It's Complicated

By olsonss

10.3K 697 148

She thought her life was complicated before him, but she didn't even know the half of it. Deputy Emma Swan fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 8

869 57 23
By olsonss

In the morning Emma is woken up with a bang. She bolts straight up in bed then remembers her unexpected house guest and sighs. Deciding that she shouldn't torture the poor man, she pulls on a pair of sweatpants before leaving her room to find the source of the noise.

In her kitchen Killian is facing the stove, frying something in the one pan she owns.

"Good morning," she says cautiously.

"Ah, morning love. I hope I didn't wake you," he says with a sheepish smile.

"You're fine as long as there is some for me," Emma says with a pointed look at the eggs in the frying pan.

"Well of course. It would be bad form if I didn't make enough for the lady of the house," He smirks and she blushes. No one talks the way he does.

"Where did you get those? I certainly didn't have any eggs," Emma asks with a furrowed brow.

"I had to go out and get them. I noticed you didn't have much in your fridge. I grabbed some bread as well," he explains. Emma leans against the counter next to him.

"You didn't have to do all this," she says.

"I really did though. It was the least I could do. I showed up on your doorstep drunk last night. That never should have happened. I feel horrible about that by the way. I am truly sorry," he says while never breaking eye contact with her.

"Killian, it's really okay. There's no need to apologize. I don't mean to pry, but you didn't look too good last night. Is everything alright?" she asks.

"Just too much to drink," he says while intently focusing on the eggs.

"Yes, but it's more than that right?" she asks resting her hand on his arm.

"Yes, but that's a story for another time. I will tell you everything one day," he promises and she removes her hand.

"Alright. I'll be here when you're ready," she says quietly. She moves and pops some bread into the toaster. They work together with such grace and ease, like they have been doing this for years. They begin to eat when he asks a question.

"Emma, what do you want from me?" he asks between mouthfuls of eggs. The question almost causes her to choke on her eggs.

"Excuse me?" she asks still in shock.

"We kissed in the supply closet and I believe my feelings for you have been pretty clear. So, again I'll ask you. What do you want from me?"

"If I said I didn't know would you believe me?" she asks carefully. She can see that hurt in his eyes and she can't stand that. Emma reaches out and grabs his hand and interlaces their fingers.

"I'm not good at relationships, never have been. What I do know is that I can't stop thinking of you. Would you wait for me, so I can figure out what I do want?" she asks her eyes searching his face.

"You're worth waiting for, Swan," Killian says with a smile. She kisses his cheek and gathers the dishes.

"I can clean up. I am sure you probably want to go home and change before work," she says lightly.

"Aye I do. Again thank you so much for letting me stay here last night," he says as they walk towards the front door.

"No problem," she smiles.

"I'll see you at work," he says as he walks out. She shuts the door behind him. Emma cleans up and gets ready for work, trying her best to figure out what the hell she was going to do about Killian Jones. Not really know what to do she texts Mary Margaret asking her if they can have dinner tonight. She responds instantly, that she would love to. They arrange for dinner at Mary Margaret and David's place.


That night Emma stands in front of the Nolan's door with a bottle of wine in her hand. She knocks on the door sharply three times. Mary Margaret opens the door with a smile.

"Come in," Mary Margaret says and Emma walks through the door frame.

"You don't mind that David is here, is here right? I know you want to talk-" Mary Margaret begins to ramble and Emma places an arm on her shoulder.

"It's fine you know I love David as much as you. It's easier this way anyway I know you're going to tell him everything I say anyway, so he might as well hear it from me," Emma says with a smirk and Mary Margaret relaxes. They go into the kitchen and they all ease into small talk, about work and the latest town gossip.

"Emma, you said you wanted to talk. Is everything alright?" Mary Margaret finally asks as David sets the table.

"Killian showed up at my door last night. He was drunk," Emma states.

"Drunk? What on earth?" Mary Margaret asks.

"I don't really know why, but he had too much to drink so August took his keys and then he couldn't get home. August knew I couldn't turn him away, so he sent him to my apartment," Emma explains.

"Did you let him stay?" David asks.

"Of course, I wasn't going to make him walk home. I am not heartless," she defends herself. They bring their food to the table and continue the conversation as they load up their plates. Emma continues to explain the events of the night before and this morning.

"Well, what do you want with him?" Mary Margaret asks at the end of Emma's story.

"I don't know! That's the problem. I think he wants more, but how could I ever give him that?" she asks, throwing her hands in the air.

"Do you care about him?" Mary Margaret asks her and Emma nods, "I haven't had the pleasure to meet him, but from what you and David say he sounds like a good man. Not every man is Neal or Walsh. I think you should give him the benefit of the doubt. Take a leap of faith," she advises her. Emma just nods and Mary Margaret drops the subject knowing to not push it any further. They move onto a different subject.

Emma leaves the Nolan's that night still thinking of Killian Jones, still unsure of what she should do. She wants to believe that he isn't like Walsh or Neal, but she can't take the chance that she is wrong about him. Maybe she should go see him or call him, but in the end she just returns home.


The next day Walsh invites her over from dinner and she accepts. Right after her last call from the station she heads over to his apartment. Emma lets herself in and once the door shuts behind her she can feel that something is wrong.

Walsh sits at the kitchen table with three things in front of him. The bug, pictures, and a gun. Emma goes for her gun, realizing that he knows. He's quicker than her and point the gun at her.

"Not so fast. Don't unholster your gun. Please sit down," Walsh says in a voice that sends chills down her spine. She shoves her hands in her coat pocket. While keeping her phone in the pocket she dials 911. Emma takes the seat across from him.

"A little show and tell?" she asks. He smirks, but all the while he still has his gun trained on her.

"Yes," he slides the pictures across the table and fans them out, "Now, you want to tell me what is happening in these pictures?" he asks. The pictures show Killian leaving Emma's apartment then Emma leaving a while later. Emma says nothing.

"Did you fuck him because that's what I get from these pictures," he sneers.

"He was drunk and needed a place to sleep it off," she states.

"You know when I met him I had a feeling that there was something going on between the two of you," he says ignoring her answer completely.

"I haven't slept with him. There is nothing going on between us," she says through her teeth. He rolls his eyes, Emma knows he is not accepting that answer. Instead he moves on and holds up the bug.

"You know what this is, don't you?" he asks.

"I know exactly what that is and so do you. Walsh, let's not play this little guessing game we both know what's going on. Out of curiosity how did you find it?" she asks, carefully.

"I was cleaning the kitchen and throwing away everything on top of the fridge. Sure enough there it sat," he smirks and she just nods.

"I should have believed Will, he could see right through you when I couldn't," he mumbles.

"Yes, you should have," she agrees with him hoping to keep him calm. David or Graham should be here soon, she just needs to keep him talking.

"Did you ever love me?" he asks as he stands.

"I don't know how to answer that when I was with someone who lied to me constantly. I don't even know who you are," she says cooly.

"I never lied about anything with you," he states. Emma rolls her eyes.

"You never lied to me? Please tell me then how you were able to buy that fancy watch on your wrist or what you actually sell in your furniture shop or what you and Will actually receive shipments of in the warehouse? Cause everything you told me was a lie," she snarls.

"Alright maybe I lied, but at least I loved you. You know I was right when we broke up you are a little orphan whore, who can never love anyone," he snaps.

She reaches for her gun at his words, he takes the safety off his gun and fires. Emma ducks out of the chair, but the bullet still hits her shoulder. Emma manages to get a hold of her gun. She fires off a shot at him from the floor just as the door burst open, David is standing there gun trained on Walsh. Emma falls back onto the floor and releases a sigh. David handcuffs Walsh.

"Emma, did you get shot? I heard guns firing," David calls out to her.

"Yes," she manages to croak out. All she can think about is Killian. How much she needs him in this moment. How much she wants him by her side, holding her hand, and telling her everything is going to be okay. That's when it hits her. How much she wants she wants him in life and not for just sex. She wants him.

David calls for an ambulance and waits for it to arrive. David keeps a hold on Walsh. Finally officers arrive and take Walsh into custody. David kneels next to Emma and applies pressure on her shoulder.

"How you doing there, Em?" he asks her.

"I have been better, I got shot you know," she manages to joke. He just chuckles. The ambulance arrives not long after. They whisk her away to the hospital. It's a quiet night in Storybrooke, so the waiting room is empty except them. She wishes Killian was here and she keeps asking for him. Emma's slightly delirious from the pain with the initial shock having worn off. Due to this the team of doctors and nurses just try to calm her down. They succeed in getting her to stop moving, but she continually asks for him.

As the doctor stitches up her shoulder she hears a certain irish man yelling in the waiting room demanding to see her. Of course he came to see her. She releases a sigh and finally relaxes. David probably called him.

"Please let him in here," she tells the nurse at her bedside, "He's the one I have been asking for." The nurse nods and opens the door. She stands there for a couple minutes and then she finally lets Killian in. He bounds over to her side. He looks distraught and panicked.

"Hey there," she says, but then cringes a little bit as Dr. Whale continues with the stitches.

"Love, are you alright?" he asks and immediately takes his hand in hers.

"I am fine," she sighs and gives his hand a squeeze.

"Fine? Emma, you were shot," He exclaims and releases her hand.

"I am completely aware of this, Killian. I was there. I was the one who got shot, which was not an experience I would not recommend by the way," she jokes, which makes him even more frustrated.

"How can you be so nonchalant about this? Emma, your life was in danger. I nearly had a heart attack when Dave called me," he practically yells. She knows he's just worried about her, but he needs to relax.

"Killian, I am so nonchalant as you say because you're here now," she says softly. Killian Jones certainly wasn't expecting this answer because he opens his mouth then shuts it again.

"Sit down," she says kindly. He pulls a chair close to her bed and sits down. She takes his hand and holds it again and gives it a little squeeze. He takes a few deep breaths.

A couple minutes later Dr. Whale finishes up and leaves them alone.

"Emma, I am sorry for overreacting I was just worried about you," he says finally having calmed down.

"I accept your apology and I know you were worried, but David got to me in time and it was a clean shot. I am perfectly safe in the hospital and Walsh is in jail," she explains.

"I know, but Will isn't," he states. Her brow furrows at this and her heart rate increases.

"What? David said Graham was arresting him," Emma says confused.

"They haven't been able to find him. We don't know where he is," he says as calmly as possible.

"They have to find him though. Will didn't like me before this he sure as hell hates me now. I fired a shot off at his best friend. He's going to come after me. He's going to want me dead," she says panicking.

"Love, I won't let that happen. He will show his face soon enough. Don't worry everyone is protecting you and I won't be leaving your side. Try and rest," he says in an effort to reassure her. It calms her slightly, but she is now on high alert.

When they release Emma from the hospital Killian takes her from the station. Killian has one hand on her lower back guiding her to David's office. Walsh is sitting in the holding cell when they walk in.

"Of course you were with him. I was right about you, Emma," Walsh calls out. This causes Killian to stop dead in his tracks. He looks at Walsh with the most menacing glare. Killian's jaw clenches and his fists ball up. Before he can do anything stupid or rash Emma shoves Killian through the door to David's office. She firmly shuts the door behind them.

"What the bloody hell was that about?" he almost yells in the tiny office. David looks shocked by his outburst.

"He knows you stayed the night at my apartment. He accused me of cheating on him," she says.

"What? How?" Killian asks.

"I don't know how he knows, but he has pictures of you leaving that morning," he shakes her head.

"How could he have known?" David asks.

"I don't know," Emma says exhausted, "Do we have any clue where Will is?"

"None. He's not at his apartment, his car is gone, and he's not at the warehouse. We don't know where else to look. We have people stationed at both locations and one in front of your apartment building," David tells her and she just nods.

"Love, come on. It's been a long day I'll take you home," Killian says and Emma just nods again.

"Rest, Emma you need it," David orders her.

"I will," she sighs. Killian and Emma leave David's office. Emma doesn't look at Walsh and Killian rushes her out of there. Killian helps Emma into his car. It doesn't take long for them to get to her building. Killian parks the car and helps her out of it. At her door he gives her a tentative smile, which she returns. Emma slides the key into the lock and opens the door. He moves to say goodbye, but she grabs his hand.

"Please stay," she pleads.

"Aye, of course." He brings her hand to his mouth and presses a kiss into her fingers. They walk inside and she shuts the door behind them. Emma locks the door and locks the deadbolt, she rarely uses. She goes around and makes sure all the windows are shut and locked. Once she finishes her sweep of the apartment Killian forces her to sit down.

"Love, please relax," she gives him a look and he sighs, "at least try to?" She nods, but stands.

"It's been a long day. I am going to try and sleep," she says with a weak smile.

"Aye, good plan. I'll be out here on the couch," he says with a nod. Her brow furrows at this and she takes her hand in his.

"You don't have to sleep in the couch. Come on," she smirks. Emma pulls him into her room, but he stops in the doorway.

"Swan, look we-" he starts.

"Killian, I know I said I needed time, but I don't. Not anymore. Today's made it abundantly clear what I want," she explains.

"What would that be?" he asks thoroughly confused.

"You. I wanted you there by my side in the hospital and here tonight. I just feel safe with you. I don't quite know what happens next, but I know it's harder without you," she says bearing her heart to him, hoping he won't crush it. He doesn't. Killian closes the gap between them and kisses her with such tenderness and care. One hand cups her cheek and her hand presses into his back, bringing him closer to her. He pulls back and his striking blue eyes stare into her jade ones.

"What happens next is we go to bed and figure out the rest as we go," he smiles. And they do just that.


Sorry for the delay on this chapter, but I hope you guys like it! As always please comment and vote. xoxoxoxoxoxo 

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