicked his eyes at Percy and Annabeth. The second man jumped back up but yielded no wand. They finally backed up, disappearing behind a corner. Percy looked up at Mr. Weasley. "I'll be right back."

"Percy!" Annabeth made a grab for Percy but he continued on, around the corner. Annabeth huffed. "Such an idiot," she muttered.

"Where is he going?" Hermione wondered, her eyebrows scrunched together.

"The Gods only know where," she said bitterly.

Harry figured that her choice in words was a bit odd, but he didn't comment on it. After a few moments, Percy rounded the corner, shaking his head, with golden dust falling from his hair. He smirked at Annabeth. Annabeth did not smirk back.

Annabeth smacked his arm and glared fiercely at him. "You could've got yourself killed, you moron!"

Percy grinned and kissed Annabeth. "I'm glad to see you are concerned about me getting myself killed."

"Oh," Annabeth laughed. "I don't care about you. You're just my back up. If I need help, you can be helpful. That's all your good for, unless you count being an idiot a good thing."

Percy feigned hurt and then chuckled. He kissed Annabeth once again before apologizing to Mr. Weasley. Mr. Weasley simply grinned and said it was fine. They all piled into the car and were quiet the rest of the way to the Burrow.   

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