A&D Book 1: Amulets & Demons...

由 TheWynncraftFury

572 59 130

In our world, there are two forces. One of darkness, and one of light. The forces of darkness dwell undergrou... 更多

Chapter One: Rude Awakenings
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 (Part 1)
Chapter 17 (Part 2)
Chapter 18 (Part 3)

Chapter 4

34 4 4
由 TheWynncraftFury

Jace's POV:

I knew that I would see Abagail again. She always comes up with a great plan, and can get herself out of any situation without trouble.

Th five of us: Katilyn, Allani, Haircut Girl (I checked, she had a nice chunck of her hair missing), Adrian and I were running down a large hallway towards the safe room.

After a few minutes of running, Allani burst out, "Why is this hallway so loooooooooooong?" He whined, arms flailing everywhere.

"Keep running or I swear, I will come over there and-" Katilyn threatened as I ran between them.

"Whoa, whoa." I said. "Let's leave our anger for the demons, kay?" She grumbled and moved away from the two of us.

About a minute after that, we heard a big boom. Not the boom boom you make in the potty, an actual explosion noise.

"What was that?" Haircut Girl said, fear in her voice.

Adrian turned around to look for the source of the noise. He started running faster than all of us. "RUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUNRUN," he yelled, terrified. I looked behind me, and nearly wet myself.

An inferno was blasting its way through the hallway. Actually, it was more of an explosion with fire in it. Either way, if I didn't haul ass, I would be dead.

Apparently everyone else had caught on too, and was running for the dickens. We kept running, but it looked like the explosion was gonna catch us.

Katilyn, who was in the back, yelled, "In that hallway, up there!"

There was a hallway, indeed, but it looked like a risky move. Like, it could be a dead end, and we might DIE, kind of risky move.

We ran straight into the hallway, and escaped the wrath of the eruption. At the last second, Katilyn hopped into the hallway, did an army roll, hopped up, and started running again.

"What are you guys doing? It is going to keep going as long as there is oxygen!"

And we kept running. It seemed like we would never stop running, or we would just get swallowed by the fire.

Eventually, just as I feared, the hallway led to a dead end. All there was was a closet with a metal door...metal door...

"EVERYONE IN THE CLOSET!" I screamed, busting open the door with the butt of my sword.

"ARE YOU INSANE?!" Adrian yelled, barely heard over the explosion.

Allani ran straight in, followed by Haircut. Katilyn and Adrian were a bit hesitant, but they ran in too. I was the last one to get in. I hopped in and slammed the door, just as it reached us.

The eruption hit us, and was it bad. The door dented a lot, and almost fell onto us. A few brooms and such caught on fire, and we had to put them out with the almost non-existant room in there.

There was a lot of squirming in the closet, and I eventually ended up face-to-face with Katilyn. Luckily, that was the time the eruption died down.

Just as I was about to open the door, Katilyn said, "We should probably stay in here for at least five minutes, so to drastically reduce the chance of death."

That comment produced a collective groan from the rest of us. Worst part was, I couldn't move, so I was stuck in Katilyn's personal bubble.

Those five minutes were waaaaaaaay longer than five minutes. Every time someone said it had been five minutes, she said, "Nope, just a little bit longer."

After 15 MINUTES, she finally gave me, and we left the closet. I opened it, and we all fell out of there like it was a clown car, except Allani. Somehow, he had gotten onto a top shelf.

"Hey," He said meekly.

"Get down!" Adrian said, angrily.

"But you put me up here!" He replied, as he rolled onto the floor. A loud thump followed.

He got up, took extra time to dust himself off, and said, "Okay, let's go." We turned around to head out in froze in out tracks. Yeesh.

It was bad. The entire hallway was trashed. Pieces of the roof and walls scattered the floor. Scorch marks covered the walls. Small fires were everywhere, burning the afterbeforementioned chunks of wall and ceiling.

"Wow," Katilyn said, completely horrified. I'm pretty sure the rest of us felt the same way.

"Come on, let's get going to the safe room." I said, trying to get everyone out before someone (ghm Allani ghm) broke down crying.

We started walking, and eventually found ourselves back to the main hallway. It was as bad, if not worse, than the one we were just in.

I heard scuffling coming from the direction of the big door. We looked towards the noise and saw them.

Flynn and Katilyn's sister (Kiri-Pee, or something) were down the hallway, They looked just as good as the hallway (which is to say, like a total mess). They had severe burns, and were very bloody.

"Bro!" Allani cried, running over to hug his brother.

Adrian ran up and said, "Where are the others?"

"Where's Abagail?" I cried.

Flynn put up his finger like he was gonna say something, but he immediately passed out. Kiri wasn't far behind him.

"Oh jeez!" Adrian and Allani said as they picked up the two of them.

"Let's get them to safety," Sarah said, panic rising in her voice.

Adrian and Allani picked up the two of them in a fireman's carry as we sprinted down the hallway. The walls continuously became less charred and broken, and I knew we were nearing our destination.

It didn't take much longer before we reached a large set of metal doors: the safe room. I knocked on the door quickly and yelled, "We have two severely injured students out here Let us in!"

Slowly, the doors opened to us. About five students were waiting on the other side with weapons drawn, expecting a swarm of demons.

When they saw of us, they lowered their weapons and raced to the two unconscious teens.

I had never personally been in the safe side, but all of the stories were true.

The place was safe. Not much more than that. While the structure is as fortified as it gets, the interior was shabby and sloppy.

Shelves were hastily thrown up along the walls, holding blankets, food, water, and everything else needed for a bomb shelter.

Cots were scattered across the room, holding all sorts of injured kids. The ones with minimal injuries were tending to the ones in critical condition. In all, there were only about 30 of them in there.

"What happened?! How are there only 30 kids here?" I cried, throwing my arms in the air.

"The school has been attacked. Kids always die." Katilyn stated, as monotone as ever.

"But... there were over 200 kids in the school yesterday..." I muttered, staring off into the distance.

"Nevermind that. How did they get like this?" One of the kids said concerned, taking Flynn off of Allani's back (I bet Allani's grateful, Flynn still has a lot of baby fat).

"We don't know," Adrian said, shrugging Katilyn's sister off to someone else. "We just saw them walking down the hallway. When we asked, they just passed out."

"...Abagail..." I muttered.

"What was that?" Adrian asked.

"We got to go find her!" I exclaimed. "We have to send out a search party to try and find survivors! We just can't sit around and do nothing..."

"Sorry," One of the kids said, stopping what they were doing to talk to me. "We sent out a search party twenty minutes ago, they didn't find anyone, demon or human. Just dust. Lots of it."

"Oh," I said, starting to walk towards the far wall. I slid down the wall and put my forehead on my knees.

Adrian kept talking to the kid for a minute, but eventually he noticed me on the far side of the room.

He walked over and sat down beside me. "What's going on?" He asked.

"I-Its..." I hadn't noticed it before, but I was crying. Choking on my words, I said, "I-Its been twenty minutes."


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