Chapter 8

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She eventually reaches to stand in front of me and reaches her hand out to...
brush off my dress. I flinch, but she pays it no mind as she rambles, "You had some crumbs on your dress." She smiles up at me and holds out her hand for me, "Hi, I'm Jennifer, or Jenn for short! Either ones fine." She seemed hyper. I realize why I spotted her so quickly once I take a good look at her, unlike everyone else here she's dressed in a casual black tight fitted shirt that has the number 81 in white bold font along with white skinny jeans. She has black colored...braces? Well, metal things on her teeth and also looks about my height. She continues to hold her hand out to me.

What am I suppose to do? Am I suppose to slap it?

Jennifer's wide grin faulters and slowly puts her hand back to her side, "I guess you don't shake hands much either...she says awkwardly."

Oh, I was supposd to shake it?

"Oh, no it's not that, I just didn't know what you were doing." I say in the same awkward tone of voice.

She jokes, "What, you've never heard of a handshake before?"

I try to laugh off my growing embarrassment. "Uhm, no?"

Jennifer laughs along with me, until she sees my expression, "Oh, your serious." She states.

I don't respond.

"Oh, don't worry about it Luna, I plan on us becoming best friends and then I can teach you ever-" She gets cut off by a girl in a red strapless gown, who looks exactly like her.

Oh I forgot she had a twin.

"Jennifer what are you doing talking to her, just because she's 'Luna' doesn't mean you mingle with her. She doesn't even look like she's qualified to be his mate" She harshly whispers, in a way as if she doesn't want me to hear.

Just because I'm a fox shifter doesn't mean I can't hear as well as them. "Hey- " just as I'm about to cut in to defend myself, Jennifer beats me to it.

"Brianna, shut up. That's disrespectful. You're acting like she's not right in front of us listening to our conversation. Besides you don't get to choose who I do and do not talk to." Jenifer glared at her sister who I now know by the name of Brianna.

Brianna glared fiercely into Jennifer's eyes as they had a staring contest and Jennifer did the same. "Fine," Brianna says. "but this isn't over we'll talk later, Jenn."

"Yeah yeah whatever, love you sis."

Brianna scoffs but grumbles softly as she stomps off clicking her heels, "Love you too."

"I'm sorry about that, Luna. Just because she's 3 minutes older, she thinks she can boss me around." She says with a roll of her eyes.

She actually stood up for me...

I try that gesture she did not to long ago. "Friends?"

Her eyes look at my hand and light up, she jumps up and put her hand in mine, shaking up and down rapidly, "Friends."

I can't help but giggle at her enthusiasm. "Call me Delilah."
"Delilah! That's not fair." Jenn pants. "You're lighter on your feet, and you have practically no body fat on you."

"Come on Jenn, keep up!" I say excitedly and begin a light jog just for Jenn.

"For a damn werewolf, I'm out of shape. But then again, I never liked P.E." I hear her mumble to herself, making me laugh.

After Jenn and and I said were friends, she showed me around the packhouse, occasionally shouting at tall people who nearly trampled us. "Hey, whatch it! Respect the short people. We're a rare species around here!" She'd yell. Though, she wasn't wrong, everyone you saw around here was 5.6 or taller, including the women.

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