
By Le_Purple_Panda

398K 7.7K 1.3K

Kaylee, a normal 16 year old girl at a normal teenage party. However, on her way home her life changes. The t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Author's Note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Author's Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 7

18.9K 411 55
By Le_Purple_Panda

Oh my gawd! Those reads make my world! Those comments make my day! Thanks everyone! <3


-Kay POV-

I slowly open my eyes lids as someone shakes my shoulder a bit.

"We are here Kitten. Just 20 more minutes and we will be home," he talks to me gently his breath tickling my ear.

"Emmph," was my respond and I didn't move. I then regret my decision as two arms lift me bridal style. I squirm a little and my eyes pop open. "Put me down," I whine. He grins at me and lifts me closer up and into his chest.

"No way Kitten," he carries me out of the jet and the scariest part of the carry is coming. I close my eyes and grab his shirt. He laughs.

Pretty quickly he makes it down the rolling stairs from the jet and to another limo... I watch the flight attendant watch from the side with a bitter face. Ha! I snuggle into his chest and he kisses my forehead.

With my eyes closed he gets into the limo and has me laying on his lap. He pets my hair and I gently move with each of his breaths... Suddenly I think of Max.. I feel so guilty I just want to push him away and curl up in a corner, but.. I don't. I bite my lip. Guhh..

After the short ride and cuddling into Heath's chest we arrive at his house... It's even more, like... Wow then Max's. I gape at it when we are standing in his driveway..

"Like it?" Heath asks wrapping his arms around my waist.

"It's... way nice," I was a spoiled girl I'm not going to lie but this... The 3 story house.. MANSION, is colored tan and has one of the spiral drive ups. Windows cover it everywhere letting me glimpse the inside. Two columns are at the entry way holding a little roof, and we have to climb stairs to get to them. He smiles at me and takes my hand leading me to the door. I look down and see a long row of flowers on each side. Speckled colors of pink, red, orange, white, etc are all thrown in there. Breath taking.. He opens the door and swoops his arm with it.

"Look around," he says with a grin. I take a step into the house and the floors are wood. In certain areas, like the living room, it turns into carpet. I look to the right and see a spiral staircase and to my left I see the kitchen and dining room. Taking a step to see around the stair case I find the living room. The far wall has book cases full and then a couple chairs in front. I turn and go up the stairs with Heath behind me. There is a second living room and doors surrounding it. off in the corner is another set of stairs. I go and open all the doors. Most were very nice rooms and bathrooms the size of a room... Wow. I make my way to the other stairs and Heath finally says something.

"The third floor is our floor now. The second is for all my house staff and the first is just whatever. Hope you like it so far," he shrugs and I get to climbing.

I reach the top and it's covered in red silk and grays. The furniture is old fashioned but fits well. I see a total of 3 doors and all are dark oak. I go to the first on on my left.

It's a room with a king bed in the middle covered with a silk and lace bed cover. The walls are dark gray. There is a dresser on the wall that is pretty medium size and a door near it. I go over and open it. I reveal a closet and it is FULL of clothes. Damn.. He has to take me shopping. I laugh at myself on the inside. I turn around and there he is... On the bed... waiting.

"You have looked around plenty," he moans seductively. He motions for me to come over. My legs move slowly and I gulp. I can't do this!! Oh please god! I stand in front of him and his blue eyes travel up and down my body. He reaches out and trails my thighs up all the way under his baggy shirt. Shivers go down my body. His arms wrap right under my butt and he lifts me up to fall back on him. I let a little cry of surprise escape my lips. When we land I stick my hands out and they are a few inches from his head. My breaths quicken and my heart beat is way far from normal. I am a little above him so when he reaches to kiss me he just decides to kiss my chest. Heat rises to my cheeks and I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack. He smoothly flips me over and is now on top of me. My head starts to shake a little. He reaches his hand up an gently holds my chin. He kisses me with deep passion. My body responds faster than my mind and my arms are around his neck. Pulling him closer. He bites my bottom lip and my body tingles everywhere. I tangle my fingers in his hair and it's soo soft. He breaks the kiss and starts to bite my neck softly. A moan escapes my lips. Knowing my weakness he keeps on going while lifting his shirt off my body. Revealing my lace bra and underwear.. Max.. bought me. It feels like I just took a punch to the stomach. I start to shake more.

"I-I'm sorry," my voice is as shaky as I am as I push Heath. He gets up and lets me race to the bathroom. He follows me.

"Are you okay?" he asks. Before he can enter the bathroom I turn around and shut and lock the door. Tears start to overflow my eyes. Whats wrong with me?

"I'm fine," I let out in a rugged breath. I bend over the toilet and puke out all I have in my stomach. My shaking gets worse. I feel dizzy and cold. My eyes fight to stay open. "He-Heath," I say as loud as I can before I fall to the floor. My world goes black and my eyes shut.

-Heath POV-

"He-Heath," I hear faintly through the door.

"Kitten! Kitten! Open the door!! KAY!" I bang on the door. Damnit! I have no time to go get the key. I start hitting the door with my shoulder. After the third hit the door opens. Kay is laying on the floor. "Wake up Kitten," I plead with her unconscious body. I pick her up and rush down the stairs. "Vince! Grab my car keys!" I tell at my highest up butler.

He comes quickly to the garage and is pressing unlock as he fumbles to get the right key. He hops in the driver seat and I slide in the back with Kay in my arms.

"To the hospital!" I demand. He clicks the opener to the garage door and peals out.

20 minutes have passed and we finally arrive. I am hopping out before Vince is even parked. I rush through the doors and the secretary looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Help," I beg her. She yells something I don't process. A gurney is rolled up with people all around her. I go to follow but they raise their hands. I stop and let them go.. Then it dawns on me... What if she tells them everything? My stomach drops and I stumble back. I find a chair and my mind is racing. Her health or my life?

A nurse comes and taps me on the shoulder.

"Sir?" I look up at her. Brown eyes filled with reassurance. "She just had a fever that reached too high and made her body go into shock. She has one nasty case of pneumonia. We have prescribed an antibiotic for her to get back in the healthy track," she smiles. I pathetically return the gesture.

"Can I see her?" I ask.

"Of course," she leads me down a creepy hallway and to a room that looks like any other hospital room would. Kay has her gaze fixed on a tiny t.v. in the corner. I walk in and clear my throat she looks at me then back into the t.v. What did I do? I am almost angry at her but I take a breath and walk in. The nurse leaving.

"You didn't tell them?" I quickly mumble.

"No," she looked at me, "but only for one reason." I look at her with confusion.


"You risked yourself for my health so I didn't say anything.. But that won't stop me from not telling them if you don't accept this offer.." I look at her so she will go on. "I want you to let me go.. I won't say anything... Just that I wanted to runaway but got homesick. I have been gone for a good week and a half. They are still looking for me.. maybe. But whatever I am alive and want to go home.." She looks at me harshly. My throats dry and I know I need I say I will accept this offer. I just don't know if I can really let her go.

"Ok," I mumble and fiddle with my fingers. She nods her and looks back at the t.v. I swallow and turn looking in the same direction as her.

"Another girl goes missing from Los Angeles. Brianna James. She goes by Bri. Blonde hair, brown eyes, medium height. There is a picture to my left. If you see her please call the hot line number down below. Here's a list of other girls we are still looking for. No bodies have been found. We still have hope.. Goodnight," a little song plays and pictures flash up. Another blonde girl, a brunette, and... Kay? I look over at her and she is pale. Clutching the blanket she looks at me.

"Get me out of here now," she commands. I shake my head in confusion but get up to go find a nurse to help us anyway.. Hopefully they didn't catch the news...

-Max POV-

I stare Patrick down, all the while he is smirking.

"I have always wanted you dead..." he nods his head agreeing with himself. I sigh and look at him. Does he think I'm un-prepared? Still off in his world I reach behind my back and lift my shirt. I whip out my own gun and now... it's a show down. He looks at me slyly. "Silly me.. I should have known."

"But you didn't and now," I sigh, "we are in a predicament like this.." I tap my foot. I reach up and cock my gun.

"Turn to leave I dare you," he laughs. "With that gun or not unless you kill me... You will die," he hisses the words.

Before I can come up with any plan, I hear the door open. The noise has Patricks attention. I jump on the opportunity and kick the out if his hand. He yells and I turn towards the door to make my escape. A big body guard blocks my way. I mouth an apology and shoot his knee. He falls to the ground and I leap over his body that is screaming out in pain. I race towards the exit before the commotion drags too much attention.

As I burst through the exit I see a limo leaving.. I see a glimpse of blonde and brown hair. Kay? I chase after it yelling but it is driving away quicker and quicker. I fall to my knees yet again over Kay. Damnit! I quickly get up and sprint around the corner. I open the door I knew would be here and take a left. This will lead me to the Document room and Lisa.. Oh boy.

-Bri POV-

Tears stain my cheeks as they over fill my eyes. I gasp for breath in between sobs. My hand and feet are bound then I have a gag in my mouth I let on the bottom of a SUV I was thrown in. I remember the stale breath of the man as he whispered in my ear how pretty I was but how disappointed he was since I had talked to the cops...


When the police finally let me go I feel uneasy. I already know what they must think and I know to watch for them. I rush to my car and look inside. I check the back and everything before I get in. I grip the steering wheel rather tightly as I start up my car and pull out off the police station slowly. I breath heavily and my heart beats fast and I drive home.

When I arrive I get my house key ready and my phone dialed on 911. I rush out of the drivers seat and lock my doors. I quickly get to my front door and put the key in. I turn it and get inside quickly. I open it only big enough for me to get through. I slam it shut an lock it. I quickly head upstairs but not to my room ifthey were already here they would wait there. I go into the bathroom and check behind the shower curtain. I have already locked the door as I go through the cabinets. I slide down the wall and tears silently fall from my eyes.

*Creak.. Creak..* the wood floor squeaks as they walk. Their shoes echo through the walls. I take my phone and go to call 911. My screen reads 'No Service'. I shake my head and the tears come harder. I go to messaging and type a message in my draft..

'Mom.. Dad.. I love you sooo much but I don't know if you will be able to find me.. I will tell you the organization who took me.. But don't tell anyone! They will come for you.. The Dominants.. I didn't mean to get mixed up but I did... I love you. They are coming.. Goodbye..'
~Bri. Your loving daughter.

I leave that page open an put my phone in the closet under a towel.. I hope they find it. I pray to myself as the footsteps leave shadows at the bottom of the door. I start to shake and fear washes over me stronger than before..

"BRI!" I hear my mother yell downstairs. My eyes widen and the shadows retreat and the footsteps echo as they leave.

"Mom?" I yell.

"Get down here I have been soo worried!" She yells at me and quickly open the door and turn to run to her.

Big hand covers my mouth with a rag and one grabs my waist. I struggle and kick trying to break free. I hold my breath for as long as I can. As they walk with me I try grabbing the walls and digging in with my finger nails. Nothing works.. I break into the urge to inhale. With every breath of chloroform. I become drowsy and weaker. My heals stop digging into the ground and become jello. The man cradles me like a baby.

"You shouldn't have talked to the police.. We don't know what you said but I'm sure it was no good.." his face is blurry and gets worse as I look at it. "You are a very pretty girl and will have great value in the auctions.." he grins as he carries me out the door. I don't see my mother but a blurred vision of another guy in black with a recorder.. I scowl myself as I finally black out...

/End of Flashback\

I shouldn't have been so foolish. I stare at my hands and hope they find my message. I beg God that they didn't hurt my parents.. I close my eyes and hope for the best.


You guys probably thought I forgot about Bri :b Nope! Well things are about to get complicated..Hold on to your seats everyone! xD

Vote, comment, recommend me!
Much love!!<3

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