The In-Betweens: A is for Ali...

By WiltingHope

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A is for Alice. My name. Or what I would like to call my name. Instead, I'm just A, like the first letter in... More

A/N: The In-Betweens: A is for Alice
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

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By WiltingHope I'm super excited to upload this chapter. It's short....I know, but I feel like this is really powerful chapter and if it was long, it would kind of take away the meaning of the powerfullness that I want this chapter to exude. Are you proud of me?? I've been uploading pretty constantly on this. :D I'm hoping to upload again soon, so stay tuned and I hope you like Chapter 5 (WOW...chapter 5. I think that this is the farthest that I've gotten in writing a novel...I tend not to finish things. I am GOING to finish this though. hehe. I hope. :D). Well, enjoy chapter 5 of The In-Betweens: A is for Alice.


Chapter 5

By the time that Cindy came, I was already half asleep. When she came over and shook me awake, I bolted upright, prepared to attack the person and possibly kill them, just like I had with Robert. However, when I realized that it was Cindy, I groaned, lay back down, and rolled over. “Come on Alice. You know that you need these meds.” I sat up.

“So, you aren’t even going to ask me why I’m in this room or why I killed Robert, or anything?” I was annoyed with Cindy. Normally, she at least tried to make conversation. True, most of the time, she was the only one that was talking, and I was the one ignoring, but at least she tried. However, today all she was focused on was giving me my medicine.

“I already know why you are in here, and I already know why you killed Robert. So to answer your question, no, I’m not going to ask you about those things.” I stared at her. Someone seemed a little angry tonight.

“Are you mad at me?” I whispered. All I got in response was the stab of a needle, as Cindy gave me my medicine. There was nothing to tidy up in this new room, so Cindy left immediately, once again leaving me alone with my own thoughts, and leaving me to ponder the fact that no one seemed to like me. Not the scientists, not Cindy, and especially not B.

I didn’t go to sleep right after Cindy left. Instead, I tried to figure out why I was here. Sure, I was different and sure, I wasn’t human, but why was I created? What is my purpose in life? These questions remain unanswered, as the medicine begins to take effect and my thinking is impaired. Eventually, I drift off to sleep, still trying to figure out why I am here.

I don’t remember much about my previous life as a human. I guess when I was ‘changed’ they wiped out my memory too. Out of the few things that I do remember, only one of them comes back to me when I sleep, even if I did have my meds that night. I call it the holiday dream, mainly because I believe that it is a holiday. Although I don’t know which one, all of the people and the laughing lead me to believe that.

Tonight, I dream the holiday dream. In it, I am surrounded by other humans, most likely friends and family. I don’t know, but there could be a few strangers there too. Never the less, we are all sitting around a table. The man at the head of the table is cutting what seems to be a big, cooked bird. Everyone around him is laughing and talking and a few are even staring longingly at the bird. At the opposite end of the table, I sit. Or at least I think it’s me. The girl at the end, she seems around thirty, has long blonde hair and brown eyes, and every time that I have this dream, it focuses on her. So naturally, I think it is me.

She, I refer to her as she because I’m still not sure if it is me, is chatting with an older woman beside her. On her other side, sits a young boy. I have seen him before in these dreams and I guess him to be about eight or nine. Compared to other holiday dreams, he is being suspiciously quiet and I see him slowly reach towards a big bowl of creamy white fluffy stuff. He sticks his finger in it and pulls it back out, bringing some of the clumpy mixture with him.

The girl, the one that I believe to be me, sees him and quickly pinches his leg under the table. He immediately stops sucking on his finger and wipes it off on his napkin. This, I have seen many times, but what comes after is new.

“Sorry mommy,” I hear him say, and I pause. Mommy? Oh my god. Is he my son? I struggle to remember him. His face. His name. Even how old he really is. I can only guess. Is this my child? Is this my son? I try to make myself remember, but I can not. All of these people sitting around the table have blank faces, for I don’t know them at all. It doesn’t matter though. All I can see is that boy, the little blonde haired boy with the chocolate colored eyes. I want to hug him and hold him and tell him that it’s alright, even though it’s not. I want to tell him that his mother is safe, even though she isn’t. I want to be human, because if nothing else, I want to see my little boy.

So...I was actually crying when I was writing this because I was thinking ahead in the story and about what I want to write. I hope that this chapter brought some emotions to you and I hope that you liked it. DON'T BE A SILENT READER. Please tell me what you think. :D

I just want to send out a big thank you, thank you, thank you to all of the people that helped me get into the 100's in BOTH Science Ficiton AND Action. Now let's get this story on the What's Hot List!! Tell your fans, tell you friends. Stay tuned for the next chapter and THANK you for reading. :D

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