Trust Me, Again

De VasilisaDragomir

82.7K 2.2K 337

Christian and Tammy were best friends, back in the good old days that is. From the age of 0 to 15, they were... Mais

Trust Me, Again
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 3

8.6K 281 12
De VasilisaDragomir

"Donuts are the best, did you know that?" Our group were sitting in the school's cafeteria and Tyrese had decided to talk with his mouth full. He was eating a glazed donut. His favourite.

"I'm pretty sure you say that everytime you eat one" Julian spoke without looking up from his phone.

"No, i'm pretty sure he says that everytime he sees a donut" I smirked as I looked at Ty.

He pretended to look offended and put a hand over his heart. "I do not!" He protested as he again stuffed a mouthful of donut in his mouth.

"Oh look what the cat dragged in" I mumbled as Christian and his pose strutted in. Christian had his arm around a girl, not so surprising even if Ryan saw him hooking up with Brianna.

"Tammy you guys are going to be in the same school, you have been for 12 years, including pre-school that is" Jade said softly as they all looked at the group who seemed to be joking around.

"I know, I just really hate him" I gritted my teeth and my hands instinctively balled into fists.

"Trust me, I hate him too" Julian agreed. "But, you can't just go over and kill him" He read my mind. Damn.

"Why?" I asked. All my friends cocked their eyebrows at me. "I'm serious!" I continued.

"Well," Tyrese put his fingers up. "You could go to jail, get yourself killed, get caught, by others not cops, and most of all, fail" He put a finger down at each consequence.

"Yeah, i'm not liking the last one" Kira shook her head.

"The last one? I'm not liking any of them!" Jade exclaimed.

"Fine" I huffed and folded my arms. Yeah, exactly, like a little kid being told they couldn't get their favourite bubble-gum icecream even though they were standing right in front of the store. Christian pulled and tugged on my nerves without even talking. It wasn't just because of what he did, I could've forgotten about it -although I still wouldn't of been friends with him- but it was because of the person he became.

You'd think that after what happened, he'd turn into a depressed, emo guy. No, that was not what I wanted but I prefered an emo guy to a cold-hearted, player guy. I actually didn't know why he turned cold-

"Tammy" A masculine voice caught my attention.

I turned my head and saw Ryan had called me, from across the cafeteria. Good thing was he wasn't with Christian. Bad thing was, Christian noticed and so did most of the student body. Most of them didn't care, so they looked away but Christian and his friends did. I could tell as they adjusted their heads closer together and begin whispering whilst looking at me and Ryan.

"Why's he calling you over?" Zane asked with narrowed eyes.

"I'll find out" I shrugged but shared the same suspicion as my friend's.

I stood up and began to walk to Ryan. As I passed Christian's group, I heard a muffled; "Maybe Ryan feels sorry for her"

"No honey, everyone feels sorry for you" I tilted my head towards the girl who spoke. She gasped but I didn't hear her response because I decided to walk away and end that short conversation with my 5 cents. 

"What is it Ryan?" I asked when I reached him.

"I need you to convince Mrs. Johnson to give me an extension on my project" He leaned against the cafeteria wall.

"Why can't you just get your parent's to write a note?" I sighed. To be honest, I knew why he wasn't going to get his parents to write a note.

"Because, I haven't started it and it's due on Thursday" He groaned. Today was Tuesday.

"What subject is this for?" I asked.

"We've been choosing our own electives for the past 4 years and you don't know what classes I take" He mocked a disappointed look. "Cooking"

I choked on my own spit. Yes I actually did. Wouldn't you be surprised if the captain of the football team and absolute rev-head, undertook cooking? A few aquaintances of mine took cooking as a class but I still didn't know that Ryan was in a class. There were 2 classes for cooking.

"Did you just.. choke?" He asked and looked at me caughtiously. Who would've known Mr. Ortiz would look at me with care. I looked into his eyes and saw, humour. Yeah, I knew it. He looked at me with embarrassment not care. "Did you just intensly look into my eyes?" He then asked.

"Ryan. You're killing me here. I'll write you a note, just give me a copy of your parent's signature, like take a picture and send it through Facebook or something. I'll give you the note tomorrow" I sighed. Again.

"Thanks Tammy!" Ryan smiled and raised his voice as if he didn't know that we were in a cafeteria. I cautiously looked around -this time it was genuine cautiousness- and Christian and his pose were still looking. God, what was their problem?

"No worries" I smiled a very awkward and uncomfortable smile. I hoped Ryan didn't think i'd be his 'letter writer' and come to me with these problems most of the time we have projects due.

He walked off without saying good bye which was expected and didn't surprise me. So yesterday he called me a slut, that afternoon he said he just liked to call me one because I wasn't and today he's saying thanks to me?

I joined my friends after that and although they asked questions, they were only minor. Probably because Ryan hadn't taken me anywhere and we were at the entrance of the cafeteria in full view of everyone in it.


"Week two everyone!" Mrs. Arthur said in a professional tone. "Week two is homework week! Just like every other week will be for this year" Tyrese, Jade and I sat in a row in the middle with Christian, Ryan and Blake sitting behind us. We were in History, an elective everyone chose. There were 10 minutes before the end of class and Mrs. Arthur had finished handing out homework sheets.

"I'll give you all just a quick overview of what we'll be doing this semester. We'll be studying protesting, we will have an exam and an assignment on the topic" Mrs. Arthur paced the front of the room as she looked at us.

"What's the assignment on?" Ryan asked.

"Mr. Todd, please put your hand up when you feel you need to ask a question" Mrs. Arthur gave him a small smile.

"Just answer his question" I heard Christian say. Gasps erupted from around the classroom but none came from Tyrese, Jade or I.

Mrs. Arthur's smile dropped and she looked at Christian with a hard stare. Mrs. Arthur was nice, strict, but nice. Most students respected her and she respected us. But, some students didn't and one of those students was Christian. Although, Christian didn't like any teacher at our school and they all knew it.

"Christian Rowe, do not speak to me like that, you clearly heard me tell Ryan to put his hand up and you disobeyed that and spoke to me rudely" Mrs. Arthur's mouth closed and her jaw clenched. "Go to the principal now, he will speak to you, I've already had enough of your attitude and school has barely started" She pointed to the door.

I turned around to face Christian along with the rest of the class. He pressed on his chair with the back of his legs as he stood up which caused a screeching noise. My friends and I flinched and when Christian saw, he smirked, particularly at me. I tsked and faced the front again.

"Yes, of course" Christian mocked as he walked to the front of the class and out of the room.

"Now, who-" Mrs. Arthur was cut off when the bell rang. She sighed and there was a small part of me felt sorry for her. I mean like she had to deal with students like Christian.

When she dismissed us all and I bid my goodbye's to my friends, I walked over to my Chevelle and waited for my younger siblings. I leaned on the hood of my car and waved as my friends drove past and out of the school gates. Ally was talking to her friend but she decided to stop just outside the school doors. I had no idea where Dex was. He'd show up soon.

Christian then walked out the doors. He loosely held his grey hoodie and shoved his hand in his pocket. He stopped to take his phone out and started tapping away with one hand. Once upon a time, my heart would've skipped a beat, I'd smile and I'd blush when I thought about my silly crush on him. But now wasn't then, today is today and the past is the past.

My sister looked up when he walked out and even I saw through her body language that she had a feeling for him. Not a crush but most girls swooned when he was in their sights and Ally seemed to be one of them.

He wasn't looking her way but he obviously saw and smirked as he looked off into the distance and walked off. Christian's car was parked next to mine. No I didn't park there for lame 'come back begging for me' reason. I parked there because I was late and that was the only parking space in our limited spaces, car park. He reached his car, and mine and me and at first he ignored me but I was right in front of him. So of course he couldn't keep it up for long.

"Oh, Cantrell" He looked at me. "Please don't park your rust next to my Mustang" He looked at my baby with a look of disgust. Oh no he didn't. What was I going to say though? His car was pretty amazing. I've actually admired it since he got it, and that was 2 years ago.

"Trust me, I won't park next to you again" I sneered.

"That's good. I can't stand that smell radiating from that piece of junk" He wrinkled his nose. But I knew he was mocking me because there was no smell 'radiating' from my car.

"Well run along, I wouldn't mind if you changed states while you're at it" Ugh. He really got on my nerves and he's only said two sentences! I didn't know what it was but he just made my blood boil.

"I won't be here long" He shrugged and got in his car. I wanted to kick it, his car I mean, but I would probably ruin the nice paint job on it. He revved his engine and drove out of school and out of sight. I breathed out a sigh and unlocked my car as I decided it would be a good idea to sit down.

"Hey Tammy, Dex and I are going to our friends house" Ally came up to my open door. I looked up when she spoke.

"Tell me a bit earlier next time so I won't have to be waiting around" I sighed. I was still angry because of Christian but I was somehow on the verge of crying. Stupid hormones. It wasn't even the time of the month! I guess I just suddenly remembered what happened.

Ally nodded and told me she was sorry before walking off to a group of people. I looked around for Dex and saw him only a few metres away from Ally's group. I shut my door and stuck the key in the ignition before reversing and driving out of the school.

I accidentally pressed down on the pedal to hard and fast which meant I lurched forward faster. When I felt the adrenaline rush that washed through me I almost got caught in the moment and continued, but I eased down to a slower speed.

Oh, crap, what was I going to do about Ryan's note? I had no idea what excuse I was going to come up with.

Once I was home and in the comfort of my room. I lay down on my bed and and opened up my laptop so I could try and contact Ryan. My homework was obviously calling for me since it was half hanging out of my bag but it could wait. I had all night to do it.

When I was on Facebook, I opened up the chat box and clicked on Ryan's name. That kid was always online, and to think he had a life- actually I'm pretty sure he had more of a life than I did.

Tammy Cantrell: Can you send me the picture?

Ryan Todd: Yeah sure, one second

Tammy Cantrell: Okay

I busied myself with getting a white piece of paper from a drawer under my desk and a pen ready to write the note.

Ryan Todd: Picture Message!

Tammy Cantrell: Thanks. Wait, do you have to cook something or is it a research assignment?

Ryan Todd: Research assignment

Tammy Cantrell: Okay. I'll bring in the note tomorrow. You owe me

Ryan Todd: Thanks slut ;)

I shook my head and wrote in a different writing style to my usual one. This one was cursive. I could change my writing style easily, which was handy at a time like this. When I finished writing the note, I smiled too myself at my achievement. Well, hopefully.

Mrs. Johnson,

My son, Ryan, won't be able to hand in his research assignment on the due date as he hasn't completed it. He has only accomplished half of his assignment due to our damaged internet connection that will be fixed tomorrow. I'm asking if Ryan could have a few days of an extension for this assignment if it is fine with you.

Kind Regards,

Andrea Todd

My attempt at Ryan's mums signature wasn't exactly the same as the original but it was a pretty good forge. I looked back up at my facebook and saw Ryan had messaged me 'now'.

Ryan Todd: See you tomorrow slut and don't forget my note :)

Tammy Cantrell: Bye Todd.

Ryan Todd is offline.


Ryan ran up to me. Yes he ran up to me. With my friends standing right next to me at the beginning of school. And, he dragged me away. To a corner of the school where Christian so happened to be standing. Yeah, don't even bother asking why i'm hating on Ryan right now. 

"Do you have my note?" He asked in his normal voice. Normal meant Christian could hear. If Christian could hear then he would look over and a quick glance at him proved my point.

"What note?" I asked and furrowed my eyebrows to make it look like I was confused.

"My assignment" His eyes narrowed. 

"Oh yeah, crap.." I trailed off and looked away. The opposite way to where Christian was standing. 

Ryan put a hand on my shoulder and a hand on my chin and pulled it back up so I was facing him again. It wasn't a rough gesture but it wasn't entirely smooth either. 

"Don't mess with me" His voice lowered. Again, it wasn't rough but it wasn't smooth.

"I'm kidding" I rolled my eyes. He sighed and I sneaked another glance at Christian who just leaned against the school wall as if he was the coolest person to ever walk this earth. He had his black rayban sunglasses on, a loose white v-neck shirt, caramel coloured chinos and black kenneth cole shoes. 

"Where is it?" He asked, pulling my gaze away from Christian and back to him.

I reached into the back pocket of my shorts and pulled out a white, neatly folded piece of paper. Just before I handed it to him I pulled it back and gave him a stern stare.

"Remember you owe me" I stated. Yes, stated. 

He nodded but it looked like he just wanted the note. "Yeah, whatever" He mumbled and reached for the note.

I slowly handed it to him and he snatched it whilst smirking. "Thanks, slut" 

"Great, is that going to be some sort of nickname for me for the next 11 months?" I asked with a sigh.

"Yes" He smirked again and walked away. He didn't even walk over to Christian. He walked into the school, which left me and Christian alone. There was a very heated tension between us and I intended to cool it down by walking away. But, of course Christian couldn't leave it at that.

"I thought I told you to stay away from my friends" He said in a low growl. I stopped, clenched my jaw and turned around to face him. He was standing straight now but he had stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Ryan asked me for a favour and I did it so now it's over-" I stopped when I realised how bad they sounded for me and I knew Christian would think of it exactly in that way.

"Oh so now you're doing favours" He snarled. "Look Tamara don't you bring your slut business in with my friends" 

"It's not that!" I screamed. "Ryan wanted me to write him a note for his teacher!" I almost wanted to cry. Christian's words stung me and it hurt.

Christian just looked at me, shook his head and walked away. Leaving me standing there with my lips trembling and sniffles beginning to appear. I couldn't do this. I couldn't go to school with the guy who used to be my bestfriend. I couldn't be around the guy that's now a jerk. 

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