Like You Love Me

By MuffinMaster1998

21.4K 319 33

Lydia Holden has been in love with her best friend, Shawn Mendes, for as long as she can remember. Lydia is a... More

Piggyback rides
Johnson conversations
Old times
The lake
Work out Buddies
Sleep Walker
Guitar lessons
Movie Night
Happy Birthday
It Takes Two
Silent Treatment
Holy Crap - AN

Two Wrongs

482 12 0
By MuffinMaster1998

"Yeah?" I ask him when he walks into the room.

"I need to tell you something..." He states and I sit up on the bed intent on listening.

"Okay." I smile urging him on as he stares at me with regret.

"I-uh-I..." He starts, but cuts himself off, "Foods ready." He finishes not looking me in the eyes.

"I'll be down in a minute." I assure him and he walks out of the room.

What was that about?

I make sure the notepad is back to where Shawn left it before rushing down after him.

"So what's for supper?" I whisper into his ear when I find him leaning against the dinning room wall as our moms set the table chaotically.

"Not exactly sure, Chili I'm guessing." He informs as I move beside him.

"Oh no, that means dad and the boys will be farting all night, please promise me that if you have to pass gas you'll go to the bathroom." I state in horror.

"My wish is your command."


Everyone laughs at a joke Ian told as we finish eating our dessert.

"No wonder you got class clown at school." My mother laughs happily.

Once everyone calms down Ian and Dean start to show signs of sleepiness, when my mom notices she has me and Shawn go make a pallet and put a movie on for them so they can go to bed.

"Okay what do you two want to watch?" I ask them once they are settled in.

"Avengers!" They both exclaim and I laugh before putting in the disc, having had Shawn find it knowing it would be what they chose.

"The Avengers it is." I state.

The movie starts playing and the boys are immediately enthralled.

I stare at the screen with tired eyes having not slept well last night.

Soon Shawn notices this.

"Come here." He stretches out his arm for me and I scoot towards him.

"Just wake me up when my parents are ready to go to bed and I'll go upstairs with you." I mutter once I'm in a comfortable position leaning against him.

"Mhm." He hums before taking my hair and playing with it making me even more tired.

"Goodnight, Shawn." I whisper quietly.

"Goodnight, Lydia."


I sit straight up, realizing that I never moved for my parents. Only I look around to find myself in Shawn's room.

He stirs beside me and opens his eyes in concern.

"Are you okay?" He sits up and rubs his eyes.

"Yeah, sorry, heh. Why didn't you wake me up?" I lie back down slowly.

"You looked exhausted so I just carried you to bed instead of waking you up." He informs.

"You didn't-" I start but he stops me before I can continue.

"I wanted to." He assures me and I sigh.

"Thanks." I turn to look at him with a small smile.

"No problem." He winks and I roll my eyes.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." I state randomly after a few minutes.

He hums an answer in response. I stand up off of the bed and attempt to make my way to the bathroom with my phone to light the way.

Fortunately I make it without breaking my neck. I do my business before walking back towards the bed using a slightly easier way back.

Suddenly I trip over a shoe and come face to face with a bright pink laced bra, a bra that definitely isn't mine, Aliyah's, or any of her friends'.

"Shawn?" I stand up quickly wanting to get my face away from it.

All I receive in response is his breathing.

I walk over to the edge of the bed in disbelief.

"Shawn." I whisper again, shining the phone in his face.

"Huh?" He asks in a raspy voice that gives me goosebumps.

"What's this?" I hold up the bra using a hangar I found on the floor.

This has him fully awake and he quickly takes it and throws it in the trash bin beside his bed.

"It's-I-uh- I can explain." He stutters trying to find the words to a say as I wait there patiently for him.

I want so bad to walk away right now and not let him explain, Just like he did to me, but I know how that feels and I won't make anyone else go through it because of me.

"I thought- I wanted you- She-" He tries again but it just comes out as a jumble of words.

At this point I already know what happened, I just want to hear it come from him.

"Shawn. Just tell me the truth, please." I whisper and he gulps.

"I wanted to make you feel like I did when I saw you and Brett...I thought if- I'm sorry." He looks at me with guilt as a tear makes its way down my cheek.

"Two wrongs don't make a right, Shawn. I guess you weren't lying the other night when you said you hated me. But, Shawn? You leave tomorrow. Please let me stay here and lay in your arms for one more night. Just act like you love me, for one more night, so that when you leave I can go on knowing that at one time you were the one keeping me warm." I plead through my tears.

"I don't have to act like I love you, Lydia." he holds out his arms and I crawl into them letting him hold me tight, just one more night.

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