Irresistible [Lirry] EDITING!

By hopeangel11

124K 3.2K 277

One Direction Fanfic! [AU] Liam Payne + Harry Styles = Lirry Stayne! <3 Vampire (Harry) and human (Liam) l... More

Irresistible [Lirry]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 5

4.1K 129 15
By hopeangel11

Chapter 5

*Harry's POV* This is exciting!

"My place it is then," I simply stated and walked away from Liam.

I smirked as I walked to my car, knowing how he reacted even if I didn't turn around to look at him. I knew I left him speechless and curious, but that's the way I wanted him to feel. I wanted him to know that he pretty much had no choice against me. I wanted to see him again; I want to get to know him...

I just opened my car door and sat when I heard my phone ring in my pocket, pulling me out of my daze.

"Lou. Why are you calling? I'm coming home now," I answered pulling out of the parking lot.

"Good. Why didn't you pick up before?" Louis said angrily, making me roll my eyes.

"I was busy. Why? What do you need?" I said, not really interested.

"Harry, you need to get home now," Louis said sternly. I could tell from his voice that he was really mad at me, but I just shrugged it off.

"I'm already on my way, sadly..." I replied as I drove, just 5 minutes away from home. In the back of my mind, I was really thinking of Liam and what he'd be doing after that meeting...

"What do you mean 'sadly'? You were supposed to go home with me so we could hunt. I'm starving, Haz. Don't make me wait any longer," Louis said warningly.

I chuckled and said, "Why don't you just go with El? And I'm about 2 minutes away."

Louis snorted and I heard someone slap him. Probably El. "She doesn't want to hunt animals anymore. She said 'it's cruel to feed on them'. Then I said, 'People are worse to feed on'."

I laughed and parked on our driveway. "I'm home. We can hunt now if you want," I said and hung up, knowing we could hear each other clearly anyways.

"Yes!" I heard Louis yell from the living room and he ran out the door. "Let's go, Haz!"

"You must really be thirsty then, Lou. But we just hunted 2 days ago," I said as I followed him running in the woods.

"Exactly! Two days ago! I can't live off human food anymore. It gets really boring after a meal. I don't know how humans handle eating that," Louis said disgustedly.

He never really liked to associate with humans. He finds it hard to be around them. So when I suggested we go to school to both of our parents, he didn't talk to me for a week.

Our parents are really close friends; they grew up together. They got turned at about  the same time and stuck together. It's like their siblings and Louis and I are cousins.

That's what we let people think. It's better than them thinking Louis and I are together. But Louis and I aren't into each other. Louis has Eleanor, and well...I'm gay. Our families accept me though, so nothing's wrong.

To be honest, I'm only interested in one particular guy. Guess who he is? You probably already know. He's in all my classes for 2 years now, going on 3 years this year. He's my partner for our drama skit. He has brown hair, brown puppy eyes, a kind face, dazzling smile. Yeah...It's Liam.

Everyone knows him, and he knows just about everyone. Except US. But I don't blame him for that. We don't get involved with humans that much. We don't mind them, we don't want to hurt them, and they don't mind us. It's why we keep to ourselves. It's safer for them AND us.

It honestly bugs me to keep away from humans ALL the time, like Louis tries so hard to do. I mean, we were humans once. But mainly, I want to get to know Liam, of all people. Ever since I laid my eyes on him, I haven't been able to stop myself from trying to get him to notice me. I knew it would be hard, because Louis kept telling me to stay away from him to keep him safe. But I couldn't do that forever.

I successfully got Liam to notice me today in English class. He asked who I was to his Irish friend and I threw a paper ball at him, where I wrote my name. I couldn't be happier of him to just know my name. I wanted to get to know him better. So when Mr. Adal made us partners as the best actors in drama class, I almost jumped for joy! I was like a girl, jumping up and down, squealing in my head.

Watching him practice football wasn't bad at all. I really enjoyed the view of his behind when he ran with the ball and kicked it. He was really fit and really good at football. I think he could become a pro football player one day, if not now. Hmm...I wonder what he wants to be when he's older? He could really be anything he dreamed, with his grades and sports skills. He's smart AND athletic...A really good combo - my fave combo. He's pretty much my dream guy.

"...Haz? Harry! YO HARRY!" I noticed Louis yelling at me as we stopped running.

"Huh?" I asked, shaking my head to clear. Gotta focus on hunting right now. Not Liam...I can always do that later.

"You zoned out for a good 5 mins and almost ran into a tree. Lucky for you, I saved your arse," Louis said. Them he looked around the forest and breathed in the scent. "Smell that?" he asked and I nodded.

"There's about 5 of them. Deers," I said, sniffing the scent and stepping closer to it.

Louis nodded with a smirk and quietly followed me. "Let's have us a buffet, then," he said, then ran in full speed.

I watched him attack a deer, instantly sinking his fangs in. I smiled and followed suit, getting a deer.

Oh yeah...In case you didn't get it before, we're vampires.


We finished hunting and raced home. As usual, I beat Louis and laughed at him as we walked in the house. He huffed at me and rolled his eyes. He pushed past me and walked in the living room, kissing El and sitting beside her.

"I think your age is getting to you, Lou," I joked and walked in the living room to sit on my chair.

"Yeah, whatever Haz. I'm only 4 years older that you," Louis retorted, making me chuckle at him.

El kissed his cheek before she asked, "How was your hunt? Did you feel guilty for attacking those poor animals?"

Louis snorted and said, "El, that will never happen. It's not human blood, so it's safer. And you know I hate human food. It's so bland."

El rolled her eyes at him and turned to me. "What about you, Harry? Care to join me on living on human food instead of hunting animals?"

"I'll just quickly point out first that some human food includes animals. And, maybe I will join your diet...I'll think it over some more," I replied.

"Well, that's better than nothing. Or at least Lou over here, who won't even try," El said as she sighed.

"Not happening, El. I'm quite content hunting for food. It gives me that adrenaline rush," Louis said, grinning at her

"Whatever you say. But one day, you'll join Harry and I on our diet with human food. It's not bad, you know," El said.

I chuckled just as mine and Louis' parents walked in to greet us.

"Harry! You're home! What took you so long? You didn't go home with Louis," my mum geeeted me with a hug.

"Yeah...I was busy," I simply replied.

"Oh yeah...with a certain guy," El said, smiling at me.

I rolled my eyes and my mum, along with Louis' mum, gasped and started hounding me with questions.

"Who is he?" Louis' mum asked.

"Oh! - Is he that Liam Payne boy Eleanor was talking to us about? The one who's appareantly your partner for drama? Oh Harry! We're so happy for you!" my mum exclaimed hugging me again.

"For what?" I asked.

"For him finally noticing you," Louis stated.

"Hey! Don't blame HIM for that. We're the ones that keep to ourselves. And there are a lot of students and other people in town he has to get to know," I said.

"Aww, Harry! You're defending him," El gushed, making the mums squeal.

"When do we get to meet him? I've heard he's such a good boy! I've heard so many good things about him around town. I absolutely approve of him," my mum said.

"That's right - I've heard them too! In fact, if Louis didn't have Eleanor, I would have begged Liam to take you, Boo-bear! No offense Eleanor!" Louis' mum said. Louis' jaw dropped and I chuckled.

"Don't worry about it, Johannah! I would have gone after him too, like all the girls at school, if I didn't have Louis. He really is hot, as cute as a puppy, and really sweet! He's so nice to everyone, and doesn't treat anyone differently. That's why every girl and some guys are all over him. Too bad he's gay," El said happily, them sighed dramatically.

"Too bad for YOU, El, but not for Harry. He was so happy when Liam came out in freshman year," Louis said, laughing at me.

"He is?! Harry! I want you to find him right now and tell him you love him!" my mum said to me, pointing to the door.

"What? Mum, I - "

"No excuses, mister! I am your mother, and you as my son, should do as I say," she said sternly.

"Mum! I don't even know where he lives," I said, looking away from her eyes.

But she caught on as Louis said, "Yeah, Haz...Sure you 'don't know where he lives'. It's not like you sneak out just to watch him slee- "

"Lou! Stop!" I cut him off, yelling. Then I nervously chuckled and said, "I d- don't so that...Who says I do?"

"I just did and yes, you do. I followed you once before, and let me be the first to tell you this, Haz: You're a creeper...and a stalker for knowing where he lives," Louis stated, grinning at me. I just glared at him.

"Oh! Well, Harry, you might as well propose to him! You know how he sleeps, and you probably know his deepest secrets," El said happily.

I scoffed and said, "He doesn't have any secrets. He's pretty open to anyone; like a book. I saw him once talking to a random homeless person on the street about how stressed he was about school and sports - Wait! Ignore that last part!" I quickly said, covering my mouth.

Louis and Eleanor laughed on the couch and my mum shook her head.

"You need to give him some space, Harry. Stop watching his every move. You might scare him off," my mum scolded me.

"It's not like he notices or sees me around anyways..." I muttered and regretted it. Louis and Eleanor laughed even more. Even my dad and Louis' dad were chuckling as they sat on the other couch.

"We can still hear you clearly, Haz. You know that, right?" Louis said in between his laughs.

My mum shook her head and I sighed heavily. "I'll be in my room now," I said, going up the stairs as quickly as I could before I died of embarassment downstairs.

"Don't sneak out tonight, Haz! Leave him be to sleep!" I heard Louis yell after me as I closed my door.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, leaning against my door. I walked to my bed and laid down on it.

Suddenly my phone beeped, meaning I had a message.

I checked the message from an unknown number and smiled as I read it.

Hey Harry! It's Liam. Just remembered to text you after you gave me your number. So...Hi! Sorry I took so long. I've been busy and worried.

I quickly texted him back, smiling at my phone.

It's fine. Glad you finally texted me though. What are you worried about? - Harry

Just worried about Niall and Zayn...Niall called me, all worried and then  I heard noises like they were in a fight or something. Unless I might

be overthinking it. - Liam

You might be right to worry about them. You heard noises, right? Did you offer to help? I hope you didn't get involved! - Harry

I offered to call the cops, but they just said not to. Then Niall hung up, leaving me worried even more. I think they're keeping somethinf from me... - Liam

Ask them tomorrow. I'm sure they'll explain it to you. - Harry

That's what I was planning. Thanks Harry! For letting me rant to you about my worries. Sorry to bug you! - Liam

No bother at all! You know you can tell me about anything, anytime. - Harry.

Okay!...I'm sleepy. I'm gonna sleep now. Good night! Thanks again! - Liam

Good night! And no problem! Anytime you need to talk to someone, just let me know. And don't worry so much about your friends...Just trust them with whatever they're keeping from you. I'm sure they're keeping it a secret for a good reason.......Everyone has secrets. - Harry

I didn't get a reply after that message I sent. He was probably asleep now, or just confused with what I texted him. Can't blame him...I'm pretty surprised with myself for texting that to him.

I was being completely honest.

Everyone has secrets for a reason...

*Happy to get a glimpse in Harry's mind?

Like Harry's and Louis' mums?  I really tried to make them funny!

Did you like Harry and Liam's text messages? What do you think Niall and Zayn are keeping from Liam? Do you think they have a good reason of keeping it a secret from Liam?

What will happen next?* x

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