The Only One [n.h. + h.s. au]

De suchakariri

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"I don't want to argue." "Then don't." [narry storan au] Mais

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Four

2.1K 72 12
De suchakariri


How long has it been? Forever and a day? Oops. Aha, I really am sorry tha it's taken me this long to update. I've lacked motivation and most importantly, time. School really hit me hard. ;-; Moving along! All that's left is one more chapter, then an epilogue. Sequel, or no sequel? Let me know. 

Dedication goes to Olivia -- she wrote the smut in this chappie, and I love her to pieces. xxx


Liam’s POV

I rang the doorbell and wiped my hands on the fabric of my jeans. I was nervous to see Louis, but I had to get a few things off of my chest. He was there for me from the moment Zayn broke my heart, and hidden feelings became clear.

The friendship we have is simple – we only spend time around each other when something drastic happens. I’ve known Louis for nearly as long as Harry and we click quite well. When Harry and Louis announced that they were a couple, I had mixed feelings, which were easily pushed aside with Zayn constantly on my mind.

My eyes watered at the thought of my former boyfriend and Jay opened the door with a concerned look on her face.

“Liam, are you okay, love?” she asked, letting me in.

I nodded and grimaced, “I’m fine. Is Louis home?”

“He’s upstairs,” Jay said, still observing me, warily.

“Thank you,” I murmured.

The trip to Louis’ room was rather short – I must have looked like a maniac, stumbling through the door.

Louis put down the book he was reading, “Wha – Are you crying, Li?”

“No,” I sniffled, wiping my face.

“Hey…” he took a hold on my hands and pulled us to the bed. “What’s the matter, babe?”

His fingertips pressed into my hips, but not in a painful manner.

“I have something to say,” I choked out. “Just… listen, okay?”

“Alright,” Louis sat down on the edge, gently tugging me in between his legs. “Go ahead.”

“I like you – a lot, actually. I might even go as far to say that I love you, because if I denied it, I’d be lying. You’re the only person who takes me seriously on every level and I appreciate that. We don’t speak much in class, or even in the halls, but I know I can count on you. No one has ever cared about me as much as you do and whenever you hold me – fuck, even when you look at me – I get this warm, fuzzy feeling in my stomach. Call me cliché, but that’s the truth.”

He gazed up into my eyes, a frown set on his lips, “Your boyfriend left you and we were caught in a… promising position, but you’re seeking the attention he gave you, Liam. Now that Zayn isn’t around, you need someone to replace him.”

“It’s not like that, Lou!” I insisted. “You make me feel important; like I have a purpose. Zayn promised me so many things. Now, he expects me to wait until it’s convenient for him. I can’t go for that…”

“Remember what you told me last week? We settle for the love we think we deserve. I’d like to think that I deserve better, but…”

“You love Zayn,” Louis stated, sternly. “Don’t do this. When he comes around, you’re going to regret it.”

I placed my legs on either side of him and sat so I could burry myself into his arms. Louis rubbed my back, pressing a few light kisses to my temple, and let me cry. I cried for what seemed like hours, but was literally fifteen minutes.

“Louis,” I whispered. “Can we-“

“No, love,” he shushed me. “No…”

Harry’s POV

I stared at Zayn, waiting for him to speak. We’d been sitting in the same position for about an hour, and he still hadn’t said a word. The stubble growing on his face was not attended to, nor was his growing hair. His outfit consisted of worn out jeans, a t-shirt that I recognized to be Liam’s, and a beat up pair of combat boots. Overall, Zayn looked exhausted.

“Well?” I pressed. “I’m your best mate, Zee. Talk to me.”

“God, you should have seen his face when I left him in the bedroom,” Zayn mumbled. “I almost gave in – almost.”

He made eye contact with me and continued, “My father arranged for me to meet his co-worker’s daughter, Marina. She’s really sweet, but I had no interest in being in a relationship with her, especially since I had Liam. When he showed up at my house, I was thrilled. However, my father had other plans. If I didn’t break up with him, I would be shunned from the family. In other words, he’d make my life a living hell.”

“You saw Liam after that, though?” I inquired.

“Four days after to be exact,” Zayn replied. “I had the intentions of telling him the truth, I really did. I didn’t know he was occupied. I guess it never occurred to me that he would move on so easily.”

I hummed, tiling my head.

“Louis is replacing me,” he snorted. “My supposed mate was seconds away from fucking my boyfriend…”

I’d noticed the sudden closeness between Liam and Louis over the past few days, but I did not think things had gotten that far yet. We met Louis during fourth form and Liam developed a small crush on the older lad. I assumed he had forgotten all about it when Zayn came into the picture.

“Louis is Liam’s source of comfort,” I said. “Their friendship isn’t like ours. When they cling to each other, it means something is wrong on either end. Liam was hurt and Louis would do nearly anything for him.”

I squeezed his shoulder, “Liam isn’t your boyfriend anymore, mate. The circumstances are unfair, I know. I couldn’t imagine being in your position. Maybe you can find a way out of it, somehow. It is going to be hard seeing Liam with someone else, but there’s nothing you can do to stop him from being happy. Isn’t that what you want?”

A light knock on the door startled me and I muttered a quick ‘come in’ before turning my attention back to Zayn.

“I’m supposed to marry her, eventually,” he hid his face in his hands, leaning away from me. “I feel stuck.”


“Hey, lovely,” I sighed. “How are you?”

Niall eyed Zayn, warily, “Good. I spent the day at Liam’s house.”

“Is he doing okay?” Zayn asked him.

“Yeah,” he smiled, half-heartedly.

Zayn stood up and nodded, “I’m going home. I need some sleep.”

“Bye, Zee.”

“He looks so down,” Niall frowned.

“His father is practically forcing him into marriage,” I grumbled, pulling Niall onto my lap. “He didn’t have any other choice.”

He pecked my cheek and exhaled, “That’s horrible…”

The subject was obviously killing Niall’s cheery mood, so I commented on the mocha frappuccino on his hand.

“You didn’t bring me any?”

“I’m sorry, Hazza. We can share mine,” Niall suggested and let me take a sip of the sweet drink.

I kissed the side of his neck, “Thank you.”

“I wonder what Liam is up to,” he mused. “When I left, he told me that he was going to visit Louis – said there was something important to discuss.”

I chuckled, lightly, “They love each other. Louis had eyes for Liam while we were together, as well. “

Niall tensed, but quickly regained his composure, “Does Zayn know?”

“Yes, he does. All he wants is for Liam to be happy, even it means seeing him with someone else.”


I cocked an eyebrow and Niall licked a wet stripe on my face, running to the bathroom afterwards.

“You’re disgusting, Ni!” I yelled, using my t-shirt to wipe away the saliva.

I looked around the room and got up, “What…?”

Something crunched under my foot, and I lifted it to pick up the small piece of paper lying on the ground.

“Oh, Haz! I ran into one of Justin’s fr-“

Niall took a cautious step towards me, “What’s wrong…?”

“Collecting people’s numbers, I see.”


“I’m the one who gets bashed on about cheating on you and flirting with girls,” I snapped. “Maybe it should be the other way around.”

“You aren’t making any sense,” Niall breathed.

I waved the note in front of his face, feeling unamused

“That’s Olivia’s number,” he said, slowly. “I was just telling you that I ran into her at Starbucks… She’s in my English class, along with Justin, Dani, and Lacy. We’re friends.”

“Friends, right,” I sent an icy glare in his direction. “I can either drive you home, or you can walk – take your pick.”

“Harry,” Niall mumbled. “Why are you acting like this?”

I wanted to believe Niall, but jealousy got the best of me. I knew I was being an arse; it simply didn’t matter whilst I fumed.


Niall stormed out of my room, leaving his frappuccino on the dresser.



I was acting like a child. A day had passed and I still couldn’t man up enough to talk to Niall. In a perfect world, I would apologize in person and he would instantly forgive me. Apparently, my boyfriend had another idea.

Niall slammed my bedroom door shut, breathing, hastily, “I have no fucking clue what your problem is, but you need to get over it!”

“We’ve gone through too much for you to ruin our relationship with your irrelevant assumptions,” he snarled. “Olivia and I are strictly friends, and nothing more. I’m only attracted to cock, unlike you. Stop acting like a teenage girl!”

All I could do was stare at the boy – well, young man—in front of me. The sudden control Niall took of the situation nearly sent me off the edge.

“Say something, you inconsiderate arse!”

“You’re beautiful.”

“God, help me,” Niall mumbled, massaging his temple.

 I saw his eyes roll, his mouth moving, muttering something.

“What'd you say?” I asked.

“Don't fucking do that, Harry,” he spat. “I'm supposed to be fucking pissed as hell with you!”

“I don't want to fight!” I yelled, catching myself off guard. “For Christ's sake, Niall! Goddamn. Do you remember when you told me to fight for you?”

“That was so long ago, how does –”

“Just,” I cut him off harshly, taking a deep breath. “Do you remember?”

“Of course.”

“I see a girl's number and I get jealous.” My heart was rapidly beating, fury raging through my body at Olivia's flirty message. Text me sometime ;), followed by her number. I was calm until the memory of Olivia's handwriting neatly written across the yellow paper came to mind. Then jealously took over.

I started walking towards Niall, his hand harshly pulling at his hair. “You're mine and no one else's.” Niall had suddenly backed into a wall, his face shocked. I walked closer, breathing hot and heavy on his neck. “Mine,” I emphasized, kissing the base of his neck roughly.

“Yours,” Niall repeated, melting into my touch. He leaned his head to the right, allowing me more access to the bare skin of his neck. The collar of his button-up was in the way though, so I fiddled with the top button until I heard a moan of annoyance escape Niall's throat. “Take my damn clothes off.”

I chuckled deeply. “Did you even read Olivia's note? She was flirting with you, when you're mine. Doesn't that insinuate just a little punishment?”

I lightly sucked on the pale skin of Niall's collarbone, slightly palming Niall through his jeans. A whine sounded out of Niall's mouth, along with deep, shaky breaths. “You let her flirt with you, Niall,” I spoke darkly, jealously raging through me. “That's unacceptable.”

I smirked at Niall's writhing figure as I slowly slid my index finger down the toned center of his chest, towards the hem of the fabric. I, myself, was growing painfully hard at the submissiveness of my boyfriend at this point, but I wasn't about to let on.

Everyone has a fantasy about ripping a button-up shirt off your lover, and at that moment, I was glad Niall had chosen to wear one. Hastily, I forced the shirt open, buttons flying off fabric, making noise as they made contact with the floor. The chorus of buttons falling added to the chemistry in the room; I had Niall begging as the last button fell.

Mature ~*o*~

“Please, Harry, oh. Fuck, Haz, please,” he moaned as I palmed him roughly through his jeans, breathing hotly onto his collarbone.

This dark, possessive version of me had Niall weak at the knees and I was very aware of what I was doing to the poor boy. “Bed,” I growled, nipping at the skin of his neck.

He willingly agreed, knowing what should come next. I commanded he take off his shirt, to which he hastily obliged, followed quickly by his jeans and boxers. I stood at the foot of the bed in awe at Niall's beyond perfect body. He was lying back on the duvet, propped on his elbows, panting to bring oxygen into his lungs. I caught his gaze and obnoxiously slowly, I lifted my shirt over my head. “Fuck,” he mumbled, reaching for his dick.

“Oh, no,” I spoke forcefully, climbing on top of him. “Not allowed.”

“But –”


He huffed out a breath, defeated. The willingly submissive side of Niall was driving me crazy; I had to do something. “Roll over.”

“Like, onto my stomach?”

“No. Hands and knees.”

“Kinky, Styles,” he winked, playfully sticking his tongue out.

I wiggled my bum out of my pants and boxers and grabbed the bottle of lube out of my bedside table's drawer. I squeezed some out of the tube and attempted to warm it up. I coated my left index finger with the substance, nipping at the skin of Niall's bum. I smiled as Niall writhed beneath me and I snaked a finger into him.

I kept my pace slow, breathing hotly onto his skin. “Olivia can't make you feel this good,” I smirked. “Only I can.”

“Only you,” Niall repeated, pushing back onto my finger. His breaths were short and staccato, very ragged. I slipped my one finger out, adding two. Niall's breathing became heavier, making me impossibly harder. I grabbed the bottle of lube with my right hand and slowly pulled my two fingers out. I lathered my dick with the stuff and grabbed Niall mercilessly by the shoulder.

“Get ready for a bumpy ride,” I breathed on his neck, slamming my throbbing dick into his bum.

“Oh, fuck,” he moaned, melting into my chest. I wrapped my left arm around his torso, my right hand holding his right shoulder. I repeatedly slammed into him, taking out all of my pent-up frustration and lust on my sex-god of a boyfriend and lover.

“You won't be able to walk tomorrow,” I breathily spoke, ecstasy coursing through my veins.

“Uh huh,” Niall shakily agreed. He turned his head to connect his mouth with mine in a sloppy kiss. The added contact was enough to send me just over the edge. I pounded messily into Niall a few more times before I spilt myself into his asshole, himself spilling all over his sheets.

“You're beautiful,” I repeated, kissing his shoulder blade.

“You are too,” he mumbled, adrenaline pumping through his body – it was written all over his face.

“You're mine, baby. Never forget that.”

“I won't,” he sighed, kissing my mouth properly.

Louis’ POV

There was no denying that I love Liam. I truly do, but was he ready to jump into another relationship? He looked so hurt when he left; even my mum took notice of his mood. I’d been sending Liam text messages nonstop when I finally had enough and decided to pay him a visit.

To: LiLi

I’m coming over.

I got into my car and started the ignition.

From: LiLi

I’m not home. Leave me alone.

“Bloody hell,” I muttered, backing out of the driveway.

I scanned my memory for any place in particular Liam might visit while I drove around the neighborhood. Suddenly, I spotted a figure in a jumper that was definitely mine.

“Liam! Liam, stop!” I rolled down the window, slowing down the car.

Liam looked up, “Lou? God, go home.”

“Not unless you come with me,” I said.

He picked up a faster pace, leaving me with no choice, but to park and go after him.

“I can keep up, Payne. I was co-captain for a reason.”

“What do you want from me?” Liam stopped, abruptly.

I asked, “Do you love Zayn?”

“No,” he answered, without hesitation. “I did, but he hurt me. I think everything happens for a reason; Zayn and I just weren’t meant to be, and I accept that.”

I closed my eyes, momentarily, and took a deep breath, “Good.”

“Good?” Liam questioned, a spark of amusement in his eyes.

“C’mere,” I wrapped my arms around his slim waist and he hid his face in my neck.

We stood on the sidewalk for a few minutes, just holding on to each other. I spoke my thoughts out loud, not regretting it one bit.

“I could get used to this – us.”

Liam stared into my eyes and a small smile danced on his lips, “Oh…”

I knocked our foreheads together, lightly, “I love you, you know.”

In a matter of seconds, Liam’s lips were on mine, and I felt like the luckiest man in the world.

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