My Little Vixen

By bricute3

186K 7.9K 1.1K

"You have a choice. The life of a human or of a wild fox...I chose the fox." ****** Derek Carters has recentl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16

Chapter 15

6K 320 53
By bricute3

"Don't worry, before I got jumped I met a guy who just might know where you were talking about. I'll get you there in no time." My new friend assures.

Derek's P.O.V
"Are you sure? 5,1, orangish reddish hair that reaches just past her shoulders, brown eyes. Not that well with English." I try to clarrify. "No." I sigh and cover my mouth after running my hand down my face to try and cover my growls. "Thank you Alpha King. Ethan, yeah, bye." I slam the phone down with a ground shaking growl.

That was the last pack. It's nearly been a 5 days since she went missing and nothing. I swipe all of my files and other papers off of my desk in a in frustration.

Where are you Delilah?

I throw my stapler to the wall in frustration that's quickly turning towards anger. "I said to myself I'd protect you."

I throw my scissors at the wall. "I said to myself I'd keep you safe!"

I throw my cup full of pencils at the wall having the lead precisely get stuck into the wall. "I said to myself I'd never let you go!"

I slam my fist onto the table leaving an indentation. "And now you're gone." I say in a broken whisper.

Tears sting my eyes for the first time I can remember and I bend over with my head in my hands. I should have ran faster to catch you. I should've, I should've... I should've marked you when I first laid eyes on you. I sniffle.

Just as that thought crosses my mind The door to my office swings open and there stands Jacob and Damien.

I glare at them with my eyes full of rage. They know not to enter unless given permission to do so, and I'm pretty sure my eyes are bloodshot and black, therefore giving off a more intimidating vibe.

Jacob's the first to speak, "Sir, we found our Luna."

Without needing to say so much as another word, I stand in front of him ready to get back my little vixen. "Where?"

"She's waiting for you at the border with a human who most likely knows nothing of our kind." Damien finishes.

From the moment he said border I began stalking towards the woods and sprinting the rest of the way.

I'm coming my little vixen. And this time I'm never going to let you go again.

Delilah's P.O.V
Travis found a man who he said he trusts with his life and was just going to send me on my way to the woods alone with him. He was skeptical about why I wanted to go to the woods, but he let it go once I assured him I knew it like the back of my hand. I was fine going alone with the man until I saw a silver truck he said I would be going in.

At that point I begged Travis to go with me. The moment he saw tears gathering in my eyes he agreed and we sat in the trunk with me clutching onto him the whole time. Travis is actually a softy I've come to notice.

On the way I was thinking he could probably have a better life if he came along with me and actually... maybe stay at the packhouse. I know he's human, but they'd be able to at least get him a house he could stay in. Derek told me that's what they do. They provide for each other, like family.

I don't even know much about Travis's family, he gets uncomfortable when I bring up the topic. When I brought up the topic about the men that tried to kill him he said when he was younger he got involved with a bad group of people and up to this day owes them money.

In the woods I thought I had nothing to lose so I told him everything and even had to show him when he didn't believe me. Which I guess is understandable.

In the end of it all, Travis agreed to stay, saying he had nothing left for him in the city anyways.

Now I'm anxiously waiting for my mate at the border of the pack. More thoughts run through my mind the longer I wait. What if he's ashamed to face me after seeing me run from Becky? W-What if he doesn't want me anymore?

Delilah you're being an idiot. He's our mate of course he'll want us. Raine says confidently.

Before I can continue our inner conversation I smell the scent I've been missing so much before I see him.

Derek's eyes are pitch black and he has bags under his eyes. His hair is tousled, cheeks sinked in, and his knuckles are raw and pink.

A gasp escapes me. His cheeks look like mine when I wasn't able to catch a hunt, and what happened to his hands?

"Derek." I whisper.

Without so much as a word Derek smiles and pulls me to him with an arm wrapped around my waist and the other cupping my cheek lovingly. For a moment his eyes turn to that deep brown I love so much before turning pitch black in an instant. It scares me somewhat.

His lips crash to mine in a feverish kiss. As if he's stating his claim, it's not like the gentle passionate ones he usually gives me. It's purely territorial, my lips have no say or part it this kiss. I can't keep up. My mate's chest rumbles in a low growl and he gently nips my lip, having it automatically open up for him in the process. Without so much as to spare me a breath of air, Derek deepens the kiss. Our tongues battle for a short amount of time before I unfortunately lose and he overtakes the kiss. Exploring my mouth as if to keep it in his memory as it brushes across my tongue softly. I begin to pull away in desperate need for air and my mate releases a groan in response. His hold only tightens as he brings his other hand down to hold my hips. Me pulling away doesn't stop the trail his lips leave down my neck and I feel a light scrape of teeth way to sharp to belong to a human.

"So, I'm guessing he's your mate?" I hear the voice of Travis in the backround and instantly freeze up in embarrassment realizing the head of the warriors and his men along with Derek's Beta are all here. The whole time we kissed, they were there. I feel my cheeks heat up once again. My hands reach out to gently push Derek away from me only to have him growl in annoyance, but pulls away nevertheless.

I slowly turn towards Travis and nod my head, not being able to do much else.

"So that whole biting into the neck thing. Is that normal for you guys?" (BTW imagine Travis w/ Kevin Hart's voice. If you don't know who that is, look him up :)

Instead of answering his question Derek slightly pushes me behind him, "Who's he?" He asks.

"He helped me here. He's my friend Travis!" I say enthusiasticly and smile wide.

Derek looks a bit reluctant to speak, but does nevertheless. "You have my thanks. I'm in your debt for keeping my mate safe." The way he said it sounded so calculated, strained even.

"No problem man." Then he looks at me. "Do all of you guys speak like this?"

"No. He doesn't normally speak like this. I don't know why he's being so serious..." I say softly.

Derek sniffs the air. "You smell a lot like him." He states looking towards me, his eyes becoming a darker shade of brown.

"Yeah, I just said he took care of me when I got lost." I furrow my eyebrows as I inspect my mate. "Are you okay, Derek?"

His eyes soften and he quickly shakes his head. "Yeah, uh, fine. Lets go home."

Before he leads me away I quickly speak up, but Jacob and the others continue there way back. "Wait!" Derek gives me his full attention. "I was wondering if he could stay with us?" I ask hesitantly.

"What? What do you mean stay with us? Delilah, he's human, not a pet!" He counters.

"I know he's human!" I shout and begin to bite the inside of my cheek. "But I was hoping we could provide him a home so he could get back on his feet and get his life together." I whisper. "You said pack is family, and he doesn't have a family as far as I know. Just like I didn't."

Derek's eyes soften, and I know I've got him. "Delilah..."

"Please! He might even have a mate, you never know." I plead for one last time.

"Human mates are rare."

"But it doesn't mean they don't exist." I counter. "Besides, did you believe in having a fox as a mate before me?"

He looks at me from the corner of his eye and sighs. "Fine. I can't say no to you." He mumbles.

A wide grin spreads across my face.

"Yay! You hear that Travis?" I look towards Travis and see him doing a back-flip and some type of happy dance. Once he sees my eyes on him he freezes.

"Whoo! Uh, oh yeah hear you loud and clear firecracker!" His eyes widen and he looks behind me. "He won't eat me though, right?"

"What do you mean?" I turn to look behind me and see Derek giving a look so deadly, I'm surprised it hasn't hurt Travis. "Derek, what's wrong?"

My mate's eyes quickly snap to me. "Firecracker?" He asks-no interrogates. "Why does he call you that?" He demands making me glare at his attitude.

Before I can retaliate Travis spoke before me. "Oh, because she's a badass! So some guys jumped me and- don't worry though, I had it covered- but anyway she jumped in and-"

During his rant, Derek snaps, "I wasn't talking to you! Goddess, can you just shut up for one second?"

My face contorts into one of shock.

I hear a mumble from Travis, but I couldn't make it out.

"What?" Derek asks annoyed.

"It's God, not uh-"

Travis gets cut off by Derek's threatening growl.

"Enough!" I say with authority lacing my tone of voice.

Travis stares at me with an unreadable expression while Derek has a look of pride.

He's confusing.

"Travis we have a different religion where there is the Moon Goddess, not God." I explain having realization dawn on him.

"And you!" I say pointing to Derek's chest. "What is wrong with you? You usually don't act like this." I end with a whisper.

"I-" Derek tilts his head back to face the sky with his fingers tangled in his hair. He growls loudly out of no where making me flinch back. As soon as I do I regret it because a look of regret goes across his features as soon as he sees my reaction. A sigh escapes him. "I'm sorry Delilah." He says softly. "I just can't get over the fact that I was suppose to be there to protect you." He continues. "Not him!" My mate shouts frustratedly.

"Derek." I sigh and stroke the side of his neck. I feel my lips tug into a small smile when he puts his hand over mine so he could move it to his cheek just to nuzzle my palm. "I was the one who ran, it was all on me. You weren't there to protect me only because I wouldn't let you. I didn't want to be considered as that one noodle armed Luna who can't even do so much to protect herself. Let alone a pack." I confess.

My mate's hand tightens on my own at the words, "Baby you're not weak-"

I cut him off, "I know that now." I can feel Travis beginning to get uncomfortable so I decide to end this conversation for now. "We could continue this conversation later. Right now we should probably head back to the packhouse." My hand slowly moves from his cheek, but he doesn't let it get far as he intwines it with his own.

Travis begins to walk ahead of us seeing as we're done with our conversation.

"Do you even knkw where you're going?" Derek asks sarcastically.

"What makes you think I don't?" Travis fires back. "Just because you're all brooding and shit. I know places too 'Prince Charming.' " He taunts, stomping away.

I bite my lip to keep from giggling at his goofy tactics of knowing everything.

"Where going the other way, idiot!" Derek yells after his retreating form.

"I knew that! I was just looking for a shortcut." Travis mumbles walking on the now correct path.

Not too long into walking on our way back, I hear a shrill scream. "Ahhh! Oh my god it hideous!"

Derek and I sprint towards the scream to see Travis. "What? What is it? We both say in unison once we get to him.

"It's beady eyes! Oh Lord Jesus what is it!?" He whispers yet yells at the same time.

I look around for what he's talking about, then I see it. I don't know how I missed it's awful scent before.

I realize Derek's caught onto the scent too and he looks furious. "A skunk!" He yells. "You were afraid of a skunk?"

"Derek." I whisper, slowly backing away.

"The fuck is a skunk?" Travis asks bewildered.

"Travis." I whisper a little louder, still backing up.

"Hey! Watch your language around Delilah!" He yells yet again. "I don't want her learning those words and accidentally saying around our pack members."

"Derek." I whisper louder than before.

"So those stories my grandmother told me were true?" Travis asks incredulously. "I thought she made it up to keep me from staying in the woods too long."

"Travis." I now say normally.

They continue to bicker. "You're such an idiot!" Derek groans frustratedly.

I take one last step backwards. "Guys!" I yell.

"What?" They both ask.

I point to the skunk whos tail is now pointed up and facing them both.

You hear the sound of both men's groans of disgust as they smell themselves after getting sprayed.

"Aw no. It got in my mouth." Travis groans.

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