Assassin's creed deli_Ratonhn...

By KiroDeFe-Brotherhood

3K 124 36

Connor point of view. You x Connor~ Imagine what it would be like if from Altair to Edward were running the... More

Calm before the storm
In exchange for his life
Forever would be too soon
Back to the norm
Chapter 10: What are our names?
[Name]'s journey

Chapter 11: A new age

46 4 2
By KiroDeFe-Brotherhood

Chapter 11: A new age

    The first thing we did was sit the children down in the restaurant. The kids needed names because "you there" was getting confusing. [Name], Eddy, Ave, and I got paper and pencils to write down our ideas. After thirty minutes we put our utensils down just like in a test. Ed and I came up with zero names. Aveline and [Name] had came up with plenty. Now the tricky part was figuring out how to name them.


"What a fine job you lassies did." Edward complimented them as giving a hearty pat on their backs.

"How will we-" I started to question.

The children crowded the women's papers each looking at the list we have. Ed shoved his hands in his pockets while we watched. Eventually they backed away from the table. The girl I rescued pulled my sleeve and pointed to a name.

"Ellie?" I read aloud turning to her.

After her proud nod we grin to one another. The children just pointed and claimed a name which made it easy. They couldn't figure out names on their own although found choosing to be simpler.  Selena, Ellie, Jade, Marceline, Jake, Eric, Johnny, and Marcus were the names chosen by the eight. The mood and energy picked up each time we used their names. We spent the rest of the day using their names.

Waking with a jolt I still feel hot. Ellie's breathing hitches then returns to normal. I had held mine until she was breathing regularly again. She's holding on to her stuffed animal tighter than I like. Butterscotch giver picked up toys which left the kids ecstatic. Ellie became attached to the plushie instantly. I glance down at myself to see I'm drenched in sweat. I had the nightmare of when I'm in the fire burning next to my mother as we try to frantically put the other out. Ellie must be a heavy sleeper or she has become used to the sounds of agony at night.

"Con-Con!" Lil lady skips in yelling to me.

Once she reaches me I lift her up into a bear hug. After that nightmare I need a good loving hug. She doesn't seem to mind as I snuggle my face into her shoulder. I miss this scent. I place kisses over and over as if trying to make up for my misadventures.

"My par excellence." I whisper into her ear.

"If that's how you say 'Good morning' then-"

"Come on kiddies we have work to do." Achilles opens the door informing us.

"Both of us?" I look back and forth between the Davenports questioning.

"BS4E!" Eddy calls from outside.

Ellie trips down the stairs into [Name] and my hands. Her reflexes have increased greatly. Ellie wipes her left eye with her little hands smiling sweetly.

"I'll take care of her." Achilles smirks.

Running from rooftop to rooftop we arrive at the entrance to the forest. The last time I had come here was when we were camping. I feel old.

"We better not be camping again." Ave growled.

"Don't tell me you miss not having service already?" Eddy teased.

"Or playing how threatening is that growl?" I added on.

"Ugh." Aveline rolled her eyes. "At least I have [Name]."

Edward and I look at one another before returning our sights to her with a pout. Aveline's put her right hand on her hip as [Name] sighed.

"What are you two pouting about?" [Name] inquired with a bored tone.

"But you have me!" Ed opened his arms to Ave while screaming.

"Yeah and [Name] is mine." I fake sobbed shaking my fist.

The other two got quiet looking at lil' lady and I. Butterscotch giver came over giving me a sweet hug. I've seen Angie looking at those girl posts where they say stuff like "My favorite place is in your arms <3" and stuff like that.

Like an idiot I agree with all those little pictures. There is something rewarding about holding someone dear close to you. Maybe it's the way she styles her hair. Or maybe I'm in love with her emphasis on the expressions she makes. I spent years learning languages and still struggle to find a way to shorten how I feel. I'm in love with this girl and I have never felt more blessed.

"Do they always get this mushy?" Dad hesitated in asking.

"Lately." Aveline imparted.

"Why are we here?" Edward asked with his hands folded behind his head.

"Same reason last time." Dad answered while turning.

We march into the woods taking in the sights. I feel more like myself here which probably has to do with my upbringing. We should bring the kids here so they can experience this too. We stand in a circle in a clearing. [Name] hasn't stopped looking at me and it makes me feel warm.

"There is a bunker underground west from here. Have fun exploring it. Return home safely." Dad tells us while leaving.

Ed is the first to crack open the chest. Inside are our robes and someone else's stuff. As [Name] starts to put it on I figure out my worst fears are true. Ave shakes me from my minds rambling.

"Ready to go?" Ave inquiries.

"You're an assassin?" I ask with the first breath I breathe.

"Con-con-" [Name] starts her joke.

"Don't." I cut her off ordering.

"Connor-" She calls my name a second time more serious.

"I only want to hear an answer." I explain to her.

"No." She began with a tear. "No I don't owe you that much. How many days have you ran off to go be an assassin? Did I get a say in you joining? You didn't even tell me. Still with all your lies and selfishness I forgave you. I even loved you. So no I will not stand here and let you treat me like this. Don't speak to me ever again in your life, Connor Kenway." [Name] went on in a hurt tone.

She said she loved me. I watched and stared as the only person I want to marry wiped the tears I made and left. She doesn't know everything about my story though. After my mother died it was a no brainier for Ezio to take me in. As his son I was supposed to go study in Italy until he deemed it safe. I met Achilles before they could ship me off and my training began. The only way I could stay was to become an assassin. I didn't know that my housing was on the line when I made the decision, at the time I just wanted to stop my dad. It wasn't until I went to school that I got to meet [Name]. Achilles wanted the assassin life and those in it far away from his daughter. The only time I could be with her was at school and for twelve years that was how it was. I didn't choose to be an assassin for the cause; I was chosen to bring freedom to my people. Edward, Aveline, and I were chosen in different ways for different causes. Our dads were not assassin trainers, that decided to train us after we found out everyone's secret and no longer wanted to be alone. The loneliness she felt after we became close was a portion of the pain I would have to fight alone by myself. Even with the others I can occasionally hear my mother. All the pain I feel when I get so happy I forget she's dead and then I remember. The stories of my good and bad days to my mother are over. I lied and I would lie again and again to her but I was never selfish.

"[Name]!" Ave called chasing her.

Eddy moved to place his hand on my shoulder but stopped. After a few moments of watching the other we followed the girls. They were talking quietly to one another. I couldn't hear [Name] at all and barely caught the things Aveline said.

"...You were hard on'll die..." Is all I could overhear Aveline comment.

"Do you remember in fifth grade, when you came home from spending recess with [Name] and wanted to skip training to spend more time with her?" Ed asked.

"Not really." I gulped before answering.

"Just like now you were ready to quit for [Name]. Then your purpose would come back and your resolve refilled. [Name] was a precious doll to you, with a life you wanted and seeing her destroy that is making you crazy. You'll never have the chance to quit the way you want now."

"How can you not go crazy when the person you love, could die doing something they shouldn't be able to stomach the thought of?"

"At least you know what she's doing."

"It's over between her and I, Ed."

"Would you like to bet on that?"

"No." I rolled my eyes after declining.

"Stop." Edward called and we all dropped down.

Below us the ground was obviously disturbed. What remained a mystery was why and what for. I heard a shriek and saw Ave fall through the ground. Before I could reason with Edward he dove down her hole to save her. I felt a knot in my stomach when the feeling that my par excellence was next. By the the time my eyes landed on her she was already giving me the evil eye.

"I still love you." I declare to her.

Butterscotch giver took two steps towards me slow and elegant. Before the third step could be finished she fell through the ground as well. The decision to follow them was clear to me. When I came to it was too dark to see. My head was rested on something firm and then I heard a grunt. I leaped off of my BS4E's chest and he scooted away. I hear Aveline coughing as she leans up. [Name] is still out cold somewhere in the debris or she got up before us. I begin howling my love's name over and over. The dust we kicked up is scratching my throat but still I call. What would I ever do without her?

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