Full Moon Rises

By Nynx13

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Meet Rosalina, who goes to the prestigious Fayville Academy. Located in Fayville, North Dakota. Her mother di... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 13

103 6 0
By Nynx13

It was sundown. I was standing where he told me to meet him and he hadn't showed up yet. I was keeping my ears peeled, listening for any signs of movement. Suddenly a twig snapped to my left and my eyes snapped that direction. Adam walked out of the trees with his hands in his pockets. He slowly walked toward me and stopped when he was a dozen feet away.

"Nice to see you again. Lovely day today isn't it?" He threw his gaze up toward the sky.

"Cut the crap, where's Rose?" I snapped, feeling impatient.

"Don't worry, she's here. Pretty soon you'll be wishing she wasn't though." He said smugly.

Rose stepped out from the trees and walked to his side. Adam motioned toward her and she got into a fighting stance. Suddenly she lunged at me and started attacking me. She had me pinned on the ground quickly. Looking up I saw the clearing where all the humans were being held prisoner, and made no attempt to fight back. Rose stopped attacking, and Adam's annoyed face stepped into my view.

"What are you doing? Why aren't you fighting back? This is no fun at all." He grumbled.

"I refuse to fight back, unless you let those people go." I pointed toward his prisoners and he rolled his eyes.

"Fine, if that's the only way you'll fight back. I want your death to be a real show. To be able to watch you meet your end at the claws of your former mate." He gestured toward his pack and they released the humans. They all ran away from the clearing and vanished into the trees.

After they were all gone, Rose got off of me and walked a few feet in front of me. She waited for me to get up, and I did just that very slowly. She had a small grin on her face and was clenching her fists.

"Let's have some rules, that will be fun. How about... No shifting unless you're about to die. I'll have Rose just stay in human form. That is, until she manages to subdue you. I want nothing more than to see life leave your eyes as she rips out your throat with her jaws." Adam chuckled.

"Fine, whatever." I clenched my jaw.

Suddenly Rose attacked me. Her punches and kicks were fast and sudden. He must've been training her a lot because she was pretty strong. I just continuously dodged each attack. I wasn't planning on fighting back, I would never hurt her.

As we fought we slowly made our way deeper into the woods. I was trying to analyze her, to find the microchip. It has to be somewhere on her back because it wasn't on her front. I quickly shape-shifted into my wolf. I needed the strength advantage so that I could take her down.

I jumped onto her back and knocked her to the ground. She had landed on her stomach and I quickly used this time to search for the chip. I used one of my large paws to push her hair away from her neck. That's when I spotted it, the microchip. It was a bump under her skin and there were stitches surrounding it.

I steadied my claw while she fought underneath me. I tried to extract it, but it was almost fused to her skin. Adam must've seen what I was trying to do because suddenly she shifted. She threw me off of her and I landed in the river, being pulled by the fast moving current. I was carried downstream and Rose was running along the bank following me. The sound of loud, thundering water filled my ears. I managed to jump out of the water right before it went over a waterfall.

I looked down the cliff to follow the waterfall. It was a very high drop, with sharp rocks on the bottom. Even as a werewolf it was almost impossible for anyone to survive the fall. Rose appeared out of nowhere and circled me. She would snap or lunge at me, and I would take another step closer to the edge.

The sound of clapping filled the air and Adam walked into view. "It was a valiant effort. You're clearly outmatched here, it's time to give up." He eyed the waterfall behind me. "I saw you try to remove the chip, that isn't going to happen. I think you falling to your death is even better than her ripping out your throat."

"What was with the microchip? It was like it was.. Fusing to her skin." I was trying to think of ways to buy time.

"Did you like that? It's almost completely fused with her. Once it's completely fused, she'll be permanently under my control. There will be no way to get the old her back. Enough talking, your time to die is now."

Adam nodded at Rose who closed in on me. I panicked trying to find a way out of this situation. Suddenly I had an idea. I recalled hearing that the microchip was just a prototype, that it wasn't perfect. Maybe the microchip had a weakness to water... I could only hope.

Rose advanced on me, ready to push me off the waterfall. I let her get extremely close to me to the point we were almost touching. Right when she was about to send me flying over, I jumped on her. I pushed us both into the river that led to the waterfall. Right before we went sailing over the edge, I hoisted us both out. The moment I was on the bank I turned back into human form. I lay on the river bank panting. The current was very strong and was hard to get out of.

I looked over at Rose, she was lying there unmoving. She had shifted back into human form as well. I reached over towards her and flipped her over onto her stomach. Her neck seemed to be pulsating almost. I didn't even need to cut into her neck. The skin around the microchip had opened up slightly. I reached under her skin and easily pulled out the microchip. I crushed it in my hand and let the pieces fall to the ground. Her eyes were closed but the steady rise and fall of her chest made me worry less.

Suddenly I was thrown to the side. My body went flying over Rose and I hit a tree. It cracked under my weight and I sat up, groaning. I looked over and saw Adam giving me a death glare. His hands were curled into fists and he was growling angrily. In a flash he had run over to my side and kicked me hard in the stomach. I fell onto my back and let out a gasp.

"How DARE you! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING! Now I have to go through the process of breaking her again..." He was furious as he glared at me.

"Breaking her...? How did you even do it the first time?" I murmured. Rose wasn't weak, and I couldn't understand what would break her.

"Funny story actually. We kidnapped your twin brother and killed him in front of her. Tortured him for hours and forced her to watch. She was so defeated afterwards... It was almost laughable." He grinned, cracking his neck.

I hadn't spoken to my brother in many years. We never really got along, so we went our separate ways. I wasn't even sure if I had told Rose about him. I felt a frown form on my face. Even though we weren't close, we were still brothers.

"You bastard. You'll pay for everything you've done." I launched myself at him and we rolled around the ground.

We kept attacking each other, throwing various blows and punches. I seemed to be getting the upper hand and he noticed. I had him right where I wanted him, he was trapped underneath me. In a split second he managed to get out from under me and he started sprinting toward Rose.

She was still unconscious on the ground, looking peaceful. Adam was quickly at her side and roughly yanked her off the ground. She was like a rag-doll in his arms as he wrapped his arm around her throat. Every step I took toward them was another he took to the cliff.

"If you come any closer I will jump and take her with me." Adam threatened, tightening his hold on her.

"Let her go." I growled. Her head was lying to the side, her mouth slightly open.

"Hmm, I don't think so. We're going to trade positions, and you'll be the one at cliff okay?" He stated.

I knew I had to do what he said, so we moved ourselves so now I was the one standing at the edge of the cliff. He placed Rose on the ground behind him and took some steps closer to me. He walked closer and closer until he was just a few feet from me.

"Well, it looks like this is where your pitiful life ends, yeah?" He whistled nonchalantly.

I noticed some movement from behind Adam. I focused on it and saw Rose slowly sitting up. She rubbed her head, and then looked our way. When she saw what was going on her eyes widened. She motioned for me to stay quiet and slowly got up.

"Nah, I don't think this is where I die. Maybe you want to switch places and have the honors?" I said, trying to stall him.

"Ha, I don't think so." He walked a little bit closer to me.

Rose was pretty close now, just a few feet away from Adam. I quickly dropped down to my hands and knees, curling up almost. I then turned my head slightly, allowing me to see Adam and Rose. Adam had a look of pure confusion plastered on his face.

"That won't save you from me.." Suddenly Adam reached his arms out toward me. Right before he was able to push me, Rose jumped up from behind him. She shoved him hard and he went falling forward.

"What the...!" Adam yelled. He tried to catch his balance, but he tripped over my form on the ground.

He went right over me, and plunged right over the cliff. Rose and I quickly peeked over the edge. He roared as he fell and eventually there was a loud splash. Rose and I slowly looked at each other, and embraced.

"I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do any of those things I swear..." Rose blubbered in between tears.

I gently stroked her hair as she cried into my shoulder. "Shh shhh, it's okay. I know." I cooed

We stood there for awhile, just enjoying being in each other's company. I didn't even realize how much I had truly missed Rose until I had her again. We parted and she quickly leaned forward and gave me a passionate kiss.

"I was so scared... I saw you die... How are you here?" She sniffled.

"He killed my brother apparently. I don't think I ever told you, but I was a twin."

A look of shock covered her face. "I'm so sorry..." After a moment of silence, she gazed at the waterfall. "Do you think he's really..?"

"He should be, I'll have the pack come here right away. I'll have them search for a body."

"Aaron, we defeated Adam and I got Rose back. He fell over a waterfall. I need you to send some patrols to look for a body."

"Right away Alpha, we'll be there momentarily." Aaron linked back.

I looked at Rose and smiled. "Are you ready to go home?"

She smiled brightly back at me. "I'd like nothing more."

We were back home at our pack by nightfall. All of our allies had gone home, and we thanked them profusely. There wasn't a big battle like we originally thought there would be. They helped us save innocent human lives though, and that's what counted.

We had all searched for Adams body for hours. There were no signs of him anywhere. I could tell Rose was worried that he wasn't dead. I had to reassure her that it's almost impossible to survive a fall like that. As much as I wished it did, my words didn't help much at all.

I was sitting on the bed in our room at the pack house. It felt great to be home, and know that Rose was now here with me. We had already re-marked each other. I was so happy to replaced Adam's disgusting mark on her neck. Rose was shuffling around the room, examining things. She turned toward me and raised her eyebrow.

"It seems like our room was untouched. Didn't you come in here at all?"

"Nope, I didn't. I slept in my office, and the only time I came in was to calm down. Your scent was lingering in this room, and it made me feel better." I rubbed my neck.

"Awwhh, that's flattering." She walked over and kissed my lips, giving me a bright smile in the process.

I pulled her down next to me and held her against me. "I was so worried when he got you. If anything had happened, my life would've ended. I really do love you Rose, and I won't let anything happen to you again. I have a surprise for you, love."

"What's the surprise?" She whined, batting her eyelashes at me.

"In the morning we're going on a trip. Just you and I to... Greece!"

She squealed loudly. "Really!? That's amazing! Ever since I was a little girl I've wanted to go there."

I gave her a smile. "I know, which is why I want to take you. That is, if you want to go of course."

"YES! I'D LOVE TO GO!" She jumped up and down and hugged me tightly.

I chuckled at her reaction. "Well then you better get some sleep, we leave first thing in the morning."

Rose immediately hopped into bed, and dragged me in next to her. "Okay love you night." She said very quickly, before rolling over and pulling the blanket over her head.

I mentally laughed to myself. It was great to have Rose back with me again. I pulled her against me and held her in my arms. She snuggled up against me and sighed happily. I laid awake for awhile, watching her peacefully sleep. After awhile I closed my eyes and fell into the first peaceful sleep I've had in awhile.

Rose was a ball of energy all morning. I've never seen her so excited for something before. We were at the airport right now, waiting for our flight. She of course brought like five suitcases despite my protesting. She told me that it was so she could bring back souvenirs. Finally our flight started boarding and she quickly sprinted to the gate.

"Hang on Rose!" I protested, grabbing her arm so she didn't cut people in line.

She turned toward me and sighed loudly. "Such a slowpoke."

We waited among the other people who were to be seated in first class. It's a long nonstop flight and I had to make sure we were comfortable. We sat down in our side by side seats. She had the window seat. There were small screens in front of us with free movies to watch. The flight was excruciatingly long. Rose somehow managed to sleep most of the time. I've never been able to sleep on flights, so I was stuck sitting there trying not to go crazy.

I was going stir crazy sitting here the entire time. I had to take frequent stand breaks, and walking around a little bit. Finally the pilot announced that we would be landing shortly. As soon as they announced it, Rose woke up. She was looking out the window and oohing and ahhing over Greece.

The moment we stepped off the plane Rose jumped up in the air. "LET'S GO!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me through the airport so we could get our bags.

We landed in Athens, and the city was beautiful. The architecture was simply wonderful. It was even taking my breath away. We had quite a few stops to go to. We visited a few museums, and the Arcropolis of Athens. Rose was practically buying out everything she could find. We had a fantastic day. It was night time before we were done. Rose was looking pretty fired up still.

"I guess it's time to go back to the hotel..." Rose said glumly.

"Not quite, we have one more stop to make."

"Where are we going?" Rose inquired curiously.

"The Parthenon of course! We need to visit it at least once you know?"

"Yes! That's the place I wanted to visit the most. I didn't think we'd be able to go and see it today though." Her face lit up happily.

"Of course we can. We'll be here for a few days anyways. We can see anything you want."


We walked to the Parthenon. We weren't terribly far from it anyways, and it was a nice night. We walked up the steps to it, and it was lit up by some spotlights. Not one single person was present. Rose seemed slightly confused, and I smiled at her confusion. We walked up and there was a small table right in the middle of the Parthenon. Some candles and tablecloth were on the table. Two chairs sat across from each other.

Rose had a shocked look on her face. I pulled out a chair for her from the table, and she slowly sat down. After I sat across from her she raised her eyebrow. "What is all of this...?"

"I managed to rent out the entire Parthenon for the night and set this up..." I gestured to the candlelit dinner.

"This is amazing, thank you sooo much!" She gushed happily.

We sat and happily talked for awhile. After an hour or so, a waiter walked out with some food. He had a variety of foods for us to try. When Rose saw the squid he placed down, she looked concerned. After he left, I started to chow down on the food. The bread sticks he brought were amazing.

"I'm not sure about this.." Rose poked and prodded at the squid.

"Just give it a try, you might like it."

She took a bite out of it, and a sour look came on her face. "Maybe I'll just skip the squid for now..."

We both laughed and enjoyed our food. It was the perfect night and stars filled the sky. Eventually we were done eating and were just talking. I decided it was the perfect time for what I had planned. I stood up, Rose watching me curiously. I walked around to her side of the table, and got down on one knee. I pulled the small, velvet box out of my pocket and pulled it out in front of her.

"Rose, you're the most amazing girl I know. I'm so proud to be your mate, and I love you more than anything in this world. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Rosalina Mae Gonzalez, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Rose's eyes widened like saucers. Tears started to fill her eyes. "Yes, yes! A thousand times yes!" She cried out. Happy tears were running down her face.

I put the ring on her finger and stood up. She embraced me tightly and kissed me passionately. We held each other for awhile and I gently wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Are you ready to go back to the hotel, my lovely fiancé?" I smiled at her.

"Of course. My handsome future husband."

We went back to the hotel together. We were in a nice five star hotel with a jacuzzi and everything. The second we walked into the room, we were kissing each other feverishly. Our clothes came off and things got hot and heavy quickly. For the first time, we gave each other everything. Our body and spirits became one. We were finally fully mated. Tonight was the best night of my life, and I couldn't be happier.


Awhhh, Tanner proposed! (:

What do you guys think of them? Do you think Adam is gone for good? Did you like the way Tanner proposed?

If you enjoyed, please leave a vote.

Thanks everyone :D

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